I'll Make You Famous…




Eugenie Bouchard Bikini Squat of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard White Bikini

Eugenie Bouchard trying to be hot…

She is like every single girl before her…who has some potential in other areas of life…but chooses to do the influencer thing…because getting feedback on their looks, or half nakedness, turns them on…and being turned on is really what life is about.

The tennis thing isn’t her dream, it’s her dad’s dream…well now she’s here to follow her hotter twin, and other family members making money off her fame…..so she wants in on that too…it’s better to be hot on instagram living your life…than failing at tennis that got you this life…it’s what the people care about you know…

They care about her looking like she’s taking a shit in a china public bathroom while wearing a bikini….it is a fetish to some…..and that’s why she’s putting this out there…


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Isabel Pakzad Nip Slip of the Day

Isabel Pakzad James Franco Nip Slip

Isabel Pakzad is James Franco’s 25 year old girlfriend….which is old for James Franco, who is rumored to be a dud who flexes his celebrity status to seduce underage girls…one story that went viral before the #metoo movement, but that didn’t get him arrested because it was a simpler time then…another story that got him banned from all the awards for his movie about that weirdo filmmaker….I didn’t see the movie…but thought it was funny how quickly Hollywood turns on a motherfucker because everyone is so caught up in themselves that self preservation becomes key and that all these fake friendships surface…saying “see ya later bro”..

Well, this girl stood by him, it’s good for business and is a nice life…and apparently..she has nipples….wild.


Posted in:Isabel Pakzad




Jennifer Lopez Oiled Up Bikini of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Oiled Up Bikini

J.Lo getting greased up…while her new husband…who she ridiculously is getting married to because rich people are bored and like to feel some sense of normalcy in their 45 marriages in their 55 years of being alive…it’s good marketing, it gets them in to the tabloids, they like the tabloids because the tabloids keep them relevant…as do bikini pics…

This oiled up greasy like the pig at the county fair you chase, the Peurto Rican icon who can’t even speak Spanish but who exploited the culture when in the 90s when the latin sensation happened…inspired by her ass…Oscars weren’t too white…these hispanics were fucking everywhere…making stupid money and still making stupid money all these years later…

I am sure she’s evil and not just because she’s an old lady in a bikini – which is evil.


Posted in:Jennifer Lopez|SFW




Sky Ferreira Naked for TV of the Day

Sky Ferreira Nipples Naked Lords Of Chaos 1

Sky Ferreira finally got a job on Lords of Chaos…

Sky Ferreira has some shitty fucking tits….and a shitty fucking ass…that she’s so willing to show off on the TV show she is part of…because girls are all exhibitionist sluts.

Sky Ferreira who you’ve probably never heard of, grew up with Michael Jackson, they were family friends and since she wasn’t a little boy he didn’t rape her.

She used to follow and interact with me on social media, TWITTER, a long time ago…then she got a record deal…a long time ago…and unfollowed me/ blocked me. Nice girl…the kind of opportunist slut who I hope doesn’t hit big with her nudity in movies…and that I hope backfires even though nudity is great…..empowering feminists everywhere.

I don’t think her pop career really went anywhere, but it’s nice to see it’s come to this attention seeking hustle…even if the tits aren’t nice.

But she’s got close to a million followers on her shit and she is only 26 years old…she will probably do a lot more titty content over the next decade and I am prepared to stare at her mom-like tits.


Posted in:Sky Ferreira




Stephanie Pratt Bikini of the Day

Stephanie Pratt Bikini

Stephanie Pratt out here waiting for someone from the Hills to call her….you know because the revival has happened with Mischa Barton on board…because MTV has lost their fucking minds trying to find ways to resonate with the youth….realizing that was once the voice of the youth, is outdated shit and the only people who care about MTV are in their 40s…which is convenient for Steph Pratt…Spencer’s sister…because she’s in her 40s and people in their 40s or older would be the only ones who think she’s hot.

Aging…it is disgusting. It’s terrifying…even when the woman isn’t fat, it’s still miserable…a shadow of what she once was…a glimpse…maybe she smells the same as she once did…her scent..but everything else about her is just rotten…fucking rotten.

Steph Pratt…went from being a third tier member of the HILLS to the UK…where she had a second life…while America forgot her…she was able to find her market….and she is doing the bikini thing as whores do.


Posted in:SFW|Stephanie Pratt




Carla Howe Titty Slip of the Day

No one gives a fuck about Howe Twins – Carla Howe is one of the Howe Twins…the Howe Twins were a thing for a minute….a long fucking time ago…and I don’t even remember a minute yesterday..even a tit filled naked twin minute yesterday…not that I had a naked twin minute yesterday…but even if I did it wouldn’t be remembered….I am that jaded, drunk and the whole twins being sluts together is so cliche…it’s almost the whole point of twins…

That said, all these years later, Carla Howe still finds a way to pull her titty out like it matters and I guess any girls who exists based on tits, deserves some love when she’s still out there pulling out tits. This is that love. It’s empty, superficial, two dimensional…one sided…love….but love just the same..

Posted in:Carla Howe




Nicole Gregorczuk Silly Nude Shoot of the Day

Nicole Gregorczuk is some model, she’s tall and skinny and has representation, which may not be saying much as agencies try to lock in as many models as they can, in case they are the next to go viral, they want to be on the front lines and it costs nothing to have them locked in….

She’s got 50k followers on social media, so despite being better than many of the sluts, since she has representation….she’s got some work to do on going viral..

Especially since she’s willing to get naked for this ridiculousness, maybe she’d be into getting naked for REAL shit….that people care to see.

Maybe, she felt this was art, because she’s used as the canvas…her naked body that vessel for the artist to get his art across…but the homeless lady who does art in the bus shelter with her feces and period has more talent..

This here…is just silly….lame even…bad….running out of ideas.

Posted in:Nicole Gregorczuk




Olivia Wilde Nipples at an Event of the Day

I have failed you all…

Since you’re russian robot traffic I am not that emotional about failing you…

I am actually a non violent psychopath so I don’t really feel emotion, guilt or remorse…

I lack empathy…but I do get mad at myself when I look at a set of paparazzi pics, of an important actress like Olivia Wilde…who I have probably talked a lot of shit on over the years because her real name is Cockburn, and I don’t like when a bitch changes her name to run from the burning of cock she was born to be….but instead….decided to go with WILDE…because it is fun, exciting and sounds sophisticated…like the writer Oscar Wilde..right?

Point being, I’ve seen her in a bunch of movies, I find her hot and a good actress..and I’m not going to hate on her…expecially not today….where her nipples are out at an event like some kind of hippie…all free spirited tits out…for the fans

I am just glad she’s not Emma Stone…or the other shitty actresses that are average looking but who get tons of hype…on some Barbara Streisand shit…

I am just sad…she’s not responsible for my cockburn…that was some crackwhore stripper who I should have probably not paid extra to not use a condom with…

But then again, the fact I paid for my penis disease when others try to avoid getting it…seems fitting with the kind of man I am …and the kind of life I’ve lived….


Posted in:Olivia Wilde




Liv Phyland Killer Surf Cameltoe of the Day

I don’t know who the fuck Liv Phyland…some international presenter maybe….from Australia Maybe…I mean that would explain the surfboard…

I refuse to google her, because I know you don’t care.

I don’t refuse to post her killer Cameltoe though…that shit is legendary…so aggressive I feel like I’m looking at the fat lady in jeggings three sizes too small who works at the deli down the street…where clits have been seen…and labia so detailed I can count the ridges and determine how many kids she’s had…and how old she is…and how many dicks she’s had…all through her JEGGINGS…while this Liv Phyland bitch is giving her a run for her money.

Posted in:Liv Phyland|SFW




Josephine Skriver and her Genetically Modified Tits of the Day

Josephine Skriver’s all right…

I mean it’d be really unfortunate for her dad and his ego because she was his science experiment, where he designed her in a test tube to grow up to be a model, using his gay sperm and some lesbians egg….funded by the evil Victoria’s Secret empire….

If she didn’t end up the half naked set of tits that she is…it’d be a fail for all.

So thank god that worked out for everyone…we need to be in a world where hot chicks can be designed for rich people, like IVY League education can be bought by celebrities for their shitty entitled kids, because actual human genetics are pretty unfortunate with fatness and ugliness duck facing everywhere..

Give me a homosexually designed, test tube made….very expensive prime rate pussy.

Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW