I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Vergara Fitness Erotica of the Day

Sofia Vergara Fitness Erotica Tight LEggings and Tight Black Shirt Big Tits

Sofia Vergara, the Den Mother with her big tits, decided at 45 or 50 to continue exploiting her big titty mom body, because when you make a life from being a big titty, coke dealer / mule from Colombia that worked her way into Hollywood via Miami…through Cocaine…it’s the COLOMBIAN way…you can’t forget your big titties roots..they are what made you and show a little respect…

The biggest troll would be if she wasn’t even from Colombia, but rather OHIO or some shit, because that accent of hers is so done up and over the top….

Either way. here is her fitness

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Vergara




Liz Hurley Doesn’t Stop of the Day

Liz Hurley doesn’t fucking stop…

From covering herself in diarrhea, to having her son take titty pics of her, to daily bikini pics…it’s like this girl doesn’t give up a good time, she’s just ready to bring it over and over and over again…never giving up what she considers a good thing because she loves the attention she’s getting…which even at 60 years old…is attention she loves getting…cuz all whores are the same….never ended attention seeking….and the sick thing in all this isn’t her covered in Diarrhea…it’s that us perverts like looking at it..

Liz Hurley Covered in Chocolate

Posted in:Liz Hurley|SFW




Rosario Dawson Eats Pussy of the Day

Rosario Dawson is irritating…and so is her clickbait…

She was the slutty Teen in KIDS that Harmony Korine pulled out of some housing project her family were squatting at, cuz he’s a pervert….

She turned into some bullshit celebrity brat who could afford all the cocaine while being a total cunt thanks to being raised in a squat, leaving the squat and having all the money to do shit. It gives a crackwhore an ego…totally disregarding her ghetto roots….

I’ve heard so many stories from so many people…that she’s the worst..and I’ve even been approached by her legal team to take down pics of her cuz she’s that annoying

But here she is on a cry for attention…garbage.

Posted in:Rosario Dawson|SFW




Evegenia Evans Titties of the Day

Evegenia Evans is some instagram model, but I googled trying to find her instagram and wasn’t able to, so maybe she’s not an instagram model at all, but rather some girl willing to get naked in low level photoshoots for the sake of what they consider art and that to me is a wonderful thing, because I remember a time when the only nudity I saw was at the strip club, and as a degenerate hurtbag loser, that isn’t as affordable as stealing my neighbors internet connection…

Posted in:Evegenia Evans




J. Lo Rubbin Them Titties of the Day

J.Lo is pretty ridiculous. Simmer the fuck down…

She just keeps bringing the slutty behavior like she’s had some kind of rebirth after giving birth to the kids she had with Marc Anthony skeletor….now slutty and old for A.Rod who didn’t get her at her peak but who like most Latin people probably fucking loved her since he was a little kid and she was a 40 year old dancing around on stage with her fat ass out..

I guess it’s a aging process, wanting to be hot forever, not accepting no for an answer and here are the goods…good good…

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Barbara Mascia Pussy of the Day

Barbara Mascia by Alejandro Bauducco Naked Showing Nipples and Pussy

Barbara Mascia is some model who I have never heard of from Argentina who I guess is doing the LA thing…doing the instagram thing…growing her audience thing…making them dreams come true thing…and is naked thing.

I don’t know if we need to explore much more than that…because that bit of information is enough to know that she’s relatively perfect…

I don’t know much…but I know I love nudes…and that is all we need to know..

Posted in:Barbara Mascia




Julianne Hough Fitness Erotica of the Day

Julianne Hough Fitness Erotica Sports Bra and Tight Leggings

Incest loving Julianne Hough….

Who I guess Ryan Seacrest used to fuck, probably with with the prosthetic penis he puts on when she made him fuck her, or when he made her fuck him, as they watch gay porn so he can stay into it….

But that was the old Julianne Hough, the one who first left her brother’s homo sex den for Seacrest…

Mormons…they are all so crazy once they leave the churce..

Here she is doing some bullshit…fitness erotica..

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Cora Keegan Nude Model of the Day

Cora Keegan is a tall skinny model with one of them good faces that has been around for a long long time – and who used to be a Victoria’s Secret Catalog girl…

The rumor is that she hated being a model, she thought it was dumb, so she turned down a Victoria’s Secret contract, the one contract every single model in the world dreams of…because I guess she’s a rich kid and doesn’t need that mall brand, promo model, low level sell out shit, but can rather produce art, nude shoots, and hang out without the pressure of being a mall brand promo model.

I don’t know if that story is true, but if it is, that makes her substantially cooler than pretty much every hot, tall, skinny chick out there.

Plus she’s got bush, and I fucking love bush, so it’s just a win across the fucking board for all of us involved in jerking off to these pics collectively, like a TEAM!

Posted in:Cora Keegan




Bikini Girl Eats Raw Chicken…WTF…and Other Videos of the Day

Houston Driver Plays Rock Paper Scissors During Traffic

What the Fuck is This

Wife Cut Off Man’s Penis as Punishment

Police VS Man with Axe

Out Witting a Road Rager

Big Stick Dog Fail

Drunk Driver VS People

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

There is always something really entertaining about the fat manager. I am sure I’ve talked about this before because I’ve always been fascinated by the fat manager, but I was reminded of how much I love the fat manager last night…when I saw one in action

For those of you who don’t know, a fat manager, is the fat girl who you have to get through, and who hangs with the hot chick, and who tries to dominate the hot chick, because the hot chick doesn’t know she’s hot, and because the fat girl has an overpowering attitude, just look at her at the all you can eat buffet, and she’s bold and feels she has the right to tell the hot chick what to do, despite relying on the hot chick to get all the male attention she gets….while bitching at the hot chick…despite needing the hot chick…and having the hot chick feel sorry for her and pawn off dudes to her like “Oh meet my friend miranda, she’s great”….kind of thing even when the hot chick wants to fuck…

Well last night, there was a fat chick yelling, MAN-SPLAINING, maybe it was FAT-Splaining a hot chick…basically telling her how to live her life causing a fucking scene at the bar…and I said…”god I love fat managers”….the worst kind of friend a hot chick can have…

Here are some stepLINKS…

Coolest thing to Go to Auction Ever

Yodeling Kid MEME Releases a Single

Arrest Video of the Day




Buy Bongs!

The World’s Longest Zip Line

Buy CBD! It Saved my Hemmy! CODE DS15

Posted in:stepLINKS