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Mischa Barton is Thirsty – GET HER SOME WATER of the Day

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WOW….girl must have lost her mind- or must be out of money – or must be desperate for some media attention so she’s stripping down into a bikini…and really, crazy or drugged out or not…she looks fucking awesome…

She’s been fat, she’s been half dead, she’s been a fucking mess for so fucking long…and seeing her doing such a low level campaign makes me think I have a chance of mananging her – or at least promising her great things that she’ll believe because she’s at rock bottom…and if this is rock bottom…I’m into it…becauase she looks fucking awesome, is humbled….imagine having been on a TV show and this is your life…HILARIOUS…

She’s either photoshopped to shit, botoxed to shit, or just bloated and I love it.


Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Scarlett Johansson in Ghost of a Shell Poster of the Day

Blockbuster queen, who probably should have been left doing low budget Indie movies, instead of becoming this massive star who can’t act….is still a fetish to dudes everywhere who just find her really hot, a natural beauty, amazing…all because they can’t get over the past and move the fuck on…

She’s old, she’s not a hot young actress I want to see doing anything hot or young, and yet she’s booking blockbusters…like Ghost of a Shell or whatever the fuck this is, it’s nerd videogame shit that I don’t really understand or care to understand…

I just know that the shell is whatever they are trying to present at SCARJO….it’s seems like CGI, you know, turning her into some kind of videogame…because the mom aged, too rich and famous to give a fuck, movie companies trying to fill seats using names…doesn’t look anything like this…I mean..it looks like a fucking cartoon, which is also something you jerk off to so – let’s merge it all together and have some Cartoon Johansson for the real socially awkward weridos…right…

Posted in:Scarlett Johansson|SFW




Ashley Graham Doing the Baywatch is the Funniest Shit Ever of the Day

DUDE…..BRO….HOMEBOY….this is hilarious..

I mean fat girls pretending to be models is hilarious on it’s own….even funnier…fat girls pretending to be baywatch girls…I mean in the 90s…this shit would be fucking passed around and viral and the fat girls so happy to be part of the joke – because it was the only way they’d get work…throw a fat chick in a bikini – PUNCHLINE….

OR….throwing the fat girl out there for the black dudes who love fat chicks, even more when they are white….like Ashley Graham’s husband…it’s the only body that fits their big black dicks…and it’s some baseline human instinct that they can breed…but the problem with that black guy loving white fat chicks…is it gives them ego…

Leading to Ashley Graham, who is an actual model, paid lots of money to be a fat chick, like “eat more, we need to relate to America”….despite it being proven to kill and the WORST message ever. It’s like if your friends jump off the bridge, jump with them to sell them product…

So her career..is a legit thing, a fucking joke to me, but a legit thing…that she is milking and not just because she wants every last drop of anything caloric…but because why the fuck not..cash in

But it’s still hilarious…but her ass is pretty fucking wonderful and part of me wants to reverse birth myself…into her womb and I’d fit….

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Bella Hadid – Tranny? Naw..She’s too Big of a Cunt of the Day

I’ve seen her tits, but haven’t seen her pussy, and until I do…I’m calling tranny.

These rich people are freaks….and their parents would go as far as to turn their little boy into a girl to get her famous as fuck – without releasing their dirty little rich person secrets….

Here she is on the RUNWAY with her sister looking like pure tranny shit..

But she’s probably not a tranny, but rather just some brat who gets her face injected with shit at 20….not realizing she’s going to look like a fucking monster by 40….if she lives that long and doesn’t die of a drug overdose from this glam life, broken childhood, and lame existence…that she thinks is so fucking cool cuz it’s all fancy and shit…


She’s in France….with a bunch of other rich cunts that people will say are part of the zeitgeist…because the masses….with other rich kids, Jenners, Baldwins and that Big Busty Cami Marrone chick…

So here they are at bottle service….being all edgy….

Kendall getting her ass slapped….

While Hailey’s SUcking Phone like cock…

This is what the kids look up to, rich cunts getting richer, being VIP…the world is fucking doomed…

Here’s GIGI HADID’s nipple on the RUNWAY because she’s a legit model….doing legit model things….like walking on the runway showing some nipple…that I don’t think deserves it’s own post…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Joelle Lombardi Is the Fucking Future of the DAy

Here’s a Steven Klien shoot for Interview magazine…of some bodybuilder named Joelle Lombardi – you can follow her ON INSTAGRAM because she’s fucking amazing….

