I'll Make You Famous…




Delilah Belle Hamlin Nipples of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin Nipples

Woah…Delilah Belle Hamlin’s face….

This is the unfiltered version of her I guess. No instagram photoshop you know EVERY single loser bitch trying to be an influencer because she’s got no fucking soul…it is all a fucking lie and thee fact that people follow and buy into these people despite them being straight up clowns, who aren’t even that hot, producing barely interesting content. It’s really just clown shit, like a modern day circus, some Ringling Brothers shit…and their big red noses are nose jobs, and their clown make-up is highlights and countouring, and their big clown shoes are in the form of lips…

The funniest thing about this, is that I see girls in everyday looking like this. I guess they are INFLUENCED…or have some sort of dysmorphia, or insecurity that they think will be fixed by migrating your face into becoming a muppet.

She crawled out of Lisa Rinna’s cunt, so I wouldn’t expect her to not have that clown face…it is just crazy she thinks this is a good look or that this works and by “THIS” I mean the face, the whole nipple thing is great thoug I will never get bored of that.



Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Elle Fanning Got Them Tits Out of the Day

Elle Fanning Got Them Tits Out

ELLE FANNING is one of the Fanning sisters. The Fannings creep me out.

She’s the understudy to her sister Dakota, which basically means she was the backup plan for the stage parents.

If you’ve been on instagram – you probably follow a bunch of porn chicks on instagram – you’ll know they hav th back-up account in case the main one gets shut down.

When you’re dealing with child stars, you never really know how it is going to pan out. They can grow up to be ugly, they can have mental breakdowns, they can kill themselves or die of some diseases….it is just too much at stake and it is so hard to breakthrough it’d be a real waste if all that work only paid out for 5-10 years….so you need to strategically divert from that bad one to the new one, give the buyer some options, rather than saying no….plus with two kids you can have both simultaneously working making you so much more money than just one…as the stage parent the money goes to you and you can pay yourself out. Maximize profits…

Anyway, that’s my take…they aren’t that hot or interesting as a family, but they are rich, dialled in and can speak to your sister-sex-fetish….I mean the dream of men married to the ugly sister everywhere….wondering whether the hotter sister has the same pussy, does she fuck the same, how much is nature and how much is nurture through sexual experiences and is it even cheating cuz genetically they are basically the same person.


Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Cindy Bruna Nipples of the Day

Cindy Bruna See Through Nipples

CINDY BRUNA with her nipples out at an event because how else is she going to be noticed honestly..

Don’t confuse Cindy Bruna with the other BRUNA with her nipplees out, they are different BRUNAs, and showing your nipples is more than just something people with the name BRUNA can do….everyone can join in the fun because if you’ve got nipples that you crave to have stared at all you need to do is put on a slutty sheer shirt.

It is basically a zero fucking effort thing to do, especially if you’re going to wear a shirt anyway, it’s just a clever shirt option cuz people will pay more attention and either say “look at her nipples, I love nipples”…or “Look at here nipples, what an attention seeker, the clickbait of clothing” but ultimately still the same outcome which is us seeing her nipples.

I’m glad it’s a trend because trying to convince girls to show you their nipples in this #metoo era, especially strangers over random DMs comes with a lot of risk as everyone is so fucking uptight and quick to call you out for being a creep and by everyone I mean chicks you want to see topless….Just wait it out…you will end up seeing them topless eventually thanks to trends like this..


Posted in:Cindy Bruna




Christina Aguilera Titty Tape of the Day

Christina Aguilera Titty Tape

Christina Aguilera is looking like the human version of a Hemorrhoid. You know all bloated with age because the integrity the structure of your rectum is destroyed from all your sitting and doing nothing all these years…but the human version.

I guess she’s decided to do a quick cash grab, why not, she’s Christina Aguilera, the third most popular popstar from the 90s, forever in Britney’s shadow, only now hard to miss while in Britney’s shadow because she’s 4 times Britney’s size.

The skinny, tiny, how fake titty stripper looking Disney Kid who was clever enough to go DIRTY when going DIRTY allowed her differentiate herself, but that ended up realizing that her true passion was eating….

I am not here to make fun of how fat she’s become, she’s been fat for a fucking decade, we are just here to laugh about how she dresses like she’s not fat, I assume thinking that fat empowerment in this body positive world means it is ok to get into slutty outfits like she was 25, and it is OK, but OK doesn’t mean it’s hot or looks good…OK means yeah, sure, wear what you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s not digusting. It is disgusting.

Here is her scary fat yet flat ass…
Christina Aguilera Titty Tape



Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Charlotte Lawrence Titty Flash of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence being slutty, we have seen her NIPPLES before…

For those of you who don’t know anything about her, and you really shouldn’t because she’s not that big of a deal, and at 19, you knowing about her is pretty fucking weird.

Unless you were her gym teacher, in which case we’d expect you to know all about her, maybe even own one of her dirty socks you found in her locker you broke into, that you intended to use to sniff during your masturbation, because you like her that much. You’re a gym teacher, we get that by default you’re a fucking predator..

That said, Charlotte Lawrence is an “Indie” popstar, where “indie” means my parents bought me a record deal like I was Massimo’s kids and now they are buying her publicity to help her achieve her dreams cuz they are her parents and see her talent, and don’t see her vapid LA cunt qualities.

I am sure nothing in her life has been a challenge, you know with her dad being the creator of the series Scrubs, co-creator of Cougar Town and co-creator of Spin City and writer for a bunch of shit sitcoms and her mom being Drew Carey’s friend Kate on his shit sitcom…but I guess that’s the LA way, be born into the right place to the right family and the people will believe you’re legit and not just some rich kid who bought the career…

Here’s a video of her doing some nonsense made to look vintage for aesthetic ya know.


