I'll Make You Famous…




Kaia Gerber Racy at Fashion Week of the Day

Kaia Gerber Racy Hard Nipples Fashion Week

I find it interesting that we live in a world where brands use a fucking 16 year old, an underage girl, who you can’t have sex with without getting arrested, in their campaigns or projects, in this era of everyone being fucking uptight…it should be illegal..

Why is Kaia Gerber a fucking model, and why would her mom put her into this at a young age to teach her spoiled ass work ethic..

It’s some cushy, spoiled and entitled industry that doesn’t involve hard work…especially when your mom is Cindy Crawford.

If this was anything more than perversion meeting ego of a stage mom and her narcissism, and was about teaching her girl about life, she’d be working at the fucking Dairy Queen in Malibu if there is one.

Instead it’s about greed, whoring out, getting paid, and keeping your reign…

The whole thing is insane and could have waited until she was 18, we don’t need this underage shit anywhere…to sell product.

It’s weird.

Here she is in MUSKOKA CANADA
Kaia Gerber Racy Bikini Jean Shorts MuskokaKaia Gerber Racy Bikini Jean Shorts


Posted in:Kaia Gerber|SFW




Lady Gaga Slutty for Magazines of the Day

Lady Gaga Nude for Fashion wearing a hat in Vogue

The fact that Lady Gaga is still running her scam amazes me. It’s like every time a Nigerian scammer calls me a tells me that my ancestor has left me money I need to pay to get out of the country…I’m like “really, you’re still doing this Jamal”….

It’s fucking crazy that people, fans, stay so loyal to such dog shit ,you’d think they’d be as flimsy as her music, or her performances….uneventful trying so fucking hard…yet people are loyal…they stick to what they like, support what they know, don’t like change…and keep coming back to the abusiveness of Lady Gaga’s everything.

She’s in Vogue because she’s an actress now, something I guess she’s always been and that requires no talent…something that is an easy transition and that will keep her working and in our faces for years to come….and the whole thing is unfortunate.

Maybe more people need to do the Mac Miller…as sad as it may be to lose people when you still like them, at least we don’t have to keep seeing them when we hate the fuck out of them.

Lady Gaga Big Tits Black Dress Slutty for Vogue


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Noah Cyrus Pussy Print of the Day

Noah Cyrus Pussy Print bodysuit wearing a mask

Noah Cyrus is doing the hipster thing because she can.

Her sister paved the way for her…

So life as Miley Cyrus’s trans brother….and Billy Ray’s trans Daughter…may be less memorable than other Noahs, like Noah’s Ark, and Noah Wiley from ER Fame…but still young and trying to pave the way for ITSELF..

Being relevant and current using the same tactics Miley did…showing her post op / pre op body all wild and crazy…like she was a girl because she identifies as a girl all in her one piece, doing a PUSSY print, that may be a prosthetic pussy print they sell on Amazon..true story…I lost my Amazon Affiliate for making a tranny post.

But the tactic I like best is covering her troll head in a mask, people are still doing this mascot furry thing I guess.

It’s not just for college frat bros anymore..is it.

Here she is with her tits out and her mom
Noah Cyrus Tits Out in a Bra with Trish Cyrus not Lil Xan


Posted in:noah cyrus|SFW




Rita Ora Panty Flash of the Day

Rita Ora Panty Flash Upskirt on Stage 2

Rita Ora is on stage with her panties out….

I think the amazing thing about these pics is that Rita Ora is finally a thing, on stage, for people paying to see her…

The hustling from every angle, we’re talking doing all media and campaigns and instagram nudity as often as possible to get noticed, has finally made her dreams of being a singing and dancing Rihanna impersonator come true…

I mean she’s bold enough to not even pull her tits out on stage anymore, the single reason people care about her, and it’s just all panties all the time for her from now on..

Sex workers often do that, they use a body part to get where they want to go, only to never use it again after getting there as if it never happened.

Which is too bad – since she’s got great tits….but not as too bad as her being around for a while now that she’s officially famous for something more than the tits….



Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Sarah Snyder Instagram Thot Erotica of the Day

Sarah Snyder Ass Throng Bikini Gets Wet

Sarah Snyder looks like a good time.

She’s some hip as fuck, cool as fuck, hipster as fuck girl who fucked Will Smith’s son, trying to do the ghetto rich and hooked up instagram life, and doing it well enough to get her ass out there in a hot tub, in photo, for her fans…which I am sure was a real challenge for a young slut who looks like a 12 year old cam girl…

She steals bags, she goes to fashion week, she dates rich guys, she looks good…it’s living the white girl dream…ass out, tits out, party time…and now you old crusty perverts can sexualize her more without even being rich enough to buy her and that alone is magical. Thanks

Sarah Snyder Tits Orange Bikini


Posted in:Sarah Snyder|SFW




Elle Fanning Spooky Fucking Cleavage of the Day

Elle Fanning Tits Cleavage in a Dress

Elle Fanning terrifies me…..

