I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Simpson’s Massive Titties of the Day

Jessica Simpsons Massive Topless Tits out in Bikini Selfie

This Jessica Simpson massive titty about to explode from her weight being pressed down on it…in some water balloon in a party game looking…bursting out in every direction….posed pic for her social media…the way we want to see the billionaire fashion entrepreneur…because her monster tits have always been the best thing about her…even when her fat body caught up to her tits…before she brokered a million dollar deal to lose the weight with Weight Watchers…by likely not eating weight watchers…

This is amazing…Probably uncomfortable for her back, but she can handle it, she’s a performer…but amazing because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tit this big, being squashed out like this as a selfie, especially not on a mom pushing 40…this is inspiring, next level content that she felt compelled to post because even she knows it’s talent too good to be wasted….I mean seriously…this is almost life changing to a person with a big sloppy tit fetish…like we’ve seen the Messiah or some shit…

I’m not a religious man, but I am a believer….PRAISE Jessica Simpson Tit….the coming of Jesus will happen soon….because my name is Jesus and this is that good.


Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples of the Day

Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples in a Nude Sweater

I think Lily Rose Depp is amazing…

The 18 year old, that I assume is as terrible as all 18 year olds, even worse than most 18 year olds because she’s spoiled, rich, entitled and famous thanks to her parents being Johnny Depp….

Doesn’t bother me for some reason, because I figure if you’re celebrity rich kid – you’re by default going to be the worst…especially when you decide to “model” or “act” instead of getting a real life skill…because they want the Hollywood life too, it’s a joke, it’s easy, when you’ve made it…it’s easy living of literally never having to work and she’s made it…

So the hipster playing down to earth and “artistic” cuz she’s half European..is more just a style choice…from Urban Outfitters than an actual ideology….or life mission…

But she did once support saving the Sea Turtles…instead of posting coachella pics and that is a good start….to me thinking she may be cool..I guess we shall see…but in the meantime we can stare at them tits.



Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW




Liz Hurley Nipples of the Day

Liz Hurley See Through Dress Showing her Big Tits and Nipples

Liz Hurley just won’t stop. She’s got the itch and it’s getting scratched with each provocative picture she takes.

Clearly, she keeps pushing the limits of her pics for attention because she is getting the attention she craves in her soul that offsets her having to deal with being old and forgotten, old and irrelevant, or just old…because people out there think her body is hot, her tits are hot, her face injections hot, and they talk about it…giving her new life..

She’s finally brought out the nipples, and according to my sources, her 16 year old son is her photographer, because rich people are fucking weird, narcissism makes them inappropriate with their kids sexually, since they just don’t know the fucking difference….

This is pushing boundaries in ways white trash families would get arrested for…

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Patricia Gloria Contreras Topless of the Day

Patricia Gloria Contreras Topless Ass in a Black Thong on the Beach

We don’t know who Patricia Gloria Contreras is, but she is topless with them bolt ons in an Instagram beach photoshoot..caught by the paparazzi…because anyone can be famous thanks to social media and a willingness to show tits….even BOLT ON TITS…

She’s a Mexican in Miami..living the life of “CONTENT CREATOR”….content like this…

Or content like her and her POM (instagram clickbait dog) dancing..


She is living the Miami dream…and as it turns out she’s also a stepmother and has been since she was 18…which means one very important thing…SUGAR BABY…girl can focus on her work as a content creator thanks to some rich dude funding her…nice life…better than doing DONKEY SHOWS in TIJUANA like other Mexican whores.

Posted in:Patricia Gloria Contreras|SFW




Pink’s Mom Thighs Live the Florida Dream of the Day

Pink Big Mom Thighs and Ass in a black wet swimsuit in fort lauderdale

Pink looks like Florida more than anything else in this world besides a box of Tropicana Juice…

Everything about her, from her haircut to her thick thighs, her style and her music is what you’d expect from Florida…even her fucking name…screams FLORIDA…

I assume that from the strip of bars in Jacksonville, down the coast through Daytona…to Key West…all up the Gulf side from Fort Myers to fucking St Pete’s….and Panama City…her songs are blasted every night at least a dozen times in their cheesy, slushy boozy drink beach bars….

So seeing her in Florida is like some kind of coming home, just ghetto as fuck white girl…in the ocean…living the Florida Dream….

Posted in:Pink|SFW




Sofia Richie Big Tits of the Day

Sofia Richie Big Tits Braless in Black Top and White Pants

Unlike Nicole Camille Escovedo, she’s actually his kid, and not just some broken adopted brat, with angst from being adopted, as most adopted kids do, especially when their mom’s are groupie drug addicted whores…who probably didn’t know she was pregnant, and even if she did, still took as much band cock as she could backstage while wasted on whatever drugs were popular in 1980…hoping to either induce labor, or be the FUNNEST ABORTION EVER….living the fucking dream….until she was forced to throw the newborn in the trash for LIONEL to pick up and care for…

This Sofia Richie is his actual spoiled brat, later in life daughter…and as basic LA as you’d expect, all these people fuck each other, she’s banging the Kardashian husband and baby daddy, like her older sister probably used to back when her and Paris made fun of the half white Armenians trying to get in on their scene…

I don’t think an 18 year old broken rich kid dating a 40 year old is a bad thing, it’s kind of the whole dad she never had situation…I just think they look miserable and despressing in their paparazzi strategic life…that I assume Kris Jenner has set up as a storyline on the show and that Sofia Riche is on payroll for…She is a cast member. This is all a lie.


