I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Upton for Terry Richardson of the Day

In exciting Kate Upton news….she’s dating Detroit Tigers’ Justin Verlander….at least according to my homies over at CELEBUZZ …..which may not be exciting to you…but is to me…cuz I love seeing really popular and underserving models find love that they can get knocked up and fat with…living a millionaire lifestyle with pro Athlete cock….to compensate for having little talent, skills, or education other than a rockin’ set of sloppy, floppy, amazing tits I’d like to knead, pull, prod and jerk off on, but I am not a millionaire pro Athlete….

I do hope her relationship makes all her fans turn on her…giving her a bit of a reality check….reminding her that she’s replaceable and that there are hundreds of other average faced tall chicks that are just as busty, jacked up on the same hormones in the food, who haven’t had their metabolism slow down by turning 21 and who haven’t gone off to college to gain their freshman 40….cuz they won the lottery instead….

Haters gonna hate..but I’m not hating…Terry Richardson dropped some pics of her and her tits from a magazine shoot and I’m into them…

Posted in:Kate Upton




Candice Swanepoel Boring for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Victoria’s Secret made a couple of billion dollars in sales last year….and I expect more out of their catalog shoots…even if they made them more like a hip hop video with helicopters and fucking Rolls Royces in the background….maybe a few hip hop video girls twerking…I mean anything but this standard, constant, catalog shoot that I jerked off to in the fucking late 80s, with a different babe I want to impregnate as the star….

I guess it is just uninspired and I like things to be a little more revolutionary….

This why change a good thing shit is shit.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Kourtney Kardashian’s Ass Flash on a Balcony of the Day

Remember what our Native American brothers have been telling us all along ….the wind is our friend….

The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles

I don’t know what the fuck that Indian (feather, not dot) quote means, but I do know that the wind can blow up skirts better than my pervert hand and no one can get arrested or beat up for it…cuz the wind…like a super hero that lifts up skirts…is invisible….there has been so many times I’ve been walking and seen ass, panty and even vagina all thanks to the wind…and for that I’ve debated starting to recycle to save the planet cuz nature helps me and my masturbation….but ultimately I’m too lazy….

Here is Kourtney Kardashian getting a taste of wind I can only assume the family and their selling their soul to the devil is responsible for…but as the hot one, despite the 2 kids, it’s not as annoying or disgusting as if this was her older prostitute sister….if anything, I may even be a fan of this…but I will never admit that, since I have to hate the Kardashians and all they stand for…because you know, they are probably the worst humans to ever live.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Bar Refeali Bikini Pic for Twitter of the Day

Bar Refaeli always ignores me when I whisper sweet nothings to her on Instagram and Twitter…you know asking her if she’d let me sing her love songs if I was a famous guy she could leverage for her own personal gain….I thought to an opportunist with a bad attitude…calling her out on those things would be considered romantic…but I guess I should have gone with a more practical approach…like discussing money making schemes that will take her to the next level of rich and famous…because that’s all she cares about…

I know that these bikini pics come from a dark, greedy place to help sell her underwear line, in shameless self promotion instead of an honest place of “hey I got great tits, look at them”….

I really think she’s overrated…but hey…a bikini model in a bikini is still worth looking at.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Fergie’s Leather Pants of the Day

Like a typical homosexual man dressed like a heterosexual, glammed out girl on her way out to a rager in the gay bar filled with cocaine and designer drugs….Fergie has slipped her old, haggard, ass that has seen many cock, but that remains so delicate and lovely and classy, into a pair of some leather looking pants…and for some reason….that may stem from holding her hand once….I want to lick this things off of her…you know slowly and drawn out until they disolve…just to get a chance to experience her genitals even with the 10 percent chance she has a set of testicles….I’m crazy like that….


Posted in:Fergie




Christina Milian’s Hot Mom in a Bikini for B3 Caribbean of the Day

I have wanted to have sex with Christina Milan since masturbating to this video at least a dozen times when I didn’t have internet but did have access to MTV.

I don’t really care that she’s older, fatter, a mom…..she still looks fucking awesome to me…with the perfect level of ethnicity to not scare me off….you know a gentle shade of caramel….and shapely body…and a whole lot of money thanks to co-writing Beiber songs that I would love to spend…as stepfathering her black baby as if he was my own….training him or grooming him to be Kardashian’s next boyfriend…to help keep the cycle of money making in entertainment alive for another generation….


Posted in:Christina Milian




Hannah Ware is Lovely for Esquire of the Day

Hannah Ware is some model / actress from teh UK who was in some movie called Cop OPt and some movie called Shame and she is apparently in some show called Boss…where she plays some addict daughter to Chicago Mayor who I assume is the boss…..I’ve never seen the show because Networks like STARZ aren’t dead to me…they just don’t fucking exist to me….but I know there’s this babe in it….who has nice lips I’d like to smear my penis all over like it was a piece of chocolate cake and she was an anorexic with an eating disorder who fucking loved cake…but resisted cake….you know all licking it with hate….

Here are the Esquire pics…..

Turns out there’s some nudity in Boss and Hannah Ware is the one who gets nude…and after the jump or the MORE button there is a clip of her getting down proper for TV like a good little hooker trying to get ahead that we should all be endorsing!!


Posted in:Hannah Ware




Kesha Showing Some Ass for Vibe Magazine of the Day

I got in an argument with a gangster rapper yesterday because I told him that Hip Hop doesn’t exist, it is just the WWF of music, with scandals and drama that is all staged and directed by marketing execs because too much money is at stake….I tried to explain that it is all pop music and that it is about as hard as my limp dick everytime I try to throw rope at my wife who is both disusting to look at, disgusting to listen to, disgusting to smell, and disgusting to touch…disgusting on all 5 fucking senses…making boners a challenge even for the most seasoned and experienced pervert who only needs dampness and an irrelgular heartbeat to get off…..

I think the fact that Kesha is on the cover of Vibe, a Hip Hop bible…is further proof to my fucking point.

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Ke$ha|Kesha




Ariana Grande Tight Pants on Set of the Day

Here is 19 year old Ariana Grande in tight as fuck pants…I don’t know anything about her because I am not the kind of pervert who watches Nickelodeon…not because I don’t like their low grade, barely legal but usually legal bad actors, but because I just can’t believe the storylines, and I just can’t stomach the quality of the shows, and I just think shit is probably the worst thing to shove down our kids throats…unless we want them to end up like bratty little low grade mall dwelling cunts who think shit content is good content….

But I do love tight pants…especially on tight little bodies…that I just found out are Italian and not Hispanic…and that I know will end up being about 8 times the size of this by 35….so take it all in now while the metabolic rate is high people….


Posted in:Ariana Grande




Miranda Kerr is Amazing in Russh Magazine of the Day

I already POSTED THESE PICTURES …way back in October 3, 2012….those were the days….when troubles melted like lemon drops…back when we had the whole world in ahead of us…and all of our dreams seemed attainable…like anything was possible…if we just put our mind to it…before getting discouraged and falling off track…getting married and settling down…throwing it all away for a low paying 9-5 job we had no choice but to take thanks to mortgages and clothing for the kids… now all memories in our rear view mirror on the highway that is life….the last 9 days have really been a long time….but I felt like revisiting these pics…because they are circulating the internet and I figure…I need to show you cocksuckers who’s on top of this fucking shit….when I’d rather be cock deep inside this shit…and that motherfucker is me…..

I don’t mind revisiting amazing…especially when I’m a drunk and forget making this shit is new to me…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr