I'll Make You Famous…




Lily Rose Depp Topless of the Day


You know, I am a celebrity rich kid fetishists, I’ve found them the most interesting kind of celebrity out there, only because they were raised n this environment, without actually being substantial in their own right, just being born of the right cum out of the right pussy…kind of thing…but a life of luxury and excess, living that celebrity life by association and a lot of times, they’re pretty hot thanks to eugenics…hot rich fucks coming together to raise their kids in their narcissism…

I’d do a deeper dig into it if I had a kickstarter campaign to fund the research…

In the meantime, one of my favorite celeb kids, Lily Rose, from France….who has been actually working as an actor…because you know how she got that job…you know from RAW talent alone….not because of access, or a last name…BUT TALENT….and you have to wonder if they ever feel like anything they accomplish is their merit alone, probably…because that’s how egos work.

Well, the good news is that Lily Rose, in her acting has a topless scenes and these are her Lily Rose colored nipples I’m glad to be looking at…so European Beach on a SUMMER day at the ocean front Chateau of her.

The cat make-up is giving me flashbacks of a night a friend of mine pissed on a girl’s face in a fire escape….it was a weird night but the cat make-up was jokes.

Lily Rose Depp’s a better experience, so take it in….


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off flashers are always inspiring to me….because living out this life as a pervert, I’ve wanted to see EVERY girl I’ve ever come across nude when looking at them clothed…

I used to ask girls bra size, nipple size, nipple placement, nipple color, vagina level of inny vs outtie, how meaty is the pie….is it a big clit or big labia, I need to know….do you have bush, what color is the bush, what shape is it…and your asshole…tell me about your asshole…I’m interested.

I guess my interests don’t matter, since I can’t do that anymore, but I still like knowing, so luckily some girls bring it….”THIS IS WHAT I WEAR”….”THIS IS HOW IT LOOKS WHEN I AM NOT WEARING IT”….

In the “END OF THE WORLD”….storyline that I see everywhere I look, the evil in charge are signed onto a national vaccine database for America, which is a CRAZY powergrab that people are into….

They should rebrand this as an ON/OFF database, fuck vaccines, they don’t work, let the people who want them get them, leave the rest alone…and focus on what is important…how whorish and amazing girls have become…

ON/OFFs for everyone…MANDATE that with every job interview….NO On/OFF, no money…make the On/Off the MARK of the beast…CAN’T BUY AND SELL without it.


Posted in:OnOff




They Find Their Non Binary Genitals of the Day

I can’t confirm or deny that this is a recently proclaimed THEY trying to mooch off the whole trans trend due to brain damage from an opiate overdose….but we’ll run with it.

The camera phone was the gateway to sex work, even if the nudes are just for their own collection and not transactional, but when you have an ego and get off to yourself, taking that selfie for someone to jack off to, is the fetish…NEVER enough attention….as they chase that dopamine release.

When you’re accomplished, rich, it’s just never enough because the broken is deep in her core. You gotta blame the industry really, but I still blame her.

Either way, a THEY pussy, if this is THEIR pussy, looks a lot like a lady pussy.


Posted in:Tranny




Nude Gymnast of the Day

I can’t confirm or deny whether Larry Nassar is responsible for these pictures….but I will say that it is rumored this is an Olympic Gold Medalist in post sexual assault recovery. You know putting that trauma to work…

Every girl out there has nudes, it’s just in their nature and a product of technology, why fuck when you can just send multiple people nudes to masturbate to you, you know because it is just a nude body, who cares right..

Well, I care to look at it, so I guess they are doing good things for the people…in a pervert generation of perverts…on both ends of the slutty selfie…and I love nudes…SEND NUDES…it’s the foundation of everything I represent, so I am into it.


Posted in:Nude




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are back…because women like to feel empowered over the dumbest shit. Like earlier today I saw some clip of a fashion designer bragging that they make the dress in size 0 – size 22…and since I’m not a homo fashion designer, I don’t really know how bit a size 22 is, but I do remember a size 12 or 14 being XXL back in the 90s, so….a size 22 sounds like a WALKING time bomb….

My theory is that if you make the clothing for the fat fucks, you’re normalizing fat fucks, and that’s hardly empowering, that’s just saying “DIE PREMATURELY PIG” because SCIENCE, and they want us to BELIEVE all science….says that being that big is disgusting….yet here we are EMPOWERING it…like some full back panties.

The fact is that dudes love all panties, just for what the represent, the barrier between pussy and pants…the seal we want to penetrate or at least have the opportunity to work around….

We never cared about full back panties, the whole GRANNY PANTY marketing deception that lasted 20 years….fucking weird that people fell for it, but people will put experimental medication that could kill their kids….into their kids…so there’s not too much hope for these people….