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Stefanie Giesinger Tits and Ass of the Day

Stefanie Giesinger Topless and Covering Her Pussy By Corey Vanderploegh

Stefanie Giesinger is some hot German Instagram Model, possibly another Eugenics situation….thanks to genetic modification of the evil evil German empire in the 40s…that has made some pretty fucking hot Aryans as part of his legacy…along with great engineered cars….because I guess there is always good to bad and bad to good…

She has 3.2 million followers so she’s a real fucking big deal…that’s a huge amount of people probably waiting to see her tits, unless she has the 3.2 million followres from showing her tits….I just can’t be too sure…because all this stuff crosses over and spills into each other…it’s the chicken or the egg…what came first the titty pic of the insta fame…WHO CAN EVEN KNOW or bother researching it because it just needs to be treated like the clickbait that it is…and that’s exactly what I want to do with it….

Stefanie Giesinger Ass Pantsless By Corey Vanderploegh

Posted in:Stefanie Giesinger




Suki Waterhouse Workout Erotica of the Day

Suki Waterhouse Working out in a Nude Bra and Red Shorts

Suki Waterhouse is some UK socialite who pretends to be a model…and now pretends to be an actor..she was hot a few years ago because she looked underage and guys like that but who looks like shit now that she’s in NYC trying to make it as an actor more seriously…cuz she clearly doesn’t have what is needed to model…

She has had sex with Brad Cooper….before he left her for the Hotter Irina…the meal ticket thrown out the window but the ego still massaged to think she’s a big deal..but she looks like shit in the gym, and her left tit’s doing something weird, but she’s in her bra for the paparazzi which I guess is what matters to these idiots trying to get media hits…


Posted in:SFW|Suki Waterhouse




Tallulah Willis Naked of the Day

Tallulah Willis Naked

Tallulah Willis is a Demi Moore and Bruce Willis daughter who have lived a pretty spoiled and blessed life, because that’s what happens when both your parents are stupid rich from being actors….

She looks a little too Bruce, but at least she’s got tits, tits that her feminist activist who has nothing else to do with her time than create and participate in art like this….art that some photographer is using her to elevate himself and that she embraces because she gets to be on camera…

In the first pic, above – we see her covered in paint, to prove to you that she is in fact an artist, because artists, they do paint…so do Mexican Migrant workers, but not naked, that would get them arrested and sent back to Mexico…

In the second pic – below – Here she is covered in some sort of sperm like substance – that we can assume is not sperm but what her mother’s vagina looks like due to all the sperm trapped inside it….it’s ok because in her old age it acts like lubricant…

Tallulah Willis Covered in Cum in a Black Swimsuit

In the third pic – below – her brother Rumer topless in panties – because it’s important to take a lesson form the Kardashians and make it a family affair..

Tallulah Willis Sister Rumer Topless in White Panties

Posted in:Rumer Willis|Tallulah Willis




Ashley Graham Spreading her Fat Legs of the Day

AShley Graham Big Fat Swimsuit Spreading Her LEgs 55

Ashley Graham posted up some pics of her spreading her legs – and the most amazing thing about this spread legs pics, I mean along with her not having a stroke trying to get into this position, is that her inner thighs aren’t discolored like most obese people from having them rub together…I am a fat man and know how these things work…I have had chaffing before and I’m not even a woman…I know this is some masterful work from her make-up artist who unfortunately has to smell her cheeseburger scented cunt while trying to perpetuate her lie that there is such thing as hot fat chicks…when the world knows the only thing hot about fat chicks is their statistically premature death and as a man married to a fat chick, even that isn’t that good, because it’s a slow death…diabetic and heart disease death…that opens the doors to a lot of fucking whining and neediness instead of a traditional suicide..

What I am getting at is – don’t believe or encourage Ashley Graham. She is all that is wrong with America…the fact they figured “Let’s use fat chicks to sell to fat chicks cuz fat chicks are tired of not relating to hot chicks”….instead of telling fat chicks they are disgusting…and that all sizes aren’t beautiful…and that clothing shouldn’t be available if you’re too fat…so that you don’t leave your damn house…until you get in fucking shape…

I hate this movement and not just because it clogs so many toilets….

It’s just everything wrong in America.

More of her Morbidly Obese Tits..

AShley Graham Big Fat Swimsuit Getting Wet

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW