I'll Make You Famous…




Erin Heatherton’s Picking her Ass on the Beach

EH (4)

Fired from Leonardo DiCaprio’s bed..which led to her being fired from Victoria’s Secret…leading to her not being fired from the all you can eat buffet where she stocked up on food like she was Karolina Kourkova in the fat years…you can google it…I’ve been doing this blog for a long time and these sluts are interchangeable and repetitive…

New life was sucked into her career by the good people at Sports Illustrated, who said “we need big girls of all sizes, let’s use you, you’re a name, you’re known, let’s reinvigorate things”…that was in February…

Well, she’s still bigger, not offensively big, just too big of a belly hanging over her bathing suit for someone like me who likes skinny models…but who people will love, since fat chicks are popular and trendy in this inclusive safe space everyone is friends world we live in…I mean she’s hardly plus sized, even though she’s huge…..

I’m glad she’s smiling and powered through the dark times, but it may just be a sugar high…before the crash…thanks to all the cake.

EH (1)

EH (14)


Posted in:Erin Heatherton|SFW




Danielle Knudson Nude for Jared Thomas Kocka of the DAy


Danielle Knudson posted one of these pictures by instagram turned real photographer JARED THOMAS last week, so I’ll assume they are recent enough to revisit…

Now you probably don’t know who Danielle Knudson and you probably shouldn’t know who she is….because she doesn’t know who you are – and that would make you creepy….but more importantly ,she hasn’t really accomplished much…

I know that as a Canadian, being in the USA working as a model who gets booked for Sports Illustrated, seems like a big deal…making money that isn’t Alberta Oil related…is a big deal..

I will assume that she’s just another one of these girls using Guess and Sports Illustrated to showcase her tits to sell herself off to the highest bidding athlete which in her case is Milos Ranonic – a Canadian tennis player. But that doesn’t mean I know what I am talking about and these pictures are a sign of her stepping up her instagram modeling – to sell more campaigns with her real modeling…because she’s pretty fucking hot and that’d be a good thing to do…
while naked. We like that.

Posted in:Danielle Knudson|SFW




Pia Mia Perez for Nylon of the Day


Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam born porn star…who isn’t actually a porn star, she was just whored out by stage parents who sent her to mainland AMERICA instead of making her work the US GUAM airforce base strip club…because she was 14 at the time and GUAM isn’t Thailand…

You could argue that she was exploited by her parents, or maybe they were just trying to help her, but either way she got a huge following on social media from very little acting work, as the industry hates ethnic people…

I guess they figured that acting was a joke, those idiots don’t get paid, so they got her into music…mainly the hip hip scene which is today’s pop music and with pop music comes fake tits…

And now Nylon is featuring them on their new music bullshit…

She’s a social media superstar, has a strong fan base, isn’t happy with the millions she probably makes in Youtube money, and now wants a legit career…and it is working…and this is her PR…

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez|SFW




Willa Holland Awesome Ass of the Day


Willa Holland is an artist…

An artist who happens to have a famous stepfather and an even more famous God Father who is named Steven Spielberg…

An artist who has been on TV for at least a decade, from the show The O.C…to Arrow or whatever it is she’s on…

But in her downtime, she takes photos, like everyone obsessed with Instagram….an INSTAGRAM YOU CAN FOLLOW HERE

And being an instagram, photographer with depth, she likes to take pics of her ass, an ass I like looking at…

I support Willa Holland and her hustle…



Posted in:SFW|Willa Holland




Miley Cyrus Still Exists of the Day

I just checked out Miley Cyrus on instagram to see if she still exists…

Apparently, she does…

It’s funny how we can be overexposed to some of these idiots, we get them shoved down our throat all fucking day – every fucking day… and then zero..or barely anything…except her getting her planets wrong.

I think it has something to do a PR team pushing her nonsense, or maybe how ADD we are and how much we don’t care about anything or anyone…for more than 10 seconds….

So Miley was everything – now she’s nothing – but a brat sitting on pile money…

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Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 2.34.41 PM

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Hailey Baldwin is a Model of the Day


Hailey Baldwin did a shoot for someone or something called Damon Baker. I am going to assume it was a “creative” shoot, not an actual brand shoot, because no one really gives a fuck about Kendall Jenner’s friend who isn’t Gigi Hadid, but who wants nothing more in this blessed world she lives in to be Gigi Hadid…you know going to bed every night hating Gigi Hadid for pulling off the scam the Baldwin wanted to…

These celebrity / LA Based / rich kids aren’t a new thing, they are connected, their parents are egotistical narcissists who are even worse than corporate executive rich parents or real estate tycoon rich parents since celebs are the fucking worst egos who never grow up, always on the verge of self destructing and being into themselves, leading to some very weird kids with lots of money, you’d expect to see hustling instagram and the party scene for famous people to fuck, or brands to play model for…

Hailey Baldwin is cute at best, her dad is Stephen Baldwin, I find her uninteresting, but I find everyone uninteresting…even when showing off her young round ass…

If you don’t like this baldwin, there’s a bigger baldwin, less famous baldwin, with more famous baldwin parents…Ireland…who gets naked for photos now..not because she’s a Tranny Bathroom user…but because of her size…and because she was doing the Hailey Baldwin get in the media hustle before Kendall and Gigi went next level famous, not for being worthy…but for having followers…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Taylor Swift – May Still be Pregnant at a Club of the Day

I don’t know why Taylor Swift is dressed all crazy in this lace covered romper, but it looks like I could have been right about the maternity gear for a pregnant girl, a story that is terrifying to write about, because Taylor Swift has trademarked her name and if she wants can sue any blog who writes her name in a way she doesn’t like being written about…

I guess I could give her a nickname like “slutty country star who go too famous and rich for her own good by going pop only to annoy everyone who hears her music because she’s the fucking worst – yet still exists because the machine just gets bigger and bigger, other celebs suck up to her, and no one seems to think she is singing a one sided version, anti men version, of her being a sex addict”…

I don’t know why she looks like Taylor Mosen with that bleached hair and black outfit, but maybe she’s going through hormonal issues…from the pregnancy…new look!

I don’t know if she’s actually pregnant, but some reputable people have mentioned it in passing the last 3-4 months and I just assume that they are right, why would they lie or make that up, it’s not like I talk to people about Taylor Swift or dig for Taylor Swift gossip, her pregnancy only affects me in one way and that is that I can hope she dies in child birth, or disappears with her constant attention seeking for a while while raising the baby…you know…like Beyonce did….or like J.Lo did…just fade out gracefully…

So even if they were right about her being pregnant, she may have vacuumed it out, like a good Christian who likes making money, only to disprove my claims…but I’m pretty much a hack and no one believes what I write anyway…in fact…no one reads what I right.

I think I see GUNT…but if she was pregnant, I can’t imagine a club in NYC being the best place for the fetus…so it may just be dinner…

Either way, she’s the worst.


Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Janet Montgomery Butt Shot for Instagram of the Day


Janet Montgomery was in Black Swan, she’s from the UK, 31, and in a bunch of upcoming movies. She was also on the show Salem, I have no idea who she is – but know she wants you to see her tanline that looks like a pair of panties and that’s glorious enough for me…

I am not necessarily a coppertone sun damage loving pervert who jerks off to tanlines, but there is a fetish for tan lines, and there are strippers who hit the tanning beds with the most absurd bikinis to get the most absurd tanlines and dudes fucking love that shit…

I am definitely a fan of bare ass on the internet or social media of people who don’t need to be posting their bare asses….

Posted in:Janet Montgomery|SFW




Iggy Azalea for “Legend Magazine” of the Day


Iggy Azalea is in some magazine called LEGEND magazine that we can assume she invented or financed with the money she didn’t pay the IRS, you know typical immigrant using the system to get ahead but not contributing to the system, despite having her work permits in place…just a typical immigrant lack of respect…send her back to Mexico….or Africa…or wherever it is this trash is from…..

She’s a fucking phony, a fake, a pile of garbage no one actually cares about, but who hit at the right time thanks to hip hop music and strategic fucking. Her story of being a street rapper, or stripper is such a fucking lie…she’s a suburban white girl and people should laugh at her clearly fake urban accent…

She’s AUSTRALIA…and if she doesn’t have an Australian voice…she’s putting on an act…and act that would include starting a magazine called Legend- just to put herself on the cover of in panties…showing a photoshopped fat ass…because Americans are idiots and if a hashtag #legend is next to a slut, maybe people will assume she’s a legend by association. Basic subliminal marketing..

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Emily Rat Cow’s 2012 Tits of the Day


Emily Ratajkowski still exists. We call her Rat Cow, but she’s not that boy, I mean she’s hardly a cow, she’s more of a bird, but I guess a rat face is like a bird face, all pointy and terrifying…with red eyes fixated on manipulating you into thinking she’s hot or giving her work as an actress – supported by some great fucking tits….

I am not a misogynist who boils down a woman’s worth to her tits, but some women like Em Rat Cow do it for us…it’s like “I have great tits, real or fake you’ll never know, but they’re great, so love me, hire me, keep me relevant”…

It’s the same story, she is unremarkable as a personality…but maybe her being raised in an artist family in souther California makes her less annoying as a person that she comes across in her public, barely relevant but till getting invited places existence.

She seems like an only child, spoiled brat, overly fed positive affirmations from her parents allowing her to go manipulate the world at a young age…but I guess thats looking to deep into her, trying to find value or purpose…when really, like she’s always telling us, she’s just tits….great tits..

These are from 2012.



Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski