I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Bra of the Day

Rita Ora Bra is wearing the same bra as Maddie Ziegler it’s a conspiracy….

The other conspiracy is that Rita Ora’s not showing us her tits, which she’s already shown in her rise up as host body to great tits that landed a record deal despite never quite making it….and I find the offensive.

I guess she feels like she’s officially made it since bagging an actual Hollywood celebrity, but I feel she’s been fucking the higher tier people at all the celebrity filled parties she was invited to for her tits….but what do I know…other than she’s in a bra that other people are also wearing because I guess that’s MARKETING bro….and so is having great tits…MARKETING.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Mindy Kaling is a Bikini Model of the Day

If you don’t think the apocalypse is upon us…

If you don’t believe that they are coming to get us….

If you’ve blocked out the whole lockdown and COVID insanity…and think that it was just in our best interest.

If you believe Elon Musk is the bastion of free speech and not some compromised puppet trying to ruin your life…

If you really don’t think the end is near, that society has fallen, that we are in need of going off grid to save our species from the weirdness going on…

Then these swim pics of Mindy Kaling may WAKE you up and OPEN your eyes, because in no sane, normal, planet would a 40 year old writer troll be a bikini model….

This is clearly part of the alien takeover that has been upon us for the last few years….

Bro…what in the bobble head is this shit…..you can argue that she looks good for Mindy Kaling, like she’s been working out or some shit, but that doesn’t mean she looks good or is worthy of being a bikini model like some sort of comedy bit she’s written at Harvard….before taking over Hollywood with her shitty shows all those years ago…and if you need a reference to how HOT or SEXY or RACY or JERK-OFFABLE she is, this is my FIRST Kaling post after running this site ALL the years she’s existed in Hollywood, and I post some UGLY bitches on here, we call them LOOKIN’ GOOD SWEETHEARTS…..yet only NOW does Kaling get a post….

Something is up and it is terrible.

The end is near…they are ABUSING us…..I DO NOT CONSENT!

Posted in:Mindy Kaling




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I am pretty repetitive when it comes to writing the same post to different pictures over the last 3 years….what can you say about On/Offs other than that they are hot, because seeing a bitch in clothes, should lead any red-blooded man into wanting to see a bitch naked, and these ladies go and do that work for us, knowing that we have no chance of seeing them clothed and unclothed without them actually putting all that together as a creative content piece for the internet….

So yeah, I’m a dude…when I see chicks in shirts, I’m like cool shirt, I dare you to take it off…..and when I see chicks in pants, I’m like nice pants, I dare you to take them off, and when I see chicks in underwear, I’m like nice underwear, I dare you to show me your asshole, or when I see them in their bikinis, I’m like, I dare you to pull your tits out…..or I’ll be more craft and make them feel like they have to prove that the shirt, the pants, the bikini and the panties aren’t the reason they look good….so that they come to their own conclusion is stripping down to prove they are hot and NOT some product of fashion design technology…..

So the On/Offs….pretty cool concept…let’s make this mandatory for all women…in this impending digital ID, Neurolink, END OF TIMES, owned by the AI, dystopia we’re getting into!


Posted in:OnOff




Maddie Ziegler Bra of the Day

Maddie Ziegler is a child reality star, you know because her parents wanted to world of perverts to watch her dance on primetime TV, something you know probably appealed to the WORST kind of people….only to open other doors for her, like being SIA’s go-to dancer in a series of her music videos she was too young to be running around in a tight outfit in, because you know that probably appealed to the WORSTE kind of people….

So now that she’s all growed up, after being sexualized by the worst kind of people for most of her life, she’s been over exposed, fully exposed, and wearing a bra on the internet for the fans seems normal..or at least just a good extension to all she’s done in the past as she turns to the future where social media clickbait determines your worth, so clickbait wisely to get those jobs Elle Fanning didn’t get for not having enough IG followers….

This is hardly hardcore enough for the now an actress, but it’s still a chick in a bra for attention on social media, which is still something.


Posted in:Maddie Ziegler




Stefania Ferrario Bush of the Day

This girl is some activist who positions herself as a plus sized model, with a name like FERRARIO ROCHER, the hazelnut kings of the WORLD and owners of NUTELLA, she’s likely from EUROPE where they consider this size plus sized….you know after a lifetime of dipping into the family supply of chocolate nutty spread goodness….

In America, this is what FAT chicks wished they looked like, if they aren’t too propagandized and manipulated into thinking FAT is wonderful…

In America, this is what dudes forced to fuck fat chicks, which is most of you, if you can even get a chick, wish fat chicks looked like…..

I mean the WALMART brand monstrously obese girls who dress in internet stripper gear are about 4 times the size of this model……

So from an American perspective, her fat-baiting, or being in FAT-FACE to have an angel or to get ahead is hard to buy into.

Sure, she’s chubby or thick, but in a proportionate way, she’s not in a wheel chair, mobility cart, missing her feet, with scars all over her body from her legs rubbing together, or her belly being stretched halfway to the floor….

She’s not getting cast to be in some 1000 pound sister show, or my 500 pound life, she’s probably not even 160 pounds….which is really WHAT I appreciate about her, MAKE fat this size again…..WE NEED IT for the health of the world….

I also like the bush, since I’ve been a bush endorser forever, half this site from the day I started is about my love for bush and all the reasons why bush is great, so now that the trends have circled my way, I’m glad to be staring at bush……her tits round and proportionate….overall….she’s almost appealing for a fatty who eats too much NUTELLA….


Posted in:Stefania Ferreira




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Fishnets are not just for Mexican Goth cross-dressers on their way to the Goth Rave, or really to school, because Mexican Goths wear fishnets every day….

Fishnets are for chicks who like feeling sexy, racy all with the help of some drug store lingerie, since not everyone has the budgets for the high concept, luxury brand, stylized fishnets those rich sugar babies wear….plus we’re just trying to rip a hole in them to fuck, or just stretching out one of the mesh holes to put our micro-dick in anyway, so why bother spending the big bucks on something we want to soil…

The point is, fishnets, in all their skin protruding out of the mesh excitement, that leaves it’s mark on asses fat enough, are a classic in girls dabbling in being slutty and exciting, which makes them TIMELESS classics so here’s some fishnets…


Posted in:Fishnets




Kylie Jenner Cleavage in a See Through Dress of the Day

The ethnically ambiguous, even species ambiguous, because I can’t be too sure this is an actual human, or if it can be classified human, when it looks more like a medical spa experiment gone so wrong, where the bulk of her weight is artificial or made in a lab, but just not carcinogenic enough, it’s like we have to wait out what could be years for the chemicals in her bloodstream to take her out and do the world a favor because young girls don’t need trash like this as their idols or inspiration…..

The vapidness, the shamelessness, the ego, the mutation of the female form, are all terrible fucking things to have normalized for the youth…demonic, vile, monstrous, disgusting…..and that’s just her looks….there’s a whole opportunist, money grubbing, become a billionaire at all costs that are also part of what she represents that are just as irresponsible and damaging…so when it ends, society can rejoice…but until then, I’ll look at her big mom tits, it’s not like I got better things to do.


Posted in:Kylie Jenner




Chantel Jeffries Cameltoe of the Day

Chantel Jeffries is promoting what I assume is make-up for her weird as fuck face injected face that was probably not in need of as many injections to turn her into a living and breathing instagram filter, like the poster-boy or mascot for instagram filters, so that when she shows up to events she looks like her lies….

At first glance I thought she was promoting a small little sex toy that she puts in her asshole that many many many high profile people have probably been up inside, she’s dated a lot of high profile people, one could say, she’s been passed around!

The truth is, her dildos are probably far bigger, but the whole reason I am even thinking about her pussy, is like most girls walking the mean streets of life in their leggings, she’s got her topical relief map of her pussy visible for all to see, all lips eating the pant seam, all day.

But, I think about dildos in pussy regardless of cameltoes, it’s not a skill or a talent, but it’s something.


Posted in:Chantel Jeffries




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It may not be my time to shine, it’s quite possible that I am unmarketable while being un-remarkable and the peak of the site happened 10 years ago when 4 million people were showing up every month because instagram didn’t kill the blog star, or because I was getting linked on bigger sites who were scared of being sued for posting the leaked nudes that I posted, either way…..I’ve either shined as much as I’ll ever shine….because even when the market turns to degeneracy, the degenerate from the early internet days is not the hero who broke the ground, but rather the idiot who couldn’t get GOOGLE ADS due to discrimination….

This wasn’t meant to be about me feeling sorry for myself like some kind of whining victim bitch who regrets the sex she had so decides she was raped for the sake of coming out of this a hero, I don’t give a fuck about shining….otherwise I’d be on instagram saying “hey guys” with every retard thought I have, I was just trying to say This isn’t my time to shine, but it’ she FULL BACK PANTY’s time to shine, because after being discriminated against, left on the tree to hang like an unwanted member of society, forgotten and thrown out, filling dumpsters like crackwhore bodies, forgotten by all, treated shamefully by all…..girls have circled back to them and are posting consistent panty pics with them and I like panties, even nostalgic ones resurfacing!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Feminist Friday of the Day

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Not all braless girls are feminists, at least not the kind of feminist that makes you want to throw up when you look at her as she pushes the man-hating agenda that you know is made up by other miserable women as a way to feel better about themselves or have an excuse for their misgivings and misfortunes….

Those feminists are the anti-marriage, miserable, outraged, first to call anything and everything misogynistic and anti-woman, except the trans agenda, which is actually, literally anti-women….as they market tampons through some CAA clown they created to speak to the demographic despite having a dick, while actual real women are bleeding out and an in ovulation pains from the process of being able to create a fucking life in them….

So I don’t think these girls are feminists, or being braless is feminist, being blue haired, fat, unhealthy, malnourished, filled with cat borne parasites, sure….but braless, naw, that’s for hot chicks showing off tit.

For the record, I saw a braless girl walking the streets in a white t-shirt yesterday, full nipple out, full tit exposed while clothed and it was pretty legendary….


Posted in:Feminist