This girl should only be in horror movies, playing the thing that lives under your bed, or that crawls out of your closet and eats your fucking soul.

I don’t know if it’s her white as fuck vampire skin, or the fact that she is the back-up actor from the weird Fanning Stage parent family, who leveraged her sister’s name and career to have a career of her own, because Hollywood likes dealing with one set of parents who sell the kids off to the pedophile ring of excess fame and fortune shit….they want it that bad…

Maybe it’s her face that I don’t like, those dead eyes from years of being cultivated to be the talent that she is today…

I don’t have the answers…but she does have cleavage and we like that…don’t we…you fucking perverts.


Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Blake Lively’s Got her Titties Out of the Day

I find it interesting that Blake Lively’s name is Lively…because her face looks so jacked up with fillers that she looks like a Corpse…

But I guess she’s married to your nerd hero Deadpool and with that alone, you like to jerk off to her, because if she’s good enough for Deadpool she’s good enough for you…

Or maybe you saw her movie where she was on a rock in a bikini fighting sharks…or maybe you’re a Gossip Girl Fan…or maybe you just like celeb tits in a sheer top thanks to the flash on the red carpet we all know happens – including the celeb in question trying to show off her fat tits without being too obvious about it.

I’m only Zombie girl.


Posted in:Blake Lively|SFW




Lea Michele Man Tanning of the Day

That dude Lea Michele is out there with her tits out, because she can distract you all from her dick, it’s the best way to TUCK TAPE for social media, rather than the spread eagled ball out shot she’d have to fight with, because this tran, a fetish I don’t understand, unless it’s to keep a child star on hormones so that he has a longer career, which is probably what happened here, you don’t want a Haley Joel Osmont, the world is his oyster until puberty situation, just hormone therapy that shit…KEEP EARNING…

Her face so hard, I think she’d have a huge dick, so she sticks to the look at her tits…the way most trans get through things…with the tits..

Posted in:Uncategorized




Shauna Sexton Hard Nipples Visit her John in Rehab of the Day

Shauna Sexton Hard Nipples White Tight Shirt Visiting Ben Affleck in REHAB

Shauna Sexton is a sex worker who hangs with sex workers who I know personally – and there is no way she’s not a sex worker….sex working for Ben Affleck…but she’s fucking bold in her sex work..

Most of these whores in LA trying to make it, that’s why they moved there, trying to navigate the fame scene, going to all the right parties with the MADAME that takes them around after being found at a club or grocery store or hiking Runyon Canyon…

Rent is expensive, a thousand girls go to auditions..what the fuck are the chances that you’ll survive if you’re not rich, or if you don’t have a rich 50 year old daddy…ideally famous..

Well, she’s managed to close in on Ben Affleck after doing one Playboy shoot, that I assume her Madame coordinated…and now she’s out there in public getting in the tabloids and MILKING it…

Most whores are more discreet, so I respect her consistent media coverage, even if I don’t find her hot and know you’d have to be on Opiates to really date a whore…but when you’re rich and wasted…it’s hard to bother noticing much…especially with her eagerness to fuck fuck…

These are her nipples turned on for a rehab visit…

So here are her wet tits
Shauna Sexton Tits Wet Nude


Posted in:SFW|Shauna Sexton




Marian Avila the Down’s Syndrome Model of the Day

Marián Ávila is the first handicapped, or retarded, or disabled or whatever you’re supposed to call a person with Down’s Syndrome to walk the Runway in New York Fashion week…which I guess is true since Nina Agdal is not a Runaway model, but rather a “swimsuit model” who only works for Sports Illustrated and who is now in her 40s….

The funny thing about the Marián Ávila Down’s Syndrome model from Spain is that she actually looks less Down’s than Nina Agdal…a model I’ve been talking about as if she’s a product of affirmative action, inclusion, loving Diversity but unlike Marián Ávila she pretends she’s normal…HANDICAPPABLE if you will…and you will…or you would because you’re that kind of pervert and you’ve been wanting one of these since watching Life Goes On….like my friend Roy who used to have sex with handicapped girls because they had needs….and weren’t so picky as they drooled all over themselves full retard you know…

I mean who are we to say that having an extra Chromosome shouldn’t be sexualized and celebrated….if that’s what the world wants…that’s what the world gets…

If you’re the parent of a retard, might as well monetize them, like Kris Jenner did…right?

Exploitative…maybe, definitely, I think people are pandering to this and talking selfies with this like a “freak show” and that is horrible…but any excuse to get half naked I guess is a good one…this is the world we live in…

Thanks Steve for Sending in your Fetish…..

Posted in:Marián Ávila|SFW