I'll Make You Famous…




Rosie Huntington Whiteley’s Vagina is the Best thing To Happen to Halloween of the Day

I think I just figured what Halloween is all about…or at least all that matters this halloween….thanks to this lovely…subtle…playful…pussy exposing costume I want to take off with my mouth after staring at it for a few hours….Rosie Huntington Whiteley did Halloween better than what she does for Bald men everywhere….she’s gives it more than just hope…she makes it fucking relevant and alive again.


Posted in:Rosie Huntington-Whiteley




Anja Rubik Titties in Vogue France of the Day

Anja Rubik is a model. She has shown her tits a lot….and that makes me like her a lot…cuz I like tits a lot…especially on bitches getting paid to show their tits…because it makes their tits feel more valuable…like some kind of commodity I need to get in my mouth….because every day girls don’t get paid to show their tits…so their tits aren’t as good or worth as much….at least that’s what I’m getting out of this fashion shoot…but then again maybe I’m looking into this from a totally distorted perspective….maybe since this is Vogue…she’s not actually paid to show her tits…she’s paid to show off clothes…the tits are just accidental or used to accentuate the clothes…that must be it….but I’ll just focus on the tits.

Posted in:Anja Rubik|NSFW




Kate Upton Tweets Some V Magazine Titty Outtakes of the Day

Kate Upton was working on the weekend…this girl understands what I’ve been saying all along and that is that her time is limited on this modeling scene…her body just won’t be able to support her weight gain…and her weight gain won’t be able to support a modeling career…but she’s hype right now…an “It” girl who everyone wants a piece of because tits get fucking hits…and she’s got fucking tits…real big ones…that she knows she’s got to show off while they last…or while they are still youthful and good…and from doing SI and men’s magazines…to now getting COSMO , VOGUE , Jalouse …you’d think she was an actual fashion model…and not the plus sized model working the Sears catalog I see….making me think that either I’m the crazy one….or everyone’s just trying to get a piece to make a fucking dollar….

Posted in:Kate Upton




Katee Sackhoff & Tricia Helfer in Some Calendar Shoot of the Day

What the world needs now more than anything…you know with the Hurricane about to rape us as a preview of the murder that is going to happen next month when the end of the world hits…you know the calm before the actual apocalypse….nature’s rape before murder because otherwise it is just gross….is a Battlestar Galactica calendar for 2013….even if it is not actually for Battlestar Galactica but instead just staring 2 of their “babes” who aren’t really all that hot…at least not in these pics….but since I know the people and/or person who accidentally may read this site…is probably really into this sci/fi nerd shit…and I am all about accommodating my fan…because without you…I am nothing….even if I am already nothing…just like 2013…cuz I predict shit’s not gonna happen….even if this calendar did.

Posted in:Katee Sackhoff|Tricia Helfer




Agent Provocateur Lingerie Show of the Day

Everyone freaks out about the Victoria’s Secret fashion show that has been consistently boring as fuck the last fucking decade….when there are so many more exciting lingerie brands out there that actually make shit happen….like Agent Provocateur…run by the son of Sex Pistol manager Malcolm Maclaren and Vivienne Westwood, parents who were pretty fucking edgy people in their own right…paving the way for him to make fucking moves that are far more interesting than some midwestern American brand that is conscious of the church and not ruffling any fucking feathers…all to just get men to buy their wives a little something to make everyone feel sexy…in the most wholesome Christian way…

They had a fashion show last week, that I wasn’t invited to, but I got the video and figure I’ll post it for you, cuz this is more fun than the shit Victoria’s Secret is doing next week….even if their headlining performer is….Justin Bieber….Seriously…Justin fucking Bieber…I was going to write that as a joke…to prove how much of a joke Victoria’s Secret is…but they actually have him booked…wow…

Posted in:Agent Provocateur




Mena Suvari Cleavage Shot of the Day

Hey Mena, from that angle, you don’t look like you have an alien of a head…..you know this picture makes me laugh because most girls are angling themselves so that they don’t look fat…and have mastered the perfect look or pose to make their insecure spots look good or less obvious…they have a good side….and have spent years doing it…and in Mena Suvari’s case…she’s like “show tit, angle head like this, and I’ll look like a human, no one will notice I am visiting from afar to see how our experiments are going”….and I find it funny knowing she probably took ten pics of this before feeling like her forehead was just right and in a place at an angle she was comfortable with I guess that’s why I’m posting this.

