I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Stay fit motherfuckers!

I know that people are all back on the abortion kick because social media and the media are an echo chamber from hell to keep us all unhappy and in their trance…TURNING OFF THE INTERNET would do us all good, except maybe this site, since it needs the internet to exist, but no one would notice it was gone and I figure it’s a good sacrifice for the benefit of humanity as a whole, since I’m planning to stop updating eventually, it’s just a waste of time…but that’s another story.

This story is about health and wellness, my body my choice, trust the science, get an experimental shot with a donut….COVID propaganda that lead to COVID protocol that will probably make a fucking comeback in the fall, possibly in ways we don’t even understand….so more disgusting half dead looking fat people can scream at us about our health…

As a fat person, I don’t identify as those preachy fat people, but rather one who knows people should be fit in order to be healthy, fit in order to be hot, fit to have the best possible life, so if you do anything for your health and wellness…get fit..while I eat chips and cake from the sideline and watch…..

As a fat person, I believe you should feel shame in being fat, and that these fitness bitches are pornographic, especially in an era where there are so many fatties pretending to be hot, even though fitness means they’ll likely live longer, so not a great long term strategy if you’re favorite break-up is when the bitch your with dies off on you gifting you freedom and some of their assets….MOOCH RIGHT IF YOU ARE GOING TO MOOCH AT ALL.

All this to say, I like fit bitches.


Posted in:Workout




Ashley Tisdale in a Bikini of the Day

I used to do an Ashley Tisdale ugly watch at the peak of her career because I knew it was Disney sorcery at work, knowing that she wasn’t the hottest bitch in Hollywood by looking at her, but they marketed her like she was and like Katy Perry music, people just accepted it because they are mindless shills, as we know.

Then she went away and I thought, great, that’s amazing, they aren’t lying to us with her and her botched plastic surgeries anymore, and I came to terms with her being not as UGLY as I originally thought, but the rage from the lies about her just escalated it…..or amplified it….I don’t like being lied to.

SO, I just figured the mom would age out, do some Christmas movies for Hallmark and not matter, but as you know, bitches are competitive and bitches see what their colleagues and friends are doing and over the pandemic Hudgens went full instagram slut and it’s worked out pretty well for her….she officially matters again thanks to social media, something all these trash strive for…so Tisdale’s now trying her best to be hot, shameless, thirsty, attention seeking, and it just seems contrived and like she’s missing the mark….

But, she’s in a bikini top, posting skin for likes, and it’s always fun to see how desperate these people who have all kinds of money and fame are….even the top motherfuckers are bottom feeding trash.

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies or Camel Toes are pretty much everywhere you look these days, especially on the internet, which is hilarious because you know girls are so desperate and pathetic in their quest to matter or be jerked off to, which is oftentimes one in the same, they actually take 100 pics per uploaded pic if not more, to get that perfect angle, meaning that when a cameltoe appears on their feed it is because they want the world to see their pussy outline, the pussy definition, to see just how meaty and hungry the fucking thing is….

IT takes away from the whole innocence of a real life in public cameltoe, but I guess we could apply that to all aspects of internet and social media….it’s the bastardization of EVERYTHING….anything good, turns to shit, thanks to social media and the idiots who are caught up in it….because humans just don’t understand what’s important…

You know, like a girl in tight pants, casually walking around or in the grocery store, totally unaware that she’s got a cameltoe….

Now it’s all PULL THAT SHIT IN YOUR CUNT TO MAKE IT LOOK FAT AND STILL HUNGRY…..which may happen in real life, but they can pretend it’s totally just something that happens with pussy, real pussy, not trans man with a dick pussy….

That mystery, of did she do it on purpose in the parking lot, or does this just happen with pussy….gets thrown out the fucking window when it’s staged bullshit, but it’s cameltoe not staged news stories, so we still get to see the pussy wedgie, so it could be worse.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Olivia Culpo’s Slutty Selfies of the Day

I forgot about Olivia Culpo, I don’t go on social media so I have no idea who is trending or what these sluts are up to, but as it turns out, she’s still fucking her reflection in these mirror selfies like it was an NFL player or team, and stripping down half naked because that’s how you make it in the instagram world motherfuckers…get down to that grey area of shameless and desperate whore showing off her tits while convincing other women you’re lifestyle is one to emulate, or that watching her live rich and travel rich while getting rich, is a life worth watching and the products she pushes worth buying.

I find it all low hanging fruit, I mean she got into the tabloids dating a Jonas brother after her pageant career….but when a whore is producing whore content like she’s on backpages when really she’s “influencing”….how can we really ignore.

All the fillers in the world can’t stop this bitch from giving you a cheesy lame ass model pose…

It is all so pathetic, all so lame, all so cheesy, are people really into this influencer posing because they have decided they are important bullshit?

Posted in:Olivia Culpo




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed Wednesday is a celebration of girls who have decided that smoking weed is a marketing hook for their social media hustle, maybe create a niche in the space and get free bongs from weed companies, as they need people to advertise with, since they aren’t advertising here anymore…

I always hated the whole head shop stoner in the high school movies, or really in everyday life, because smoking weed doesn’t need to be so theatrical and lame….you don’t need a pot leaf beanie and a stick of dirt with some shitty white boy dreads and a weird love for reggae to smoke weed…if anything, you kinda ruin it….it’s cosplay, pretentious, stoner/slacker pretentiousness…just smoke weed.

BUT when girls get half naked with their weed, for their weed, because weed is still illegal in a lot of places for no good reason, I can ignore how silly the posturing of weed model is, and focus on the tits, even if some of them look like they like weed a little too much for the munchies and not for the other health benefits.

In conclusion, you should all be smoking weed.


Posted in:Weed




Bella Hadid’s Trashy Behavior of the Day

I was just sent a Meme comparing the AVN porn awards with the Met Gala and it was pretty accurate, since the world has gone trashy, fashion is trashy, and everyone’s basically a fucking pornstar….thanks internet.

Top model who I don’t think deserves being called a top model, because she’s more an instagram model that luxury brands use since she’s rich, and along with her sister and the Jenners were “it girls” or socialites in their own right….but in the social media era they became product pushers….so work with Bella, pay the price but sell a shit ton of product because society is retarded.

I did a post on this YESTERDAY ….

As it turns out, after the Met Gala, there was an after party, and at the after party there were no aborted babies being eaten, at least not for the pictures for the public, but the fake important, meme humans, were able to let their tits out and hump each other as they do being the trash that they are….and Bella Hadid was there…in her underwear with other girls in their underwear….like a frat party in the 90s but HIGH FASHION people….

To see everything

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Elon Musk is Probably a Demon of the Day

I am not saying that Elon is the only Anti-Christ out there, I am just saying that he’s part of the big plan of the elites, and when people buy into his viral stunts, thinking he’s broke free from the grip of the evil overlords, not realizing he’s an evil overlord, one who was raised to be this person because his family were Globalist Eugenicists…the definition of Anti-Christ is the GREAT DECEIVER.

But when I see stories of him trolling Bill Gates, who is one of his business partners, or when I see stories of him buying twitter by the same people who own Tesla, when I see Tesla and know that E-Vehicles are worse for the environment and part of this hell future they have planned for us, when I know that the system is rigged, when he’s pushing transhumanism, when he invested in MRNA shots back in 2016 and those have been a huge disaster from everything I’ve read….

All these people are fucking pyshopaths is basically what I am getting at, so stop trusting ELON.

Yes, this video is from Alex Jones…but that doesn’t mean the interview with Grimes is not valid…plus Alex Jones is right all the time, whether he’s legit or a plant, who knows….but what I do know is all these people who think Elon is going to save them, with twitter and space and e-vehicles, transhumanism and other insanity….you’re just being a fucking sucker….

