I'll Make You Famous…




Andreea Diaconu Music Video of the Day

Here’s a video of some model named Andreea Diaconu…who I guess appreciates the opportunity in Vogue so much that she allows them to make a mockery or fool of herself in public – dancing like a dancing Romanian monkey, only Romanian monkeys are actually trained bears that balance on balls at the traveling gypsy circus…I saw it in a documentary….

I like this video – because models in bikinis being silly – so innovative, so much better than models in shitty staged dramatic poses looking like assholes – who are actually being serious when really they seem like they are making a fucking joke – because their jobs are actually jokes…

It’s interesting to see what these whores will do for money…or at least exposure to get that money…gypsies…they crazy.

Posted in:Andreea Diaconu|SFW|Videos




Gigi Hadid Legs for Shoes of the Day


Gigi Hadid was cultivated by a model you’ve never heard of, unless you’re big in the 55 year old rich guy in LA scene, or someone who has been a victim of her trying to make you know who she is, because if she has her own career or the illusion of a career – she won’t look like a prostitute who passes on her prostituting to her kids – because it worked out so well for her – even though the kids don’t need money – thanks to trust funds….trust funds that don’t give them that sense of importance, relevance, or mass acceptance and praise…because money can buy shit -but millions of instagram – that shit is memories, validation and what really matters in this world…

Vapid cunts…all around us –

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Hilary Duff Strong Legs of the Day


Hilary Duff has legs….

Hilary Duff has legs….

She’s a sassy little bitch – sitting a big swollen peach pussy….that’s convenient to put all her money she made a decade ago inside of it…

She laid, got married and divorced and re-married – after shitting out a kid…I guess the bruises on her slutty thighs are a product of that COMING back to gether.

But these shorts make me think she’s got more life in her to give… more Hilary Duff to pollute the world with…and everytime I say her name I think…how fucking stupid of a last name is DUFF….especially when her big K-Mart brand was called “Stuff by Duff” when all you want to do, crazy fan is stuff her….but she doesn’t care about you. – it’s offensive…let’s lynch her like a closet case hits up gay clubs after a long day in the sun at Disney…

I guess what I am trying to say is her thick legs are less thick..


Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




Jenna Jameson Ass Implants Are TErrifying of the Day

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So…Jenna Jameson is still alive…

And it looks like she’s allowed her insanity manifest in totally reasonable ass implants….

Posted in:Jenna Jameson|SFW




Kim Kardashian Naked for GQ of the DAY


I try to ignore the Karadashians, but every now and then, mainstream media do a photoshoot, if you can consider a photoshopped Kim Kardashian a photo, when it’s more of an artistic interpretation of Kim Kardashian…and I have to ask why…

I guess business is slowing down for Kim Kardashian during her pregnancy – she’s pregnant isn’t she? Or maybe this is her post pregnancy, I’ve never seen the show, I stopped following her bullshit when she released the sex tape that made me a lot of money, so thanks Kim, best business partner I’ve ever had….unfortunately..

She’s decided to release some naked enough images.. that probably took years to edit, but that she’ll pretend is her casual and 60 pounds lighter than she was when pregnant….

Thanks GQ for knowing exactly what GENTLEMAN want…because I don’t know one man who wants Kim Kardashian naked, not even Kanye, he’s more into using her to get men into him….

She obviously has this as part of some promo tour, she’s putting herself out there, naked enough, but we could argue that if they are of Kim Kardashian’s face they are naked enough – because this bitch is overexposed, and irritating…the fucking worst..

We can all agree that she is garbage, no one I know likes her…we all know it – yet people still like her – people still buy into her shit – and her social media / reality star contrived bullshit is a leader to a hopeless generation of half retards…

There’s no point to hate on her, she exists, and we allow it…but at least she still whores in all her success for some media hits to make some noise around herself, when regular porn bitches end up dead…




Here’s the video that didn’t go viral because no one cares!

More photoshoot photoshop

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Ashley Graham Gunt Eats Bathings Suit and Everything Else in Some Offensive Body Positive Shoot of the Day


Yes…we get it…own your fat…but I think shoving it down all of our throats is offensive.

We get it…fat girls can get naked and be half naked. We’ve all been there and know that some fat chicks are the loud ones flashing their tits at the bar. Not all are self-hating, reserved fat chicks, eating pints of ice cream with their cats..

We get it…some fat chicks own being fat chicks as they make you take them to the all you can eat buffet to down all the fucking cake their diabetes can handle before having a leg amputated..

We get it…some fat chicks like showing you how massive her shits are, or how bad her farts are…

We get it…there are bathing suits made for fat chicks, because fat chicks go to beaches even though they should go to temperate climates as to no strain their already strained hearts..

We get it….you can fit into any shower curtain that’s been cut into a trendy shape because brands know fat chicks is a huge market, so give them fat chicks fashion so they will buy you clothes..

But why this is celebrated, or empowering makes no sense to me, other than that people are scared to call a fat chick a pig, or an elephant, who should cover up – TAKE THIS BATH ROBE PLEASE…..people are scared to say “I fuck fat chicks at 3 am when no one else wants to show off their mouth skills, and trust me fat chicks have mouth skills, on my dick”…

Other fat chicks and BBW / BBQ fetishists, into the whole feeder things are celebrating what DOCTORS have told us all is high risk and nothing to celebrate….