Posted in:Mena Suvari




Joanna Krupa Hilarious Half Naked Posing of the Day

Is this for real?

Joanna Krupa is “a model” by trade…and she posted these pics of her posing on set of some bullshit you know isn’t a big deal….and I am loving it…cuz she’s posing in a way that looks like she’s mocking modeling…you know like how three drunk girls at a bachelorette party would pose for the camera….or how you’d expect them to make fun of models on shitty shows like SNL….but I think she’s being serious and I guess that’s part of the reason why she’s never really made it…but has somehow managed to work the reality TV circuit…all because she was in Maxim a few times in 2000….back in the last end of the world crisis….that paved the way to be the hot girl on Dancing with the Stars for the husbands to stomach bein forced to watch that shit in the one TV trailer park households I assume watch that show….cuz if everyone on the shit was Mario Lopez and Kathy Griffin…spousal abuse would surely go down…but throw in some hot enough pussy…and all of a sudden it all becomes ok….

Either way here she is in some pics she felt were good enough for you to see…so she obviously likes them….even if they are clowny as fuck.

Posted in:Joanna Krupa




Jessica White is a Victoria’s Secret Model of the Day

I know I am too cool for Halloween….and I have been hating on the shit all day….but I do approve of some costumes…and that is when they involve little to no work…like when a girl just figures “I don’t have a costume, I’ll go out in my underwear with a mask”….you know the low impact, last minute, poor planning, this is what I have lying around kind of costumes….you know not that purchased at a sex shop, typical trash…or rented and obvious…or something custom made that involved tons of effort…cuz all you really need is some underwear for a good costume…and I think Jessica White is the ghost of Halloween future that brought me hope and new found appreciation for the Holiday…but maybe I just like that her name is white but her skin is black…but I think it’s got more to do with her dressed like a lingerie model…when she is a lingerie model….she played halloween right.


Posted in:Jessica White




Cassie Scerbo Does the Worst Wonder Woman of All Time of the Day

Oh look another girl in a wonder woman costume…i wonder where she came up with this…oh right she probably got the idea for the 1000000s of girls who have rocked the same fucking costume since 1978….irrelevant cunt…needs to step her creative game up…she’s on the red carpet…hitting the costume shop saying “hey, I’ll take anything generic you got”….doesn’t fucking cut it for me….but maybe that’s cuz I am too cool for Halloween….or maybe I am just too cool for this Cassie Scerbo bitch…you know since I’ve never heard of her….because she is best known for “Bring It On: In It to Win It” and looking at her doing one of the worst, boxy, horrible Wonder Woman I’ve ever seen….doesn’t do it for me…even with her costume jacked up her twat….I am actually embarrassed for her….


Posted in:Cassie Scerbo




Kendra Wilkinson’s Retired Playboy Fake Tit Body Painted of the Day

It is halloween and it amazes me that people are posting all this “best celeb halloween costumes” as if it fucking matters, but then again, I don’t think celebrities matters and 90 percent of the reason behind me doing the site is wondering why the fuck people care, you know when real life issues are going on….

On the plane yesterday, I’d say 90 percent of people reading magazines were reading celebrity tabloid magazines…and I just don’t get why people care…especially on Halloween…when everyday girls…who are generally hotter and more secure than celebrity girls.

The Halloween costume posts are just cheap content for people who lack vision, like me…because I’m posting Kendra Wilkinson’s nipple body painted, cuz she posted her nipple body painted to her twitter, cuz she’s a playboy model who has a sex tape, we’ve seen her naked, we have seen her get fucked, back in her prime…so we shouldn’t even notice her doing this…but we do…and here it is…

Posted in:Kendra Wilkinson