I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor Swift Bahama Bikini Picture of the Day

Taylor Swift was spotted in a bikini in the Bahamas and I figured I have no choice but to post it…even if it is an attempt for her to get noticed…cuz I support girls who strip down to get noticed…I just usually prefer when they actually strip down…and not just do some bikini shit posed from afar on some weird angle that doesn’t allow me to know what level of ass I’m really dealing with…but I guess it’s better than nothing….not that I ever found Taylor Swift hot…but this posting all bikinis shit is my weakness…so under all circumstances and despite all copyright laws – here it is….I am a savior like that…at least to people who like Taylor Swift …or people who skinny girls in a bikini….or even people who like tropical scenes…who cares

Posted in:Taylor Swift




Some SI Swimsuit Pictures of the Day

Here are some Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition pictures for the sake of posting bitches who are married to athletes and like showing off their big tits posing in bikinis…cuz it validates their useless existance…

I hear if you slap make-up on a fit pig with big tits she looks good enough for magazines…at least that’s what these Brooklyn Decker for Andy Roddick pics are telling me…

Irina Shayk for Her Gay Soccer Playing Boyfriend …..

Posted in:Brooklyn Decker|Irina Shayk|SI Swimsuit




Some Bitches at Some Award Show I Wasn’t Invited To of the Day

The Elle Style Awards were last night and I wasn’t invited. I know. I am so offended. You’d think I’d be the first on that guest list. I don’t know what went wrong, but think you should all send Elle emails demanding my presence at the next one…mainly cuz these sweat pants in all their two sizes too small glory are fucking Fashion….

Here are a handful of bitches who were invited…cuz clearly they are more important than me, cuz not only are they on TV and in the tabloids, rich and famous but mainly cuz they have vaginas….and vagina is all it takes..

Cheryl Cole could be shitting and I’d still wanna lick her asshole….

Emma Watson cuz You’re All Nerds and Appreciate this Shit

Geri Halliwell cuz her Dress Is 50% see thru, just the wrong 50%

Blake Lively Making Her Squinty Eyed Faces to Hide her Horrible Aging….

Posted in:Blake Lively|Cheryl Cole|Emma Watson|Geri Halliwell




Anne Hathaway in Tight Pants of the Day

I snuck into a movie a few weeks ago because I like Anne Hathaway’s tits and hate Jake Gyllenhaal cuz he beats up girls I know and cries like a little bitch in some of the mose embarrassing gay shit I’ve ever witnessed from some pussy who claims he’s a man but was clearly a bitch…

So seeing someone I can’t stand, who annoys me and makes me want to murder touch tits I want to play with is just the kind of punishment I need to keep me going…

I figure why give yourself things you want or like when torture is far more exhilerating….I don’t deserve it.

Here she is in leggings…

Here she is in jeans….

Posted in:Anne Hathaway




Holly Madison’s Tits Promote Trash of the Day

Holly Madison is apparently launching a latex clothing line in collaboration with the UFC or one of the UFC clothing companies and I felt the need to post it cuz I think this may be the trashiest thing to ever hit the shelves……it’s like being some fake tits, fake hair, gets naked in Playboy cuz stripping wasn’t giving her enough exposure for her small town, redneck, raped by her father shit, only to move to vegas with big UFC dreams and a million dollars in the bank wasn’t enough trash for her…she had to go ahead and do this…

I know the UFC is huge. I also know that the fans are typical average trash, and the women who flock to that shit are stripper looking bitches, making this union make sense, but still fun to laugh at in my poverty pile.

Here’s Holly Madison doing some KKK hood shit…but on a contemporary kick…black is so in right now.

Posted in:Holly Madison




Ciara in a Shitty See Thru Shirt of the Day

Am I really posting on Ciara in a semi see through shirt that you can kinda see her bra in….apparently I am…and I feel almost as pathetic as you do masturbating to it…you fucking weirdo…

All I gotta say is you can see Ciara’s bra and who fucking cares.

Posted in:Ciara




Kim Kardashian’s TIts for Valentines Day of the Day

It’s funny that like in elementary school, tits are all it takes to get attention, noticed, affection, celebrity….When I think back to some of the girls I wanted to have sex with as a sixth grade pervert…I remember that all I cared about was the fact they had some tit…while the actual hot girls were ignored cuz they didn’t….I’m talking some real monster looking girls who either ended up fat, who looked inbred, but thanks to early onset puberty, mattered for a fucking minute of their lives….

Here are Kim Kardashian’s tits for some Valentines Day, cuz hot or not, useful or not, interesting or not, that’s all the really fucking matters….

We live in a weird world…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kate Moss Braless and Insane of the Day

I don’t know what happened to Kate Moss, but if you look away from her nipples long enough, you will notice that she turned Asian. It is freaking me out and I can only blame hard drug use, being crazed by syphilis thanks to sex with migrant drifters, but most importantly being wealthy and bored cuz doing nothing for a decade starts fuckin you up…it’s really the core of who I am and what I have become…only I don’t have the budget for fancy….but living off 5 dollars a day is a small tradeoff for not having to sell my fucking soul to the man for the equivalent of a spit in the fucking face cuz they know I’m replaceable…

Not that any of that explains Kate Moss or her Asian invasion on her face…

Posted in:Kate Moss




Some Gutter Girls in Shorts of the Day

I love these creeper videos taken by dudes creeping on random bitches in random settings who don’t know they are being creeped on…especailly when they are gutter. No, I’m not just saying that cuz this fat ass is talking to a black dude, I’m not racist like that, I’m saying it cuz I imagine this chick is the kind of gutter bitch who spits in faces, talks with a hip hop accent and throws down if she feels like someone crossed her or looked at her baby daddy with love in her eye…instead of with fear when he comes to collect his money…This is some trailer park white trash shit…and I love it.

Posted in:amateur




Dana Thompson Tits in Dr Nazi of the Day

I love that in whatever country this Dr Nazi shit was released and put on TV, the warning is that it is not recommended for kids under 12…if this was put out in America it’d be rated fucking X. You people are so backwards it is retarded…you let the church dictate what’s right when I think this naked bitch I’ve never heard of named Dana Thompson being naked is fucking right…and instead you shove war games and hip hop music down their throats….I’m a fucking porn site cuz I post nudity….and I can’t get an advertiser cuz I post nudity…but in France…this shit isn’t recommended for kids under 12. That’s the fucking joke….It’s Hilarious.

Posted in:Dana Thompson