Posted in:charlotte lawrence|SFW




Bella Thorne Erotic Polaroids of the Day

Bella Thorne Slutty Polaroids Nudity

Bella Thorne looks like a girl who was molested the majority of her life.

From stepfather’s her mom chose over her, you know how that goes, the whole bring a dirty man into your house and treat him like he’s the father, when he’s got no reason to be anything but a pervert with the girls, as you’ve basically given him he OK, by letting him into the fucking house you irresponsible self involved asshole who cares more about her personal gains, whether that is love, getting her pussy filled right, or money…. than her fucking kids…bad bad woman..

To the pedo execs who chose a Hollywood life working in Children programming, where they cast pubescent teens to fill the slots…but on the most eager ones.

Allowing her to now be the “relatable” voice to the kids on social media, because she comes across as being just so “real”, even though she isn’t real, she is an actor who doesn’t even know her own self, and all this is just attention seeking noise to fill the void in her soul from having a mother not protect her after her dad died…

Sexualize yourself to take the power back from the abuser or some shit…to angle sexualizing yourself cuz it gets you paid and talked about.

I don’t find her hot, she looks like she smells like unshowered for a week, constipated that entire week from the opiates you snort recreationally until eating taco bell anal sex. Which I guess is hot to some.

Bella Thorne Slutty Polaroids Nudity

Bella Thorne Braless Panties


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Eady Van Acker Tits of the Day

Eady Van Acker literally only has 500 followers on Social Media.

You can google her to find her if you’re so inclined, I am not going to bother posting her links. I tried to make a rule years ago to not make fun of local everyday girls, even if they were doing their best to become a fame whore.

I liked the concept of pointing and laughing at everyday nobody girls being whores, and I do see the value in helping these nobodies go viral, but I thought it would be too much of a pain in the ass getting emails of them crying about the post because no one else writes about them and so I come up in google when they search for their damn selves as these idiots do.

I figured at 20,000 followers or more, it’s safe to consider them a public figure or someone who wants to be a public figure, which in and of itself is so fucking lame and worthy of making fun of…but some girl who is just chilling getting roped into doing a nude set of pics with a photographer is only at the tip of the iceberg dick of lame, and is not going full throttle into it, but instead could say “that was lame, I’m going back to school”….making her a cool chick who got naked, saw it on social, thought it was dumb, and took up other hobbies….

So I typically like to target those who have fully committed, who have been trying….but I guess sometimes tits for attention slip through the cracks early on and we end up posting them like they are fresh and unscathed, even though nothing is fresh and everything is scathed…

So hr’s that girl with her tits out, doing that Playboy style showing her titty photoshoot for free, because every girl is coded to be an exhibitionist…prove me wrong.

Posted in:Eady Van Acker




Bruna Marquezine Nipples of the Day

Bruna Marquezine Nipples See Through

Bruna Marquezine is the Brazilian actress with her tits out

I assume this is something I didn’t post last week because I was either bored of posting, had better shit to post, or didn’t care who Bruna Marquezine is…..but I’ve had the weekend to think about it, and as it turns out I didn’t bother, because I still don’t care who this Bruna is.

I get that her intentionally walking around with her tits out is an exciting thing for you, but as an impotent pervert in his 50s, they do nothing for me. I mean even when I get lap dances, and I definitely get lap dances, tittis in my face it does nothing for me. I like to blame being desensitized after seeing too many tits, my wife likes to blame it on me being gay, you know in this trans everyone is trans generation, which I think I am going to run with, because it means she’ll stop making me eat her fat fucking pussy, which tastes like candied feces…maybe the diabetes…maybe the challenge of cleaning proper when you can’t fit in the bath tub due to obesity….definitely not good for my throat.


Posted in:Bruna Marquezine




Isabelle Mathers Bikini of the Day

Isabelle Mathers Bikini

Isabelle Mathers is some hot, tanned, Australian bikini model I’ve probably never heard of, but I’m pretty bad with names and facial recognition which makes living pretty fucking confusing.

I just scrolled her Instagram, where I found zero fucking personality. I found zero fucking compelling or inspiring content, if anything it was boring…and she’s Austalian, they are supposed to be the hot chicks that get wild….and drunk.

Sure she’s hot, the body is good, the tits seem nice. Not to mention the blue eyes set against a brown head of hair is something marketable becausee it excites people for whatever reason and by whatever reason I mean you’re all a bunch of perverts….

But that instagram of hers is like she’s a fucking avatar, or a CGI, or a sex doll, which I am sure she is or aspires to be for the right rich and maybe famous guy…all her pics are all the same dramatic half dead looking face…mouth slightly open, looking at the camera like she’s about to suck it off, only she doesn’t do that because she’s a fucking corpse. Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s had more fucking personality.

Further proof that hot chicks don’t fucking bother trying as they are used to just getting shit…

Isabelle Mathers Bikini


Posted in:Isabelle Mathers|SFW




Russian Pervert…and Other Videos of the Day

Workout Gear of the Year

Cop Tazes a Guy who Called Him a Pussy

Woman VS Cops

Dude Accidentally Pushes his Girl Into Elevator Shaft

Cruising on the Back of a Truck

The Parkour Criminal

Angy Customer in a Sports Bra

Russians Drive Boat While It’s Still on the Trailer

Girl Through Windshield

13 Tons of Gold Found in Chinese Mayor’s Basement

Sewer Diver

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos