I'll Make You Famous…




Reese Witherspoon’s Bikini of the Day


What is Reese Witherspoon thinking in posting up a bikini picture on her social media like she’s a 20 year old girl trying to find herself or her audience or a bunch of dudes who want to fuck her and are willing to pay her for sex or offer her things to help her life…

There is no need for this movie magic, besides feeding her ego….

She’s in her 40s, has a bunch of fucking kids with Ryan Philippe after trapping him on her first movie when he was a huge deal, only to eat his career and shit it out as her career just got bigger and bigger and better and better before leaving him for her agent – who now had vested interest in closing solid deals for her – making more and more money for them – and now sitting around, richer than god, while pretending to be a god loving wholesome woman – delusion works for these hypocrites – she’s decided “I’m not bloated today, if I am laying down I look my best, it’s the only way husband fucks her, I mean that and on piles of money because they are money loving money grubbers”…and the sick thing in all this…is that I’m not hating this…or her pudgy mom tits on her mom body…and that fucks with my head.

Posted in:Reese Witherspoon|SFW




Chloe Grace Moretz Bikini in the Domincan of the Day


Plastic Surgeon daughter Chloe Grace Moretz who has a freaky pervert creeper fan base of her own – despite not being hot – or taking advantage of some of the dad’s services – unless of course this is after her built her in his operating room – before sending her off with her brother to make the family proud in movies….

But she’s at the beach jumping, like some clunky ballerina, all these girls are trained ballerina’s it’s part of the parents trying to prostitute them….

THIS probably ISN’T a fetish in and of itself, which doesn’t really apply to Chloe Grace because she’s a fetish in and of herself, guys are just into her for her action / comic book character role, and nerds are consistent in their obsessions…so anything she does, even if she’s average level hot, is enough for them….


Posted in:Chloe Grace Moretz|SFW




Ariel Winter and her Dad of the Day


I think with the recent Ariel Winter erotica that’s been released to the internet since she turned 18 and I guess her Modern Family contract morality clauses were lifted – allowing her to have a voice of her own – and naturally whoring out on social media is what young people would do with their voice the second they are allowed to….especially when their celebrity is 68 percent based on creeps who liked watching her puberty tits grow to an unmanageable size…she cut off only to grow out again…

I know, you’d assume she was a product of a single mom putting her out there, but apparently there’s a dad in the picture – not stopping her from making her jerk off material – he’s too busy being a millionaire with his cut of her earnings – that he probably no longer gets a cut of now that she is 18 and he can go off and retire in peace while she self destructs – because there is no use of her and her tits now – other than to her fans…

But there’s a dad – and you should think of his face every time you jerk off to her silly clown tits…I think it’s important….


To see more of her – but why – CLICK HERE

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Em Rat Cow’s Working it in the Selfie of the Day


I don’t mind when I am exposed to Em Rat Cow self produced content, it reminds me that if a girl has great tits, she doesn’t need talent to make it, she just needs to showcase those tits….and all of a sudden people care….you see because Em Rat Cow is the LITERAL representation of that, that is EXACTLY what happened to her…she tried doing auditions and legit jobs – but didn’t exist until the nudity happened…and movies need hot chicks so if she’s hot or perceived hot – she’s bound to get into more movies…

I don’t know how long it will last, but there are a lot of shitty movies with no taste, and she does have a lot of fans, I’d cast her in my movie, you know playing me – Em Rat Cow – THE JESUS MARTINEZ STORY….

Despite not minding Em Rat Cow content (read: tits) Em Rat Cow doesn’t like me. She doesn’t like that I call her tits fake and I guess she doesn’t like that I was told all about how she fucked Ben Affleck and David Fincher to get the Gone Girl gig – despite having a long term boyfriend / purse carrier who probably doesn’t really care – he’s just along for the ride….

She keeps trying, barely trying, she’s lazy, so I guess this is more she keeps existing – and it’s doing ok for her….Em Rat Cow – an inspiration to us all…

Emily Ratajkowski Wearing the Express `Edition` Boyfriend Blazer

TO SEE MORE Em Rat Cow – Street Walker – CLICK HERE

Posted in:Em Rat Cow|SFW




Even Lindsey Vonn is Whoring of the Day

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Lindsey Vonn may be an American ski hero….she’s won at least on Olympic Gold…which may not be Picaboo Street level American Ski Hero….but still an American Hero none the less, but like all of these semi famous women, who have some level of sex appeal, she’s decided to fixate on that – instead of her athletic ability – because that’s the world we live in.

I am not sure if it has to do with dating Tiger Woods who whored her up because he likes whores, or maybe she realizes that skiing isn’t really known for the pussy, and as someone who has been on ski hills in Canada, the girls are big legged and horny and they do fuck while touring ski town to ski town like little freaks, but they are generally not what you’d want to fuck if you had the choice to fuck….you wouldn’t even jerk off to them like they were gymnasts, or beach vollywball players…

But the last few weeks she’s been in LA, showing off her body, and now she’s at an event in bikini bottoms…at 31…acting like she’s not 31…in some kind of breakdown…making me think that maybe at our core, or at the core of all women…they just want to be something dudes jerk off to….


Posted in:Lindsey Vonn|SFW




Joanna Krupa for Treats Magazine of the Day


Joanna Krupa must be feeling the burn, the stress, the fact that people don’t care about her and that there is not much of a career left for her, which is probably hard to accept when you’re a 40 year old Glamour model with an ego, but that she should remember if she didn’t secure Dancing with the Stars 6 years ago, she would have been long forgotten and never a co-star on the sugar baby show….

So she’s getting naked in TREATS Magazine….and TREATS MAGAZINE are not the pioneers of skin mags. They aren’t Playboy or Penthouse or even Hustler from the 70s. But they are speaking to a market that appreciates that kind of photography. We are dudes, we like nudes, but for some reason the people producing nudes went south with their nudes, and just pumped out shitty studio pics of shitty looking girls doing shitty fucking things – that eventually involved peeing…and the quality of everything about the skin mag feel apart and pretty much became internet porn…so there was a real need for hot models – naked – in hot places….even if that got over saturated and boring when everyone jumped on board…

The people behind TREATS who found models willing to get nude, or implied nude, and shot them doing nice thing, in nice settings, looking nice and naked…in what the people behind TREATS will pretend is art and exclusive parties for exclusive people and they spend money behind that image…but it is really just a sugar baby network for new hot girls in LA, or old timers looking for some press by putting their pussy out there like it wasn’t what she’s done the last 20 years to get work.

The funniest thing about TREATS is that the dude behind TREATS is Seacrest’s best friend and he uses the network for pussy…so when you see TREATS I want you to think “girls Seacrest has Anal Sex with…

Here are the preview pics – the nudes will come out soon enough…not that you care -it’s Joanna Krupa not anyone even remotely relevant…

Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Dakota Fanning Had Sex the Other Night of the Day

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Here’s a picture of a terrifying faced Dakota Fanning troll leaving a hotel from the front door in NYC – wearing the previous night’s party dress – some people would call this the walk of shame – but I don’t see any shame in filling your pussy in hopes of filling the emptiness left from your parents robbing you of your childhood….

She’s got money, she’s got celebrity and luckily for her parents, she’s got a hotter sister who can pick up where she left off and help career the family for the next generation – while their prodigal child gets fucked in hotel rooms – fancy hotel rooms – because they didn’t raise no cheap whore – they dated a very expensive whore – who may or may not die of a drug overdose – stay tuned to find out how this plays out..

Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Meri Niemi Naked for Some Magazine That is Probably Not a Magazine of the DAy


The state of the world is so insane to me, I feel like I am surrounded by so many fucking idiots and I’ve always felt like I was surrounded by idiots, it’s just substantially worse now….

Part of it is this social media bullshit noise – shoving nonsense lives or moments of people we don’t care about – even if they are hot -or know their angles and can look hot – in artificial images to generate buzz and followers…

Now Meri Niemi is not a huge social media star, she’s another one of those “I’ve never heard of her but she’s naked in some fake magazine” though, and that’s the same hustle the social media people who want to be stars – or who are stars use everyday to eventually go viral….it’s just too simplistic…..

I want to be more excited about random girls getting naked, where’s the build up, it’s the cart before the horse…and I think it’s ruining society…but at least we get to see any girl ever naked – I am sure I had a vision of this like some clairvoyant my entire life – every time I left the house – staring at tits – thinking “shit I’d like to see them tits”….

I guess people have lost morals, values, decency, logic, subtlety..but tits aren’t that explicit they are a nice taste of a bigger whore – now I’d like to apply this to ever girl I haven’t seen named and want to see naked…

Posted in:Meri Niemi




Maitland Ward is Such Garbage of the Day

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Maitland Ward is up there in being the lowest level fame whore around. I generally ignore her and her middle aged, menopausal, yet still busty attempts to be hot and slutty. I just think when you’re not really that hot, and the content you’re producing isn’t that good, you shouldn’t really be talked about….but I guess I felt semi-sorry for her, knowing she was on a huge show in the 90s as the hot chick and unable to ever get a job after that gig, is probably hard on a person’s ego and morale, but why wait 20 fucking years before doing your whoring….and WHORING she does…

A few months ago a reader sent in a conversation from her snapchat where she offered anal sx for money, I posted the conversation – 100 percent from her snapchat – and she emailed me asking me to take it down, telling me she’s married and doesn’t need money she just does this glamour model nonsense for fun…even though it’s shameless, sad and depresses me…

I wonder if she’s doing this because she wasn’t able to have kids, even though she looks like she’s got 6 kids, and this keeps her distracted from tears….

I’m sure the story is fucking sad, it must be, no matter how much smiling comes in her pics that I’m sure make some weirdo’s cum, just not me – because accessible, even hireable 40 year olds who were once on TV isn’t my fetish….but sloppy tits are fun at all ages…even if we don’t understand them or their motivation…

Posted in:Maitland Ward|SFW




Hailey Baldwin for GUESS Becuase Whores of the Day


I guess GUESS? didn’t want to dig into their pockets for a Kardashian, so they went of the discount version who has been following the Kardashians around like some kind of understudy or student intern, only she’s likely not a student, more a “I have a trust fund and I’m skinny”….vapid bullshit, or is it trolling the world bullshit, because some companies do actually pay her….and what else is she to do with her time, her dad is Stephen Baldwin, she was raised with little mental capacity to actually explore doing things of value, and GUESS? is a really big mall brand you know, they created and killed Anna Nicole Smith, that’s pretty iconic…something Hailey Baldwin is rich and bratty to get close to, but will never actually be…because all these young cunts…they are just empty shells trying to be hot, posing hot…and if you look at any of the GUESS archives you’ll see that this is probably their worst shoot to date…but at last she can put it on her resume / her ego to justify all that money her dad put into her social media following…



Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW