I'll Make You Famous…




Barbara Palvin’s Topless Ad for Tod’s of the Day

Tod’s isn’t paying me to post this, but they should be, because it only has 600 views, and I’ll make that shit go viral, and they’re getting that for free, because they they tricked me into posting it, because they turned Barbara Palvin, into some Jack in the Box with her titties out…not that anyone really cares that much about Barbara Palvin, not enough for her tits to go viral….but maybe I’m wrong about her, the big girl from Victoria’s Secret…all Hungarian and clearly Hungry because she got fat after Victoria’s Secret forgot her…even though they used her to protect their brand back in the Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber like a dirty drunk Australian…and who is now…Hungry to make a comeback…topless..good.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Legit of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Women have an expiration date, so there is no real shock that Jennifer Love Hewitt has expired, especially after close to 15 years of being fat, struggling with her fat, which has probably been more depressing for her fans, that never saw this coming, than it is for her, who probably never saw it coming as she ate her feelings from being in this high pressure world…


I always know that her skinny frame didn’t make sense for massive tits….but her massive tits made it clear she could gain fat…just in the right places at 18-22….but the second that metabolism kicks in…and Menopause starts approaching…month after month one less egg in her ovary to drop…the rest of your body catches up to your tits…

So here’s some Expired Jennifer Love…with that ass…that’s pretty fucking legit, and not in a good way, more in a so big, it’s real…fucking real…in a world where I prefer fantasy…

Take it in….because it’s not that bad, in a world of fat legs and fat asses some of you, this thickness is hot…and really…it’s not as bad as it could be….but she probably hates herself for it.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt|SFW




Martha Hunt in Maxim of the Day

Martha Hunt in Maxim

Martha Hunt is some Taylor Swift groupie, one of her real life barbie Dolls that Swift collected, and probably plays with, because she had no childhood…you know and Martha Hunt follows the lead because all these idiots are fame whores and like the more famous – it legitimizes them….

That said, I know, she’s a hired hooker, it’s not that impre

ssive to see her half naked, it’s her job, what she does…I just would expect more from Helen Hunt’s daughter, you know that Mad About You money should allow her to live a life that’s not her naked…

This is for Maxim, a magazine that still exists, still produces content, usually dull, but better than it was for a solid decade…and this is their cover girl…

Maxim used to pay me for traffic, because that’s how important I am…but sent lawyers on me after the fact to remove the content they paid me to post…because like Martha Hunt..I am a hired hooker….only my Johns treat me shitty…

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Sveta Utkina Titty Model of the Day

Sveta Utkina Titty Model

Sveta Utkina reminds me that I don’t have enough Sveta’s in my life….you know a little Svetlana to get topless in photoshoots for me…

But alas, I am not rich enough to buy one off the internet, and I think I’d hate having a mail order wife because I would know that they were going to try to kill me off in my sleep, through sex, so that they take my empire from me…which I guess doesn’t sound terrible….maybe I should refocus my efforts and find one really desperate to leave…

That said, I have no idea who she is….but her tits happened. HI TITS.

Posted in:Sveta Utkina




Gal Gadot is Full of Shit in Elle of the Day

Gal Gadot

This whole sexual assault, woman power, especially when it is IDF Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, who was a virtual no one, but who now has the Authority to get the man who hired her fired from the production of her next movie, because he talks about blowjobs with actresses after years of getting blowjobs from actresses…it’s idiotic…

This woman supporting woman, down with the rapists, blacklist the rapists from Hollywood, even though the rapists were the same people they were sucking up to years earlier, public outcry now all of a sudden, because it’s trending and convenient, and good for PR to disassociate with everything bad, even though they all know what’s going on in the world they live in, but ignored it until they had to…

Whether it’s Sarah Silverman, or Rose McGowan, they all knew what was going down and are pretending they didn’t to not look like assholes, even though they are assholes..assholes out for themselves and this is just part of that hustle…

It’s funny to me…hypocrisy in the industry…these evil money grubbers and their master manipulation doesn’t fool me..

That said, I was sent this article on Medium that’s been removed but still in the Cache about how Gal Gadot, the Wonder Woman, doesn’t actually care about girls getting raped…shocking…

I copied it – click more – to see it – it could be fantasy, a lie, bullshit, but it’s safe to assume that the celebrities who are money hungry, power hungry, and told to position themselves a certain way as puppets that they are, are just trying to come across as “Wonder Woman” feminists, when really they want to be sexualized, paid, and turned into big stars..for their egos…

She was a virtual no one..and now she’s a huge star…she’ll do and say anything…

It’s all nonsense…and here are some pics of her.


Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Joanna Halpin and Sarah Halpin Shoot of the Day

Joanna Halpin and Sarah Halpin Shoot

Joanna Halpin and Sarah Halpin are apparently sisters, they are in this together, taking on the instagram world of self promotion the right way, because they are in it together, creating a fetish for people who like fucking sisters, or sisters who fuck, the kind of incest far more normal to jerk off to than dads fucking their daughters…right..