Everything you need is in nature, fuck the technocrazy.

There are no heroes in this hell we call life…only God can save us!

Here’s one of his hired mom of two….GRIMES..

I am pretty sure Amber Heard is one of his so CHECK OUT HER NUDES …..

She’s on the stand!

Posted in:elon musk




Amber Heard’s Nudes Take the Stand of the Day

I figure now is about as good as any to post some leaked Amber Heard nudes, that could be released Amber Heard nudes, you know these people do anything for attention, but I figure, since she’s nude, who fucking cares…

I’ve shat on Amber Heard like she shat on beds for many years, but always thought that she was pretty hot for a Lesbian, who Johnny called a Lesbian Camp Councillor and that people who have never heard that expression are clearly excited by since they are selling merch..

I am convinced she was a Depp groupie, knew he was top of the industry she was sucking dick to get average parts in, despite being a lesbian for attention….Texas trash has got to do what Texas trash has got to do.

Last night, I decided that I am team Amber, only because everyone is team Johnny and that means that the PR and Lawyers at Disney are getting what they want, a fresh new Johnny to make 100s of millions of dollars from, all they need to do is humiliate Amber…it’s all by design, I am sure Amber is in on it, as it’s the biggest role of her life.

The Johnny Depp trial is rigged, it is clickbait, whether Amber and Johnny are in on it or not is debatable. I mean they could have legit been married, legit been volatile, legit been degenerates, but ultimately, it’s all pretty gross….

From my experience ,Disney is powerful, I’ve faced off with the power of Disney’s legal team once and story spinners after an altercation with Jake Gyellenhal, where he pushed the big set of tits I was with after I asked him if he Killed Heath Ledger and only now am I realizing that after that spin, no one ever worked with me again, my google shit wet to zero and I no longer exist, when in 2009 or 2010 when it happened, I did on the lowest level, but not as low as now….I was a nobody then, I’m a piece of shit in a condom defrosting after being used as a homemade dildo now…..

I am not making Johnny Depp’s case about me, obviously, I am just saying for a low level blog in Canada to get a story spun, around the release of Prince of Persia, you know they’d pull out all their minds, all their power, to orchestrate this shit.

ANYWAY, these motherfuckers do not fuck around. They control narratives, spin stories, and it’s ridiculous. Everything is a lie….

So when you see the general population skew Johnny, when the general population are full retards, you know that the media and it’s sorcery is doing it…

Ultimately, she’s hitting the stand if she’s not already on it and that is a nice opportunity to revisit the Amber Heard nudes since it’s more fun to jerk off to than her televised humiliation, but you can keep that on in the background….

It’s a massive distraction, but TITS!

Posted in:Amber Heard




Towel Tease and Other Videos of the Day

Titties in the Car

Bitches and Tires

Gym Ass

Hooters Girl

Gym Bitch

Tittis in the Car

Girl and her Sloppy Tits

In Bed in Checks

Yoga Stretch in Mesh


Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Big girl Wednesday is probably one of the worst posts around, but it’s not my fault, I do it for inclusivity, you know tag and label each bitch like cattle and drop her in a category like they do about everything in this new era of everyone wanting to fit in, just not into a reasonable sized pant.

If you know what I mean…

Big girls are not my thing, but they are someone’s thing, because what you’d think was discount bargain basement late night or anonymous so no one knows you got with it pussy…are presenting themselves as if they aren’t that…they charge full retail price motherfuckrs.

It’s a real trip for anyone who remembers when fat girls were too shy, lonely, and disgusted with themselves to slip into lingerie….they didn’t even make the lingerie in their fucking size at the time…it’s as if the population skews unhealthy the nude ladies skew unhealthy too…because no matter what they tell you….fat is unhealthy…but it can get naked and naked above all..so support these big girls being naughty girls no matter how insane, terrifying, possibly disgusting you may find it.


Posted in:Fatty