I'll Make You Famous…




Lili Reinhart Pole Dancing for Jughead of the Day

Lili Reinhart, who you may not know of, but who you probably have seen around, thanks to her being on one of the most over hyped garbage shows, that have probably some the worst writers on TV…so bad that Luke Perry had to kill himself to escape it…

I have a theory that Riverdale is such a hot item with the young people…accidentally and that after their first season, they had no plan to continue and here they are in season 3 or 4….struggling…but not as hard as big girl, strong girl, Lili, who is taking pole dance class, as a back-up plan if all goes wrong or maybe cuz all girls are sluts who envy strippers despite judging strippers and looking down on strippers…

She’s dating JUGHEAD, who is one of those Disney Kid child star Sprouse brothers, and maybe he put her up to this, those Disney Kids and their weird fetishes thanks to execs at Disney diddling them like the Priests at the Notre Dame Basilica before they burnt the evidence…

She’s big, thick, busty, terrifying even, but I guess this is what girls look like now, it is the new normal…upside down on a pole…

Posted in:Lili Reinhart|SFW




Brooke Shields Beach Slutting Like it was Blue Lagoon’s 50th Anniversary of the Day

I am old enough to remember Brooke Shields before she transitioned and became a man…

I am old enough to remember seeing a 15 year old Brooke Shield when she was a girl…naked on a deserted island…in Blue Lagoon…a role that I like to think was her only worthy role…but also one I was confused about because getting a 15 year old naked in Hollywood is a thing they like to do…but they are usually not so bold as to film it – even if it is for the sake of ART or content….they usually hire 20 year olds to play 15 year olds who get naked.

I remember her sitcom, or when she made me question Agassi’s sexuality, something I am sure tennis fans wondered with all his flamboyant neon outfits…

Yet here she is in her 50s, maybe 60s…with her ass in the air, like she just washed up on shore….and it’s weird…but not overly weird cuz it looks like she may be back n her estrogen as she’s looking more womanly than she has in years….

Menopause usually does the opposite…so silly…you are…Brooke Shields..

Funny what instagram does to these people, just naked all the time…

Posted in:Brooke Shields|SFW




Anna Avila Nude Photoshoot of the Day

Anna Avila Nude Photoshoot 2

It’s easter weekend so why not stare at some hot skinny naked model – cuz you’re out here on your phone or computer trying to avoid that fucking bitch wife of yours and terrible family of yours – and staring at tits seems to be the best strategy for that.

I’m your helper, your spirit guide, bringing you girls like Anna Avila…and her thong ass…with her nipples censored out because I don’t know if you can handle or deserve all she’s got to offer…and I don’t know, because I’ve never heard of her, whether she’s even got anything to offer other than this kind of cocktease to help package her as premium so that her Sugar Daddy’s don’t’ view her as a whore, despite being a whore…I mean posing like this..all dramatic is not wholesome behavior Anna Avila …what would Jesus think after being resurrected…only to find you spending your days doing this….I can assume not very highly of you…but I’m the other kind of Jesus who thinks it’s great….keep being great…making us want to crack that ass like it was an easter egg only to taste all the good that drips out of it…


Posted in:Anna Avila|SFW




Farah Holt Tits Out for Fashion of the Day

Farah Holt Tits Out for Fashion

THIS was the only instagram I could find for Farah Holt, don’t quote me on this being the girl with her tits out for fashion above. We have posted her before HERE

Look at the artistry, as she makes her titty commentary on the commercialization of society, where people fill the void in their soul through shopping and spending money they don’t have, accumulating things they don’t need, all while polluting our Oceans with their single use plastic, like the plastic bag she’s wearing.

Ridiculous really, but nipples!


Posted in:Farah Holt




Constance Jablonski Topless of the Day

Constnce Jablonski Topless

Constance Jablonski topless for the Angels book….