Sure, female bodybuilders freak me out….they look like men…but there’s somehting erotic about knowing he can take you the fuck down. I used to go to this strip club where two female body builders worked to probably make steroid money…and shit was fucking terrifying at the time, they’d do pull ups on the bars and crazy weird pole tricks…the worst…one had great clown like implants and I couldn’t figure it out…I hated it, I found humor in it, I was uncofortable with the size of her clit….but all these laters…I miss it, I feel like I didn’t give it a chance…and this JOELLE LOMBARDI in her fashion shoot is wonderful throwback to those days…

The pics are also fuckign awsome – so that helps….and yes…I am fucking terrified of her…mainly her back…cuz her legs are still lean and decent…works for me…

Posted in:Joelle Lombardi




Samantha Gradoville and Flavia Lucini for LUI Magazine of the Day

Samantha Gradoville is an American Model….because I guess that happens sometimes….you know when you dig through the depths of processed fast foods, obesity crisis, walmart cookie aisles…..ASHLEY GRAHAM and every once in a while a good genetic built woman….happens to be a US Passport holder…and sometimes even a US Birth Certificate holder because either they are smart enough to stay active and not eat shit…or they are first generation immigrants and not fully absorbed in the American Way yet…..

Flavia Lucini is some other model who has done VICTORIA’s SEcret back in 2012…yes she still EXISTs…and is in LUI magazine getting naked like all the girls trying to matter…

And the video:

LUI magazine – David Bellemere from MAD AGENCY PARIS on Vimeo.

Posted in:Flavia Lucini|Samantha Gradoville




Selena Gomez Still Lives Round Up of the Day

I randomly ended up on Selena Gomez’s instagram page despite having forgotten her existence, even though she’s the most followed slut on instagram….

I forgot she existed after the rehab…and has a hard nipple, no bra, probably breast implant, in a tank top…rocking a Botoxed face, looking kinda hot, in a broken rich girl who has mental issues thanks to being a puppet to finance her parents, coddled by everyone around her…..

Your favorite thing about little Selena is that she fills the void and her vagina with massive penis…that breaks her soul, sends her to rehab, because she’s pretty fucking broken…GOOD TIMES..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Binx Walton TITS of the Day

I have a feeling Binx Walton is not part of the Walton family…who own / created Walmart…America’s gem…filled with all the classiest shoppers that America has to offer, a real cross section of TRASH…

But then again, this generation is filled with the kids of the rich as fuck, billion dollar empires figuring why bother getting educated or living a productive life contributing to the world…when they can instead just pose half naked and get the praise of the masses instantly….thanks to being rich kids with access….and the world being obsessed with materialistic bullshit…

I just know her name is BINX, she’s showing her tits, and that’s about all I need to really know…

Posted in:Binx Walton




Dude Dies After Chugging a Bottle of Tequila and Other Videos of the Day

Homeless Gets Around

Angry Kangaroo

Woman Falls Down Stairs Looking at her Phone

90 Year Old Man Does Pull Ups

Rapist Tied Up and Beaten

Road Rage in Canada

Crane Collapses

Posted in:Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t watch porn, I fucking hate it, it’s too staged, set up, badly shot, produced and is really just bullshit…a fabricated fucking lie…and whenever I talk to people and find out they watch porn, it is usually like finding out they liked LALA LAND….bros who don’t understand what substance means….they just like to see the penetration….unless they are girls…because girls liking porn will always be hot to me, every since the first time I made girls in high school watch porn back back when I was their substitute teacher…..and it turns out that girl all like really hardcore shit after they pretend to hate it…because they all have daddy issues, deep rooted issues, rape and gangbang fantasies and all the shit that turns me off of porn, but when some innocent 19 year old is fingering herself to it secretly, publicly calling it gross…I see the appeal…because I need to be invited into the story, the authenticity, the real….dark and twisted experiences of actual people…not some script written by a dude in an ed hardy t shirt…

That’s why I always encourage my female friends, to either fuck in front of me, or to send me videos of them fucking….it makes me like them better….it makes life better…it makes all this worth it…

Unfortunately…people are uptight and always fucking disappoint….but I’ll keep asking…

Here are some morning links…

The Couple Who Fucked in DOminos

Big Bang Theory Actors Making 200k an Episode got mad the Other Cast Make 1 milion an Episode…

Patrick Stewart Circumcision…

Rose Bertram Bikini for SI – The Video

Lady Gaga Replaces Beyonce at Coachella

Nicki Minaj – Lingerie

Rolex in Movies…

Look at Pics of Gigi Hadid

Casey Afleck on Sexually Harassing Girls.

Katy Perry is Fat and SIngle

Uptown Funk with an Actual Minute

Netflix Series OKJA Trailer

Posted in:stepLINKS