I'll Make You Famous…




Look You Can See Joanna Krupa’s Vagina of the DAy


I am confident that Joanna Krupa’s vagina in a white one-piece is zero exciting to anyone…because Joanna Krupa, despite being hot, is a 40 year old low level model, gold digger, hooker…from an era before social media…because that’s how old she is…

She played this Polish immigrant angle back in the days people cared about her, which wasn’t really ever…but she was in men’s magazines and did PR sometimes about that low level fame…and she even tried to launch a career in Poland, thinking they’d take her back because she speaks the language and had the low level AMERICAN fame on her side….

But still, who gives a fuck about Joanna Krupa…

I am only posting this because I have a think for white bathing suits, I remember when I first realized you could see full pussy in white bathing suits, it was my friend’s older sister and it was a magical experience for a pervert like me…looking up at the unsuspecting pubic hair filled bikini bottoms…full clit visible…where she might as well been naked…brilliant..

But when it’s Joanna Krupa…it’s not nearly as exciting, hot, eventful…it’s just sorta there..sticking it’s pussy tongue out at all of us…



HEre’s another video of her in the Ocean…because she’s a self promoting whore!

Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Working it in her Bra and Boxers of the Day

Bella Thorne is a gift from the pop culture world, or maybe from Florida…or maybe from a couple of stage parents who tried two or three times before her with the other kids who weren’t the golden child with the fiery hair…the Lohan of this generation…who for some reason is built like a 40 year old mom who loves the gym, but who is 18 or 19…young….and fully on market with the fun, slutty, exhibitionist content that walks that line of smut…allowing her to grow, develop, book jobs…while not alienating people….

She’s the instagram whore…who is a working actor and not an instagram whore…it’s so wild and crazy of a concept…and these pictures / video of her on set in a bra..wearing boxers…showing off that body “in character”…is brilliant fucking work…brilliant maneuvering…really grasping how basic the population is…and she’s Fucking hot…manipulating all of us…but hot…

HERE SHE IS IN A T-SHIRT – My first internet girlfriend was named GRRRL3…it was 1995, she was asian from San Francisco….probably a 50 year old man…but we were in love…GRRRL3 would mail me pictures because it was pre-scanners…I am that deep into this internet shit…and GRRRL3 come home…



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Broken Selena Gomez Rehab Smoke Break of the Day


Selena Gomez is broken, not just cuz of dying of LUPUS, but emotionally, so they sent her to rehab to get herself together, sure she’s saying she’s just depressed, burnt out, has anxiety… but you don’t go to rehab for that…you go to rehab because you’re huffing lines of coke and drinking a bottle of whiskey…and you can’t get over it…but luckily you have resources and a team and as you spiral out of control…the handlers who deal with her, manager her, make money off her…move in and deal with it….

So whether she’s fucking tyrant, fiend, over achiever, spoiled brat, cunt..who gets what she wants..except Justin Bieber…who sex sex offended when he was 17 cuz she liked him so much…or not..doesn’t matter…what matters is that they collectively threw her in the tank to save her…

I was laughing about her rehab with a young 20 year old girl…who went onto say “rehab is good, and she should be encouraged because no one deserves to struggle”….and I was like “Struggle?…she pays 30k a month or more for this, it won’t fix her, and it’s just a way for her to coddle her already coddled self more than she’s already coddled…when she’s got nothing to worry about…except for that terminal disease she will likely die of”….

Maybe I’m heartless…but here she is smoking…something recommended for LUPUS…and I guess for rehab for actual addicts…replacing their substance of choice..that we’ll just pretend is depression and anxiety and not prescription pills and heroin….cuz that wouldn’t be very Disney of her….

All these child stars are fucked…and I love it…

Thank god the paparazzi are there to rob her of her privacy….in this painful time…like the scumbags they are…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Emma Roberts – Fitness Gear Goodess the Day


I don’t watch TV, but I did watch Emma Roberts in Scream Queens on Netflix one weekend recently…you do strange things when your wife is out of town and you find a hot college girl on Tinder willing to explore old pathetic men with websites..who have no money or anything to offer beyond being extremely charming…perverted and something that will piss off their rich parents back home…I mean every time I eat out a 21 year old as a 46 year old…I laugh and I laugh and I laugh..it’s so ridiculous..but they’re doing it…and I’m doing it…but it’s so absurd…almost as absurd as me liking the show she was on…it made me laugh..and when finding out it was the people from GLEE, I hated myself…but the high you get from eating out a 21 year old sicko from tinder…makes everything terrible in life much better…so I was under the influence of young pussy at the time of watching…

What’s not absurd is that Emma Roberts has a career, she’s a tight bodied, very connected thanks to her family, daddy issues as deep as the tinder girl I was eating out when watching it, and that alone makes her great to watch walk around in pictures in fitness gear…all skinny with a push up bra…hot young body…makes me think I may or may not be in love with everything about her…


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Rat Cow’s Tits for Attention of the Day

Rat Cow is ridiculous…what the fuck is this video….it’s at the point of we get it…you have a set of tits…you can keep showing them because we like tits…and you can keep pretending that you don’t sexualize your tits…despite them being your number one selling point, talent, and the only reason anyone gives a fuck about her..

