I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte Lawrence’s Titty Cry for Attention of the Day

When you’re dad is some famous producer with a hit show that I am sure sucks, but that is his third or fourth hit show, so what does he fucking care he’s rich and when your mom is Kate from Drew Carey, you use their connections to take you places you need to be to get yourself on the damn map!

So Charlotte Lawrence, has been on that quest to get noticede for a few years now, producing her vapid sleazy photoshoots like she’s part of the hip and cool art and fashion scene, which once existed but was replaced with all these vapid rich idiots being the “influencers”, taking it from the streets to the elites of Malibu who are totally out of touch from a real life, hardships or experiences that make them edgy or have character, just doing their best attempt at instagram!

But yeah, she’s been doing this, no one’s noticed, and when you’re a chick an no one notices, PULL your titties out, and hope they notice now!

I’m into that strategy, it’s a big day for Charlotte, paparazzi are there, it’s fashion week, viral stunt complete!

She’s a babe, notice her!


Posted in:charlotte lawrence




Kate Moss Nipples of the Day

I was talking to someone who was telling me how dumb I was to focus on celebrity content all these years, since I actually don’t give a fuck about celebrities, but it was just so easy to do, since celebrities are always trying to maintain their celebrity by producing slutty content around themselves, whether it was for the paparazzi, magazines, movies or now their own egos and social media, so I didn’t have to bother leaving the house, convincing some crackwhores to get naked or to do funny jokes with me, allowing me to be my full lazy and unimpressive pile of dog shit on the couch, which I’ve been rewarded fairly for, meaning I got what I deserved for being a lazy, low hanging fruit fuck!

But yeah, when I look back on my life, I can’t think of many celebs or models I’ve actually jerked off to, I mean sure, there are some movie scenes I had no choice but to jerk off to, from Rose McGowan’s tits in Doom Gneration, to Sharon Stone’s cunt in Basic Instinct, and there’s a handful of music videos, like X-Tina’s dirty, Christina Milian’s Dip it Low, the Spice Girls first video where scary has hard nipples, but that was really just because it was available at a time I needed to jerk off, like figure skating on TV on a sunday!

Anyway, Elle Macpherson and Kate Moss were two models I genuinely thought were hot, so what I am saying is that Kate Moss is an old school crowd favorite in my parts, and seeing her nips while she’s all aged out is fun to me!

Mainly because the trainwreck, party girl, unapologetic about cocaine parties, who was always topless on yachts for the paparazzi has allowed herself to age out!

She doesn’t look like a bloated version of herself, like she in JLo faking her youth, I mean I se an old face who has seen some shit, and some old tits that have also seen some shit, with what I’d assume is a vagina calloused and dried up thanks to menopause, and I think it’s great, because it’s life, people fucking rot and owning that rot is hot!


Posted in:Uncategorized




Jordyn Jones Ass of the Day

Jordyn Jones has a an ass that she wants you to know all about and the reality is it’s probably worth knowing, or at least the best Jordyn Jones has to offer, becasue ultimately she’s not that interesting outside of the ass, hence her need to show it off!

I assume she gets paid for this kind of behavior by the pervert fans, but the fact she even has fans is surprising, at least fans outside of her showing off her as content!

She may be a social media celebrity, from a dancing reality show featuring kids, her mom sold her to when she was a kid, which is just fuckin creepy, but the ass, and the WILLINGNESS to show said ass, makes her more interesting, I mean not THAT interesting, it’s low hanging fruit, but an ass that dances and looks that round compensates for a lack of talent or things to say!

I see all this shit about how ass obsession of the JLo to Kardashian era has pushed the gay agenda of making a society ass obsessed, lowering child birth rates because you can’t make babies in the ass, but I don’t fully subscribe to that, I mean sure, JLo and the Kardashians have done ample damage on the culture and society as a whole, they are disgusting and SO are their asses, but I’ve liked hot ass on bitches since I was a kid, you see, you get to stare at it when you fuck it from behind, which is everyone’s finishing move and thus a good ass can go a long way, something Jordyn Jones is cleary figuring out JUST how far it can take her, and I’m cool with watching it unfold, or at least get spread and filled, step it up, stomp the yard, that’s dance speak for MORE HARDCORE ASS CONTENT WILL BE GOOD!


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

You live in a society where girls intentionally jack their tight fitness or ATHLEISURE pants up her cunt!

They all wear these fitness pants because comfort is king, especially during the pandemic and this kind of comfort is spandex or lycra or tight as shit and it shapes a bitch’s body in ways that no other pant could, even nasty ass women are improved dramatically when squeezed into the shapewear outerwear!

So yeah, leave the house and at least one overly influenced by the Kardashian bitch will cross your path with her full on fat pussy first, eating her pants like a fucking hero, or like a starving african AIDS baby just adopted by a westerner and brought to McDonalds for the first time, you know SCARFING THAT SHIT UP!

Not all these pussy wedgies are fitness pants or shorts, some are panties, some are swimsuit, but ultimately, who cares about the garment, it’s about the cunt eating the garment that for whatever reason I call exhibitionism, is being put on display for perverts like me, who have NO business staring at a cunt in public, which is the BEST kind of charity I can think of!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Kaia Gerber Slutty of the Day

I feel like I am at one of Cindy Crawford’s weird celebrity rich people parties back when Kaia Gerber was 12 and forced to walk around for the rich perverts in her underwear, you know, because they’re so liberal and free spirited in their fucking perversions!!

Mainly because Kaia Gerber’s skinny as fuck and looks like she’s prepubescent despite being in her 20s, years after being banged out by industry puppet and propagandist Pete Davidson, who is arguably the real pervert in all this!

I don’t know if Cindy Crawford, or any of the celeb parents actually sexualize their kids or lend them to their friends in part of some Satanic ritual, but I like that storyline that’s been more and more viral over the last two years as people assume SATANISM is the reason our lives are like this, or why fucked up agendas are pushed on us, instead of just assuming that SHITTY people rise to the top of the food chain and are just power hungry and greedy and insular in supporting their their own people!

HOWEVER, I do know that her family are rich as shit, her dad sold his booze brand for like 500 milion dollars and she could be doing anything, doctoring, lawyering, running her own cool hotel in the tropics, but instead is half naked modeling, and you know her mom starved her out, put her on puberty blockers, made some calls to make this happen and it all seems pretty vapid, egotistical, but that’s obviously the MALIBU dream these idiots have!

I’m all for skinny chicks, but there’s something creepy about this skinny chick, who is a weird empty, soulless copy of her mom, maybe she’s just a clone and not actually a child, what do I know, I just know Cindy Crawford 2.0’s revival is unnecessary and BORING!


Posted in:Kaia Gerber




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know what kind of slacker only gets off to girls who smoke weed, but I think that it probably happens and is a weird fucking fetish, but one that must exist, because otherwise these weed activist girls posting their semi-nudes with weed wouldn’t bother making it a prop, but instead would do it before and after their nude shoots!

I am into weed, I mean as much as you can be into weed, but only because I don’t really subscribe to it being this terrible, unhealthy, schizo causing substance that destroys lives, or that is a gateway to shit like fentanyl, which actually ruins life!

I also don’t believe in modern medicine, so any natural alternatives that involve a fucking plant, literally one ingredient, a fucking plant, can’t be a bad thing, especially since it helps people’s anxiety, pain and other shit that doctors love prescribing aggressive poison to fix or at least cover-up and pretend to fix!

But I still don’t really get the appeal of a stoned bitch, unless getting high gets her horny and not too fucking lazy and snacky to snack on my balls, but I figure the higher level of consciousness of being stoned will likely prevent her from making bad decisions like letting perverts like you cum in her, which is more likely something to happen when drunk!

Either way, if weed’s your thing, here’s some amateur weed girls being NSFW!


Posted in:Weed




Sara Sampaio Christmas Slut of the Day

Sara Sampaio is probably the least exciting of the last generation of Victoria’s Secret angels, one of those “How did that average looking bitch get the job”, to which you’d have to assume she sucked the right cock, dated the right rich guy, was human trafficked from a Young Age by the human traffickers funded by the founder of the brand, only to be rewarded for her service as one of their models, because I just don’t believe people jerked off to her, which is really a criteria for a VS model!

Maybe I’m just a hater, but I’m not hating this CHRISTMAS GARLAND bikini, since Christmas is my fucking jam, the only thing I actually find interesting, listening to Christmas carols all year round, watching Christmas movies all year round, and if I wasn’t a titty blogger writing about whores, I’d work at a Christmas Village store selling made in china ornaments, even though I’d probably be more into making slutty Christmas outfits out of ornaments like this, which I guess is a best of both worlds scenario and now inspo for my next career! Maybe Sampaio isn’t as useless as I thought, I mean she does have a cunt after all!


Posted in:Sara Sampaio




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I don’t get nearly as much hate as I did when people would waste their time being offended by me making fun of their favorite celebrity, calling them a whore or fat used to put motherfuckers over the edge and I’d get death threats and targeted attacks, I’d get hacked, I even lost my email once! Then there were feminist blogs that would use me as an example in the fight needed to be fought against misogynists! It was before instagram, which means I didn’t evolve with the times, but it also means, I didn’t really want to, the first 10 years of the attacks was exhausting!

However, the hate I do get is around this post, people fucking hate fit girls, they think they look like dudes, are intimatated by their strength or testosterone and don’t even care that the higher testosterone means they have a libido and stamina to basically fuck your dick off if you were so lucky, not that they’d end up with a cuck, estrogen, soy boy like you, but STILL, maybe they’d see it as a project!

When I see that hate towards fit girls, I think the haters have been indoctrinated by the fat propaganda, thinking fat is hot, which goes against EVERYTHING in my core, so I do this fitness celebration to inspire, motivate and sexualize girls who workout and who aren’t into diabetes amputations, but clearly SOCIETY is too far gone and the AMERICAN dream is driving through WALMART on a motorized shopping cart to the CHEESE BALLS in the SNACK section!!


Posted in:Workout




It’s Hurricane Season and Other Vides of the Day

Here’s a shout out to the Florida readers who are either from Florida, born and raised or are Freedom fighters who relocated to the state from the oppressive other states, for their cheaper taxes, tropical weather, and amazingly interesting population of fucking weirdos!

Florida is top fucking notch and where I would live if I could be a border jumping illegal stealing your stops and mooching off your system!

So seeing this video of a hero in Tampa ready for the impending Hurricane they’ve been marketing as the big one, which is kind of what they do, while blaming climate change, also what they do, but never mentioned weather modification cloud seeding that they do, to possible try to take out an arm of the proud Americans they’ve decided are domestic terrorists for liking god, country and possibly the Orange Man!

In other news, we’ve got a guy being mugged owning the mugger

We’ve got a Hero doing Public bathrooms right – VOLUME ON

We’ve got a dead lifting GOTH

We’ve got a How to Give a Bitch your number at the gym

Fat lady blames the whites for her slow overeating suicide – RACIST

Fat ladies through the HOLE

The Portland pillow humper


Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks Allowed

(this is my post for inclusivity and diversity as a self hating fat guy who hates the glorification of obesity now that the world is fat as fuck, because fat is weak, gross, bad genetics, laziness, and never hot, and women thinking that fat is hot or powerful is just indoctrination, propaganda, thanks to lame perverts who can’t get laid hyping them up, when they should feel shame, but instead feel pride, you know society is twisted and confused)


Posted in:Fatty