I'll Make You Famous…




Amanada Cerny Sideboob of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Amanda Cerny, maybe because I’m not one of her millions of fans from Turkey, or maybe I just don’t find her interesting or hot.

I didn’t give a fuck about her when she was younger and trying to be a big deal out of her PLAYBOY shoots. This was before HEF died and when the brand was basically drowning hard.

She was clever enough to leverage that and befriend all the VINE STARS when VINE was big, because even after VINE ended, their audiences were so strong that they went onto be worth 100s of millions of dollars, which is fucking crazy as a concept.

I am sure Cerny, cast as the hot chick, or maybe even conceptualized some of the gags better than I ever good got her fair share and the reality is that Vine did require some effort, at least compared to TikTok, it was as new short format and they were good and doing mindless gags the people were into. So I don’t hate on any of them for cashing in, I hate on them for being. lame.

In recent years, at least since the Pandemic, she’s gone back to her roots, selling nudes on OnlyFans, and probably back on Playboy’s centerfold version of OnlyFans, because you can’t make a housewife out of a whore, or something….as she clearly doesn’t need the money, but can never have enough money and slutty shoots are easier than bullshit gags no one bothers with anymore.

This must be one of her shoots, not all that exciting, but she still has tit.


Posted in:Amanda Cerny




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I always wonder why girls who are smoking weed feel the need to get topless for their self produced internet content…or is it girls who are naked on the internet feel the need to smoke a joint to get through the struggle and anxiety of putting nude pics on the internet because you know there is no future so get what you can while you still can because they will seize it all from you.

Are they weed activists or just unemployed and can do what they want on their channels…

Is weed still deemed something the cool kids do, or something to brag about, since it’s legal here and you buy it from the government, you could argue it’s a real SQUARE thing to do.

I’ve known people in the past who used to be like “look at me getting high” like it was cool, but back then it was illegal, so it was kinda edgy to do…I guess….even though if you’ve smoked weed, you’ll know it’s about as exciting or stimulating or dangerous as sitting on the couch eating snacks an be.

I do prefer a weed smoking girl who goes natural to anyone on anti-depressants, I don’t talk to people on anti-depressants, that shit’s fucking dark and twisted…

Weed on the other hand is normal and not some weird ass brain washing or brain destroying tool.

So choose weed, instead of pharma and let these girls inspire you.


Posted in:Weed




CoCo Austin Topless Tanning of the Day

Coco is one of those old timer dream girls who has been a solid Glamour Model for many years, we’ve posted her and her insane body a bunch over the years, probably not much in the last decade, but there was a time that COCO was going hard and we were watching it….

Her solid massive ass and titties secured a solid rapper and actor who she has been with for a long fucking time and who she has bred with.

They’ve gone viral because the power couple is in the Bahamas and a paparazzi pic of Ice T and Coco pushing their 6 year old daughter in a stroller pissed off the people of the internet….leading to some nonsense celeb gossip story on sites like Entertainment Tonight….who make big deals out of dogshit stories….who fucking cares if their kid is in a stroller, I see kids in strollers at all ages, most seem autistic, but who fucking cares…..then that story led into her still breast feeding her daughter at six years old…which I can’t confirm or deny, but if she was my mom I’d be breast feeding off her until college at the very least, I mean it’s COCO…the stripper who was never a stripper….but who gives off stripper energy….quality stripper not 50 cent stripper Johnny Depp’s out here talking about in court.

Anyway, when in Bahamas, get your famous ass in a thong, take your titty top off, and live it up because she’s Coco and she deserves it….ven if you could argue that she looks a little too instagram body, when forgetting sh fucking invented this look they all have now.

This is some den mother shit pulling the thong out of retirement for one last hurrah and I like it for nostalgic reasons, since I don’t find this look hot at all…it’s COCO.


