I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora – Who? – In a Comic Book Themed Slutfit of the Day

Rita Ora as Poison Ivy

I still don’t know who Rita Ora is, even though I know exactly who Rita Ora is, but I say it in a way to reflect the general public…because she’s never done anything of substance that you should know her for, and her clickbait isn’t even good clickbait, but her tits are good, and I guess that’s the reason she exists..because tits in the right circles, sitting at the right table in that push up bra, get the right media coverage, support, paychecks, brand deals to exist…She’s a scam…but we should appreciate scammers, they are far more interesting than real actual famous people, they try harder to perpetuate their lie.

Here she is in some nerd comic book clickbait costume to open up a new market of nerds since nerds are loyals in what is probably an attempt to have more longevity that you know she is as amazed as we are that she has…unless she’s just a tyrant crazy person with an ego who thinks she deserves it…Who knows.

And videos…

To see the rest of the clickbait costume pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Avril Lavigne Does Halloween of the DAY

Avril Lavigne Does Halloween

I think she’s dressed as a late 90s fake mall rat punk with terrible style – who has been married twice to terrible Canadian acts because she’s Canadian and they get each other – now in her 40s..but still listens to Blink 182…when not dying of Lyme Disease.

I do not know what a WWE costume on Avril Lavigne will do to most of you loser perverts – but I bet terrible things….

Posted in:Avril Lavigne|SFW




Amy Hixson titties for Guess? of the Day

Amy Hixson titties for Guess

Amy Hixson is trying to be the new Anna Nicole Smith…but is more the new Charlotte McKinney….

They claim to be Guess? Models but they’ve only been in some shoot they got a retweet on the Guess feed…it’s not official..

I googled her and found out that she is a Victoria’s Secret model, or was a Victoria’s Secret model at 5 foot 11, and that this isn’t her pulling some low level shit, this is actually getting paid to pull out them tits for the brand, even though the shoot looks totally fucking bootleg…or as bootleg as any shoot could be that features tits, which we know is not bootleg at all because tits, anyway you dice them…are premium, luxury and amazing…

That’s about all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Amy Hixson




Lauren de Graaf in her Underwear for Wonderland Magazine of the Day

Lauren de Graaf in her Underwear for Wonderland Magazine

Lauren de Graaf is some Dutch model, who in 2015, before graduating from high school, was plucked up by an agency and sold to the fashion industry to walk on a runway in their overpriced clothing, at their overproduced event, that people with money who are bored and don’t really know what actually matters in life, sit around thinking they are important and exclusive….

When the porn career plucks up girls before graduating from high school, people get arrested, as they fucking should, but for some reason, a reason I call money, the racket that is Fashion allows this pedophilia shit to exist…and I guess according to Corey Feldman so does actual Hollywood…

She’s 2 years out of High School now, so it’s less perverted to look at the model in underwear for a magazine…but still perverted, just perverted enough I’d say…

Posted in:Lauren de Graaf|SFW




Slutty Bieber Fucking Instagram Hooker of the Day

Chantal Jeffries Slutty Bieber Fucking Instagram Hooker

Chantal Jeffries is some jacked up faced, Kardashian looking, social media hooker who I think got famous because she was in the car with Bieber when he got caught speeding in the Lamborghini, but I can’t be too sure, it’s so hard to differentiate these not famous, barely relevant, but well followed, jacked up faces on social media…they all look like the same clown….

Apparently, she’s a DJ, which is as much of a joke as her being a model, this is the era of anyone can be a DJ because the audience is too dumb to know what is quality….but I guess it makes sense since she needs an angel to make her banging black rappers and athletes and money feel like less prositution….clever…or basic…she’s still flashing panties and I dig that….because if you’re going to look like a whore and pretty much be a whore, let me watch from the sidelines, give me a taste of what I could never afford, or really don’t think it’s worth the price it’s charging…


Posted in:Chantal Jeffries|SFW




Shay Mitchell in a Slutty Bathing Suit for Relevance of the Day

Shay Mitchell in a Slutty Bathing Suit

Shay Mitchell is some Canadian rich kid, possibly have Indian, dot not feather, roots, who was raised rich in the rich area of West Vancouver, where a girl I know knew her or her brother and said she was a cunt and I’ll believe that because I know Canadians, I am Canadian, and the second a Canadian makes it in America after being in Degrassi, they end up thinking they are bigger and better than Canada…

So there’s no hanging out and seeing any Shay Mitchell titties at our Canada wide Canada party where all 1000 Canadians get together in an Igloo to fuck and make more Canadians…she’s too good for that..

Especailly now that she’s on a hit show, or what was a hit show, with her 18 million followers that she cleverly figure out she could monetize, by creating her own brand, releasing her own series of teen novels, producing her own videos, doing her own “influencer” traveling series on youtube where the real money is at…called Shaycation and now she’s posting racy pics to social media to keep them hits up because all these girls are just attention seekers, some are just smarter and cash in when they can and you can’t really hate that…but I can hate how much I know about Shay Mitchell, when really I’ve never seen anything she does…I blame her being the only famous girl besides Celine and Drake from Canada….so that I get the inside scoop when really I just want to stare at her 30 year old, too old to play a teen, fit ass….

Here she is working out slutty…

Here she is jumping on the bed…

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Anja Rubik for Numero Berlin of the Day

Anja Rubik for Numero Berlin

Anja Rubik is a titty model, who I guess is seen as a fashion model, because that’s hot these titty models who are tall polarize their titty modeling….and she’s in some German edition of Numero magazine…doing some weird, angular, artsy, attempt to display that body parts are just body parts and we are all god’s people, despite their not being a conventional god, but rather a creepy dude with mannequin parts in his basement….that he makes hybrid looking humans to jerk off to…because everything is for masturbation purposes, from artistic fashion shoots, to body parts in the basement…we are a weird species with too much time on our hands and no enough human suffering….or survival…

But I’m into her titties!!

Posted in:Anja Rubik




Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine of the Day

Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine

Hey virgin losers…I know you are out there because who the fuck else would be reading a site about celebrities no one cares about…

More importantly, who would be reading a site about their cleavage…like it’s hot…or like it matters…in a world filled with porn and other websites that have all this bullshit content way sooner because they produce it themselves, or because they have interns….

Then there’s the whole social media thing, you can watch social media streams from your mini computer…and you don’t need people like me….posting up pictures from a magazine of an older woman who won the lottery and now plays WonderWoman, in what I assume is Jewish guilt, like the producer of the movie felt bad that there weren’t enough women from the motherland in the movies, so they scooped her up in what could be a charitable effort…but I don’t know the actual story…I just know I don’t watch Wonder Woman movies, but apparently I pander to their promotional tours that made this Gal extra famous and rich..even though she’s old….

She was also at the Justice League Premiere in Asia because she’s in it, part of her Lottery Win that was Wonder Woman – you can see the pics if you CLICK HERE

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Fan Pisses in a Cup and Throws it Into Crowd and Other Videos of the Day

Tits Getting Painted at the Mall

Bull Vs Man – Good Bull

Racist White Woman Calling Black Guys Names…

Idiot Pedestrian of the Day

Car Wash Dance

Man Stole Car – Owner of Car Had Bees Covering his Arm as Punishment

Big Fat Guy Gets Killed and Robbed in Brazil

10 Year Ohio Kid Joy Riding

Kid Shooting Out His Window onto Street and Posted it to Instagram

Fast Soccer Player…

Dude Starts Pool Fight – Gets Knocked Down

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I used to be a guy who would leave the house, get wasted, try to seduce women, usually end up offending them, only to come home to pass out on the floor, waking up hours later with my dick in hand and pants around my ankles…

Then I was the guy wh would leave the house, get wasted, instead of trying to seduce women, I would find a cheap hooker to suck my dick in an alley…only to come home, pass out on the floor, waking up hours later not knowing where my wallet was or why my dick was burning…

I then became a guy who would never leave the house, get wasted and try to seduce women over social media, getting nudes, only to pass out on the floor and wake up hours later with my dick in hand..

Then I got too lazy to seduce women over social media, it required so much work so I just offered them money to send me nudes, not much, less than what I was paying at the bar…and figured it was worth it…

Now, I am the man who stays up late at night, applying coconut oil to my painful hemorrhoid while watching youtube videos on how to cure hemorrhoids…

I guess this is growing up.

Here are some stepLINKS….

Here are some stepLINKS….

Record Breaking Speed Talker

Gays on the Disney Show

Hot Celeb of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian – Fat Thigh

Demi Rose is Disgusting

Free Whopper at Burger King if You’re Dressed like a Clown on Halloween..

Katy Perry is Digusting

Ash Benson and Rick Ross snitch

Three Decade Long Dungeons and Dragons Game

Sofia Vegara Tight Legs in Jeans…

The Trailer for Some Netflix Show Called Bright

Hot Chick Felon

Posted in:stepLINKS