I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Kosenkova for Vogue Russia of the Day


I don’t know who Victoria Kosenkova is. I didn’t even bother googling her…but I do know that she’s wonderful…because she knows the right way to present herself to the world…an angel really….who doesn’t want to get sent back to some war torn, cold water flat, she was exported from by the sex traffickers who help her escape in exchange for her services…

Unless she’s American, because you know these names like Kosenkova could be born in America…despite what people like TRUMP want…I mean…he prefers his Russian sex workers…peeing on him when they are still illegals…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria Kosenkova




Elle Fanning Elle UK of the Day


Elle Fanning is some hipster looking rich kid – who is not only from a rich family thanks to her family, but also a rich kid thanks to her family whoring her out…

This is for some magaizne…because she’s in movies and is very important in a world that only cares about the co-signs or the other people who like them – so that they must be great…s

People are very in to Elle Fanning, at least I think they are – because her name comes up all the time in the media, and in movie credits, like she exists, she’s a real fucking entity, that people must actually like, I mean why else would she be all over the place, oh right, maybe the media is paid off by the movie companies her parents sold her to, or maybe she’s got the right last name to leverage thanks to all the sacrifices her sister made for her, and maybe they are playing that angle properly knowing how this media shit works, up on some Olsen Sister who isn’t one of the twins hustle…all a youthful round ass

Point being – these are boring pics – but I have confidence somewhere someone is jerking off to it.

Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Sara Underwood’s Landscape of the Day

Sara Underwood knows how to take a landscape photo….and basically turn it into a self indulgent, trashy, narcissistic experience…

It’s like here’s a beautiful natural setting…in a Country that is doomed….let me pose in front of in in lingerie, flashing my ass, in a night gown, fingering banging myself…because I’m an egotistical cunt who did playboy at 18….and has carried that as hard and as far as she can..

I am not against Sara Jean, the fact she banged Seacrest, or her hustle…I find it funny….and it reminds me of the cover of a romance novel, or cheesy pin-up glamour model calendars you find in the car wash…

I will look at a nice juicy ass anywhere…but this never ending touring from coast to coast, mountain to mountain is so ridiculous you kind of have to just laugh and love it..

Posted in:Sara Underwood|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio in Leggings of the Day


Alessandra Amrbosio may be old as fuck, played the fuck out, a mom….on contract with the evil empire panty company…but still delivering the goods in her bikini …or under…showing off her fit for anyone not just an old mom body and her fake tits and it’s almost a wonderful thing, just not for anyone who is married to a 35 year old who knows this isn’t quite how things look for them…

She’s in fitness pants and I’m trying to stare at her vagina – crotch – definition – you know all that meat – stuffed into her pants…only to be broadcast to the world of perverts who love seeing how being skinny allows the child birth sag to really shine…in leggings.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Rat Cow In Bed in her Panties of the Day

Rat Cow in her panties being classy….

Here’s a little Rat cow scratching her head like it’s her vagina after one of her herpes flare up – because she either thinks she looks sexy doing this, and really she does…she’s a nude model and has a great body – so to hate on that would be crazy…what we need to hate on is that she’s a nude model who thinks she’s Britney Spears or some shit…thanks to social media followers giving her an ego…there’s nothing worse than a whore who doesn’t know she’s a whore – when she’s just a whore…because her prices get all out of whack and the message she transmits…is not the message she thinks she’s transmitting..cluster fucking the whole thing…

That’s not to say I’m not a fan of nude models or sex workers, but when they pretend they are legit models or actors…it gets confusing….it’s like stick to the tits – you can’t fool me…while she fools everyone else and cashes the fuck in…

I get it she makes millions and I guess that’s what it’s really about..getting paid…and it’s really as easy as not getting dressed in a world where most people have to get dressed before work…so in a lot of ways – this is what winning looks like…you just need to be thin with tits and all your dreams will come true…


Here she is doing a DNKY shoot in NYC….in her underwear…because she’s that kind of girl…and she looks short and dumpy with her weird belly button…but people still like looking at her weird…not hot face…

Even the dog is trying to run from that cellulite rockin’ arched back to look like she’s got more booty….trying the world with angles as she does…with those demon eyes that are too close together on her bird nosed face….the worst pile of shit ever.