Posted in:Coco Austin




Lady Victoria Hervery Nipple of the Day

Lady Victoria Hervey is some older socialite rich person from the UK who was pretty much an “It-Girl”…who dated Price Andrew, who is friends with our dream girl Lindsay Lohan, and who is fabulous in all the fabulous places being fabulous…

The most interesting thing about her is that she’s pretty based, or awake, whether she’s a plant or not, she was a critic towards the pandemic, a critic towards the vaccine, she was exposing the scam that was the Maxwell trial, all on social media that she was deleted or censored from, so you gotta take it with a grain of salt, but to all the people speaking what I think is the truth, what I think makes her awake to the scams that are being pushed on us, I figure at least she’s out there doing it, saying it, even when it’s not the popular thing to say amongst the zombie slaves brainwashed and outraged.

She is at CANNES, showing her CANS…so EUROPEAN…

She posted a nip slip to her IG, with what looks like a freakish nipple, but sit it’s all taped up it is probably not as terrifying as it looks….you know zombie nip….when all she’s been doing is trying to WAKE up the zombies…WAKE UP ZOMBIES with some luxurious tit.


Posted in:Lady Victoria Hervey




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t discriminate against cameltoes like I used to….

I used to find them repulsive on gross old ladies squeezing into their Jordache Jeans back in the 80s, you know lunch lay cameltoe because their gunt sag made it look like big pussy, when it was really just fat pussy..

But then I grew up and realized that intentional and unintentional cameltoe, on hot chicks or gross shits, documented for social media to not waste the opportunity, or just randomly happening in leggings at the grocery store are all fun….

Probably not as fun as the masturbatory benefits of a camel to squeezing up on the clit when in action….but still fun for a pervert into seeing pussy…so here are some cameltoes, intentional enough to capture in photo, almost less exciting as the random, spontaneous cameltoes in this overly staged world…but I take what I can get….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Kristin Cavallari is a Slutty Cow Girl of the Day

I have zero interest in Kristin Cavallari and I’ll assume you have zero interest in Kristin Cavallari, since we didn’t give a fuck about her when she was on TV all those years ago, at 20 years old…so why would a blown out, middle aged, mom, divorcee, athlete wallet fucking, Orange County mom, who pretends she’s an entrepreneur, when really she’s just a dick rider, matter…

Well, because she’s in cowboy gear and there is little more hilarious than rich suburbanites appropriating the cowboy look while being repulsed by the morals, values and ethics of a traditional country folk, who may not have designer clothes, or who may live in a trailer….but who have family that care for them and god in their life…you know….

It’s like any country concert that rolls through, there’s always the person dressing the part, the rich person with no identity acting like it’s halloween, and luckily, in Cavalarri’s case, she’s ridden enough dick to almost warrant being an honorary cowboy but she’s still corny as fuck….

At least the old lady tits are out for her BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN STARTER PACK smut but with tits, not Jake Gynnenhaal showing his faggotry.

Posted in:Kristin Cavallari




Olivia Culpo’s Bikini IV Drip Medical Procedure Erotica of the Day

Here’s some Olivia Culpo in Vegas getting an IV drip by the pool in some normalize having AIDS kind of way.

It’s one of those medical procedure erotica with some trashy bitch from Rhode Island that managed to scam the internet into thinking she’s some fashion influencer….you know some kind of kardashian getting paid millions all while being one of the fakest looking bitches around….but basic white girls need heroes….

I guess she took some time from getting fucked by the NFL, as she does, to pose slutty hard at work by the pool like a lazy bitch who knows she’s scamming….but I guess it’s not a scam when you can push your white girl follower to buy everything you tell them….it makes you the ultimate in AVON ladies…a goal for money grubbers with a dream everywhere….

Posted in:Olivia Culpo




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I have this no fat chicks allowed policy, because I am a dinosaur who remembers when fat chicks were the last ones chose for both gym class and to fuck, and when the beer goggles got thick enough, the fat chick never became more desirable, they may interpret it as becoming more desirable, rather than being the heavy duty table scraps they actually were, but when a motherfucker is still hungry, they’ll eat that grissel off the steak like some rabid stray dog….so the same thing applies to the old school approach to fat chicks….they never got hotter, they never were something to brag about, but rather more a Jackass level stunt your friends would tease you for…thanks to a moment in standards dropping and taking what you can get….

I do this fat chick trying to be hot chick post as part of my no fat chicks allowed policy, to remind me of why no fat chicks are allowed, no matter how insane society skews into making fat chicks embarrass themselves as they pose hot, instead of turning to health, wellness, fitness and other mechanisms to get themselves hot.

I do not endorse LAZY, even though I am lazy, and my whole existence is lazy.


Posted in:Fatty




Polyamorous Woke Monster Thinks You Care About her Trans Sex and Other Videos of the Day

You gotta assume that people are producing these to JUST get onto LIBS OF TIKTOK because LIBS of TIKTOK is now so big….you know clout chasing, self involved, woke monsters trying to ruin society as a whole with their grossness…and where do these socialist freaks find the time…well none of them work..so there.


Big Titty Dance

Bikini Girl….

Yoga Master

Slutty Short Dancer

Towel Drop – Barely…

Farm Girl Porn

Her Daily Slut Dance

Casual Ass Jiggle

Military Slut

Small Dress Flex….

You gotta laugh at how mindless, empty, useless, lacking of vision, effort, concept these TikToks are….just an average girl in a filter shaking her ass in a slutty outfit….and they go viral for it….it’s WILD..

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I guess the big news today is whether the evil as fuck 18 year old was a victim of the woke mob, or was a transgender or not, which doesn’t really matter because he was obviously an evil fuck regardless of what gender panties he wore and we can definitely assume that he was a victim of being a manipulated weak mind, and whether he was on a put them on crazy hormones to further fuck with his mind, or not, he went out and shot up a school killing a bunch of kids…way too many kids for a person who was chased to the school by cops….I am sure 21 people while under police pursuit is some kind of horrible record…..so whether it was a non trans who did it or not doesn’t matters since it’s the gun’s fault…

It’s not the fucking mental case evil fucking weirdo destroyed by this pop culture trash, porn and pronouns they are exposed to, or the 2 or more years of hell that killed our spirits…or the evil that is all around us…..it’s the gun did it.

If a person wants to kill a bunch of kids, it’s not because of access to guns. Guns are regulated in Canada, but there are still shootings….the issue is that a motherfucker felt that was a solution…..but it’s the gun’s fault.

It’s all such a scheme to manipulate the masses…and herd them into some weird dystopian hell they have planned for the normies who make up the slave class…while the elites get to keep on doing whatever it is they want to do…..by taking their guns from anyone who would stand up to them.

I saw that at some conference in Switzerland, some dude announced he’s working on an app to track the carbon footprint of the normies slave class….because it’s not the big industry that make up 80 percent of pollution that lines their pockets…all while Climate Change isn’t even real….it’s you. IT is YOUR FAULT.

The point is, don’t believe anything you see, don’t buy into any of it, it’s all designed by evil to fuck with you…to fuck with your mind, to keep you in a daze, under the spell, so they can keep fucking with you….to keep you complicit and lining up for vaccines that have proven to not work, the data is out….and there was no actual pandemic…the vaccines cause variants and offer no protection to a non-pandemic….yet look at us now….still being told to get vaccinated….they still want inside you….

Just focus on what you can control….hating yourself and clicking these links…

Olivia Culpo in Vegas Dressed Slutty

Win a Trip to See Christina Aguilera’s Tits

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Panthers Open to Re-Signing Cam Newton on Two Conditions

The Hot Girl with ht Skating Skills

Bad Days at Work

The Slo Mo Guys Record The Effect Of Taser Guns On Bare Skin In Slow Motion!

Amy Schumer’s Rich Bitch NYC Pad for Sale for 15 Million – Imagine Being So Rich for Being Funny when Not Being Funny…

Truck Attack – Scary

Cam Girls are Cam Girls

Posted in:stepLINKS