I am blocked from all her social media, she’s not a fan, despite helping promote her for free, like some kind of groupie, which I am not…I just have limited content creating ability from the comfort of my couch and rely on bitches other people are endorsing or shooting…and her tits are spectacular…it’s just that she pretends she’s not about the titty life…she pretends there’s more to her…and as she navigates having way too many social media followers…she continues to deliver the tits for hits…not a bad thing…but with her ego…it is…

So seeing this makes us thing she knows her role, her relevance, her contribution to pop culture, but you know she only does this as a boost when all her other efforts doing things no one cares about…gets her down…and she’s trying to get likes to regain that confidence in herself..that she doesn’t really need to have, don’t over exert yourself, all it takes is tits…

Women, even famewhore nude internet sluts just can’t accept the fact that all they are worth is tits…so they do all these other things…that dont’ work…so just focus on what you’re good at…tits..

I should be a management consultant for whores…

She also posted a butt shot…


Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




Constance Jablonski See Through Shirt of the Day


Constance Jablonski has a pretty hard face, but she’s a celebrated model, the kind who gets invited to red carpet events, like whatever this event is, all living in NYC despite being an immigrant…thanks to work visas being easy to obtain if you’re a fashion model…which is absolutely insane…there are doctors and people with actual skills trying to get in the USA, but some dumb cunt who takes nudes pics for magazines gets in with no issues…it’s like the government wants to beautify the landscape with an injection with top grade pussy..internationally recognized pussy…so that the next generation doesn’t look like the inbreds in the small towns across America…you know the WALMART EMPLOYEES…and people on disability…all fat and diabetic and disgusting…because why the fuck else would all these bitches get in with no issue…why can Models obtain visa’s as long as they are singed…but people with actual talent can’t…it’s for the pussy…America loves the pussy..

Anyway, she’s in a see through enough top, because she’s fashion and thank god for that..like her fashion shoots..the tits distracts from the man face proper…and for you tranny fuckers you know…the tits are key to not feeling like a homo while watching them jerk off..


Posted in:Constance Jablonski|SFW




Chubby Ashley Tisdale Thighs in Leggings Hiding her Face of the Day

Ashley Tisdale has a workout

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Face…has been something I’ve been documenting since I saw her in a teen award show get labeled as “the hottest girl of the year”…and I thought that shit was so fucking corrupt and clearly a fucking lie – because she’s got this mangled, even after plastic surgery face….and now she’s rocking some thick inner thighs…because she’s older….and not working out as much I guess….

She’s a Disney High School musical girl, who is relatively irrelevant now…and has turned to her YOUTUBE to do cover songs…which is actually the opposite curve you want your career to take…you’re supposed to start with the youtube cover songs…I like how she intro’s her husband like she doesn’t know who he is….and more importantly…I like that only 1 million people watched this….after a week…you’d think she’d have more pull than this…but alas…irrelevant…

So watch her hide from the paparazzi in tight pants…as a memory of what was…knowing that one day they won’t take pics of her…but I doubt that…some of the garbage they take pics of are far less important than Ashley Tisdale or her Ugly watch…because some things…never get old…even when their faces do..

It’s too bad about the fat thighs..her body was really what carried her..but I guess…life…


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW




Eliza Dushku New Hair Cut of the Day


In very very important news…Eliza Dushku got a hair cut..

If only it was 2001…when she was the only ED we had to deal with…

That’s all I have to say about that…


Posted in:Eliza Dushku|SFW




Drew Barrymore Brown Teeth Erotica of the Day



Hot Teeth…they look like the’ve been through some shit…literally…but here they are…on an old and battered Drew Barrymore…a woman who has lived a lifetime in the industry…who has gone through bad girl in her early 20s…to ROMCON girl in her 30s…and the entire time..from ET to god knows what I last saw her in…I found zero hot about her…not one single time in my life…even before doing this professionally (lol)…did I think maybe, even in the slightest way…that she was hot…in fact I couldn’t even stomach watching main characters in movie have her as a love interest I’d yell at the TV “THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN – ADAM SANDLER WOULD BE FUCKING SOME SLUT – NOT THIS”…no one would get on a plane with a guitar to sing to her…I can’t think of any other movies she’s been in but she sucks…nd her teeth are so representative of her sex appeal…

Now I’m not into plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, fake tits…pussy reductions…but I do think gross teeth..that look like she smells…all rotting out of her…hits too close to home…if you’ve been with a crackwhore…for 5 dollars..you’ll know how repulsive it can be…

Which poses an important question – is brown teeth a fetish?


Posted in:Drew Barrymore|SFW




Stacy Martin Nipples of the Day


Stacy Martin is the actress from Nymphomaniac…..a movie that I’ve seen once and that I semi-appreciated because it had “real” sex, something that I’ve been an advocate for – for as long as I can remember – because fake Hollywood sex is just stupid, this actors try to claim they take on these roles, they research them, they are artists because they have the ability to not feel like an asshole while playing make-belief…they should fuck.

So memorable roles in the movie was her pussy dripping in one scene, like she was so hot and bothered a stream of pussy juice poured of her…hot…something i’ve never experienced but that may happen…if the girls you’re with aren’t medicated, dry and half dead….

She also had the sex scene with Shia the Beef, which I don’t remember, I faded by that part of the movie…but after googling her today, seeing as she’s not a household name, it turns out she used a fake pussy and had a porn double for the sex scenes…and that’s fucking rude of her…

She apparently models / acts / and does topless shoots for photographers…like she’s art…but more into being topless for attention under the pretense of art to not feel like a famewhore getting her name out there…when everyone seems to be a fame whore getting their names out there…

These are those pics…

Posted in:Stacy Martin