I'll Make You Famous…




Brie Larson Trying to be Hot of the Day

Here’s some bobble head bitch named Brie Larson, who you may know from her pop career that never got off the ground, so her team decided to repackage her as an A-Lister, all without having any STAR POWER at all….

She’s the fakes A-Lister around who should go to bed at night knowing that no one buys into her A-List shit no matter how many high paid roles they put her in because they are struggling to survive in Hollywood…

She looks like she tastes like balls….her balls, not career advancing balls, but that’s probably because she looks aged out…and masculine…

I usually endorse fit girls over fat girls, fitness over all..and I am sure a fit Brie Larson is hotter than a fat Brie Larson but when you’re this shit, it’s all shit…

Point being the fakest a-lister….who I consider the TWITTER spam bot of celebrity is out here being like “look, I’ve got a toned stomach from my action start fitness routine, where even my slutty outfit looks like it’s covering up a 9 inch dick”…

What I am saying is, fitness isn’t always hot, sometimes it’s gay…and when it’s Brie Larson, it’s FAKE AND GAY.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I just realized that every single post I’ve posted today has been either fat and vile looking bitches, or Rumer Willis, who might as well be a fat and vile looking girl, because she’s about as hot as one…

That good news is that we’ve got WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, a feature that celebrates girls who go to the gym, who consider themselves fit, who actively try to not be fat and I am all for that.

Fit is healthy, unless you’re anorexic fit and dying of anemia, heart disease and haven’t had your period in 8 years….

But for the most part, fit gives energy, strength, the ability to bounce on a cock without gassing out and losing their breath….it allows them to fit in one plane seat, not 2, it probably means they eat less and more affordable, but then they probably eat healthy, while feeding a fat bitch requires a bag of chips, a jug of chocolate milk and a tub of ice cream….so maybe the fit chick isn’t as cost effective….I mean they also live longer….but yeah, we’re just looking at the pics, not investing in a fit chick or costing her out, so celebrate that fitness, it just looks better than fatness.


Posted in:Workout




Iskra Lawrence Fat Ass of the Day

I am going to assume that new mom, at least I think she’s a new mom, Iskra Lawrence, the plus sized model, body activist who was once a normal sized model who realized playing plus sized will help her stand out from the crowd of normal sized girls, because at the time there was pressure from the internet fat whining social justice warriors for fat chicks that look like them in ads or influencer campaigns because skinny hot chicks made them feel like shit about themselves, their laziness, their lack of effort….so thanks to them being shitty and unimpressive people, we all have to suffer….

Anyway, Iskra is in FAT FACE, faking the fat and you can tell that even in her fat now, she likely works out to have less of an obesity look, less of a GILBERT grape look, and more of a black guy’s white gf look.

That doesn’t mean she’s not part of the problem, part of the lie and propaganda they are pushing to say fat is hot….and trying to trick us into it by shaming hot fit chicks…

It just means she’s less ugly, less looking like she works at the dollar store cash where she eats one too many 25 cent chocolate bars per sift….or like her ass tastes like chocolate sauce and premature death because fat is a killer…

She’s what they’d call “hollywood fat”, fat as shit, but not motorized scooter, struggling to breathe fat…..so here’s that fat ass that makes money off being fat…


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I support the cannabis movement because I don’t subscribe to the whole weed makes people dumb, I think it probably makes people a little more focused, paranoid, and awake to the things going on around them….

I support the cannabis movement because I don’t subscribe to idiotic laws policing what people ingest, especially when the plant they are banning is such a low grade high that is hardly a gateway to anything buy laying on the couch and procrastinating on tasks you don’t want to do….

I don’t believe it does any fucking damage but more interestingly, that has health, industrial, commercial applications for cheap.

So seeing these naked girls using weed as a prop, to either say “I’m cool, I get high”….or “I need an angle with my influencing because I look like I get high to eat double the donuts I normally eat”….

I like to think that some of these weed girls before the weed were probably thin hot chicks, but instead threw in the towel on looking good thanks to the weed…because nothing matters when you’re high, not even looking good.

This is not really the most inspiring approach to promoting weed….USE HOT CHICKS….but any excuse to get naked, no matter how lazy your body looks, works for me…plus some of the weed smokers in this round-up are hot, just not enough of them….but the girls I know in actual life who smoke weed are…so I’ll just put this out there for the hotties to be “I can do better, I’ll take over this weed model shit, cuz what’s out there is pretty bad”….

See, I’m just pushing the movement forward..


Posted in:Weed




Rumer Willis Motel Hooker of the Day

When I heard about Bruce Willis’ brain injury from his time travelling, there’s a rumor that he’s a time traveller, and for whatever reason he didn’t go back in time and Roe vs Wade this one, but I guess like most parents, they like their kids and don’t want the very late term abortion…

But yeah, when I first heard about Bruce, I thought vaccine injury, since the spike proteins the vaccinated are producing can enter the brain and cause dementia-like brain issues….

But no one wants to hear about my “conspiracy theories” that are backed by the vaccine company’s own documents, I’m not a doctor….you know…

The second thing I thought was “at least he’ll forget that Rumer is his daughter”…at a certain point in time she’ll be visiting and he’ll just think she’s the hired nurse to change his diaper, when clearly she’s such a brat, she’s never done a chore in her life…

Forgetting you made a bile of dog shit of a woman is like a gift from god…..

Point being, Rumer Willis and her asymmetric face throws me off, even when she’s slutty, but I’m sure she’s a lovely rich kid, since celebrity rich kids are my fetish, as she’s one of the more important ones from where I’m sitting….which is no where good.


Posted in:Rumer Willis




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you have a pussy you might as well make it eat your tight pants so that when you’re out in public people assume you’re not a trans using a pussy definition insert as thy do.

There is an ongoing trend of bitches walking around with their pussies out in pants because they aren’t allowed to walk around with their pussies out, at least not yet, but I am sure there are plenty of activist groups out there working on making it a thing….pussy power, labia support groups, my cunt smells like yeast infection and an outhouse after a month of summer camp, but I don’t care…..FEMINISM….

Thee good news is, I like pussy so whatever gets a pussy seen, whether through pants, or losing their mind on drugs and pulling the pants down in public thinking they are alone at home, you know the best drugs ever…I’m totally ready to stare…I’m heterosexual like that….and will die thinking pussy is magical and wanting to see every single one I can, appreciating each one, even the ones that make you puke.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Camila Mendes Bath of the Day

Cami Mendes is the neckless girl from RIVERDALE, which for the record is one of the worst shows to ever get onto TV, that they dragged out over multiple seasons, in some totally incoherent and idiotic pile of shit that I assume is designed to confuse kids and lower they expectations, just tell them it’s good or popular and they’ll eat it up, and they did….

Either way, she played or plays….I don’t know if the show is still on …. Veronica, didn’t look like the Veronica we grew up with, not even because she was a diversity hire, they needed a MENDES not a MILLER, or some other white ass name that a hispanic person could have, but that we’ll assume they don’t….

She’s in the bath, probably trying to wash off the shame of being in the show that made her famous, even though she’ll never be able to rid herself of that shame…it’s like a rape, but with an upside….if you think celebrity, fans and money are an upside…I don’t….

I have seen her in bikinis, clearly doing more fitness to better prepare herself for social media whoring, you can tell there’s some muscle in her arms and more neck than she had…but that could just be from working it on the casting couch….if you need to elongate your neck…do it through your throat.

So she’s more of a contender than she was, but without seeing her asshole thanks to strategic bubbles, I don’t know if this pic even matters….

It doesn’t.


Posted in:Camila Mendes




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I’ve been slacking today, why the fuck not, I don’t get paid to update this shit and no one actually reads it.

I should write each post like a millennial communicates, with emoji and accroynmns.


I blame the weight watcher Wednesday post for being totally demotivating, just looking at them trying to do fatness like it’s hot, exhausts me, gives me diabetes that I probably already have, and premature death I am expecting…

The fact is that fat isn’t hot, it’s fucking average, not worth celebrating and takes zero fucking effort to achieve, so celebratin a fat, dumpy walmart chick like she’s a supermodel, like you were Sports Illustrated is both irresponsible because it pollutes the mind of potentially not fat chicks, pollutes the minds of people trying to be inclusive and jerking off to this shit like it’s ok, when it’s not.normalizing it…and lower our collective standards, expectations and dreams.

The fall of society is happening, and this not being a niche fetish but being mainstream norm, feels like a parody, but is real since we’re either just that horny, perverted, or misguided..

Either way, this is my INCLUSIVITY post, my BODY POSITIVITY post, on this NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED life I want to live.


Posted in:Fatty




Hot Army Bitch and Other Videos of the Day

Women’s Long Jump Porn

The Walk

The Walk

Girl with Scary Hair

Just some Bikini Whore Dacing

Just Some Whore Doing Yoga

Two Whores Dancing

Just a Bikini Whore Dancing

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The funniest revelation or realization that I’ve had the last few years is that I am actually pro humanity.

I always found people to be fucking idiots who don’t really understand the basic, or what’s important and for that were a fucking stain or embarrassment on what it means to be human.

Just the self involved money grubbing whoring their souls out for personal gain, or their own egos….to show off on social media or to try to fit into things, instead of really embracing a full life, or being fully spiritually and mentally filled…

Popping prescriptions and really not contributing much, doing what they are told and not actually evolving the species, celebrating the worst people ever and wanting to be them….

You know, we had AMBLE reason to hate all humans..

But after seeing 90 percent of them blindly get an experimental shot even after knowing it doesn’t work, you still get the virus you’re vaccinated against, which means the vaccine doesn’t work….spitting out marketing pitches or slogans to justify it like “that means it is working”….or “trust the science”…I realize that you can’t blame the sheep holding onto what they think is right because of the puppet strings that are attached to them..

You have to blame the evil demon fucks who control the puppet strings…

So I have a lot of confidence in humans snapping out of the spell, realizing that they have a better life if they want it, detaching themselves from the matrix that holds them, and finally deciding to find that hill to die on for themselves, their family and their future.

It will happen, it is happening, people are waking up, so in the last 2 years, I was reminded why I hate humanity, but I don’t blame humans for it, I blame the internet…

So with that, that future is bright….and full of titties….and that’s a good thing….we just need to eliminate the demons who have been running their scam for too long…and keep on spreading truth so that people snap the fuck out of it and go back to being NORMAL again….so that I can go back to hating humanity again, rather than wanting to fight for it.

Some stepLINKS.

WWE Mandy Rose Being Hot

Ebonee Davis is Futuristic Space Babe!

Miley an her Near Death Experience

Elsa Hosk Hot in Lingerire

Real Housewife of Dubai Trailer

Kelly Stafford Laughs Off Getting Duped by Fake Aaron Rodgers Quote

Instant Regret

Wet Fart Prank at the Beach

Pinball Machine in Slow Motion

Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!

Posted in:stepLINKS