So yeah, I like all panties, and all panty activism, since I get to see panties…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Brie Larson Tit of the Day

Brie Larson is one of the most overrated actors in the fucking game. I mean they are all overrated and unimpressive but there’s this TRANSITION or TRANSGRESSION, I don’t know the fucking word I am thinking about, but a TRANSFER from being a desparate low hanging dick sucker who would do anything to get noticed….selling the idea to the right decision maker….by any means possible….so they choose her out of the barrel of thirsty actors who DREAM of fame….to get the Oscar winning role they’ll use to get the ACTION MOVIE role….because it doesn’t require any real ACTING chops, just some physicality, some CGI, some basic plots and characters and scripts so it can be easily translated for the CHINESE market…where the real money is….because HOLLYWOOD is dead and unimpressive people like Brie Larson they pretend or package as stars are the fucking proof.

If you find this clown hot, you’re just brainwashed by the system bro..but then again, when her tits are out, she’s at her hottest, so I’ll let her have it…

I WILL NOT LET HER TITS PUT ME UNDER THE SPELL OF HER WITCHCRAFT TITTIES….fuck…I am so easily manipulated….and so are you!


Posted in:Brie Larson




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog Butts are a pose going viral amongst the ladies of the internet who get naked on the internet for either a thrill, or money, because people get off to people getting off to them, women are like CHOOSE ME, not that PORN SLUT, because I AM REAL, or on par with the PORN SLUT….in what I think is weird because girls used to think PORN SLUTS were cheap, chasing low hanging fruit, and no matter how much they made, it was BLOOD MONEY, repulsive and shameless…or desperate…but all that went out the window and it’s become a business, a respectable business and I guess we get to see girls in Frog Butts we’d never se in Frog Butts….so that’s a win, even if longterm it will lead to a very fucked up society….but we’re already in a fucked up society….these REPTILIANS made it happen…which is funny because FROGS are not even REPTILES…so explain that.

Frog Butts, they’re a pose…I’ll look at them all and love them all equally!!


Posted in:Frog Butt




Famous Daughter Lesbian Bath of the day

I can’t confirm or deny this is Charlie Sheen’s daughter in the tub with her friends, but I can say that the younger generation is wild.

I recently came across an instagram model with big tits who really could have been an EMRATA if she really wanted, getting FUCKED on only fans 7 years later, because I guess there’s no big deal, it is easy money, and they GET off to being watched…just love the attention.

Basically, this is what girls do now, this is how they behave, it’s cool, trendy, wild, edgy…but weird to people like me who remember when girls were more modest…was it better, I mean it let perverts be perverts who fantasized shit, now it just gives us what we want no effort and I personally like being rewarded or gifted these things after working for them….when they are just handed out like Halloween candy, thy lack that ALLURE, but still give us what we want, so DOUBLE EDGED SWORD I guess…

I mean I remember convincing girls to bathe together in the 90s, but I’d never get to take a pic or document it, not even on polaroid and it took YEARS of convincing to make it happen….yet here it is, just a Tuesday night for these young perverts…AMAZING…really…


Posted in:Lesbian Fantasy




Fishnet Friday of the Day

The most accessible lingerie is probably the fishnets. You can basically buy them at any pharmacy, but you probably already know that, you know for your cross dressing that makes you feel so pretty when you jerk off, something you don’t need to be ashamed of because this is the TRANS ERA or drag queens, transvestites and transgendered….all being so progressive and forward thinking…that they’ve decided gender no longer exists, except when it comes to debates about abortions…where your penis makes you having Christian morals and values irrelevant…KEEP it to yourself TOXIC man who thinks women killing kids as contraceptive is fucking crazy as a concept…because it should be more of a last resort situation….but WHO am I to hav an opinion…THESE unsubstantial balls VETO my right to an opinion!

Anyway, girls used to dabble in slutty at the Pharmacy, I know because I worked as a stock boy for 3 years and would see it. Internet shopping didn’t exist, sex stores were for old fat trashy perverted ladies and strippers, so the FISHNET was all we got…a CLASSIC that will never go out of style even if they are named after a tool used to capture fish from the wild in a violent way….THOSE TOXIC MALES…


Posted in:Fishnets




Romancing the Bitch to Do her Damn Job and Other Videos of the Day


Jen Psaki vs African Reporter

Another Flexible Fit Fuck

The Abortion Pill Taking Protestors from the Other Day to Remind You of a Time Protestors Pulled their Tits Out Instead of Killed Babies After Getting Cummed inside like a Bunch of Ugly Whores….

Casual Weightlifting without the Weightlifting

Jussie Smollett Analysis to Remind You the Media is a Fucking MONSTER trying to destroy your life and country….

Maskless Shopper

Australia is Insane

The Attack on Christmas..

Big Tits By the Tree

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos