I'll Make You Famous…




Christina Milian’s Gone Nipple Crazy on Snapchat of the Day


I guess someone told Christina Milian that snapchat is the new vehicle to whore herself on, and that people will follow, because they are depressive, boring and feel the need to see what idiots they don’t know or really care about are up to in real time, hoping they end up getting naked or slipping up as they sometimes do, with the whole real time shit, making for these has-beens, who are rich as fuck divorced moms, excited to be the thirsty, slutty, attention seekers they are in their core of their person…which is the reason why they have a career in entertaiment..

So if you’re into old, washed up, rich, uninteresting, not even hot moms getting naked trying to reclaim the fame they had or almost had before making babies…here’s some Christina Milian…uslessness…with nipple…on New Years Eve…

Posted in:Christina Milian|SFW




Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is Amazing in Activewear of the Day


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has this great body, this great face, and I think she’s amazing, she’s one of my favorite models, who has been in movies, proving that acting requires no talent…if you’re hot and know how to read lines you memorized that morning….it’s just a scam…

I think she just has this bitchy face, like she knows she’s too good for you and your bullshit, and won’t bother with you, but will be polite about it, thanks to be a cold hearted, uptight British person…who should be the mother of the Future King, but that Prince fucked it all up, so instead she dates bald action stars…and peddles panties and now activewear for UK department stores…I like her…

Posted in:Rosie Huntington-Whiteley|SFW




Random Girls I Have Never Heard of Buy Who are “Famous” In Bikinis of the Day

I don’t know every girl who poses in bikinis, especially since bikinis are the number one way for people to get noticed on social media, so that even your friends, and friends of friends are posting bikini pics, making celebrity bikini pics irrelevant, especially since some social media girls are more popular than actual celebrities, because they get the internet and the love for tits on the internet…making me see too many bikini pics a day I don’t know what to do with them all, they don’t even make me want to jerk off unless they belong to the coffee shop girl, or actual people in my life, allowing me to be an actual pervert I am meant to be…

So here are a few girls in bikinis I’m seeing on the blogs, who aren’t social media girls, because there are too many social media girls to keep track of, but who are “famous” and in bikinis…for the holidays…

I don’t give a fuck who or what any of these girls are…so if you like them, google them…

Inbar Lavi….

Kareuche Tran…


Linda Park….


Adelaide Kane…


Dani Thorne…


Demi Harman….

Remember there are many hotter more relevant girls in bikinis on instagram….

Posted in:Bikinis|SFW




J.Lo for TV Guide on New Years Eve of the Day


J.Lo is almost timeless, at least whoring herself out is, because her face definitely isn’t, but the idea of her is, thanks to hispanic people being totally fucking obsessed with her, in a she can’t do wrong, ever…she can get half naked and make a fool of herself, all while cashing in, being a bad hispanic who can’t speak Spanish, but like a circus clown, they support…cheer and throw money at her…and thus, the entertainment industry does too, because those Jews need a Spic to use in their projects that is a hard worker, has the audience, someone they can count on…like they did with Halle Berry for the black audience…


She’s promoting a TV show she’s on…and looks hilarious in:

Here’s a compilation of her ass…20 years of booty..because that’s what matters…

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Torrie Wilson and Kelly Kelly Bikini Attention Seekers of the Day



Yesterday I posted some pic of Torrie Wilson, some has-been wrestler, retired since 2008, irrelevant to the general public since 1975…who has fans… because the people who are into this wrestling shit are generally weird people who don’t have much going on and who will not let go of the glory days or the girls they masturbated to in those glory days….

As far as I’m concerned she looks like a fake titty stripper with fake stripper hair and fake stripper tan despite being out in the sun in a bikini….a bikini that is really the only reason I am posting about her is because she’s in a bikini fame whoring…and I like it…

This time with a friend, also a wrestling girl, who once went by the name Barbie Blank, but repackaged herself as Kelly Kelly, also a stripper looking bitch, one step from being a porn chick, and likely masturbated to just as often…

Posted in:Kelly Kelly|SFW|Torrie Wilson




Carnival Cruise Holiday Dreams of the Day

Nothing like a Cruise Ship vacation to have a hellish outcome, considering everything about a Cruise Ship vacation, even if you’re the kind of person who thinks it is as good as life gets, you’re stuck on a trashy boat, with trashy people, doing trashy things, seeing the trashiest docking areas of places that aren’t all trashy….all while being unhygenic, full of disease and diarrhea, while being held fucking captive, all claustrophobic, and in this case covered in fucking blood from a worker crushed by the elevator…I hope this couple get their 150 dollar casino voucher to make it all ok…

