I'll Make You Famous…




Heidi Klum Almost Has an Upskirt While Miley Watches of the Day

Here’s a pretty bananas picture that could have ended a lot better of Heidi Klum almost having an upskirt at some fashion show where Miley Cyrus anxiously awaits her boyfriend to come out on stage so that she can really feel like her decision to give him her cherry was the right one because he’s so desirable that he’s on the fucking runway and she’s his personal groupie who not only fucks him on command and buys him the shit he wants, but also shoots his name onto the Marquee that is relevant celebrity boyfriends, making him a household name and a heart throb to teenage Miley fans everywhere in hopes of it opening new doors and new opportunities for him.

So this could have been a lot better if she was showing some pussy lip or panty and if Miley was fingerbanging her while Seal peed on them like he was R. Kelly at a Junior High….but maybe that’s too much to ask, I mean I remember the time I pissed on my wife thinking it would add some excitement to our lives and instead it just made her cry, because he was watching TV and I surpriseed her from behind, leaving me unaroused and feeling like I had failed, never exploring golden showers again, meaning it’s really only for a select few and finding those people isn’t always easy, it’s not just something people do on the first date, unless you’re paying them, so thinking these starlets would get in on something like that is totally far fetched….

To See The Rest of the Pictures Go To TheCobraSnake

Posted in:Heidi Klum|Miley Cyrus|Upskirt




Christina Milian is a Myspace Star of the Day

Christina Milian was kinda hot in that video of her roling around in mud. I was sure she was a slut with staying power and not a one hit wonder she ended up becoming, but it turns out that she’s back, only this time with Myspace Music, because no record company wants to give a one hit wonder who has been off the map for the last 5 years a fucking chance, but Myspace, in their struggle to stay alive while sites like Facebook and social networking in general are dying, has decided to give her that second chance. I remember when my wife gave me a second chance when we were first dating and I accidentally stuck my dick in about 15 different girls while she was away visiting her mother and I was excited about my new found freedom, it ended up with me marrying her and ruining my fucking life, and I can only assume that will be Milian’s fate. I like to call this not giving up when you are ahead and thinking you have what it takes when you don’t, and it always ends up in misery.

Check out her new song from her new album coming out on Myspace Records Because She’s Pretty Much Irrelevant now but I’d still fuck her, which isn’t saying much, but it’s saying something…..

Posted in:Christina Milian|MySpace|Star




Nailin Paylin Preview Clip of the Day

Here’s a scene from Hustler’s political porn, that has turned out to be a fucking genius idea for them, considering everyone is talking about Palin and how they want to fuck her wholesome Alaskan pussy that makes retard babies and how everyone is obsessed with this fucking election, and shit’s going to be fucking huge, despite this pornstar’s impression being pretty shitty, and there being too much fucking dialog for my liking, because if I’m going to watch porn, I’m kinda trying to avoid listening to the shit being spewed out of a girls mouth unless of course the shit being spewed out of her mouth is cum.

In this clip she’s giving her speech while being eaten out by Hilary Clinton, something that is probably not that much of a stretch from the truth, considering Clinton’s so obsessed with running a man’s world and does it in the most lesbian of outfits, but it’s still something you can appreciate since it’s more interesting than the actual elections and I guess that’s why I am posting it and not because it is cinematic history…

Posted in:Hustler|Nailin Paylin|Preview




Kristin Cavallari Ninja Pussy Grip of the Day

Kristin Cavallari is the hotter girl from Laguna Beach who wasn’t smart enough to continue onto the hills, where she would have probably been paid the highest, and instead chose to take her ego to do other things, without considering the simple fact that she’s got pretty much no talent, or at least had no significant talent before seeing these pictures of her in leggings doing some kind of new age kamasutra kick with her sex coach. So as her old friends and foes from her shitty staged reality show get more and more famous and make more and more money by selling their souls, she remains committed to taking a second shot, only this time, it will involve her fucking her way to the top, like it always was meant to be….only that she got side-tracked from doing…

Here’s The Rest of those Pictures Since I Can’t Post Them Because of the Paprazzi Wanting to Ruin My Life….

Posted in:Kristin Cavallari|Ninja Kick|Spandex




Christina Aguilera Brings Her Fake Tits to an Event of the Day

Christina Aguilera brought her tits out to some event with her handsome rich boyfriend, because besides from her singing voice, they really are the only thing keeping her around in these hard economic times. I am not a fan of big tits especially when they are wasted on rich weasel lookin’ motherfuckers, but there will always be a place in my col black heart for Christina Aguilera, because that girl will always be the Genie in a Bottle who I want to rub the right way to me. Sure, her life has taken a horrible downward spiral since those glory days, but most of the girls I ever got with were pretty much at their worst, so here’s to hoping this trend continues because if I get my way, which I never do, I’ll be hiding in her backyard watching her sun tan topless while she cries, before the police get called.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|Fake Tits




Holly Madison Introduces Her New Boyfirend of the Day

Since her high profile break-up with Hugh Hefner, who wasn’t actually her boyfriend, but her boss, and they weren’t actually in a relationship, she was just working for him as part of her job, and like any dude who owns a company who depends on the quality of the pussy, the best way to keep the pussy fresh of the old rotting pussy by firing it for whatever reason, especially when its not pulling its weight and just free loading off its title and taking advantage of the status of its job by getting free shit and throwing it around in an uncontrollable way that is detrimental to the company , and I guess he had enough and figured she was boring and they needed new blood, so he ended up with the Shannon Twins and she ended up with some Mexican Gay dude who helps her get into cars….something she should take in while she can because it won’t be long before she burns through her severance package and ends up back at the trailer park she came from. I’ve seen it happen before and there’s always a crash after you peak, just ask DJ AM’s pilot….what, too soon?

Posted in:Holly Madison|New Boyfriend




Coco Wears a See Through Dress to Some Event of the Day

Coco isn’t really known for her suubtle sluttiness, and is mor the kind of girl you invite to your party because you expect her to show you vagina stunts, like how many dicks her vagina can eat at the same time before her uterus falls ou, or how licks it takes her make her squirt, or how much unprotected sex they can have before she bleeds, or how much cum she can swallow before getting cum farts, or how much silicone you can put in a tit before it starts leaking out of the nipple, you know where I am going with this, she’s a glorified whore, but she works exclusively for Ice T and in his perversion in dating a whore, he sucked up his dignity and brought her to events, because she threatened to stop accepting his business and he decided to marry her, instead of lose her, because the general public accepts a whore of a wife more than a whore. It’s one of those harsh realities for the hookers out there, but don’t worry, I’ll accept you for what you are, if you give me a significant discount, but I won’t stand for you going to black tie events with me, in semi see through shirts on, I’d insist on you showing up totally naked… I guess that’s where Ice T and I are different….along with the color of our skin, the size of our penises, the amount of money in our bank accounts and a whole lot of other things, but he deserves some respect from the feminists out there for taking the high road and treating his hooker like a lady, like his life was that movie Pretty Woman, only more believable, considering no one I know would have sex with Julia Roberts unless she was doin’ the paying.

Posted in:Uncategorized




Nicolette Sheridan is a Jogger of the Day

Nicolette Sheridan is a 45 year old who proves that if you want to keep your edge and remain a sex object in film an television, you can’t get irresponsible and get married and have kids, becauase we all know that if she had kids, she wouldn’t look like this, since they ruin your fucking life just as much as they ruin your hot body.

Husbands everywhere have to come home to a tired slob of a wife who doesn’t put out anymore and who they are happy doesn’t put out anymore because their bodies are fucking disgusting since they let themselvs go, forcing them to hit the internet and jerk off to pictures of Nicolette Sheridan to find any satisfaction in life. You know sitting in their garage to avoid having to spend time with the slob they married, wondering how their life would be different if the hot 25 year old they sold their soul too was a little more self absorbed, vain and in love with themselves. You know if they said no to the second serving of ice cream during their post partum depression that prevented them from losing the pregnancy weight they gained and spent a little more time jogging….

I guess you can argue that her life is empty and that she will end up alone because she didn’t take the natural course of reproduction, but I am sure the only people saying that are moms, who have brainwashed themselves to thinking having babies is amazing, because it’s all they have going for them after sacrificing themselves to make it happen, and a harsh reality that if they did admit sucked, would make them feel like bad humans, so it’s better to stay delusional about, but I think that with all that money and the fact that every single straight guy in the world is willing to have sex with her, while every Gay dude who watches her shitty Desperate Housewives shit is willing to go straight for her and the fact that she can buy herself a baby who is already 16 when she’s really milked this whole sex symbol thing and has totally cashed out on her body, so that she doesn’t have to go through all the annoying steps of early childhood and can still pretend she’s a mom as it comes to visit her in the old folks home when she’s developed alzheimers because it will be outlined in its contract that it has no choice but to do that if it wants its inheritance….

I don’t really know what I am going off on, I get lost in my words sometimes, but what it comes down to is that watching Nicolette Sheridan jogging and keeping her old lady body fit is like porn to me, maybe because my 45 year old wife’s idea of exercise is eating a bag of chips, but probably because I want to fuck Nicolette Sheridan….

Posted in:Hot Old Lady|Nicolette Sheridan




Katy Perry is a Sloppy Mess of the Day

Katy Perry tried to do some novelty pin-up girl jumping into a cake for her novelty song that has made her more than just novelty money and novelty famous, which is too bad because I am ready for her and her fuckin’ joke that rapes me almost everyday to go away.

She was at the MTV Latin awards, whenever the fuck those were and she slipped and fell when covered in cake and couldn’t get up. That whole stunt was pretty fucking fat of her and along with kissing girls and liking it, Katy Perry like eating and before the coke addiction and fame, her body proved that she liked it. So apparently, giant cakes aren’t just my wife’s fantasies I used to make fun of her about, along with her dreams of swimming pools filled with chocolate sauce, trees made of licorice, snow being cotton candy, our couch being a giant donut and pretty much all things around her being edible treats, and apparently this idea came to chubby Katy Perry in her chubby dreams she started having when the record label told her to stop eating, but none of that matters, I know that you like girls covered in food because you like girls pretty much covered in anything remotely similar to the consistency of your cum, so I’ll post it for you and I like seeing Katy Perry fail, so I’ll post it for me. Here’s hoping the next video I get of her is of her getting hit kissing the front of a bus and liking it as it runs her and the potential of her making any more music to ruin my life over.

Posted in:Falling|Katy Perry




DJ AM is the Messiah of the Day

I am not sure if you heard this story, but it was on the radio this morning so I assume you have. I never was one for breaking stories, I am more into being late on shit and announcing it to a room full of people like it’s the hottest thing ever, only to have everyone turn to me and tell me that it’s old news. I don’t know why but I find it exhilerating.

Anyway, the report is that after the plane crash DJ AM was getting skin grafts, the doctors found a potentially fatal blood clot in his leg, which happens when you fly too much, I think it’s called deep vein thrombosis but I only think that because I used it as a reason I was late for work a few years back at the canning plant. So if the plane hadn’t crashed, DJ AM could have potentially died as the clot moved to his heart, so instead God crashed the fucking thing, let him walk away with some burns, killing 5 people, just to save AM from death. Something doesn’t sound right, he’s gotta be the Messiah.

If you look at his history, he survived being molested as a child, emotionally eating himself to 360 pounds, smoking crack, an attempted suicide when the bullet jammed in the gun he had to his head, unprotected sex with lots of shady girls and the lead singer of Crazy Town, a one hit wonder band DJ AM was part of, gastric bypass surgery, dating Nicole Richie and pretending to like it, being a glorified Top 40 bar mitzvah DJ and not getting shot by the hip hop gangsters when he claimed to be hip hop, a plane crash, a blood clot (boh boh), dating Jessica Stam and her mental capacity of a hamster. This motherfucker is unstoppable. He must be fuckin’ Jesus, seriously, I heard they were spotted together at Avalon the other night and AM was eating his asshole….only he wasn’t the real Jesus, he was just one of the Mexicans AM pulled in off the street and carries everywhere, because he’s his special lucky charm. I don’t know what I am saying, but I do know this dude’s got more than just a massive butt plug in his ass, he’s also got a horseshoe, because that kind of luck just isn’t normal….maybe he is Satan…which would explain his DJ sets and chachi fan base….and I guess who really cares….

Posted in:DJ AM|Messsiah