I'll Make You Famous…




Gigi Hadid for Vogue Italia of the Day


Along with being the social media whore that Victoria’s Secret cast, and yes, I am talking about this Victoria’s Secret fashion show a lot for someone not getting paid by them, but I guess it’s in protest of what they represent, even in their re-branding to become more instagram friendly..using instagram models…and posing pics like instagram filters..but I’m doing it in hopes that the ratings for the show are a fail…

Well here’s their newest star, instagram model Gigi Hadid still not being instagram no more…but instead Vogue, in what I call mocking the fashion industy…in an “all you need is instagram followers and everyone will scramble to you”…

It happened with Blogs 10 years ago, all the big media companies didn’t know how to do the internet, so they bought up all kinds of bloggers, and the bloggers who were just assholes with no business having readers became multi-millionaires…only now it’s with vapid cunts who aren’t even that hot in pics…

Fuck off, but at least they made her look like a clown…and at least this isn’t Kendall Jenner…who really has no interest in being a model. You see at least Gigi is tall and even if I get the vibe she’s milking her situation and playing make-belief, there’s not much different between her and other models…where as Kendall..that girl is just garbage…but unfortunately GIGI has a contract with Kendall to carry her…in exchange for all the BFF social media action she got…I wouldn’t be surprised if Kendall’s team was hired by Gigi’s team to create Gigi as the BFF storyline…either way it worked…

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Shay Mitchell’s Instagram Bathing Suit Butt Shot of the Day


Shay Mitchell is a Canadian, and in being a Canadian I know people who know her, or her family, since we’re all friendly fucking neighbors, who share the same Maple Syrup while watching Hockey..

SO I’ve been told she’s the fucking worst, which is typical of Canadians, who in all their passive aggressive glory, smile and nod to each other, while going home to kill beaver, and not in the way I like to kill beaver…to let out there’s passive aggressive frustration…

But once one of them makes it in America, their ego is fed, they become the big fish in the big pond, too big for their hometown, only to go back and give fake smiles to everyone in an “I’m better than you fucker, I’m on a hit show”….

Well, she’s taking the instagram model hustle of posting her ass on her social media because the fans love ass, and because that’s how instagram or really all social media works..the more slutty the more action…but don’t be too slutty or they’ll delete you unless you’re famous…they love famous people using their shit…

I guess she’s trying everything she can to not be typecast as a one trick pony, while still being a trick, showing her ass…to draw attention to her, and possibly her teen novel she participated in…anything to have future opportunity…because she’s can’t and wont’ come back to Canada defeated….in fact, she’ll naturalize, marry a rich producer and stay in LA…it’s the American Dream…so here’s the ass…encourage it…for more ass

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Katy Perry Vagina Definition of the Day


Katy Perry was in Dubai performing recently, and she didn’t get taken out back and stoned to death like she was from Dubai and dressed like this big girl in a little leotard…that showcases everything that I love…fat pussy definition…because Katy Perry, unlike a girl in Dubai, is a huge star from America…and this is how American women dress in Arab countries…because they don’t give a fuck about the cultural norms, if they can’t handle her…and her vagina definition…fuck em…

And I guess what I am saying is that despite feeling sadness for Katy Perry, a hipster who made it to the mainstream, only to have her fake friends who surrounded her then, really surround her now…in a “I’ve known you since day one”…never really knowing who to trust…or if these people would have stood by her if the party stopped…since everyone is vapid…and I guess Katy Perry could be too…but it’d be hard to believe seeing as she made 120 million dollars last year..and as we know from the Kardashians..that takes brains, strategy, a good team…and not talent…which works for Katy Perry…and if you’ve seen her dance, and sing, you’ll know what I mean..

I guess she’s just taken her evangelical father’s lead and tricked the people in…using religion tactics…applied to everything anti-religious like Katy Perry…

What I’m saying is that I don’t hate it…


Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Selena Gomez Downs Syndrome Face Chemotherapy Dance of the Day


Here’s heavily heavier set Selena Gomez, who will probably blame her tits and stumpy legs on LUPUS…and her need for way too much make-up on Chemotherapy, you see that shit makes you so pale and weak…and bald…just look how bald she is…with some of the thickest fucking hair in the history of hair…because she was milking the chemo line…not because she wasn’t on Chemo, but because it was such a weak dose the side effects included – not stopping anything she was doing…but milk it because based on a technicality it is chemo and sounds horrible which is good for marketing…

So good, Victoria’s Secret fulfilled her terminally ill, make a wish, to be a VS performer like she was Taylor Swift…where she brought out tits with no bra,..even if it is a bra company that hates when girls don’t wear bras…it cuts into profits…because she’s an unappreciative cunt like that…and it’s not her fault..blame stage parenting and her working at a young age to feed their immigrant asses…who may not be Immigrants…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Social Media Whores Ruin Everything – The VS Fashion Show Edition of the Day


I don’t know if the marketing decision makers at these brands are 23 year olds who are fresh out of college, telling the higher up execs that “this is where the market is at”…but it seems so weird to me that the fashion industry, or in this case, the commercial mall brand industry, has bought into the whole social media, reality star, fame whore movement, and cast the girls who aren’t models, but who pretend they are models….in their production,

I am sure there was an era when it was actually prestigious to be cast for this kind of thing, but now they’ve turned it into almost the equivalent of a high school play, where the powerful family everyone hates…whore mom and tranny dad..probably envious of their baby in panties…remembering how hard they worked to make this happen over the span of their lives…

But now, it’s a “how many followers do they have, they’ll do it for free, perfect”…and it’s created a joke…I can’t take seriously…not that I ever too the VS show seriously…but you know what I’m saying…if all it takes is for your sister to have a sex tape..for this “dream to come true”…like it was make a wish foundation, based on rich parents and instagram followers thanks to those rich parents…and I guess with their power, they are pulling the fucking scam..


And it’s not just GIGI and Kendall..but all the girls they cast are just big on Instagram before the brand got involved…and I get why they do it…but hate that they do it…because these people are the fucking worst..and really Victoria’s Secret would do just as well, if they cast no names…who need the work, and who aren’t as lame as these LA brats…

This is not a model…

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Meryl Streep Supports Bullying of the Day

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Maybe I am reading this wrong, because I don’t see her tits, and I also think Meryl Streep is relatively ugly….but unoffensive, regular bitch on the street ugly, clearly capable of acting her way into believable, probably because she’s ugly…

But the quote is:

This was me on my way home from an audition for King Kong where I was told I was too “ugly” for the part. This was a pivotal moment for me. This one rogue opinion could derail my dreams of becoming an actress or force me to pull myself up by the boot straps and believe in myself. I took a deep breath and said “I’m sorry you think I’m too ugly for your film but you’re just one opinion in a sea of thousands and I’m off to find a kinder tide.” Today I have 18 Academy Awards.

Which I read as “Producers called my ugly”…”so I tried harder”…because “Bullying weeds out the weak”….and “if they never called me ugly, I’d have nothing to prove to the world”…and “if everyone is inclusive and nice to each other, people don’t try as hard”…

Then she threw in a brag…about her 18 Academy Awards…none for being the hot leading lady…because…that’s right..she was too ugly to play the lead in King Kong…

As a #cyberbully…I appreciate these words…if you’re being bullied, stop being a little bitch and pull it together…Meryl Streep did it…and she was too ugly…you whining bitch…

Posted in:Meryl Streep|SFW




Kasia Struss and Maaike Klaasen by Ellen Von Unwerth for BlackOut Exhibit of the Day


Memorieslab has partnered with one of the best fashion and erotic photographer named Ellen von Unwerth for an online photo exhibition titled “BlackOut”…featuring actual models Kasia Struss and Maaike, ridiculius named, but topless…

I appreciate these pictures, because there’s a little production, concept, talent, story behind them…I like that actual models are being used in the photoshoot…because I am fed up with all this flimsy, pointless, photoshoot for the sake of photoshoot, model for the sake of getting attention and a dream of being a model…it’s lowered the quality of photoshoots, of naked girls, and have saturated the market, produced so much of the same, and is all easy to fake with current technology…

I hate that no budget, no “wtf?”…no comedy…go into this “girl in bed or shower naked”…even though she’s not an actual model and works at the local starbucks…all for instagram…

I have pretty much thrown in the towel on photos, photoshoots, instagram, all that shit..it’s so played out…but when a real photographer, a celebrated photographer, a talented photographer gets some girls topless in a cool fucking setting…because she’s actually good at photos…I remember…that I can’t let all the poser, try hard, I still don’t mind seeing every girl in the world naked for free, motherfuckers…ruin something I used to love so much I’d jerk off to…

This is what they wrote about the exhibit…I guess fill it up with nonsense words and bullshit artist statements because the world is pretentious…and this really makes it feel like art…like these instagram photographers who print magazines once a year to pretend they are a legit magazine…all to get girls naked…

Carefully chosen by the photographer, the two models, Kasia Struss and Maaike Klaasen, endure a blackout in the middle of the Californian desert. A dramatic and post-apocalyptic adventure with nothing around but an abandoned gas station and blinding heat.

As a pioneer of a pictorial language that sublimates feminity, Ellen von Unwerth, pushes her boundaries once again by adding a layer of indisputable trauma to her heroines in the theme of memories, and a result of their loss.

Here are the 30 images that are up for sale and signed by the photographer at: MEMORIESLAB

Posted in:Art|Ellen von Unwerth|Kasia Struss|SFW




Weirdo Church Video for the Red Cups and Other Videos of the Day

Student Beating

Two Year Old Driving Motorbike

Car Recovery Fail

How to Run a Roundabout

11 Year Old Shot After Attacking Israeli Security Guard…

Another Palestinian Attacks Soldier – Gets Shot

Slippery Roads

Church Worker Stealing..

Brazilian Prison Torture – Pepper Ass

Deer VS Dollar Store

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day



It’s veteran’s day where we pay tribute to people have sacrificed their lives to fight fights, motivated by patriotism and expensive education…maybe even manipulated by the government and their childish/personal/ world power agenda….but they still sacrificed their lives for you. So pay tribute.

It’s not veteran pervert blogger day, that day doesn’t exist, even though it is every day for me…no guns will get shot off, at least not the traditional kind, unless it’s an upset boyfriend….no parades will happen…I probably won’t be getting any masturbation videos to say “thanks for your sacrifices”….because girls seem to have stopped sending those…because I’m a veteran…what I get now is asking for sex advice or how to seduce other guys who aren’t me…like an old timer.

Yes, I made veterans day about me…I write a fucking blog..there’s very little less self involved than that…

Here are some stepLINKS in the morning…

Titty Battle at Some Event

Shia LeBeef is a Joker

Wheel of Fortune Contestant of the Day

American’s for Veterans Day

Reese Witherspoon’s a Wrinkly Bitch

Sarah Jean Underwood Fake Side Tit

National Beard and Moustache Convention

NBC Execs are Not Happy about Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani’s Homosexual Relationship

Bitter Wife Pick-Up Truck of the Day

Some Silly Grim Reaper Prank

Some Chick Named Kate England

Bitches in Beanies

Posted in:stepLINKS




Victoria’s Secret snapchatted the Fashion Show to Reach the Youth and it Sucked of the Day

Here are the screenshots in took of the Victoria’s Secret infomercial taping – that seems terribly boring and exactly the same as every year – because why change a great marketing event going into Holiday. Their busiest time of year.

They can throw in Kendall and Gigi Hadid to get the social media coverage – since those girls have fans…and idiots will watch the nonsense and buy their products but in an era of porn and Instagram photoshoots with actual hot girls…why bother with this…

That said…here are the ghetto fucking screenshots….yes…I did them myself…and spent all of 2 minutes on uploading…you know nothing but top quality here…

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Posted in:Events|SFW|Victoria's Secret