I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner BTS GQ Video of the Day

While I was out drinking pretty much all fucking day..these pictures and BTS that’s fashion for BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO of the Kendall Jenner for GQ…grabbing her tits…on YOUTUBE…because it is OK when GQ does it…and when Kendall Jenner Does it…but when I do it it s porn…you fascists bastastards…

Nones of this matters…it is not even hot…but she is the best of the Kardashians…which isn’t saying much….

I am sure this twat has no personality, she’s up on some Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, raped by your parents figuratively…raped by producers literally…all to get the dream done..

But she does have a young hot body…and can’t hate on that…ever….

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Coco and Her Sister Rub Dirty Vagina of the Day


I have a sister fetish…..one that creeps out every sister or I’ve ever spoken to, whether she is with her sister or not…

Because I always tell them about how if sisters were raised properly by my standards, but not properly by societies standards..they’d be letting me watch themselves eat each other out…since according to DNA, you’re pretty much close enough for it be called masturbation…

It never works…but there are sisters who fuck each other’s boyfriends…because it’s prime catty, competitive behavior…and I guess that’s the one thing you can hope for…unless you know girls who are raised by my standards…and not society’s standards…

All this to say, Coco and her sister are clearly on another level of whore, fame whore, exclusive to one client, do whatever it takes to get noticed, to pay off the ass implants, to live the good life..and this yoga pose from the other day is just a magical, visual rendition of that…

Stayin’ healthy the way I like it…

Posted in:Coco




Pornstars Tell You Why Marijuana Makes Sex Better for 420 of the Day

It’s 420 on Monday…it’s also Cannabis Cup this weekend in Denver, where Weed is Legal…so it only makes sense that a video would come out of a bunch of Porn Stars…or are they scientists, discussing what Marijuana does for them during sex….

I figure, since porn chicks are just nymphos who like to be watched getting fucked, and porn is mainstream and more and more college girls are getting into it, thanks to doing it for free in the frats for all those years…some of these girls may actually be scientists…but their analysis of why weed makes sex better….on this few days before 420 to prep you potheads for 420…because I know you’re all fucking pot heads…even though this is a drinking site…is worth watching…and passing around…the room…hoping no one in the room has herpes…because your mouth was just on it…if you know what I mean…

If you don’t…you’re probably high.

Posted in:Videos




Selena Gomez Bikini Recovery of the Day


Selena Gomez responded to everyone calling her fat, because she is fat, with a “More to me to love”…positive message of “I eat a lot”…that has got a lot of fat girls through being fat and allowed them to continue being fat…and even getting fatter…only to die of heart disease and stroke…since that kind of “I don’t give a fuck”…”embrace yourself”…”this is me”…is actually really fucking unhealthy…despite what the people putting sugar and hormones in everything are telling you…

The good news is that she’s rolling with black rapper dudes…which could either be the cause or the effect of Selena Gomez being this size….you know because so many fat girls before her have found confidence when an athletic black guy with an 11 inch penis destroys them…and tells them how hot they are…because that’s what they are into…

Either way, as long as the bikini is happening, girl doesn’t need a model body…hell, she doesn’t need any body…just tits and a pussy..and we’re good….

So Stop fat Shaming…and start jerking off to her…because this is Selena Gomez…chubby….and slutty….like chubby girls are…and I think she looks good to grab..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Miley Cyrus Headstand with a Leotard Wedgie of the Day



I used to know and party with girls who were just into being weird for the sake of being weird. They were actually normal as fuck, and I guess that’s why they did it, it gave them something to get noticed for or to talk about…whether it was with costume…or whatever….

They were the kind of girls who would go to the gym in a snowsuit…or bikini or really anything to get a laugh…out of boredome or whatever…

They’d be the girls you’d go to their houses or on a trip with and they’d just be dressed crazy in leotards or whatever for the sake of being crazy and in leotards…it made no sense…but it all stemmed from boredom…which I can assume Miley is all about…

It’s like she’s chilling at home, figures “I’ll put on this silly crazy thing”….gets high…cuz it’s almost 420 and tthat what people do…and thinks it’s so great that she should do yoga poses…all her little leeches laugh at the joke…and snap pics and since it was the highlight of her boring, secluded, alienated life…she posts it to the internet…

So her getting weird identity crisis, is really just her being bored and sad…but at least it comes with leotard jacked in ass crack…which happens to be the kind of Gets weird…I like..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Demi Lovato’s in a Bikini Top of the Day


I thought Demi Lovato was a Lesbian…apparently she’s dating the immigrant dude from That 70s Show…because that’s what love is when you give a girl herpes and feel like you have to commit otherwise you’re an asshole…which works out alright because she’s always on the road touring and making money…and when she comes out to have her freakouts, depressions, you can just encourage her team to send her back to rehab…

She’s not hot, she is famous, and she is in a bikini top, and I guess that’s worth enough to look at, even if Demi Lovato’s not really appealing to anyone buy 30 year old Latinos…

I heard, and I’ve said this before, that there is an actual lesbian sex tape with Miley from when they were underage circulating Nashville…I mean that could be some of her more interesting work…if that ever get released..but until then…here’s this nonsense that doesn’t matter…

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Chrissy Teigen Stretch Marks of the Day


Chrissy Teigen is the fucking worst. I am not just saying that because she targeted me on her blog and called me a rapist..I am saying that because everything about her, from career, to social media comedy, to weird freakouts to her realtionship and marriage is a fucking joke….the only thing I wish wasn’t a joke was when she mentioned her suicidal thoughts…because maybe they’d get the best of her in a drunken, bloated rage…

People in the mainstream, I call them suburbanites, or peasants, are buying into her nonsense..and last night I even saw people celebrating and commedning Chrissy Teigen for being so brave by posting a pic of her stretch marked thighs…likes it is revolutionary to be disgusting…

Girls have stretch marks…and I think it is safe to say based on even her photoshopped pics that this pig faced, pot bellied, obscure ethnicity was imperfect…a photoshop lie…that wasn’t even that great, but good enough to secure her funds by gold digging smart, with a guy right before he got super fucking rich…so that he thinks it’s true love…

She’s high maintenance, high strung, irritating, and shouldn’t even be on anyone’s radar…

So only models because she’s positioned herself properly and her rich as fuck husband likes it for his ego..and she’s just doing this for attention…because she sucks and loves attention…and pparently so do her fat inner thighs.

All this to say…I think she’s got a dick…no, that’s not what I wanted to say….what I wanted to say is stop encouraging her…there is nothing good about this oversharing, look at me “fans”…”it’s like you’re in my room with me as we drink because I have no friends, let’s talk about our insecurities” behavior…it’s the worst.

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen|SFW




Candice Swanepoel Cheats on Victoria’s Secret of the Day

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Here she is for Paola & Murray Swimwwear…because I guess Victoria’s Secret is licensing her out…seeing as she is property of theirs as they made her….

I mean we don’t even know if she’s human or from a lab…because she’s pretty much perfect enough to not be fucking human…even in her old model age…which is a funny concept..because she’s probably barely 30…yet almost done.

At least she cashed the fuck in when she had the chance, not that she needed to, her family are South Africa blood diamond farmers…this is just more of a Gigi Hadid level of “I did it on my own” vanity…and I’m glad it happened…because not enough girls in the world look like Candice Swanepoel…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Nicole Trunfio’s in a Bikini of the Day

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Nicole Trunfio was the Emily Ratajkowski who got away….basically she was a few months, maybe even a year too early to go viral…but she was actually a hot Australian model, who was just town to get topless in shoots, and who would have destroyed that Blurred Lines video harder than the girl who did, and would have gone just as viral, only more sustainable, since she’s actually a model…the kind who was willing to show her tits…

Well, instead of getting famous as fuck in America, she got famous as fuck back home in Australia…she also got pregnant as fuck and had a baby 2 months ago, only to bounce back looking like this…because that’s how actual fucking babes do it…not like your wife or all the bitches whining at Starbucks who keep fucking eating because they are so tired from being a mom….but really have just given the fuck up…

Baby or not….Nicole Trunfio is great…and not just her big milk filled tits…all of her…and all she represents…it shoulda been her…


Posted in:Nicole Trunfio




Kate Moss is a Braless Old Lady of the Day


No matter how old and beat up Kate Moss looks as she gets old…and her lifestyle catches up to her….she’ll always be amazing to me…but that’s probably because I’ve known her pussy was old and beat up a decade ago when she had already fucked everyone…and the everyone she had fucked had fucked everyone…making her vagina a science experiment that I could only imagine was a leathery petri dish of weirdness..probably dry, flakey and with a rash or at least “don’t worry they are just ingrown hairs”….all while railing lines of cocaine as her daughter hung out at home motherless…as she showed the world her tits over and over and over…in the most amazing, glamourous ways…

I’m a fan.

Posted in:Kate Moss