I don’t know if they are actually related, but they are free spirited, hip, current, and topless together, as sisters should be…

Here are the updated topless pics…

Posted in:Joanna Halpin|Sarah Halpin




Eugenics Heidi Klum Butt Shot of the Day

Eugenics Heidi Klum Butt Shot

Heidi Klum cock teases for this bullshit instagram pic that she posted of her tanning naked…with her ass exposed…because I guess she likes the attention she gets when people try to make sense of how good she looks…even though it’s clearly all based on her being from Nazi German stock…you know some Hitler creating a superior race, killing off all the uglies, leaving the good to breed things like this…

I would be more interested in seeing her actual vagina, but I guess we should be thanking her for keeping it hidden..you know since Seal used his forearm sized cock to ravage her in ways only a German fetishist in a S&M Sex Club high on Many Opiates could handle…she’s also had dozens of kids from that German S&M sex….making her the leader of a Beige Army and I’d think it is safe to say, that 50 year old Twat is not something you’d really want to explore…but then I realize we are pervert and into all vagina, even old vagina…because it is vagina, even if no Kegel is strong enough to tighting that slop hole up….

But Suggestive Pics…aren’t blown out battered womb pics…so we can be distracted by the smoke and mirrors…

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Dora Madison Burge Naked of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Naked

Dora Madison Burge is not famous, but apparently she’s on TV, on a show called Chicago Fire, that is not to be confused with Chicago PD, or Chicago Medics, or any of the other Chicago based emergency worker shows that I guess are some kind of franchise that people are into watching…because people are morons and need simplistic topics to get locked into a show and give TV their ratings, that actually don’t mean anything, but that are how they sell their ads.

THAT SAID….Dora Madison Burge is on the shit, but more interestingly, she’s posting nudes to her instagram that has 10 followers, either to get noticed, to maximize her social media presence, or to take advantage of booking TV show…and leveraging it like a Bella Thorne…

I went to her social media, that you can google, I’m not paid to promote Instagram, and her posts are all on the “Down with the Patriarchy” “feminist” shit…so this ass pic is for feminism..just to be clear…when you sexualize it.

Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Padma Lakshmi See Through of the Day

Padma Lakshmi See Through

Padma Lakshmi posted a straight up nipple pic for attention on social media…

Because there’s no way this was a slip up, it’s more a straight up, look at my tits fans, I need some attention…

Typical behavior from an egotistical asshole….

I guess she was trying to be sexy for some new billionaire she’s trying to make her daddy….with tits that billionaires have liked in the past, and that she’s hoping that new billionaires think are worth cumming to…..

She is most famously known as being a sugar baby. Seducing old billionaires.

She’s so dark, not just in color, but in this entitled and egotistical way, she pretends the baby she is carrying from one billionaire – when it actually belongs to another billionaire….and the billionaire she was playing was dying of cancer – only to ensure that baby – who wasn’t even that billionaire’s baby – gets the fucking billion dollar inheritance…despite already having a billion dollar inheritance from the actual biological father…because she’s a fucking dirty, low level trick…who targets the high end john…into paying up.

We call it the DOUBLE DOWN that only works with really solid timing…liek you need to PLANT that Billionaire 1, who is not the Billionaire dies before the baby is born, so that he leaves the baby all his money, and when baby is born DNA proves it’s another Billionaire’s baby…

AWESOME…especailly for a 50 year old…

Why does she exist again?

Posted in:Padma Lakshmi




Victoria’s Secret Models in China of the Day

Victoria's Secret Models in China

The Victoria’s Secret infomercial that no one will bother watching on TV, but that will get a lot of social media content out of their girls for the Black Friday / Cyber Monday rush, it’s strategically timed to blow their sales out of the water, in what is their biggest time of the year for sales, besides Valentines Day…..and they are doing it in China…

I find it ironic, I mean the product is basically made in Chinese factories that make some Chinese people rich, while makes the massive make enough to eat, sweatshop wages, and has been produced there forever, I’ve heard from people at the company that the brand doesn’t even bother designing their own lingerie anymore, they just put their label on factory underwear already being made, I also think they sell so much volume that they probably own a bunch of factories, an that shit is shipped to the USA distribution centers, to sell at malls and online for the middle of the road people…but they’ve capped, and most importantly found a better way to maximize margins…target the rich asians..

If you live in an urban center, you’ll know that that Chinese money is being spent hard in North America, these people are fucking rich…I think 40% of real estate sold in Canada was to Chinese Nationals…meaning they don’t even live in Canada…I know people who worked at high end stores and had Chinese nationals come in and buy 100,000 dollar purses and cars…CASH…it’s just a crazy place I guess..

And any retailer knows that Chinese people are buying from their websites and that they are shipping goods shipped from china that cost 1 dollar, back to china at 100 dollars…and it’s crazy…so do an event there…get seen, get noticed, push your flagship store and with GLOBALIZATION…you don’t even have to pay to ship shit back to American and back to China, you can do it all there…PURE PROFIT…

So why not do your fashion show there, ship your ladies on Commerical first class, no private jets where they promo model hard for you…

Here they are:

Bella Hadid…undeserving, but does it for free. She’s not a real model..

Candice Swanepoel….

Martha Hunt Upside Down…

There will be more, that’s enough for now.

Posted in:Candice Swanpoel|SFW