Well this couple got

If you don’t like that – here’s a mom realizing her daughter is not taking her first shot…

Here’s the singing Church man in the Philipines singing on his hoverboard…

Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS|Videos




Olivia Culpo Bikini Top on a Boat of the Day


Olivia Culpo is some MISS USA, Nick Jonas fucked who is also a NUDE MODEL FOR A MAGAZINE , trying to get more and more high profile, and having it work, because the world is pretty fucking basic and the tactics needed to get a career after already fucking a Jonas Brother, is as simple as getting naked..it has worked so fucking well for all these instagram whores…

Post the bikini to pics, keep your fans engaged, it’s simple, you basic thirsty, famewhoring sugar baby….

Posted in:Olivia Culpo|SFW




George Lucas Hates the New Star Wars of the Day

Here’s some George Lucas from 6 days ago talking about his break up with Star Wars, how he hates the direction Disney took with it, but how the 4 billion dollars he sold it for, has been added to the other billions of dollars he made with it, in what has been able to distract from their approach.

I didn’t watch the interview from Charlie Rose 6 days ago, but I do believe that it’s hard to sell off your project you’re emotionally attached to, when you’re not Jewish.

Posted in:George Lucas|SFW




The Final Days of Love Magazine Advent of the Day

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And it is with these two videos that the Love Magazine December Advent Calendar for New Years Eve comes to an end…and it is with great sadness…that I present you their last two entries of girls in panties, in studio, dancing around…in some low hanging fruit style…lack of creativity, but they put out 30 videos so they don’t have to be good

Hannah Ferguson….the Sports Illustrated, rumored 20,000 dollars a night, but don’t judge because everyone has a price…and this one is published….pretending to be 23, but looking much closer to 40, with her hard face from hard living, and focus on her hard body from hard work…because it’s all part of her plan to get work…

Imaan Hammam….is a 19 year old dutch model who isn’t famous yet, so appreciate her insane young model body, before she’s too famous to appreciate it…

It was a good run Love Magazine, see you next year…

Posted in:Hannah Ferguson|Imaan Hammam|Love Magazine|SFW




Ellie Gonsalves Naked for Treats! Of the Day


Treats! Magazine is some Sugar Daddy run magazine and party planners in Los Angeles, who I guess get funded by rich guys to throw parties featuring some of the many gold digging hookers who move to LA thinking they deserve to get famous, getting addicted to the rich person life, only to basically end up a prostitue..

Ellie Gonsalves is one of the girls who hangs out with rich guys because they find her hot, and probably cart her around and humor her into thinking she is her own person, with her own career, so that when she spends their money, she feels less like a hooker.

I decided to google Elle Gonsalves, because I’m a journalist….but not really…and I found her own bio talking about how great she is and all her low level accomplishments..

Most interestingly she wrote:

Ellie has acquired an incredible following and loyal fan base through her social media channels. With a total reach of 4.7 million people, Ellie is able to stay in contact with her fans on a daily basis by engaging with people who enjoy being a part of her journey. With Ellie being so passionate about pursuing her own goals and empowering the people around her, it has been this interaction with the people following her journey that has been one of the driving forces behind the creation of her YouTube channel and many other projects she works on.

Which implies that she thinks her life, her work has inspired 4.5 million people to follow her on instagram and facebook…

When in reality, 75% of her audience is fake (she gets 8,000 likes per picture out of 1.5 million “fans”)…while

More importantly, which translates to “I post aggressive pictures of me being a slut and dudes everywhere around the world passively follow me because they like sluts. No, I’m not talented, No, I’m not accomplished, yes, I post half naked pics and dudes love that shit enough to follow”….

Now she’s in Treats!, naked for free, trying to next level herself…because dreams come true…

Let me leave you with some Ellie Gonsalves Bullshit words of wisdom, especially when you check out her social media and see how bootleg / low level she is:

There is something extremely beautiful about a woman who goes after what she wants with confidence and a vision to be a better version of herself than she was yesterday.”

Posted in:Ellie Gonsalves