I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Big Tits of the Day

Some people say Rita Ora is a garbage hooker who happens to sing well enough to get a fake record deal – to justify her work visa – so that the dudes who like fucking her don’t have to marry her for citizenship…that turned it into a fake it until you make it situation, where girl now hosts TV shows….while girl is basically a big titty ethnically ambiguous hooker – not a famous and talented artist….

And now she’s hosting TV shows and doing important things like that and it’s magical..because she still shows off her monster tits – that aren’t that big but that are big…


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Taylor Momsen Topless After a Show of the Day

Taylor Momsen does whatever she can to get noticed…but she just doesn’t try hard enough….because the world has forgotten who Taylor Momsen was…

She was better at this shocking with slutty behavior in trying to be a fake rocker…bto separate herself from her spoiled and candy coated hollywood image….in efforts to make it as a contrived musician…cuz she’s been up in hollywood since she was 1 and bullshit is all she knows….

You see at 16, in lingerie, on stage, making blowjob faces is a big deal, but at 25, it’s kinda what you expect to find at ever college party….or instagram, played out…

So her getting topless, is whatever….especially when there are no nipples ….

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Momsen




Heidi Klum Fishing Erotica of the Day

Heidi Klum is fishing – because she’s on vacation – you see this past week, if you were a good planner and working in a Jewish industry was weeekend off, Passover monday tuesday, take off wednesday and thursday, only to have friday, weekend and monday off…

You know….10 days of vacation – with only two sick days uses….CLEVER….

I guess that’s why Heidi Klum took the week to get into her bikini and do some fishing, you see because she’s not pretty much retired and her life isn’t a total fucking vacation where she sits around on a pile of money…because I guess she’s german and able bodied and in the mood to make more money…because she’s hot…despite being old…

I mean, here she is just pandering because the whole fishing industry and sport is the biggest sport in the WORLD…and dudes who fish aren’t all rednecks…but they do all like bitches in their fish bra’s and fishing gear…it’s their porn..and I guess this German stepped away from lingerie porn, and interracial porn, and ready to drop porn..all porns she’s been involved in….and she’s not quite ready to show off the shitting porn…scat as german as Bratwurst…but fishing porn…she can fucks with that…and yes I just said fucks..blame social media…thanks in advance.

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Demi Lovato Pussy Shot of the Day

Demi Lovato posted a picture of her pussy in a bikini bottom…and her inspirational quote:

I don’t have a thigh gap and I’m still beautiful the way I am.

Because the world is about body positivity, not body shaming, it is an angle that worked for her and her audience that allowed her to push as far as she can in her fatness – before getting dumped – and getting fit…but not fit enough to have a thigh gap…

Thigh Gap…was not a thing when I was growing up, no dude I know cares if a girl has a thigh gap, I think it is self perpetuating from women hating women…as they do…but lets keep them insecure about not having a thigh gap, it increases our chances to keep them feeling insecure enough to fuck us – and that is a WIN.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley may be melting away…her flesh may be hanging off her while in her bikini…she may not be a tone, fit, amazing bikini model now that she’s 100, but for some reason, a reason I call being a pervert who appreciates what was, and can accept what is because it once was…she’s amazing..

But today…she runs her own destiny…unless this new bikini hustle is her investor or partner demanding her to post half naked pics to increase sales…or maybe it is financed by someone she fucks, because why spend your own money….

Some puppets or in her case sex toys remain puppets forever…even when they have their own money…they like to be controlled….and when they look like Liz Hurley…even in her 50s…

Looking good enough to cum inside – but too bad you’re not a billionaire and she can’t get knocked up.

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Jessica Simpson Big Cleavage of the Day

Jessica Simpson still has monster tits – tits I would like to decorate like easter eggs and hide around the house for me and the kids to milk and jerk off on….because Jessica Simpson despite being a big girl…is a big breasted girl…and rich…a blast from the past, still living, Easter Miracle or some shit…



Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Victoria’s Secret Bralette Commercial of the Day

Victoria’s Secret is so fucking cheesy.

The girls in Victoria’s Secret are so fucking cheesy.

They are just some mall brand bullshit quality nonsense that the mainstream buy into – and really that everyone buys into – because it’s functional, affordable, and stylish, despite raping China cheap later – to save money they can put into this shit like their team of models…the cheesiest fucking models.

Yes, they are hot, but fuck they are lame…they marry people like Adam Levine and shit…they go to all the parties and are famous and know they are hot…and people want to associate with them because they are famous and hot…and it’s this weird cycle of garbage..supporting garbage…

I like my models edgier and more interesting, but I guess when you’re offered a million dollars to stand around – you take it…But at least they are half naked when they do it…and naked in other work they do to remain edgy, but they are still just promo models to me…really hot promo models.

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret|Videos




Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day

I guess a magazine called Document – felt it was only fair to give Terry – and icon in the photo world, hated by actual photographers for being a rockstar and a scam, who couldn’t actually take a photo, proving that photography is just about subject / location and pushing them – the device you capture it with doesn’t matter….a chance at taking pics again..

Some pussy bitch ass magazines and celebs have stopped working with him -because he has a bad rep – and they are scared.. but has never been charged with rape or sexual assault…meaning it’s all internet lies and trolls – just trolling for what they think is the feminist good – but that’s fucked up and a reminder that false rape allegations should land a cunt in jail…

The fact is that Terry, married, a father of twins, is probably still a creeper perv, like all 50 year olds taking pics of 20 years old…but that doesn’t mean the whole world aren’t fucking pervs…everyone fucks, everyone is sex obsessed, even the uptight social justice warriors who campaign agains this guy..bullshit…but here are some of his recent pics….

Pretty boring pics….definitely…fucking boring…

Posted in:Terry Richardson




Nina Daniele for Playboy Croatia of the Day

So apparently Nina Daniele is a model…and Playboy Croatia is a magazine, that you’d assume being from Croatia was some bootleg communist doctrine printed on rationed toilet paper, or old work camp outfits, but apparently they produce better than the American version of the magazine..that is apparently going back to nudity – but that will still suck because no one has any fucking vision these days and taking a hot nude is too easy for girls who take nudes to do – if anything all Playboy is there for is to validate these nude model sluts and the nude model shoots they are doing….so they can write PUBLISHED Model in their bio…


Posted in:Nina Daniele




Lana Del Rey is a Cover Girl of the Day

Lana Del Rey is on the cover of a magazine – in a bikini – hiding her gut – because she’s normally kind of fat…

I like use her and her success as a reminder that you don’t need to be all that hot, you don’t need to be all that good, you just need a dad with a lot of money who feels guilty you have a drug addiction to hire you a producer, who has a vision, to record her tormented love songs in a way that people like enough to buy into…so if you’ve got a rich dad and you’re not Lana Del Rey – you’re doing it all wrong- because you could be…it can be bought…and it was…

Posted in:Lana Del Rey|SFW