I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Lovato Naked for a New Song and in a Bikini of the Day

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I don’t like Demi Lovato, I don’t think she deserves her fame and fortune. There’s nothing amazing or compelling about her. I don’t even really understand why she exists beyond the hispanic angle, easy to play to a loyal passionate people…that she’s made even more sustainable using the whole “no make up, no photoshop”….strategy of don’t body shame and love your body, when clearly this bitch is waist training and photoshopping – she just likes to pretend she’s not – it makes it feel real….and in her defense, her struggles with bi polar disorder, her public freakouts and breakdowns – would imply that maybe believing something is real is enough – because that’s how things work for the crazies…

That said, Demi Lovato is now adding recently single to her fat, no body shaming, love your body, Mexican / Latina, LESBIAN, mental health marketing campaign – it works for Taylor Swift, and that bitch is a whore – not a hopeless romantic – so it’ll work for this one too….all naked for her new single artwork…It looks like she’s been waist training –

Also in a bikini, because that’s what people do when they want to get in the press for being in a bikini and not looking all that bad – thanks to her not actually not working out..it’s definitely not great -but it’s better than nothing.



To see the rest of the concert butt shots Click Here

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Anna Kendrick for The Edit of the Day


Anna Kendrick is one of my least favorite women in movies, which isn’t saying much because I generally don’t like any of these bitches in movies, and for the most part I don’t remember any of their names, so saying KENDY is my least favorite, is almost like saying she’s my favorite, just the opposite – because I have an actual opinion of her, her boring performances, the fact that she’s made it when I don’t really understand why she’s made it – and more importantly – her creepy mouth that used to irritate me in movies – I was forced to watch due to pussy making me do it…but in this era of plastic face, a small mousy mothy mossy mouth isn’t so bad – it makes our dick look bigger, but more importanlty – it doesn’t make her look like a garbage porn clown…even if she must have done some porn stunts to get to this level of fame – otherwise I really won’t be able to wrap my hand around and understand her career….

She does have a decent / fit body – which I guess is important seeing as she’s in movies and supposed to be a love interest..in this superficial world we call homo..

She’s also in New York Mag…

Posted in:Anna Kendrick|SFW




Keira Knightly Tame for Madame Figaro of the DAy


Keira Knightly never really bothered me, but then again never really impressed me. She was just sort of there. She was skinny, had a pretty face, and she didn’t rage or do anything scandalous or interesting, but she existed, she’s made money, she’s got fame, she’s probably considered A-List, but I can’t remember any movie she’s in, I can’t remember ever seeing her nude in any of these movies, I can’t remember whether she’s won any oscars and I’m forced to google her to find out, if I cared enough, when really I’m just posting these pics for the one pic of her stomach…and figure anyone who wants to see them will be into Keira Knightly and wont’ need my opinion on whether she’s relevant…like any stripper or sugar baby or hooker you ask that question “what do you do for work” to…the answer will be a variation of “look at my bank account, your opinion don’t matter motherfucker”…and they are right..it doesn’t but I’ll still judge….

Posted in:Keira Knightly|SFW




Dakota Fanning Butt Shot of the Day


In not giving a fuck about Dakota Fanning, probably like her parents the second she turned 18 so that they could move onto the sister who was still under 18 and a potential money maker for them – I totally missed this picture of her ass being stuck out in a one piece like some kind of stripper at the strip club during a lap dance – because I don’t pay attention – but seeing it 3-6 minutes ago I realize…I am all about the once favorite now less favorite sister tyring to have a good time now that she’s got money and the control of her life to go have fun for a change – I remember at 8 or 9 this bitch was a creepy robot her parents created to be the family ATM…and sex parties on boats are better than early call times you’re forced to go to – by the people you trust and her are supposed to be raising you properly..time to go nuts

Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Eva Amurri’s Pregnancy Bikini Photoshoot of the Day


Eva Amurri is a character you don’t give a fuck about, but those of you who somehow do care about her, she’s in a bikini while pregnant showing off the big tits, which must be the only thing you are into her for – because she’s only got tis going for her, and I guess her mom is Susan Sarandon – and that alone helped her get on TV where she was topless – despite having all the connections and money – that’s the best she could fucking do – low level massive sized tits on Californication – what weird rebelling that is no more – because she’s dropped out of acting to play bikini housewife and she posted this shit – that I am reposting because big hormonal pregnant rich girl tits is the shit I don’t like – but don’t mind because they are tits and would life to K-Fed – otherwise I can just watch her TV performane tits which are far less pregnant…

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW




Rumer Willis Knows Her Angles of the DAy


When your mom is a vapid superfical twat like Demi Moore who was once very fucking famous after rebuilding her entire face and body with her hollywood money – only to become a relatively hot, albeit smoke and mirrors, leading lady who couldn’t act….you learn how to manipulate the media / the camera/ etc…by saying the right things, or using your best angles….

