I'll Make You Famous…




Cindy Crawford’s Tit in 1988 Marc Jacobs Show of the Day

I am thankful for it never being too late to post a tit pic….

In fact, when the woman in the tit pic is still alive, and a mom of two, after years of aging…because this is from 1988, 30 fucking years ago…it is encouraged…

If you’re going to look at a tit pic of anyone over 30, it best be one from the archives of what was, cuz no one wants to deal with their current shit…

Unless when their current shit, is their clone they created with all their money, who they are throwing out to the world to do the exact same thing this one did….30 years later..named Kaia…

The archive tits, thanks to the internet, are like new tit pics to me…and in this case better than new tit pics..so consider it a Thanksgiving miracle…

Posted in:Cindy Crawford




January Jones Keeps Bringing it to Social Media of the DAy

Old Lady South Dakotan January Jones…..born in…you guessed it…January…and miraculously, became a famous set of tits on TV, thanks to acting requiring very little talent, just arrogance, something anyone with tits, who is told she’s hot enough will have..

She is the daughter of Karen Sue, a sporting goods store manager, and Marvin Roger Jones, a gym teacher and fitness director.

And she’s made it in Hollywood, this is not a “her uncle is Weinstein”…it’s more “She was Weinsteined” and even has the baby to prove it…just don’t tell the wife of the powerful person she bred with…keep it under wraps like he was Seacrest is likely doing with all his mistresses and women he mistreated…paying them the fuck off so they don’t turn on him…running through his contact book with checks so he doesn’t get publicly slaughtered…

She’s taken a liking to posting tits on her social media feed, because she’s got tits and at 40, it’s important to take in all the attention she can.

I still don’t get how she exists…but she exists and this is her Thanksgiving Turkey content….

I prefer – This Turkey Content…at least when talking about January Jones.

Posted in:January Jones|SFW




Elle Fanning’s Creepy Mirror Selfie of the Day

Elle Fanning's Creepy Mirror Selfie

This is a creepy picture that creepy Elle Fanning put out to the internet 21 hours ago…of her in front of a mirror looking busty…which makes her less creepy…not because of her padded bra or swollen tits in a white T-Shirt…but because she actually has a reflection.

You’d think being a creepy fucking vampire…you know because she’s so pale and because her family are weirdos who if anyone was a vampire, it’d be them…

You know all that sneaking their young kids into the public eye at a very young age…and by sneaking I mean selling them the fuck out..creating serious fucking weirdos…

And here’s that selfie.

Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Hailee Steinfeld in a Bra of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld in a Bra

I don’t know when the sexualization of Hailee Steinfeld happened, I mean I am sure some of you redneck perverts have been sexualizing her since she was cast on True Grit and her fanbase sort of grew from there, there’s a reason why all these teens end up with massive audiences and it’s not because other teens are following them on social media…it’s because the world, exspecially on the internet, is perverted and allows dudes to privately enough tap into that perversion….those instincts you feel when in public but don’t acton and instead you go home to research or get into….because of the internet…

I do know that the True Grit star, who at one point was just a chubby quirky 18 year old girl, has managed to position her career as a singer because singers make more money than actors and in doing that…she’s got fit, looks good and posts provocative shit on the internet…in her bra – so NAUGHTY and click-baity…clever.

Here she is deep stretching…

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




18 Year Old Naked Madonna doing Ballet Nude of the Day

Madonna’s nude photos from when she were 18 in 1977 – see model release form – are up for auction…

She’s naked, doing Ballet, being edgy and artistic, and an exhibitionist…in an era where she could have gone into porn as easily as become a NYC scenester in the club scene who managed to trick executives to give her a record deal, and build her up to the billion dollar earning icon she is today..

All it took was a willingness to do what she was told, to put herself out there, in front of the camera…which is what it takes to get famous….

So all these instagram girls getting naked have a fucking shot…they could be the next Madonna, they just have to keep getting naked, until it takes them to the right circles….

This is a post of aspiration and a pretty lame ass for an 18 year old, I guess people had different diets then….less fat and jacked up on estrogen…

She doesn’t look hot, but naked skinny women with bush in the 70s doing dance poses….is in and of itself hot…

Sure Madonna is the fucking worst….but she was a girl with a dream like so many girls out there…so take these in….and see them for the magic they are.

Posted in:Madonna




Anna Kendrick Brought her Tits to some The Voice Mash Up Promo of the Day

I guess marketers understand that the only people who go to the movies are the people who still watch TV, so the people at Pitch Perfect, who produced another movie, even though Anna Kendrick is 40 and awkward looking, while the asian one looks like she’s pushing 60, and we know the fat one along with eating her weight in cake, is officially 50, but you can’t call her out for it, because she will sue you an win, it’s her right to lie about her age, cuz she’s fat filled and wrinkle-less as her skin barely can support the pressure of her obesity….while Hailee Steinfeld who is the only college aged one..and probably the only one worth fucking…

You see Anna Kendrick has such a fucking terrible face, a weird little mouth, the kind of look that makes her look like she’s sucking on lemons, and when I hear people find her hot, I write them off as people who watch the voice, and would go to the movies….even though they are probably just dudes with low expectations, and she’s better than the local trash available to them…you know love the average at best chick and her cleavage…

I just expect more out of overpaid cunt. I want them to be hot…and it’s more than just fucking cleavage to win me over.

There’s something weird going on with her legs too….but I can’t figure that one out…but look at the tits bro…keep getting this mangled chick hired…you asshoels.

Theres a video…i wish I didn’t post…

Posted in:Anna Kendrick|SFW




Dora Yoder Hot Bush of the Day

Dora Yoder Hot Bush

Dora Yoder is some hipster “model” or “artist” as she probably likes to be referred to as…you know it legitimizes her existence as more than just naked clickbait imagery for the internet – in efforts to get attention and seen – so that she can polarize what she does into actually mattering, leading to work, or money, or people buying her art..it’s all tactical and if you’re cute enough it works….

I am not hating, I think the world needs girls like this to inspire other girls to grow out their bush, since bush is my fucking life, I’ve been an advocate for bush forever, I want as big a bush as possible, a panty pillow really and all that bald pussy shit is for Bros and Kardashians….not for young girls I want to have sit on my face.

I am not going to go into my bush promotional campaign, I’ve been writing about it forever and YOU should know by now..

I am going to put up pictures of a girl and her bush, that she doesn’t want you to jerk off to cuz it’s art, which makes jerking off to it more gratifying…

Dora Yoder…I love you.

Posted in:Dora Yoder




I’m Thankful for Ireland Baldwin of the Day

Ireland Baldwin

I figure I should be thankful for Ireland Baldwin, because no one else in the world is, not even her own parents..

I know referencing Alec Baldwin calling her a pig on the voicemails he left Kim Bassinger when in divorce, when talking about Ireland Baldwin, is basic, played out, boring, but hilarious…and the most interesting thing about this spoiled, entitled, forever in the shadows of her parents, strong jaw, massive monster over 6 feet tall that isn’t a celebrated model, even though she’s big enough to be a model, while all these other people like her own cousin, who I am sure she hates are short, not modelesque and making it…

What I am saying is that I am thankful for Ireland Baldwin choosing the instagram life, the attempt to get famous like her parents by getting half naked, I am thankful for her already having a stint in rehab because life as a broken identity crisis rich girl is so hard…you know all the nice thing in life, the nothing to worry about in life, leads to so much to worry about themselves, so much that doesn’t fucking matter.

Imagine, girl has an allowance more than any of you make, houses all over the fucking place to live at, money to eat, and she still manages to fucking whine…and medicate..poor little rich girl…..

Thanksgiving Miracle…or Thanksgiving trainwreak…who has a massive potato shaped head…that comes with a willingness to get topless…good times..

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




V4 Twenty Vaping with Pussy of the Day

It’s thanksgiving, and I figure that I’ll give thanks to our longtime partner over at V4-Twenty …who have been working with us to bring you this Great American Pop Culture everyday….without them….there would be no servers paid, no alochol in my veins, not rage against how ridiculous humans are…so thank you…

I am more of a drinker, but should get more into the Cannabis world, maybe it would chill me out and cure me of cancer and not make me as fat as I am…and when I make that Transition like I was Bruce Jenner and going from booze to weed is like chopping of my dick / my all I know…I am going to do it with my V4-Twenty Vape…

It’s called THE PLUSH …because vaping is soft like the plush velvet nightgown my lap dancing stripper had on the another night, only a lot more fun because it doesn’t mislead you with lies about how bad it wants to fuck you, rubbing you to lure you into the next song…

Either way, it’s fun for people who like vaping so buy the people in your lives a V4-Twenty VAPE for Christmas, or today, or whatever…

Here’s some PUSSY and the Vape…I promised in the clickbait misleading title…it’s the only way I can get your damn attention.

Posted in:Featured Post|SFW




Deepika Padukone from the XXX Movies Lookin Hot of the Day

Deepika Padukone from the XXX Movies Lookin Hot

Since Thanksgiving is based on the coming to America Pilgrims, befriending and earning the trust of Indians, before taking over their land in bad deals, basically treating them like livestock, sterilizing their women, trying to assimilating them, calling them savages, you know feeding them drugs and alcohol to destroy their people, who lived in a communal and amazing way, in touch with nature….but luckily now we have cities, and taxation, and poverty, and rich evil men where there were once forests and animals…suburban subdivisions, malls, sky scrapers…money money money…make that money….medication, shitty non-organic, chemical filled foods we feed our kids…and the whole thing is fucked…

I figure why not post a hot Indian Deepika Padukone….from XXX Vin Diesel movies….because Indians are what we need to celebrate today…not the WHITE TURKEY EATING FAT AMERICAN AN HER CORN MEAL CASSEROLE AND VARIETY OF STORE BOUGHT PIE FROM HER RETARD SCOOTER CUZ SHE HAS NO FEET THANKS TO DIABETES….#America.

Either way, here she is stripped out of her tribal dress and feathers for your perving…

Posted in:Deepika Padukone|SFW