I'll Make You Famous…




Deli Lovato Butt Shot of the Day

Demi Lovato is on some LOOK at me kick. Her long term boyfriend must be over her and she’s mad about it – so she’s shaped up and is posting look at pics of me where you have to deal with knowing you can’t get with it anymore…

To which he says “I am fez from that 70s show and I was fucking you when you were fat to distract you from all the hot chicks I was fucking behind your back when you were on tour, but good job on the getting fit and posting erotica, it kind of takes away credibility from you body positive stance you had when you were dating me and fat….maybe you coulda done the fit slut thing when we were fucking so I didn’t have to deal with that belly…”….at least that’s what I’d say…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Martha Hunt Fitness for Money of the Day

Martha Hunt is a slut. If she wasn’t why else would she be getting half naked to self promote shameless and in most cases get paid for it…which I guess means she’s a whore…and whore getting paid and celebrated by the CAPITALIST MEDIA. A conduit used to SELL product to other aspiring sluts and whores, thinking if they buy the made in CHINA bullshit that will likely give them a yeast infection, they can look just as good as this 5 Foot 10, sleeps with rich guys, pile of good old MODEL shit…

Promo model garbage – but at least she’s friends with TAYLOR swift though…

TO See HER at some Event CLICK HERE

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Sera Mann Naked for Playboy US of the DAy

Sera Mann is a model – apparently, she’s got 14k followers which means she’s a nobody in terms of Instagram. Everyone and your fucking granny has more followers than that and she doesn’t even post pics of her freshly shaved asshole, she’s just been on since the early days and amassed that audience…while this one…gets fucking naked…

She is in Playboy US’ new post nude chicks again….there’s no labia to be classy…there is no celebrity to be the people who find the talent and make the stars like they once did…on an attempt to revive the past when really there’s no hope because all these girls are whoring themselves out without Playboy but they keep trying….

I guess nudity in Playboy, despite Playboy being irrelevant should be celebrated because it’s back even though it is something that should have never been removed but people are retards and chase that PAPER money…thinking it’d get them more readers while the world is posting nudes all day – real clever guys.


Posted in:Sera Mann




Victoria Justice Blue Hair Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

Victoria Justice is the bootleg Arianna Grande, because Arianna Grande was her co-star on her show, that was called Victorialicious or some shit, after her, the title character…who is doing weird hipster photos to be edgy and fashionable, while Grande is out there getting fucking paid bro…

Either way, the less successful one who was once the egotistical one, with a little humbling – makes for the more interesting child star turned adult shameless self promoter worth paying attention to – not because she’s more likely to die of a drug overdose, and she is, but because she’ll get more and more aggressive in her slutting as all other tactics and castings fail…YAY.

Posted in:SFW|Victoria Justice




Kate Beckinsale Pussy of the DAy

Kate Beckinsale posted a picture of her cat…as a “here’s my pussy joke”…that isn’t actually a joke, the cat is actually crawling out of her pussy, you can tell by her leg in the pic that it’s in her crotch, and that they are doing a fantasy birth…it keeps her entertained since Vampires never sleep and have a lot of time on their hands…because clearly – based on her sex appeal at 50 – she’s a vampire…


If I had a dollar for every pussy pic that a girl sent that was actually a cat – I’d have enough money to pay for sex and not need pussy pics from typical, obvious, half retarded girls who make the same cliche jokes…fuckers.

TO SEE Kate Beckinsale Legs in Fuck Me Boots CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|SFW




Christina Milian Big Tits of the Day

Christina Milian has monster tits…


So Does…Charlotte McKinney Tits in a Tube Top of the Day



Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|Christina Milian|SFW




Rita Ora Needs More Attention of the Day

I guess Rita Ora is tired of people not knowing who she is – and she will do everything in her power to change that – and luckily for us – her only power is great tits….and I guess lucky for her because great tits get you to great places that she will pretend she worked really hard getting to – you see cuz lots of great tits don’t achieve shit…while these great tits are Rita Ora…a name not many people know, but enough people to make her feel relevant….and to keep striving and thriving…for more…

I wonder how many dicks she’s had?


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Lady Gaga New Face of the Day

I love when these love yourself, body positive freaks, get tons of plastic surgery after spending years behind a caricature, with zero authenticity, all designed to sell albums…it’s like….bitch you’re so fucking fake, you’re a money sucking pile of shit, exploiding retard insecure people by pretending to be their friends or along for the ride with them, when really all you’re doing is brainwashing to feed your own ego and insecurities cuz you ugly..

Fuck you Gaga..you fucking LIE….

But she does look better with her plastic surgery, still vile and disgusting – but better…because body positive and love yourself is bullshit, unless you’re hot…in which case…keep it up…and if you’re not hot, there’s science to fix it, just look at the Kardashians…and their weirdness…

ALSO – I am not saying Gaga is hot…just better than she was…her chin less weak but still terrifying…ok…


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




#FyreFestival – The Instagram Troll of the Year of the Day

Back in December a bunch of social media hookers, like Bella Hadid and Em Rat Cow participated in this aggressive promotion for a brand new festival that took place on Pablo Escobar’s private island….called Fyre Festival.

They had a solid website that sold it as the high end luxury festival, with glamping in this safari style tents…in the fucking Bahamas…tents that turned out to be shanty style, like a refugee camp..and food that ended up being two pieces of bread and two slices of cheese….so good…

All it took was a website, some social media buzz…and losers with too much money and fear of missing out bought into it.

They thought “I’ll give this never heard of before festival 15k, some up to 250k for tickets to some bullshit event”…that had no headliner, it just was an orange square on social media accounts they jerked off to.

I guess they thought – let’s get to the place where these people who don’t matter hang out…for no reason, no thought, nothing…and people transferred money over…bought into it….they didn’t even have headliners! It was all based on one social media video…

Apparently, two weeks ago the festival contacted ticket holders and told them no cash or cards would be allowed and they had to charge up their accounts for 500 dollars a person on top of the 15k they already spent…because they knew…grab that money….

And all these dumb Americans think they’ll get their money back, they don’t realize there are terms and conditions, and they don’t realize that they are the idiots to blame…it’s a Bahamas based event…international lawsuit over 15k…idiots…

So the whole thing is pretty fucking funny…an amazing instagram troll…a social experiment like Mr Brainwash, proving people are fucking morons…

I hope they documented this whole thing as a viral video prank, because seriously, it was ambitious and amazingly executed, I am just mad I didn’t organize it.

The US Embassy is involved…this is just LEGENDARY….fuck you Em Rat Cow…it’s all your fault…and internet…you remain a wonderful thing…

Fucking lemmings…so good…I just wish Em Rat Cow and Baldwin were stranded on the island with all the morons. Woulda been good.

THere are some great tweets on the topic…this shit is huge…

Seeing rich idiots getting scammed like idiots as they chase some really stupid IG dream is everything and more….

Posted in:Events|stepNEWS




Look at Vanessa Hudgens Fitness of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is in on one piece bathing suit – and not because she’s fat or chunky like she has been in the past…and not because she a garbage actor because she has been in the past…and not because she’s showing the world her nude selfies in an era before nude selfies were the norm…

But because she’s looking fit, hot, hard nippled and ready to compete with actual hot chicks on instagram – who are less rich and famous…and connected….but hotter…

The nice thing about the one piece bathing suit like this is the titty profile…and more importantly…the cameltoe you know she’s hididng…like a cockteasing slut…because she knows the tease is more effective then the “Look at my cunt”….she’s industry you know..

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens