I'll Make You Famous…




Ranger Rosa the Twerking Power Ranger of the Day

This is probably one of the weirder Instagram feeds ever.

Someone, who could be man or woman in some off-brand Power Ranger costume.

This is actually her ENTIRE feed, two images and a video, The pink Ranger selfie, the pink Ranger with cans, and the pink Ranger twerk….I don’t know context, backstory, where they are from. That would require some investigative journalism that is not really worth the effort, because if she’s in a mask and costume, you know it’s because she looks hotter in said costume, so instead I say watch it for the fucking weirdness…because I am all about the weirdness.


Posted in:Featured Post




Ice Bucket Challenge of the Day

I am all for finding ways to FUND ALS. I’ve known people who have had ALS, they obviously didn’t survive ALS, so when the Ice Bucket challenge went viral and everyone and their mom did an Ice Bucket challenge, I was ok with it. I figure if we need to find something for everyone to get involved in, due to a Fear of Missing Out, or a Fear of noting being part of a movement, or a group, or a moment in our time, it might as well be for a good cause.

As it turns out, the Ice Bucket challenges were all pretty annoying for the week people cared, before they forgot ALS, as they had done their part and went onto other viral challenges or hustles to be like everyone else…

That urge for ice being dumped on women, never left our pervert minds, hearts and souls….

Then, during Quarantine I learned of girls putting ice in their cunts for TikTok, reminding me that young people are perverts, that the internet is for perverts and that we are all pervets….and I remembered a story of a man who used to fill condoms up with water, freeze them, to fuck random girls he brought home with before having sex with them. He told me the ice disinfected them, but I don’t really think he had the science behind that and that he was just a pervert into fucking girls with ice….

So today, we’ve got a new Ice Bucket challenge, where the bucket is a bikini bottom, and the challenge isn’t a challenge at all…but it is hot despite being nice and cold!


Posted in:Featured Post




Celebrities Protesting of the Day

I hate when any celebrity gets involved in any form of activism because they are always in it for the wrong reasons.

Celebrities do not give a fuck about anything beyond themselves, making the most out of their celebrity, and they don’t look past their arm’s length to any real life issues that don’t effect them, unless they think it will give them some attention, some clout, some level of caring to humanize them or to get people excited…like ‘So and So hates police brutality, or racism”….which should go without saying…

So knowing that celebs have no souls, that they offer no real contribution to the world unless it provides them personal gain, and any sort of caring about anything is just to seem like they care, so people think they aren’t these shallow vapid idiots…

It’s a PR stunt, it’s not a real protest…but since we all encourage them, we can let them pretend they are using their voice for a greater good, for change, to end racism, to end violence, whatever…but it’s all bullshit…so luckily some of them went out braless to make the mose of the paparazzi pics they were expecting because they called the damn paparazzi….to cover this “Moment’ in their lives that they want to be a part of, to humanize them, to make them seem like they care…even though they don’t.

They are just useless people with too many people watching…

Let’s HOPE COVID strikes them all equally…..maybe they need the time out to reflect on how full of shit they all are. Cunts.

Caylee Cowan Got the Tits Out for Black Lives
Protesting Celebs Caylee Cowan

Ana De Armas and Ben Affleck
Protesting Celebs Ana De Armas Ben Affleck

Cara Delevigne Being Gay
Protesting Celebs Cara Delevigne

Zoe Kravitz
Protesting Celebs Zoe Kravitz

FKA Twigs
Protesting Celebs FKA Twigs

Victoria Justice and her Sister Madison Reed
Protesting Celebs Victoria Justice Madison Reed

Newly Bisexual Lili Reinhart

Ariana Grande
Protesting Celebs Ariana Grande

Kristen Stewart
Celebs Protesting Kristen Stewart

Madison Beer looking confused..
Celebrities Protesting Madison Beer

Celebs Protesting Madison Beer

Paris Jackson
Protesting Celebs Paris Jackson

Halsey the worlds Whitest Black Girl
Celebrities Protesting Halsey

Celebs Protesting Halsey

Celebrities Protesting Halsey

Sophia Bush
Potesting Celebs Sophia Bush

EmRatCow With the tits out..
Protesting Celebs Emily Ratajkowski

Celebs Protesting EmRatCow

Camila Cabello brought her Quarantine 15 to the protest along with her “not gay” boyfriend Shawn Mendes who’s actively searching Grindr in this photo.
Protesting Celebs Camila Cabello Shawn Mendes

Ireland Baldwin looking for the closest Valet to the protest
Ireland Baldwin Protesting

Ireland Baldwin Protesting
Jaime King probably still on opiates but protesting!
Celebs Protesting Jaime King

Josie Canseco with her boyfriend Youtuber Logan Paul
Celebs Protesting Josie Canseco

Courtney Stodden
Celebs Protesting Courtney Stodden


Posted in:Featured Post




Elizabeth Simonenko Stretches of the Day

Elizabeth Simonenko Bikini Wet

Elizabeth Simonenko is her name!