These may be old, but I’m posting them anyway, because so is Constance Jablonski…she must be 20 years into this getting topless as a model hustle…and that should be encouraged and celebrated as long as you don’t look like other 40 year old woman…who weren’t all that hot to begin with and who chose a life of being a wife, mother, and evening snacker on her couch watching reality TV….living that middle of the road…dream…riding on credit card debt, a husband who ignores her and jerks off to internet porn, a house that never gets clean and is covered in mold cuz it’s all they can afford, and a garage filled with bulk toilet paper she found on sale in one of her depressing trips out of the house where she originally contemplated running away, or offing herself, but couldn’t resist a toilet paper deal.

Constnce Jablonski Topless


Posted in:Constance Jablonski|SFW




Danielle Wyatt and Jen Beattie Lesbian Sex of the Day

Danielle Wyatt and Jen Beattie are some cricket players who suck on eachothers wombat holes….because they are used to bats or are they called paddles..

Who knows, I just know female athletes are pretty dykey…and things can get out of control in this porn generation when alone in hotel rooms after or before a match and you’re feeling ready to get off…you might as well let your friend suck your pussy and take a pic of it for the memory or to send to your bf…

You know one of those “I’m down are you down, let’s do this” lesbian thing….just a bunch of Misbehaving young girls…


Posted in:Danielle Wyatt|Jen Beattie|NSFW




Rose McGowan’s Old Lady Sex Cult Raised Nudes for Attention of the Day

I remember a few years ago, the first of the Rose McGowan leaked nudes appeared…and she was sucking dick in them, like she had been sucking dick since she was a young cult member in the Children of God cult back in Italy…where she was a participant in spreading the word of their lord through pedophilia…with parents who gave up their kids sexually for the pedophiles…

I hit her up on FB and was like “Hey Rose, there are dick sucking pics of you on the internet”….to which she said she didn’t care…because sex is wonderful maybe, nudity is wonderful definitely, and because nothing is sacred in this performance art of your life….with your audience watching in…

Rose McGowan only really caught my attention in the mid 90s for being nude…so she’s been at this nude thing for a while and we’ve all seen her nude…so what the fuck is the big deal of being nude now…there is no big deal in her being nude now…but it is still fun to participate in as people she doesn’t give a fuck about sending nudes to, but doesn’t mind if we see the nudes and that’s great.

An Easter Miracle on this Glorious Holy Weekend…and sex cults fuck people up and make them perverts…but we are all perverts…so it’s nice that someone, even an elderly woman, is feeding us the pussy pics..

Posted in:Rose McGowan




Jasmine Sanders Topless for VS of the Day

Jasmine Sanders Topless for VS 2

Victoria’s Secret is pretty funny.

First they cast Josie Canseco

Now they cast Jasmine Sanders….

Who you may not know, but who is one of the Kardashian Jenner friends, with a lot of instagram followers, who I guess they are trying to use to become relevant..

But this is what happens when old people try to be relevant, they google social media, influencer, and try to figure out who the right people are with the most influence…only to clearly fuck right up…

They probably put millions into market research, figuring out how to make the instagram generation connect with their brand as they are losing..

This is what they came up with.

Pretty disappointing…



Posted in:Jasmine Sanders|SFW




Olga Grinzel Drinking Milk of the Day

I guess this is how girls drink milk in this internet generation – despite thinking that milk was frowned upon for not being vegan..

The internet – a confusing place.

What is good, what is bad, what is trendy, what is a fail….that makes you some clown motherfucker who is not in the cool club…with your FOMO cuz you can’t afford to go to Coachella weekend two to relive the first weekend….

That’s why I stick to tits, and I guess so does this OLGA bitch.

Posted in:Olga Grinzel




Just a Naked man in NYC and Other Videos of the Day

Prius Explodes

Meanwhile in India…

The Gate of Evil

Headache Relief

Penis Shaped Ham…

Fucking Terrifying…

Weird Fight with Mother – Leads Kid to Jump off a Bridge

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos