I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Bella Hadid Hard Nipples Grey Crop Top

Rat faced Hadid – like her sister GIGI HADID was seen with her hard nipples on…captured by the paparazzi in some sisterly hard nipple rivalry….in what was like planned before hand while both are in different parts of the world because they are attention seekers and understand what it takes to get the paparazzi to take pics…hard nipples…so I guess both were consulted on this by the family’s famewhore committee and both pulled through…unless the no bra – hard nipple thing is just a style issue – which it probably is..since no girls anywhere where bras anymore – bras are oppressive like the patriarchy so go braless the way the patriarchy actually likes you to be.

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Alexis Ren Bolt Ons of the Day

Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits Bikini

Alexis Ren is a travel instagrammer – or personality – with a large following who posts slutty pics of herself like a modern version of a Playboy model – who doesn’t get fully naked because she has brand deals to respect – but she does get on all fours and pretty much spreads her asshole while clothed because that is how you get hits….likes and follows…not that she needs any more of those…this girl is really massive on social media and the reason so many other girls turned to slutty content to get free trips around the world….

Which is interesting, as we see Alexis Ren on her European Vacation, we are reminded that we are in an era of all these sluts being international, just hopping around country to country, tainting every beach the fuck….which I guess is a lot like how the AIDS virus spread…only the human with bolt on tit version…

These people do nothing, yet are everywhere and richer than all you workers…

Instagram Times…

Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits Bikini

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Blanca Blanco Nipples of the Day

Blanca Blanco Nipples Wet See through yellow shirt

Blanca Blanco is apparently some actress….known for a whole fucking lot of terrible fucking movies….but she’s still in the scene and gets invited out. You know she’s got an agent, gets work, and like Bill Paxton, is a “who the fuck is that, oh right that guy”…but the girl version…

The nice thing about Blanca Blanco is that she gets invited to exclusive events, all while being a Phoebe Price in her marketing, staging any and all publicity stunts she can to get noticed, sometimes with her tits out, usually as slutty as possible and as far as I’m concerned – that’s wonderful approach to marketing…far better than Starbucks shutting down all their stores to teach their employees about racism marketing stunts…because it’s less bullshit, more authentic and real.


Posted in:Blanca Blanco




Camila Mendes See Through of the Day

Camila Mendes Tits See Through Lace Dress

Camila Mendes is one of the least attractive people on TV….I just can’t accept her as the woman of desire on Riverdale, the hit show, that is really bad, but popular that she is on…

So seeing her neckless and weird looking at some event trying to be hot in a slutty dress that shows off her uneventful tits…but that celebrates that she is officially famous now thanks to the hit show…is about as erotic as you’d expect it to be which is not erotic at all..

I’ll just put this up here as a tribute to all the parents and children being separated by new immigration laws that don’t love Mexicans as much as they love Mexican food that comes in boxes at their local walmart SUPER CENTER…

Because apparently this girl is only getting work cuz she’s a Mexican, like all those migrant farmers being deported, because Hollywood needs to be about inclusivity….inclusive of neckless women I guess..


Posted in:Camila Mendes|SFW




Keatlin Mel Does Russian Discipline Done Right of the Day

Keatlin Mel is some Russian girl who I assume I follow on instagram because during the whole TWERKING movement, she released a series of Twerk videos, using what were likely Russian Sex workers to dance like a bunch of skinny strippers with fit asses, in choregraphed amazingness that although is a little outdated, since we don’t hear the word twerk as much as we used to, is still fucking awesome because it’s bascially stripper dances, even when white girls do it…

I also like that the same dedication that the Russian people have put into their athletics programs like back in the 80s, full of performance enhancement, or their gymnasts, ballet, figure skating, pretty much all things disciplined Russian has been used by the new generation in booty shaking erotica….


Posted in:Keatlin Mel|Videos




Olivia Munn Tits Out of the Day

Olivia Munn Tits Out in Green Jumpsuit

Olivia Munn is some garbage, entitled, bullshit personality from the bottom of the barrel that she crawled out of…Not only has she been consistently attention seeking but she’s also been a bottom feeder…

She clearly moved to LA to get famous as an actor, which didn’t happen for her, but she did manage to get some hosting gig on Attack of the Show on G4TV, some gamer nerd show that no one should have ever watched by that gamer nerds watched because they are gamer nerds and what the fuck else are they to do….besides jerk off to some babe talking their language..

It was pandering, it got her to Comicons, it got her a fan base, that she leveraged to get her into some movies, and now all her dreams due to calculated insanity have come true…

She was also on that show with one of the most irritating TV hosts of all time, Chris Hardwick, who recently went down for being a narcissistic control freak who controlled his teen girlfriend when he was 40 and trying to make all his nerd dreams come true…something I am sure a lot of these A Personality type nerds do when they finally get a girlfriend – because nerds, especially self proclaimed ones who make a business off nerd shit – are pretty fucking elitist in their nerd heads after years of being made fun of – convincing themselves they are better than the rest is really their tactic to get ahead. Victims of bullying or something…some of the rudest assholes who throw tantrums I know are nerds.

Well, luckily, Hardwick has lost some of his shows, so we don’t need to be put through that terrible fucking comedy, and nerd content that no one cares to hear about an entitled person talk about….let’s hope THE WALL comes down from NBC, because that’s another abusive fucking show to America…

While Olivia Munn still tries to use her tits to stay relevant.


Posted in:Olivia Munn|SFW




Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples Crop Top

In case you are wondering – Gigi Hadid has nipples and is showing them off in a tube top like it was the late 90s…

She is not actually built like the barbie doll she has been trying to be since she was 3 or 4 years old sitting in her Malibu Dream house with her narcissistic parents and their rich friends who figured out a way to make their baby’s dreams of being a model come true…through buying that success….

After so many ponies and other things rich girls want, eventually you ask for things like celebrity and fame, because you have all the Barbie Dolls you can buy, and since your narcissistic parents are narcissists and see the JENNERS getting ahead, they fight to make it happen too…rich people wars are fights over dumb shit like how much money they spend on Sweet 16s and weddings…or who has the most brand deals as a credible model when you’re all fucking BUNK INSTAGRAM Garabge…

Hard nipples though…something to look at, look out for, appreciate, even if the rest of her is straight up media manipulated dog shit…and I guess the good news is at least this isn’t her rat faced sister…

Here’s her rat faced sister pretending to be a model..

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Massive Cameltoe of the Day

Kylie Jenner Cameltoe Tight Leggings and Sports BRa 1

Wanna know what’s disgusting?

Kylie Jenner’s mom pussy eating a pair of pants, because being a fat chick, who despite the liposuction is still a fat chick, coupled with being a mom, who has had multiple black dicks tear her apart before having a baby slip out of her unnoticed, is the perfect breeding ground for a mangled pussy, that just can’t be filled hard enough, to fill that void in her soul that comes from a mom who exploits her and a dad who cut his dick off..

These Jenner’s when things get rough, they attack their fucking genitals.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Megan Irminger Nude Hipster Shoot of the Day

Megan Irminger has been officially inaugurated on this site – with her tits – from some shoot that likely doesn’t matter – but that is still her tits – in a shoot so therefore it matters at least on some level, probably more for people who actually know her in real life and have wanted to see her naked, than for us, who are just looking at her like she’s just another topless half naked girl, because she is just another topless and half naked girl, making it hard to differentiate between all the topless and half naked girls, a problem that I am pretty happy about…I mean happy as a concept – like I don’t actual feel HAPPY in my empty soul about this…it doesn’t erase all that is wrong in the world…but I am not unhappy that I’ve seen this girl’s tits…if that makes sense…and it does…and that’s all that matters.

Posted in:Megan Irminger




Asia Argento’s Words of Wisdom of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Asia Argento, I don’t even remember her from the 90s when she was relevant, I barely even remember her name or her nudes…she was a name that popped up on early internet porn sites under Celebrity…..the Hollywood rich kid from Italy with big tits and bush….that we’ve probably jerked off to but don’t remember cuz she doesn’t matter…

Now that we are older, I find her lame. It’s like grow up 90s trash, you’re so fucking disconnected from what’s actually going on, even when she tries to associate with the era #metoo..

The only Parts Unknown I ever saw was the one on Asia Argento, because I was at a friend’s house and he made me watch the show, and I said “Bourdain is totally fucking that girl”….and I thought “that girl reminds me of the 90s in the worst way, just fucking rich kid who think she’s got some higher purpose, who is not even hot anymore cuz she’s old”….who a 60 year old like Bourdain would fan boy, because he remembers her dad’s spaghetti Western’s or some shit, or the same early internet celeb nudity sites we used to jerk off to while she just went at his dick and possibly destroyed his soul…because that’s what black widow narcissistic weirdos do….

Now, her and Rose McGowan, are buddy-ing up, pretending they are not gutter sluts, has beens who don’t matter, attacking Weinstein like we care…acting like ambassadors to something that they can’t be ambassadors to..but they have found some media attention from so they run with it…..

More annoying is that she posted a video of her dancing to Staying Alive, after her “boyfriend” hung himself..last week…the same boyfriend who is the only reason anyone is talking or noticing Asia Aregento…

Fucking weird or trying to be weird…cuz she strives for weird…it’s her “art” that isn’t art…

Fuck this bitch, here’s some vintage argento nudes…

Posted in:Asia Argento