Globalization is arguably the best thing to have happened in the world. You know take our manufacturing across the world where we can legally pay slave wages to keep our costs down and our margins high! What could go wrong with that, I mean other than the pollution caused by shipping things back and forth overseas, instead of just shipping them across the country, then there’s the whole pandemic…maybe Globalization is actually bad, just a product of capitalism and greed…

But Globalization in social media is the most important thing to happen to social media as far as I’m concerned.

Americans are fat and lazy in their spoiled and entitled lives and there are hot, interesting, funny, creative, scandalous girls over seas who want nothing more than to make it in America, so they put in the work…

So all these non-American women are moving in and taking your American jobs, because actual Americans can’t be bothered..they are too busy fat, lazy, dying of diabetes, or rioting about their genders.

Point being, hot girls in Ukraine or all of the USSR are surfacing, their content as good, if not better than our local girls because they are different, their comedy different, they are raised different…and with that we get gems like this, who I am not sure about, but who makes me laugh in her instagramming like it’s mocking instagramming, with all her Contortionist, Russian Ballerina glory…

Elizabeth Simonenko Sexy


Posted in:Gymnastics




Lottie Moss See Through Bodysuit of the Day

Lottie Moss See Through Bodysuit

I like to think that Lottie Moss had no idea what she was doing when she put on a romper that makes her look like some kind of midget stripper with all her “curves” or “cellulite’ as I call it pouring out of every fucking seam….but the reality of it is that all these people are calculated and the second she realized who her half sister was and what her name meant…she decided to make it work for her….

She isn’t ugly, she looks like she’s got some great tits, and I am not easily offended by a fat ass and upper thigh cellulite, it’s almost par for the course if you’re a hetero male, most women have it, it’s something to do with the whole birthing process and their love for cake and sitting around gossiping when the husband is out to work….it is built on estrogen….

ButI am sure Kate Moss would have been disgusted by this back when she ran heroin chic, when she was killing it as a drug using glamorous, celebrity fucking, rock and roll fucking, legend with her model tits out all the time….you know because she is quoted for saying “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”….which clearly Lottie doesn’t care about becasue there is photoshop…THICC is in…and Black Lives Matter enough to put their big black dicks in their mouths like they are living in a hip hop video because that’s where pop culture is at and clearly she’s trying to pop culture.

So this is for the paparazzi, marketing tactics, a pussy hugging, ass hugging, titty hugging piece of clothing…but I think she’s got panties on…which is a pain, cuz I’m into seeing the meat….if you’re going to go this far…KEEP GOING…..don’t fucking stop at the panties to be wholesome…or maintain some integrity…it’s been free the nipple all this time, no bras needed…but what about FREEING the clit…what the fuck…the Brits so trashy, yet refined.


Posted in:Lottie Moss




Skylar Grey Tit Tape of the Day

Skylar Grey Tit Tape

What is this, the remake of Boys Don’t Cry starring Skylar Grey as Hilary Swank as Teena Renae Brandon as Brandon Teena?

I am not into anything going on in this picture….other than the fact that some successful song writer felt compelled to post it, you know to show you her “artistry” when really just being some exhibitionist narcissist who thinks she is hotter than she actually is….

Maybe this is her protest with her braided hair you’d expect to see on some slave child of the 1800s…..you know because she’s political and likes putting substance to her shitty smut….and unless she’s pissing in her own mouth in video from her bathtub, I’m not convinced she’s really as keen as she is acting with her unstained white panties out in full force.


Posted in:Skylar Grey




Bar Refaeli Nude Swimsuit of the Day

Bar Refaeli Nude Swimsuit

Here is Bar Refaeli fighting the good fight by getting into a nude colored bathing suit to show off just how 10 years can destroy a woman….

From being good enough for Leo DiCaprio, to looking like you’re in line at Walmart getting the week’s groceries…and all it took was a couple of kids…and the whole aging process after what I am sure was a lot of cocaine during those model years…

I guess as a Jewish woman from Israel, who is only in Israel because of the Nazi occupation of her grand parent’s home countries, she’s doing her own BLACK LIVES MATTER protest right here….because her people faced genocide because of the way they were born or what they were born into…and what better way to protest than showcasing her mom body in a “don’t be distracted by instagram tits, just doing my part to get you to focus on the real issues, instead of being distracted by instagram tits”….and the whole thing is unfortunate on a few levels, mainly on the stomach-level….her stomach level…good thing this bathing suit doesn’t have a belt, it’d be hanging over it.

Bar Refaeli Nude Swimsuit

Bar Refaeli Bikini


Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Brie Larson Hard Nipples of the Day

Brie Larson Hard Nipples

I haven’t quite figured out why I hate Brie Larson and it’s really not an active hate, like all celebs, I forget they exist after I post them, but when I post them is when the rage surfaces.

I think I hate Brie Larson because she’s lame as fuck, like there’s zero cool to her. She seems like a try hard loser who got to LA when she was young, assuming she’s not from LA and she tried EVERYTHING to be famous.

She had a shitty pop career, she was trying to be a child star, all those things…until her agents were like “Let’s do this clickbait movie under the guise of being a meaningful performance, then do that OSCAR campaign, only to win the Oscar…” and do what all Oscar winners want, crave and need….a HIGH PAYING action comic book movie…

She’s not in it for the art, there is no art, any movie being made is an independent business designed to make a profit, there is no art, they just tell you art, to confuse you into thinking it’s not a cash grab…

Anyway, she’s in it for the money, she’s a garbage hostess twinkie opportunist loser, so fuck her…and stare at her hard nipples she’s got out for media attention while you’re at it….

Before the pandemic celebs never went out in public, now all of a sudden they’re doing groceries and shit….I’m onto you liars.



Posted in:Brie Larson




Keep the Love Alive of the Day

With all the darkness that is humanity, that is 2020, that is global pandemics and the way people behave during global pandemics, the whole racist cop protests and uprising, the black lives matter, because they do matter and cops are dicks, the whole white people hopping on the trend because it is a trend and nice on their instagram even though they are at their core racist fucks….

We need to remember one thing….the importance of love, love will carry us, love will keep us strong, *INSERT LOVE SONG QUOTES HERE*…..

So here are some people in NYC Subway keeping LOVE strong, Love Alive in a FUCK the pandemic while we fuck each other…

The takeaway, this man is a generous lover, not scared to please his woman, even if she looks homeless and like she probably hasn’t showered in a month….because that is the power of love….it will make you eat pussy that smells like last week’s Kitchen Garbage.

Shout out Steve for sending this in.

Posted in:Videos




Marly Tipper Doing Ballet in Pantyhose, a Thong and a Wifebeater of the Day

You may not know MARLEY TIPPER and either do I, but that doesn’t mean we should endorse or support her quest to be the star of sultry, lewd, naughter photoshoots for the sake of her art.

The fact that she puts her pronoun in her IG is probably the reason we shouldn’t support her lewd, nude and tattooed instagram photoshoots for attention!

With the world in total disruption, from Pandemics to Riots, to Looking, to Racism…it really puts entitled gender fighters and those who support them into perspective of being so entitled and spoiled that their only real problem is other people knowing their gender so they don’t misrepresent them…

I was going to tell a story about the first time I fucked with a girl in pantyhose, she was a waitress who worked the night shift at a 24 hour diner, she was fat, but had massive tits, she may have been missing a tooth, it was a long time ago but I managed to recruit her by telling her I had never ripped a pair of pantyhose open in the heat of the moment, she was wearing pantyhose at the time and offered me a go….but only if I bought her a new pair…an offer, I couldn’t refuse….

We got back to her shitty apartment, started getting down and there she was…disgusting in pantyhose…looking like an overstuffed sausage, in fact I think she was where that expression originated….and I figured I had to commit, I was in too deep despite sobering up…and realizing the regret I was about to feel…

As I moved in….all I could smell was feet. Straight up gym sock in highschool left in the bottom of a locker after a rainstorm in an old pair of sneakers feet….the bitch clearly only had one pair of pantyhose and the rinsing in the sink didn’t kill that bacteria…it was the day my pantyhose fetish was THWARTED but I have since been able to appreciate a hot body in pantyhose the way I did before that bitch…

But instead of telling you that story, I was enraged with her gender pronoun because a person’s gender is their fucking business and should be kept to their damn self…If you want to live life as a girl and you get called a dude – deal with it…if you are a girl then you shouldn’t have a pronoun and if you’re a girl who dances, has her tits out, is in a thong and pantyhose, you should leave the gender assigning to us, because now I assume she’s a dude, as a girl, wanting respect and to be called a she/her and that RUINS wanting to jack off to her the way she intended when she got into producing this softcore porno…like a pornographer…whether she thinks it is porn or not.

Posted in:Photoshoot