So the real shocking thing about this basic looking, totally average on all fronts, except maybe her willingness to get naked and show off her tits is that Vogue, sure it’s a bootleg fringe version of Vogue but still has the Vogue Brand…and the pics are “fashion”….not random spread pussy pics…which is terrible…it’s so off brand…Vogue…what the fuck…right..


Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




J.Lo Ass in Leather Skirt of the Day

J.Lo’s ass is in a mini skirt…and that’s news to someone…somewhere…maybe Drake who sticks his dick in that old cesspool for the novelty of it…you know once you fuck anything you want…what you end up wanting becomes weird…

Whether it’s trannies, other men, little kids…old people…or in this case a combination of all those things, coupled with a heavily marketed booty from when he was in his formative years…finally getting his piece…from kid with a dream back in his Jewish mansion…to a fake urban accent, some lyrics to troll the world with, because Americans are dumb and buy anything…he’s now got his J.Lo…older, tired, but still worth filling with sperm


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Maddi Waterhouse for Tatler of the Day


Dumpy model who fucked Brad Cooper in her attempt to get as famous as possible, trying to get herself into the actor scene by letting those A List actors up in her scene…and by scene I mean vagina….has two sisters…o

One with big tits…named Imogen…and this one…who is younger, better and doing a shoot for Tatler magazine…thanks to her rich parents and her sister’s vagina’s hustle…that’s left her broken down and getting old…but paved the way for her sisters to make it…if this making it….which I guess it is because they are in magazines and not taking selfies in the fucking bathroom or in hotel rooms with low level photographers…all riding names and using each other…

This shoot isn’t worth jerking off to…but I get that…It’s inauguration day…you’re already spent.

Posted in:Maddi Waterhouse|SFW




Steven Klein’s Equinox Campaign of the Day


Equinox is an overpriced gym that rich and famous people go to, because they are like all people, drones sucked into their scene, who all do and like the same things, over and over, because they are just trying to fit in.

It’s like everyone is a fucking drone, who goes to the movies to laugh at the same jokes they saw in the Trailer 3000 times…which makes for an interesting opportunity…you just need to trick them into liking what you do and what are a about and next thing you know – you’re the President of the United States…saying “shit…people are dumb”….

So rich people, like Equinox, and Equinox likes rich people, and brands that like rich people need to do trendy things and edgy with fashion photographers to keep the profile up there and their campaigns are great….like this one…based on commitment…

Clever…but I prefer last year’s breast feeding.

Posted in:SFW|Steven Klein




Sarah Hyland in a Slutty Dress with Jay Leno of the Day


Creepy Modern Family star, who looks like she’s 12, which makes those of you who jerk off to her Sex Offenders to me, because age of consent is 18, and even if she has the mental capacity of an adult, she speaks directly to the men who want to fuck young girls….like you..you fucking weirdo…

I always feel uncomfortable looking at her, but probably not as uncomfortable as the guys who actually fuck her, but I doubt they feel uncomfortable at all, like I don’t feel uncomfortable looking at this at all, it’s fair game dude, the law is on our side….she’s just been on hormone therapy to stay relevant on her show, and not old and disgusting…but more importantly, they are LA scenesters, producers and sexual deviants who she gets retraining orders from…

I don’t know what’s going on here….but it’s fetishy on so many levels…so take it in…

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Kate Hudson in Workout Gear Dancing on TV of the Day

I guess this is 40 year old Kate Hudson – all menopausal after winning at life thanks to her mom / stepfather / father. Allowing her to become her own person – that was really a shadow of her mother – the Romantic Comedy star….but I’ll always see some spoiled rich cunt who was fed with a golden spoon, who’s career was crafted out for her without much effort, and who really isn’t that hot or talented…and like most rich kids she’s filled the self indulgent void of her existence with random cock along the way…some of whom have even been driven to suicide attempts because of her…and she’s hardly worth it. Not now, Not at her prime, but I’ll still see her and her TV acting like an idiot with a fat idiot everyone things is brilliant..for America is retarded and hear a British accent and think….that little loud dancing and singing man who screams at the TV cameras filming him….like a rabid jacked up on coke asshole at the bar….but more accessible and hire paid…

Because of her leggings.

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW