I'll Make You Famous…




Jean Campbell in the Shower of the Day


Jean Campbell is a model I’ve never heard of…but she looks so innocent and pure, despite having been a model for a while, that I actually appreciate these pics of her….

I know the truth…and that is that no model is innocent or pure, it’s a disgusting world that they live in, as they have to navigate some real creeps to make it…and it involves a lot of partying, sleaze, drugs, and sucking cock to make the world of modeling working out for them…

But in the right lighting, with the right make-up, this girl you know is up on that hipster model fashion party scene…is lovely…

Jean Campbell for president of my jerking off to clothed models election of the day…whatever that means…she’s a nasty girl…

Posted in:Jean Campbell|SFW




Nicola Peltz is a Racy Billionaire of the Day


Nicola Peltz is so racy…wearing her bra and some scandalous shirt…that says strict…on some dominatrix kick…or maybe it’s reference to her dad…who manages her trust fund and doesn’t want her to become the billionaire brat she’s very capable of becoming….because it’s hard to be down to earth as a billionaire’s daughter…you’re just thrown into this world of being a brat, with a shitty attitude, entitled and garbage…

But then again her dad did end up buying her career, which is hardly a career, but she was in transformers replacing megan fox, and that’s something….not much…but something that money can buy…

Most importantly…she’s hot..and as a hot girl trying to navigate the world of fame…I’ll take nasty little billionaire…like Hillary Clinton, only in a much better….because she’s not a Space ALien from the future coming to blow up the world…but because she’s got a billionaire dad, so unlike all these other whores, she doesn’t need to be an actual whore…and does it at her own will and discretion…amazing…

Turns out – I like billionaire women…


Posted in:Nicola Peltz|SFW




Kaia Gerber for Interview Magazine of the Day


I am pretty fucking strict on one thing in my life and that is the whole 18+ rule of content…I am realistic and leave the house and see how these teens act, what they do, and I know they’re raised on porn and dress half naked like a Kardashian and probably have sex tapes…but I want nothing to do with any of that…other than mild social observation….


I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to know it exists, I do not find it interesting or exciting, I find it weird….not to mention teens are fucking annoying…and that lone makes me hate them…

What I really don’t understand is Kaia Gerber….Cindy Crawford’s daughter, who has a very rich father named Randy Gerber, and a rich mother named Cindy Crawford, who I guess is as vapid as you’d expect a model to be, as narcissistic as you’d expect a model to be, and as superficial as you’d expect a model to be…throwing her daughter, even if this is her daughter’s dream..into modeling at 15 or 16…she doesn’t even have a drivers license….

Amazingly companies, magazines, and photographers…are having a kid pose in bikinis for them….acting all intense for them…in what they can pivot like Hillary Clinton into being art, or marketing, or editorial, but that is still fucking weird…she’s a kid…whether she’s got her period or not…and she’s not in a poor family that needs the fame money…they have the fame money…

It is festishized, it’s weird, it’s awkward, yet they do it openly and freely…when they could easily say “when you’re 18 you can decide what you want to do, here’s your allowance, go get some smoothies, juices, frozen yogurt, you annoying Malibu Barbie”…and if this was some dude in a dingy studio recruiting 15 year olds to pose, even clothed…you’d all be up in arms, lynching the pervert..and charging him with sex offense..

Yes, these pics aren’t hot or sexual…but they are to some fucking pervert…and most importantly…they are unnecessary….

I’ll call this Cindy Crawford’s Kardashian / Hadid Dream….

Posted in:Kaia Gerber|SFW




Smoke Break with Marloes Horst Smoking Cigarette for the Kids of the Day


I was once a smoker…but I quit that shit due to not being able to breathe and being disgusted by it. I’d rather give myself cancer in more fun ways – like putting my cellphone in my underwear and hope for the best…which I figure could result in a super hero half retard baby with the right fertile homeless pussy with a radioactive womb….or it could be just a solid way to deal with not using condoms with the women I meet on tinder…assuming I can get an erection…

So seeing people smoke, models or fucking fat french Canadian women eating donuts…I wonder..why the fuck are they smoking…and I’m a dude who likes to self distruct…but at least smoke things that fucking destroy your mind…or take you on a fucking journey…rather than just control your appetite, make you stink, and deal with your anxiety caused by all the caffeine…

I hate smokers…but I know one dude named HornyLohanAWanker from the comments, before I used third party commenting software….who FUCKING loves it…so this Victoria’s Secret model giving the kids bad role model….smoking is for him….and her nipples are for the rest of us…

Posted in:Marloes Horst|SFW




Charlotte McKinney’s Sideboob at an Alba Event of the Day


We live in a world where Charlotte McKinney, someone no one has ever really hear of, and if they have they don’t really care that they’ve heard of her, if anything the only people who would actually care that they’ve heard of her are a very narrow population of pervert dudes who like big tits….I am sure even they don’t actually care about her…yet she exists….enough to go to Jessica Alba parties in LA to promote bullshit, where she waits in line to work the photobooth…as hard as she can so that the brand puts the pics out there for added social media hits…I am assuming lame as fuck big tits McKinney and her busted face were paid, maybe in gift cards, probably because all these events are nonsense run through agencies that have no clue,…