But Graham can brag that she’s got no health issues, she can brag that we aren’t her doctor, she can also wear a damn bikini in private, but why would she do that…she’s making money…getting famous…good for egos that may make her lazy ass feel good enough to start eating smaller portions…because clearly, she’s been over served whether you want to admit it or not, whether you want to say the BMI obesity scale is wrong…I know, and you know, eat less and exercise means don’t be a fat bitch…

The funniest thing in this fat chick movement of fat chicks who hardly move – is that in the process of celebrating being able to gain weight while being healthy as they claim – to be a voice / face or body with a gunt that eats bathing suits because some fatty girls are shameless..is that they are shaming skinny girls, who are healthy and work out, for being skinny…in reverse bullying…in a world that makes zero fucking sense..

Yes, let everyone do what they want to do….which includes me thinking fat chicks in bathing suits is more a circus act of a better time then what should be a celebrated norm…but then again…I am a renaissance man.

That said, I fuck fat chicks…especially the big titty ones…but I am the worst scum of society…who doesn’t mind looking at their assholes…because I have no standards…but I don’t think society as a whole should follow my lead and have no standards…it’d make for a low of deadbeat garbage leeching off the system…who thinks “fat chicks really give good head, it must be their neck fat jiggle a skinny girl can’t do”…because that’s truth.


Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




OMG…..Rita Ora Has Nipples….of the Day


If you’re wondering who or what Rita Ora is or where and why she exists…she’s made a point of sending out this reminder to the world…in “I have tits, tits with nipples, tits with nipples that producers and executives fucking love, tits with nipples that DJs and producers and even a Kardashian loved, tits with nipples that want to be Rihanna so bad – they pretend to be Rihanna but aren’t Rihanna, despite being tits that are better than Rihanna’s because tits may make a girl who has nothing to offer but tits don’t just make a girl, there are many great tits out there that we like to look at but that are just great tits, not all great tits are superstars…even if their tits in and of themselves are..”…

I don’t know why I find Rita Ora a bottom feeder, but I wouldn’t mind feeding off her bottom…probably high in nutrients…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rose Bertram Has Big Tits for Esquire of the Day

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Rose Bertram is a model I haven’t really heard of, I saw her in Sports Illustrated last year, but I hate Sports Illustreated swim and thought “shit, they found a good one, that girl is the fucking future, her face is so unique, ethnic, foreign, exotic, and lovely as fuck and by lovely as fuck I mean busty as fuck – I mean fuck…

I am all for these busty models – ideally skinny busty models getting famous for being busty because thanks to hormones in the food – boobs are making that comeback and they don’t always come with obesity – but they can make your obesity cum…because tits…

She’s great – Esquire’s marketing / styling / using Esquire branded bathing suits in the worst shoot ever – isn’t great…they could have done anything, but chose this…weird.

Posted in:Rose Bertram|SFW




Joanna Krupa Topless on Social Media for President of the Day


Since America is all about making reality stars the President of the USA because America media thought it was funny and garnered views for America to think – hey the government is full of shit this will add some excitement to the mix…or maybe they are idiots who don’t really understand that Trump is just saying whatever he thinks the morons want to hear…like the white trash, trailer park living, rednecks, who may or may not be you, who has weird American values thanks to Christianity and lack of education / intelligence or culture…who doesn’t realize that the shit he says is to pander to the idiots – like how BORAT went to the RODEO where people booed him until he said “SUPPORT OUR TROOPS” to which they all cheered him – it was a great American moment brought to you by British Jew pretending to be an Arab, to make fun of all you idiots…

The good news is that I’m not American and I don’t follow Politics, and I am not saying I’d be into the other party if I was American, or that I’d even vote since I think it’s all puppetry…

I am just saying that I’m amazed Trump hasn’t been assassinated yet, even as an inside job, they’ve done it before with other leaders…and activists…

I am just saying that if any reality star should be President it should be Joanna Krupa, the Polish born model – who milked being Polish – despite being raised in America after escaping Poland back in the communist 70s….you see she’s old…who defied all odds of middle class with a set of great tits to get into Men’s magazines…only to pre-40 end up on Dancing with the Stars…opening up doors for her – thanks to her struggles of her fake tits…creating a 5-6 year reality TV stint..that has concluded with topless pics…

She’s just as qualified as all the other puppets…

So Make America Great Again with topless 40 year old Realty Star Glamour models born in Poland…or she’ll try doing it herself…because she’s the only one who cares abotu her…

Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Aymeline Valade TITTY MODEL of the Day


We live in a world where we don’t have a shortage of tits…

This is Aymeline Valade…she’s from France, she was in a movie once, so she’s more than just a model, that movie was called Saint Laurent, about Yves Saint Laurent, where she played a model…she’s got so much depth…depth in the form of a willingness to get naked or topless because this is 2016 and like 1969 before it, tits are a sign of liberation in an era where women have equal rights but still like showing tits..

Not to mention she’s france, so this is her wearing a shirt / bathing suit / I love her.

Posted in:Aymeline Valade