I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Lopez Slutty Tits of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Slutty Tits

Jennifer Lopez is out of control….

I guess this is what happens when you fucking love yourself. When you’re a narcissistic mental case tyrant who has managed to use that ego and make it at a young age as a celebrity, a huge fucking celebrity…that she has been able to carry for years…

From ass, to now titties at 50, she’s managed to find ways to reinvigorating interest from her audience….on a consistent basis. I think it is in part that she milks her Hispanic roots, which is something that gets hispanic people, and there are a lot of Hispanic people in America and really in the world, who are drawn to one of their own – even if J.Lo can’t speak Spanish…she plays it up enough for the people to believe…rather than see her for the manipulative lie that she is.

Just yesterday, I saw some Puerto Rican woman, probably in her 60s, dancing like a fucking stripper…very Latin….to some Spanish song….on the side of the street…saying something like “Marc Anthony is my guy”….and he was also J.Lo’s guy….because that’s just how dialed in she is into manipulating her fans….

White people like her too, and probably think she is still hot…allowing her and all her money to continue her money making hustle….instead of just relaxing cuz gotta keep that legacy growing if you can…why not….and it could be worse, I mean I’ve seen 50 year old women…and they don’t look anything like this…so I’ll buy into the J.Lo Hype today…for America…on Memorial Day…cuz someone died for this, probably an aborted fetus for the stem cells she eats to stay young looking….


Posted in:Jennifer Lopez|SFW




Miley Cyrus Upskirt in Concert of the Day

Miley’s back…she’s releasing a new album this week, which means she’s gonna be working it hard, cuz girl likes being heard, seen and paid….

The big news was that she performed in a skirt, with her ass out, and she also performed three new songs at some festival that made the news…..

I guess people are excited about the new Miley release, cuz people are idiots and buy into celebrities they’ve decided they like and are fans of…thanks to being manipulated by them all these years…

She’s also in the new Season of Black Mirror…cuz she’s Miley Cyrus is fucking everywhere…when she’s in promo mode, we hear about her all fucking day every fucking day…. but it helps that she gets naked….

The huge fucking Disney star, who has the media in the palm of her hand, wrapped around her twerking half naked finger, that she can manipulate the fuck out of….has a great legacy because she inspired countless girls to get naked on social media…because once Miley did it first…it made it ok….and Americans and really all women need that figurehead to help define the morals….or what is acceptable or not…

Which means…we’ve all seen her cunt before, but we are ready to see it again…and I am sure we will.


Hers’s one of her selfies…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Rita Ora Upskirt of the Day

Rita Ora Upskirt

Rita Ora still preforming….of course she is…she’s finally made it….Rita Ora has officially made it, she is officially headlining events, she’s got fans, she’s on stage, she may or may not have a hit song or two that we’ve probably never heard, but that doesn’t mean that NO ONE has ever heard it….there MUST be fans out here…..

Unless they are like us, and they are just here because of her great tits, tits that helped this eager bitch fuck the right dudes, to get into the scene, to be taken seriously, to attend every event that she could, often times multiple per day…TO EXIST….and get herself were she could show off her tits, and we are just here for the tits, cuz she has nice tits…which is enough of a reason for her to be famous by my standards of fame…big tits is all the talent needed…..

Rita Ora Upskirt

Rita Ora’s Maxi Pad Looking Panty Outfit of the Day



Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Noah Cyrus Slutty of the Day

Who better than Noah Cyrus to showcase what Miley Cyrus has inspired or created as a general social norm…for all girls…than her sister…

Miley Cyrus has inspired all girls to take ownership of your slutty selfies by posting them on the feed for their fans, audience, family members and dudes who went to high school with them to watch and jerk off to if they choose to…

Cuz sex positive, which is code for “don’t judge me for posting my sexts”….and maybe some “I can use these sexts to make money”….is a great inspiration for dudes to jerk off…we need this content, so the more of it the better…and for every slutty pic a girl posts publicly there has been at least one dude who has jacked off to it…. even to Noah Cyrus…who is really not hot….if anything she’s disgusting…definitely NOT Miley…but we spreading the message her family started…which is to encourage all girls under 25 to post the slutty selfies on the feed – rather than just send them to one or a select few dudes on the short VIP list who get the right to see the nudes cuz the girl wants to be validated or encouraged by them….give it to all the people! All the people….even if you look like shit….cuz us socially awkward people need to see slutty selfies…and we don’t have the skills to get girls to send that shit to us. We need this public posting of NUDES…even from Noah Cyrus…the sister.



Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW




Iggy Azlalea Janked Up Tits of the Day

Iggy Azalea and her janked up fake tits in these leaked behind the scenes photos from her GQ photoshoot….

Look at how fuck up her tit is….because it is important to note…everything about this monster is fucking fake. Her ass fake, her tits fake, her waistline face, her face fake, her music fake, her backstory fake…she’s just one huge fucking lie – but America likes to buy into dramatic storylines…and I guess she speaks to their culture, despite being a scab from Australia who moved in and stole your jobs….who claims she was an ILLEGAL stripper in Miami when she was 16….only to get her work visa when she saw her career pick up…so that she can taint and pollute your culture with her nonsense…that should be treated like all illegals…fucking DEPORT the bitch…

Here are the BTS looking weird.


Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Elsa Hosk Being Hot of the Day

Elsa Hosk Hot Bikini

Elsa Hosk is hot…..

The Swedish Basketball star, who was like “I’m done with this sport thing, I’m too hot to be an Athlete no one cares about, I’m going to move to America, and become a Victoria’s Secret Model”….which is exactly what she did. I guess when you have an athlete’s discipline, you just fucking approach the model world with a bit more work ethic, and you can easily take over from the other models, who are just lazy hot chicks who have been handed everything they have from rich dudes they have sex with….while this one was like “with my hotness and my athleticism and drive I can take the fuck over from these lazy bitches”…it is almost a joke compared to waking up at 6 am to train, or practice….so easy…but I guess being the hottest of the Victoria’s Secret models helps…

Because she is the hottest of the Victoria’s Secret models….

Elsa Hosk Hot Bikini

Elsa Hosk Hot

Elsa Hosk Hot Topless


Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Courtney Stodden and Brooke Candy Dyke it Down of the Day

Courtney Stodden Brooke Candy Dyke it Down

Courtney Stodden and Brooke Candy have found each other….in what must be a match made in heaven because both young starlets are aggressive on social media, despite being basically ignored…and I guess are aggressive in all they do because Courtney Stodden has released porno masturbation movies – showcasing her bolt on tits…and Brooke Candy…is some ex stripper, hipster rapper, who is fucking disgusting to look at…but has been “sex positive’ and naked often….so it’s like the unity of trashy whores who really want fame…tonguing each other…not too far off from what you’d see in the clubs or at the parties from the girls in the room trying to get noticed….as they are trying to get noticed…and as far as I’m concerned – they are getting noticed…

Play it up Girls….Stodden’s so desperate she’s out there getting AIDS for this shit. Thank god for PREP…

It is funny who these low levels find each other and partner up to elevate their existence. Girl Power. Team Work…who knows..where’s the PORNO video. We haven’t had a celebrity sex tape for WAY too long now that VIVID’s been shut down.

Courtney Stodden Brooke Candy Dyke it Down


Posted in:Brooke Candy|Courtney Stodden|SFW




Brie Larson Bikini of the Day

Brie Larson Bikini

Brie Larson is now the very rich Brie Larson….is out here in a bikini for attention because I guess she’s riding her high….

From aspiring pop star, to low level actress who took what she got, years in the game allowed her wish to come true when her agents decided she was going to be the next big starlet, despite being 30…..the actual actors have little to do with their success or their careers…it’s all behind the scenes shit, the same behind the scenes shit that got Harvey Weinsteins dick wet all the fucking time with little to no effort…cuz women like power, women are sluts, etc.

That said, she booked ROOM….won an Oscar and a year later, bitch is headlining Comic Book movies, which unfortunately – are the biggest thing in entertainment making this bitch more money and giving her more fame…and now making her think she’s a hot chick….cuz I guess she works out now…so logical that she’d bust out some bikini pics for her fans now that she has fans after being ignored for so long….


Posted in:Brie Larson|SFW




Rachel McCord See Through Memorial Day of the Day

Rachel McCord See Through Memorial Day

Rachel McCord is really respectful to the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day weekend, by taking the opportunity to wear an American bikini, to show the world how patriotic is, with her high beams on, you know, her own kind of fireworks, fully fledged nipples….in see through top…because Memorial Day, along with being a day to support and celebrate those who have died for you freedom…is a long weekend where attention seeking whores who know the paparazzi and know that any and all Holidays are worth taking the time to do a staged fake paparazzi shoot of having themed photoshoots with tits out…cuz that’s what America is about…being the sister to someone who is barely an actor…but who got them all to Hollywood years ago…getting attention for herself the right way.



Posted in:Rachel McCord|SFW




Renee Zellweger Spreads her Legs for Town and Country of the Day

I don’t do nearly enough posts on Renee Zellweger…..I mean…for a fucking reason…the reason being that she’s Renee Zellweger. One of the creepiest faces in Hollywood – bet known for being Bridget Jones….your favorite series you queer…the love interest in Jerry Maguire….and who the fuck cares what else she’s creepy….

She’s also old, at 50 years old….and in some Fancy High Society magazine spreading her legs, not quite enough spreading for my liking, I can’t see her 50 year old asshole that I am sure has seen a lot of action….

I am pretty amazed that anyone cares about Renee Zellweger enough to put her in a magazine, even with her face modification procedures that have made her more human-like, she’s still weird..but she now has has eyes…and looks less like the alien inbred that was….

I was never clear on how she got cast for anything…..how she became a leading lady….is just confusing…but here are some pics of her for you weirdos…

I guess she’s got a new show that she’s promoting…that’s how these actors work…

Posted in:Renee Zellweger|SFW