I'll Make You Famous…




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


Now that all you Americans are done celebrating your false freedom and false independence, those are just key words that are said to you from a young age to make you not question your actual freedom and independence as the government tries to keep you sick, dumb, broke, and ignorant….so that you don’t ask too many questions, or stage an uprising, while everyone just goes along with it, because they are lazy and it’s easier that way – now where is my McDonalds, Coca Cola, anti depressant meds, I need to get to my job as a cashier at Walmart to pay my over inflated medical bills, rent and credit card debt from buying all the things I think I am supposed to buy because that’s what THEM THERE TV TOLD ME….

Ridiculous…but at least I got to enjoy the USA bikini show….

Here are some morning LINKS…

Lots of Lovely Cleavage

Tom Hiddleston Wearing an I Love TS shirt – Clearly Pussy Whipped

Demi Lovato’s Butt Shot Looking Alright

Extracting Pure Silver from Fireworks

Car Crash of the Day

Emily Blunt Made baby – Didn’t Post Birthing Videos

Rosie Hungtington in Lingerie

25 Autocorrect Fails

Lohan is 30

Kourtney Kardashian in a Swimsuit Butt Shot

Girls Tugging on CLothes

Posted in:stepLINKS




Bella Thorne is Living the American Dream of the DAy

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Bella Thorne is Living the American Dream…

Only in America can you be the product of lazy fucking parents, who look at their kids as an opportunity to cash the fuck out, because that’s what happens when you’re an ego, you think you cum gold, and you have to devote your life to making sure that cum grows up into a famous and successful earner….ideally on TV< but they’d settle with bootleg model, just so long as they don’t have to work and can turn being a parent into being a “manager”….

Only in America can a girl who gets on TV, not a very lucrative show, but still a show with enough creepy dad’s who sexualize her, to make her social media following relevant….and large enough to cash in….only to post subtle slutty but not that slutty even though it is obviously slutty and the sole purpose of the pic is to get male attention rather than to show her fitness form at pilates..

Only in American can that low level slutty – make dreams come true….and your audience grows and grows…making your paychecks grown and grow….so Trashy Florida parents can buy all the trashy things they want…but instead of doing it back in Florida…they’re Hollywood now…living the fucking dream…

Here are some of her best instagram model – because instagram models are the real people who are living the dream – slutty pics…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Irina Shayk is Living the American Dream of the Day

Iriana Shayk is Living the American Dream…

Twenty Five years ago, a Russian in work camp dwelling babe, no matter how hot she was thanks to ethnic cleansing, could only escape through Ballet or the Olymoics or other sports….and often times that was only for short periods of time – occasionally going into hiding never to be seen again but often times being forced back to the communist work camp to live that life of rationed bread and potatos….depressing and grey….

Where the only taste of America was listening to Michael Jackson and other pop bands illegally, or paying a lot of rationed rolls of toilet paper for a coca cola or a pair of Levis…to touch anything America….

Now she is touching many other things America….mainly A Listers – but not from being mail order – but by her own hustle….the American Dream….

Here are some of her best pics…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Selena Gomez is Living the American Dream of the Dya

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Only in America, while I guess in Mexico can a Mexican be the number one followed person on Instagram – after sucking some Zuckerberg dick and playing around with the “related picture” algorithm – because nerds have been succumbing to babes since the beginning of time, manipulated by babes, given false promises by babes of a better tomorrow, only for the babe to turn their back on them and squash them out like a cigarette butt on the way out…

But not only does Mexican Selena Gomez, who I am sure had some illegals who with hard work, helped create the life that she’s created for herself. We call it doing the jobs the white people don’t want so that your grand daughter can do the jobs the while people who sign the checks want…

She is America, whether America wants to accept the Mexican or not….but Coca Cola sponsors her – so they must think she represents America too..

Point being, only in America can a Mexican be exploited by a huge company like Disney, only to turn it around and exploit all of you….

Here are some recent pics…slutty recent pics…we like em. Viva Mexico…and her little lucha libre midget in a monkey suit body….

Here are some of her best pics…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Nina Agdal Living the American Dream of the Day

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Only in America can an immigrant from socialist Denmark, take her hot body to America where she had a model agency repping her, so that she could get her work visa and stay in America barely working, unless you count working all the rich guys….with a hot body…that she gets into a bikini as often as she can to get publicity for her hot body – not necessarily making that much money, but being thrown into a circle of people with a lot of money only to eventually get knocked up by one and be set for life…

The rumor is that this immigrant model with a hot body has hit the mainstream with her photoshoots, most that she did for free, and is now fucking with Leo Dicaprio – the model fucker, but still the number one Playboy in America….and if that’s not making it for an immigrant model, it’s definitely livng that American dream that most Americans are too fat to live….

Here are some of her best pics…

Posted in:Nina Agdal|SFW




Ariel Winter is Living the American Dream of the Day

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Only in America can some ethnically ambiguous girl from some very popular TV show be sexualized at a young age by the perverts who watch the show she is on – thanks to starting puberty at a young age due to the psychological trauma that comes with being sold off by your parents to work for fame….only to force the girl to try to cut off her tits to de-sexualize herself – in a “let me be a kid still” kind of way – only to have her tits continue to grow because that’s what hormones in the food do to a girl..a girl who has given away her life and privacy and is now giving away her dignity with titty big and butt shot after titty pic and butt shot – trying to figure out how to stay relevant even though she’s on a huge fucking show…and the only way to do that is take that legit acting job and throw it out the window by “Kardasian-ing it” through hooker behavior…and pics becase the Kardashians are the ones making all the money – and are the real ones living the American Dream….

Here’s a round-up of her best pics…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Bella Hadid is Living the American Dream of the Day


Bella Hadid, isn’t even the famous one in the Hadid clan, she’s just the sister and that’s why she’s living the American dream.

Her immigrant father came to America and made 100s of millions of dollars. Her immigrant mother came to America to find those 100s of millions of American dollars to stuff into her g-string / vagina via semen – two create two lovely, tacky, good looking children to pass on her hustle to…the American Dream hustle….but they invested in the cuter sister, making her get out there, only for the backseat sister to get up in on it when the hard work was already done – even though it wasn’t hard work at all – to ride those coat tails onto her own cover stories — all while not having to sell her soul to the jenners – making her the American dream while her sister is just the fame whoring puppet – either way….immigrants making it for their American dream and this Bella is the American Dream..

She may not photograph too well but her tits do…and she’s hotter than her fame whore sister…living the dream…

Here’s a round up of her best pics…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Kim Kardashian Empowering Women for America of the Day


It’s questionable how empowering Kim
Kardashian is for women everywhere, but she has caused a lot of girls to get butt implants, face injections, all looking like cheesy slutty clowns, because they assume this tranny look is hot, because that’s what the media tells them and because they are dumb and believe it…

But there is no doubt that Kim Kardashian is the most powerful person in the media, like Oprah, all from a sex tape, with no skill or substance, but she shows off her fat scary ass and tits as often as she can….and pretends it is empowering…so that it is empowering..

So the lesson I learn is be trashy, Exhibitionist, who lets people see your genitals and get paid….maybe not quite the feminist agenda as guys are jerking off to her sexualized self, but pretend it is and it makes it ok as you count all your vapid cunt money….

Obviously garbage, obviously created by American uneducated trash that like reality tv and even nominate their hosts for president…dressed for America the place her immigrant dad came to give her opportunities like sucking a Popsicle like a cock. USA USA USA





Posted in:SFW




Charlotte McKinney is Living the American Dream of the Day


Charlotte McKinney represents two very important things about the American the dream and both are her sloppy tits and thanks to her tits….

They distract from her horse face / monkey face / weak chin face because tits like this erase faces – they are just that big.

They also are famous for just being tits, really big tits, and nothing more than tits which is essentially famous for nothing….on TV for being a star while not being a star. Having a million followers on irrelevant social media for having been on tv for being a star when she’s not a star…all because of tits…

It’s nice to live in a world where a woman can live out her lazy dream because she’s spoiled and entitled white trash all thanks to tits…

It’s nice that little girls everywhere know that without such big tits they won’t amount to an important on TV set of tits in a world where clearly tits matter, they are a currency, they buy an audience of perverts..

God bless America and the fact it makes tits great again…or great Tits can make dreams come true….

Freedom in a world where we almost lost sloppy tits to Booty….when they are this big they have to be sloppy…

To see the rest of the pics click here

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




BabesForTrump for July 4th of the Day


BabesForTrump that aren’t really babes but are half naked are perfect for July 4th day….Because this is America and it is America day….

In more interesting slimy Trump news – the creepy sleazy rich pig who is a known womanizing misogynistic who probably objectifies everyone because his moral code is based solely on money like most rich womanizing men who think they are invincible and act like mob bosses like an 80s tycoon he is – this rape culture USA story is serious, juicy and credible even if he discounts it and would…first rule of being rich is to admit nothing make rape victim look like the predator win presidency – read it here

But babesfortrump are what matters – girls who support rich pricks and I know that this isn’t news, that I am not political, that these babes who are hardly babes, but rather sorority looking white trash strippers looking for any excuse to get half naked and to potentially go semi viral on the Internet by stripping down and slurring up for Trump is about as America as you can get – because Trump’s whole convoluted campaign is about making America great again, whatever that means, and as a Canadian I am strictly basing my opinion on having seen Trump in action since the 80s and knowing all he is is gaudy, trashy, bullshit and I find it hard to think he’s anything more than that in his political career that doesn’t exist before this media event that is his running for President. I also know he panders to the lowest human form and is like the Borat scene where he says “support our troops” and the retards cheer him right after booing him.

It’s not my America or my Fourth of July and I am not even talking his politics I am talking his public image, because I know as you know whoever is elected is a puppet to the evil brains that actually run the company, that’s why I appreciate trumps campaign despite thinking it’s brilliant yet Moronic

More importantly – I am all for fame whores who are behind him showing their behinds getting as naked as they can for the election hoping he either makes them famous or as a collective they’ll get famous and based on Trump’s track record these may be your next Secretary or Stare or whatever he has the power to elect when he wins, because he will probably win, before getting assassinated or be very entertaining

Whatever this trashy, basic, nonsense is – I like it. It reminds me of every Stripper, middle of the road employee, tanning salon cashier and Floridian I’ve ever known.

This is America and this is the freedom you’ve fought for. Not bad….


Posted in:Bikini|SFW|stepNEWS|Trump