I'll Make You Famous…




January Jones Bra in Overalls of the Day

January Jones cleavagein overalls

Older than Mount Rushmore, South Dakotan January Jones…..born in…you guessed it…January…and miraculously, became a famous set of tits on TV, thanks to acting requiring very little talent, just arrogance, something anyone with tits, who is told she’s hot enough – will have..

I don’t know how famous she is but famous enough to assume she fucked her way to the top because the daughter of Karen Sue, a sporting goods store manager, and Marvin Roger Jones, a gym teacher and fitness director….don’t get anywhere in hollywood…unless they suck that dick…


She’s taken a liking to posting tits on her social media feed, because she’s got tits and at 40, it’s important to take in all the attention she can.

This isn’t real tits, but the country bumpkin in the overalls, is almost believable…if we didn’t all know she was a social manipulating heathen.

Posted in:January Jones|SFW




Sistine Stallone Tits in a Pushup Bra of the Day

Sistine Stallone Tits in a Crochet Top

Sistine Stallone, who based on her face is a little too Stallone for my liking, you know when it comes to looking at women, it’s nice that they have womanly features, but who is still a Stallone heir, meaning she’s got that trust fund, making that money and doing whatever it is that she does, likely nothing…..to feel some sense of purpose or relevance…

The fact is that she’s got a better life than any of us, but she’s also probably more miserable than any of us, and not in a lets hate on rich people, they can’t be happy they are rich kind of way, but in a she’s gotta go through life with that face, no bank account balance, or luxury vacation will ever change that…

But at least she’s skinny…

So skinny that she’s maximizing hte little tits as hard as she can in her push up bra…but skinny…is good, worth celebrating, and redeeming….because a face doesn’t matter especially in doggy style position…

So that long flattened face…looking like she was one of Rocky’s Speed Bag…is worth noticing, at least that’s what she wants you to believe. Tits Out.

Posted in:SFW|Sistine Stallone




Sarah Hyland Slutty of the Day

Sarah Hyland In bed with her Glasses on

Sarah Hyland got a boyfriend – who I assume is a gay dude trying to climb the ranks of the LA social ladder – because his girlfriend is a big TV star or some shit….it’s what gay dudes do to get ahead…

So I guess she finally feels hot…because now someone is going down on her…and I assume no one has really gone down on her before…because she’s really fucking weird looking ….then I remember rich girls can be as weird looking as weird gets – it don’t matter – dudes will still get up in it cuz we are perverts..

But as it turns out, she’s also pretty fucking annoying.

I don’t know why every woman out there demanding equality and respect is a selfie pornographer. But they are.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Alexandra Daddario Sociological Study of the Tits of the Day

Here’s a sociological study that none of us needed to be exposed to, part of, run through….involving Alexandra Daddario, the tits from True Detective and whatever other scams she’s pulled with her tits….doing a stupid dance and sing along for some asshole who is filming her, laughing at her, pandering to her, thinking she’s funny, encouraging her to keep up the funny, all while pretty much humilating herself…unless people actually like this humor, in which case I’ll understand why I am obscure…

You watch this and think…god this is bad…who is this woman…she’s trash, she’s garbage, get rid of her…

But then you cross reference it to some photoshoot from whenever for whatever, wherever…of her tits…and it’s like…keep acting like an idiot Mariah…you can do no wrong…

Men are but a simple creature.

Alexandra Daddario GQ Ass and Tits in a Red Swimsuit

Posted in:Alexandra Daddario|SFW




Pia Mia Insta-Thot of the Day

Pia Mia Long Body in a Blue Bikini

Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam born…which was convenient for moving to the mainland to make it in America……jailbait who was…that had and probably still has a huge social media following, thanks to strategic parents who want so much that she became famous…

She’s got a pretty useless IMDB…where she was in one movie called Santa Paws…a couple of years ago..that I assume never hit…but that I also assume is far more than anyone else born in Guam has pulled off in the entertainment industry…

BUT WHO NEEDS MOVIES…when you have social media to carry you, to get a recording career, to become the hot video vixen with the fake tits and tight asian body that is likely under 5 feet tall…

You can do it yourself, by posting provocative pics…and that alone can help you become the next MILEY…

She’s 21…and this is what she’s up to .

Here’s a good posing pic for you…

Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Titty Shirt of the Day

Kendall Jenner in a See through brown shirt

Kendall Jenner in what looks like a see-through shirt doing the rounds at some fashion show where she’s sucking up to people to let them know she’s there and willing to promote their products on her social media feed if they pretend she’s an actual model more than just an instagram feed…

Because the fact is her position in anything she does is “Sales Guy”….the only reason she exists is because young people click and buy…while if they didn’t…she wouldn’t matter and brands wouldn’t be sucking her dick….that she had attached to her from when her dad cut off his…you know keep it in the family…you never know when you’ll need a sales hook to help your sales and marketing strategy when you’re not just a cute girl looking cute for a brand…you’re a marketing agency that gets results…even though you’re also a moron and all this just sort of randomly happened and is undeserved…

In more interesting see through pics – of people I will not be doing a post on – here’s Andra Day – Whoever the fuck that is…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Posh Spice/ Victoria Beckham in Vogue Spain of the DAy

Victoria Beckham Cover of Vogue Spain

Robot Sex Doll woman from the Spice Girls still looks good, skinny, and worthy of looking at….which I could have predicted when the Spice Girls happened, because the skinny ones usually age the best, as the ones with the tits usually grow into sloppy messes…

She looks pretty good for someone who is old and who has shat out a dozen kids with David Beckham, back when he took time off fucking all other girls who weren’t Posh Spice…because when you’re Beckham – you have options…

I don’t understand what the reason Posh is so well maintained…nice and preserved…because no girls I know look like this – especially not moms…even in their 20s…

Maybe it’s a money thing, poor bitches are disgusting and eat garbage, they have to slave away to buy shitty food…while this one’s rich and rich comes with perks like spending your days laying down to conserve energet so that you can do all you can to not eat…. Who can be too sure, is she an eating disorder, or just lovely, or is she lovely regardless…

As much as I’m disgusted by women aging, I support aging well…you sort of have to.

Posted in:SFW|Victoria Beckham




Hailey Baldwin Better a Dancer in the Dark for Marie Claire of the Day

Hailey Baldwin in Lace Pants and A Bra

Hailey Baldwin is on the rise, finally, she’s been working hard at it, leveraging from every angle, because I guess she thinks she’s hot and deserves celebrity as a model, or maybe she just knows her friends are ugly and got celebrity as models, so it’s not unlikely that it will happen for her, even if it takes her a little longer to get there..she’ll get there…thanks to not actually having to work because I guess Stephen Baldwin has money from the handful of shitty movies he’s been in…


My theory on this is that each of these little rich kids that don’t deserve to be models, and who never worked a day in their life, other than taking handouts, get tired of the hype once they get the hype and fade away to only work on project that are close to their attention seeking hearts – or that pay a ton of money..

So Kendall Dropped, Kylie Dropped, GIGI Dropped…and soon Bella will drop…when bored…making room for this one…and it’s starting..she’s getting magazine covers..

Sure Marie Claire Italy isn’t Vogue, but it’ll get there…the clickbait is real…she’s doing it..

In these photos you can see her dancer body, in dancer poses, because I guess she trained as a dancer growing up…that’s where all her discipline comes…that and the Jesus here weirdo recovering addict who found god father shoved down her throat like it was one of her sexual conquests, like Bieber.

Here is her uneven lip enjection that should be a meme but I’m not influential..

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Alexandra Smelova Nude Model of the Day

Alexandra Smelova Nude Showing Tits

Alexandra Smelova is the nude model of the day, because I realize there are more girls getting nuded in photoshoots for fun, than there are girls getting nude for photoshoots that are paid, and often times the nude photoshoots that are for fun, are with girls a lot more interesting than girls who would get paid to get nude….

It’s just this young, do it yourself, arrogance, ego, willingness to get naked cuz you have rockin tits thanks to the hormones in the food, in a “maybe I’ll get famous, start vlogging, be the next youtuber to offend people with dead bodies”…

It’s the interent, thank you internet for all your blessings, like this Russian babe I would never have come across without you…

Posted in:Alexandra Smelova




Girl Fart Compilation 93,000 People Watched On Youtube and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Asked to Leave for Breastfeeding, Also Amazing She’s Reproduced….

Dog Loves His Master

Backflip of the Day

Weird Nude Dance

RC Car Speeding on Freeway

Drunk Girls Rob Pizza Guy

Car Jumps the Curb – Hits Two People

Russian Granny on the Hoverboard

Stripper Bride Does a Choreographed Dance

Crazy Floor Collapse

Man Drives a Huge Load

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos