People get confused about Sahara Ray. They think that she’s relevant, but really she’s just some LA hipster who has pretty much been hooking on her social media aggressively enough to find an instagram audience, and remember there are girls with fat asses you’ve never heard of with just as many followers as her, meaning the whole instagram follower thing isn’t representative of the world, which may be confusing to people who are hooked into instagram….but she does have big tits…tits she shows off…as often as she can…which I guess is everyday on her social media and once or twice for a magazine or two…and as someone who likes tits, I encourage that.
This is a video that was emailed to me, I assume produced by GALORE and it’s hip enough for a hip guy like me to encourage because it only has 50 views and has been online for 8 days….
I think my shit gets more views than that..and my shit doesn’t have two half naked bitches in it….but I guess no one can be a hero like me…a hero throwing views to a drowning magazine that has street cred…
I mean 53 views in 8 days…and this was in their emailing list….and on their site and social media…wtf….pathetic…
Posted in:Sahara Ray