So it’s only natural her daughter, who got her pre-plastic surgery looks, would post this picture to her seocial media -because she knows from behind – face in pillow is when she looks best..

Great ass…see not all things are negative…


Posted in:Rumer Willis|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Fat Ass of the DAy


Fat ass, dark and edgy, instagram couple turned tattooed lesbian, attempted to be a model becuase of her size but lost out to her cousin because of her cousin’s social network besties, Ireland Baldwin….posed pantsless for seomthing that I guess she considers to be art – since she’s a spoiled rich kid who doesn’t really understand the value of anything of substance – but she does undstand putting her fat ass out there may get talked about and the more people talk about her the less she has to think about how her daddy never talked about her….daddy issues…are amazing…

That said, I am a fan of Ireland Baldwin, I like that she’s not a Kardashian / Jenner / Hadid groupie and has nothing to do with any of that and I believe that she should be the one getting the jobs…less commercial but way more tormented than the other ones and that leads to a level of authenticity that is just “a broken and girl”…rather than candy coated avon lady selling product for a cut of sales like the other famous rich kid instagram idiots..

Hump that couch.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




18 Year Old Actress – Ryan Newman of the DAy


Ryan Newman started acting at age 7 and you know what that means….her parents exploited her, stressed her out, spoiled her to keep her motivated then robbed her of a childhood, when other kids were playing she was on set, with all kinds of pressure to perform put on her, breaking her spirit and creating a vapid little ego….leaving her totally delusional and addicted to the good life, but forced to navigate things and retain or grow audience so that her peak of her career isn’t Sharknado 3…..

She’s doing it with bikinis and hot young tit…good strategy for me, better than that other childstar Gary Coleman who did it with slowly self destructing before dying…

I don’t remember ever posting pics of her before, all these bitches blend into each other, and as long as slutty selfies happen – thants what matters.


Posted in:Ryan Newman|SFW




Juno Temple Almost Naked for W Magazine Naked of the Day


Juno Temple has been naked in a bunch of movies and I guess Vinyl, which worked out pretty well for her……..so seeing her tits doesn’t really inspire me…but then again…seeing her tits is better than not seeing her tits….cuz that’s just how life works….even when the tits are weirdly shaped, underdeveloped or over developed, a bare tit is just communicates directly to our souls…it’s probbaly a survival, baby breast feeding, the first thing we see other than afterbirth is tit…and we carry that through life, unless we weren’t breast fed and just end up emotionally detached weirdos like a puppy taken away from its mother too long.

I don’t really know who Juno Temple is…but I don’t really know who anyone besides the a list are. Too many whores trying to make it, too many whores who have made it, it’s better to just reduce them to their tits, or lack there of tits, to really celebrate their actual contribution to our lives, because another movie role by an actor who feels she is talented or an artist, is just bullshit noise that takes away from tit.

The interesting thing about this shoot for W MAGAZINE is that W MAGAZINE, not a porn site, posts nude and slutty instagram inspired pics of girls

Posted in:Juno Temple|SFW




Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Aniston Old Lady Nipple Battle of the DAy

I figure there were to posts about hard nipples on women in their 40s who people, mainly nerds fucking love, one of whom is Kate Beckinsale from some vampire movie that still looks amazing despite being a mom…

Kate Beckinsale is loved – Braless and Magical for the Nerds


Where the other one is Jennifer Aniston who made a Primetime TV career out of her nipples being hard, that translated into pretty shitty movie roles, that paid out because she was the love interest despite being old – while her personal life was a series of no one knocking her up, everyone fleeing her and her wrath, because once you latch on her teet – you get your taste and move on, like trying someone’s desert at a restaurant, it’s good but not good enough to justify the calories….or headache from your diabetic shock because you’re half dead thanks to alcoholism….

Jennifer Aniston’s Crazy thick Nipples so ready to feed – with nothing to feed – even though a week ago people said she was pregnant – it looks like that dream ended with a shit….but she still Jennifer Aniston milks these nipples harder than her baby does…but that’s probably because she doesn’t have a baby..no one will knock her up and she’s at menopause age…


Posted in:Jennifer Aniston|Kate Beckinsale|SFW