We’ll assume she wasn’t paid very much….to play with her tits…in what they’d probably call “make it organic, like you’re not getting paid to be here”…before saying “why the fuck do we pay people to come to our parties, do we really have that much money, I knew a kid who’s mom would pay people to go to his birthday party, we always felt sad for him as we collected our 20 dollars, is this the adult version of that…no not that kind of adult…I mean “GROWN UP” not porno…yes, I know she looks like a porn star, well with a face like that you’d think even with those tits porno would be the only answer, I guess she knows rich and connected people…”

Yes..this is stupid…top level instagram hooking, but check out the titties on this cheesy monster…

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Gwen Stefani Holding a Mic Like a Cock – Someone MEME This of the Day

Gwen Stefani performs at President Obama's last State Dinner

I am a very basic human being, it doesn’t take much to entertain me, and although I don’t like MEMEs, I wish I was good at MEMEs, but I can barely write a blog, upload images, and check emails…I am just not cut out for the digital world…even after 12-13 years of doing this…I don’t have the skills necessary to turn this into what I want it to be….and that’s her holding a cock..because…I am basic..and it doesn’t take much to entertain me…her facial expression perfect…for cock…but really when is a facial expression not perfect for cock….am I right…I am right…

These are from Obama’s state dinner….which makes them better to put dicks in…presidential…

Gwen Stefani performs at President Obama's last State Dinner

Gwen Stefani performs at President Obama's last State Dinner


Posted in:Gwen Stefani|SFW




Just a Man Masturbating in Public and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Pretends a Cop Groped a Woman

Cops Kill a White Person

Check Your Panties….

Alien Face Octopus

Bull VS Motorbike

Girl in 100 Pieces of Clothing Freaks Out

Man VS Anesthesia mid Procedure….

Just a good old fashioned child abduction

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Alessandra Ambrosio Promoting Nonsense of the Day


Alessandra Ambrosio is promoting bullshit, because she’s a promo model and a huge part of being a promo model is promoting bullshit…it’s what they do…because people like me pick up on the promo model photoshoot like it matters, when it doesn’t matter, to showcase to the world how hot, or amazing, or tight bodied she is for a mom….in what they would deem a celebration, that feeds her ego…that makes her feel like she matters…before realizing that beauty fades, and that pile of money she’s become used to isn’t enough of a reminder that she was once the hottest, forcing her to navigate and figure out ways to maintain that beauty, image, hype….but she’ll lose..it’s nature…it’s how it works and it’s amazing she’s lasted this long…because I never thought she was all that hot…and I am the unofficial Hollywood judge of hotness…I’ve made a very pathetic career out of it…so jokes on them…I am posting it not because I think it matters…but because I think it DOESN’t matter….take that Alessandra Ambrosio and the people who paid you a million dollars for these pics…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Kendall and Gigi for W Magazine of the Day


So….W Magazine is on the search for clickbait, and I guess in that quest to get click in the media and on their social media accounts…they went with people they felt had a strong audience to achieve their hopes and dreams…to satisfy advertiser money…because these famewhores will do any media that comes their way for free….

Their concept was paid for by some brand, or a series of brands…because this is what advertising looks like….and I guess…the top level “artist” idea was to take pics of them with their original, pre-plastic surgery, noses…

They pretended it was “art”…or “social commentary” on the Snapchat filter…by hiring some artists, who don’t realize that artists are a fucking lie and that art doesn’t exist…especially when it’s all for an ad…garbage humans…

Let’s not intellectualize this shit, or buy into their shit, or pretend this is anything but clickbait fodder that isn’t even hot…or compelling…because these idiots are idiots..just looking for likes and follows…and not to do good things, or inspire…or be interesting or next level….

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|Kendall Jenner|SFW




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


A wise random person on my facebook wrote something along the lines of “Trump sucks, Clinton Sucks, Politics suck, social media sucks, your opinion sucks, status updates suck, the media sucks, snapchat sucks, instagram filters suck, instagram hookers trying to be Kardashians suck, your newborn baby sucks, your wedding or reltaionship updates suck, your life sucks…me knowing about your life sucks, malls suck, brands suck, fashion sucks, starbucks sucks and girls who get excited skinny pumpkin lattes suck….memes sucks…your obession with memes suck”…and it spoke to me – because you’re all clueless, mindless idiots, with very little to offer…and you don’t matter, I don’t matter, none of this matters…and everyone is fucking evil..and so am I…

Here are some Morning Links…

Sand Covered Sluts

Kylie Minogue – Bikini

Drunk Driver – Toilet Break

They are REmaking Marry Poppins and You’ll never Care Who is Playing the Banker

Padma Gold Digging Whore Tits

10,000 Dead Scrotum Frogs…I Blame the Kardashians

The Human Google

Sports Team Loving Sluts

Katie May 0 – Chiro 1

Posted in:stepLINKS