I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Hadid vs Hailey Beiber in Underwear for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Two girls who you know think of themselves as the most important ladies in the fucking world, on the fucking social media, at all the important parties…one a popstar’s wife, the other a creepy faced monster that they pretend is the hottest shit out there, despite being the ugly sister with a dream, who made the dream come true with strategic work and an industry of groupies who don’t even bother casting talent…they just do the old fashioned “Do you know the Jenners or Kardashians…good enough for us…”

That’s all it took the brands so thirsty for clicks and sales, especially brands like Victoria’s Secret who you may remember was owned up until recently by Epstein’s financier…but I am sure the brand’s not tainted at all by that shit…NO WAY…

There’s no inside job around here, that’s just crazy talk….as we look as two unimpressive people being postured as being impressive and hot…

In this battle of the panties, Bieber is the winner, because despite both looking trans to me, she’s the lesser of the hard faces….

The good news is, as shit as pop culture and modeling has become…USE that girl over there, she’s famous…instead of human trafficking a babe from Brazil no one’s ever heard of…is just lazy…


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Britney Spears is a Nut Job of the Day

I’ve spent some time in strip clubs, it was a hobby, a second home, they had free buffet and cheap beer with a minimal cover charge, you had to be an idiot to not pay the 8 dollars for a pitcher of beer and access to some shit food…basically the MISSION or HOMELESS SHELTER….of CHAMPIONS…

In spending time at those strip clubs, there was always at least one mental case stripper, it was back in an era where stripping wasn’t an online thing, but an in person thing, and these girls didn’t understand the internet or like the internet, but they liked the freedom of being able to still make money off loser dudes..

Anyway, there was always one stripper who would come out, eyes glazed over, make-up smudged, possibly medicated, or on drugs…and they’d just hit the stage with vengeance like they were Bruce Willis in Die Harder or whatever the sequel is called….

They would be goth, or old, or just fucking weird and they’d throw down to industrial, death metal, or fucked up electronic music and they’d rage like this, same look on their face…

I am of the school of thought that Britney is not free, that’s all horse shit, I don’t even think this is the original Britney Spears but rather some other clone, especially when I see paparazzi pics of her in Hawaii, but yet she’s at her house where she films all these freakish content pieces that remind me of a cam girl in a dungeon being told to dance by an armed guard.

There is no way that after decades of brainwashing, she’s just living life with her hired actor boyfriend…fucking lie for sure….but let’s run with it while she spins the fuck out of control

Posted in:Britney Spears




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog butts are a pose, or a trend, and what I’ve learned about women over the course of my lifetime, it is that girls will do some of the sluttiest things if they think it’s socially acceptable, or if girls they look up to are doing it first, and it becomes more of a challenge, or duty, or an pressure in their soul to step up and compete with those women, because their egos make them feel as though they can do it better, so I’m all for this girls out-slutting themselves, because it has a trickle-up effect, where that girls at the top, who would never do slutty shit, are now walking around in leggings with their labia hanging out, because that’s normal….

We may be living in hell on every aspect of our lives, but slutty girls is something I’ve always dreamt of…and now it is here.

I am convinced I will not get bored of this, desensitized to this, because I fucking love looking at ladies, it’s the best distraction around.


Posted in:Frog Butt




Alex Daddario for Yoga of the Day

Alex Daddario is so average looking that you wonder how she broke through as an actress…maybe the reason most actors are average looking is because it allows them to take on multiple movie roles because if they were hot…they’d just be the same person in all the movies…that hot chick over there.

There would be know breaking through the actor and the character, so the hotties get thrown into the model world…the eager pushy egos who think they are hotter than they are…go into acting..

But you have to ask, why did Daddario get famous when so many other people are hotter, more interesting and more talented….then you remember she’s a rich kid, so she was likely funded and not forced to suck dick for rent money….but MOST importantly…you remember her tits are bigger than your head, and she’s skinnier than a girl who would have tits bigger than your head, and that alone is all the talent you really need to impress perverted producers…

This is some campaign for a yoga brand, that doesn’t speak to my soul because I can’t see her cunt or even her massive tits…but I’ll post it anyway cuz mid 30s duds are MY fetish…if they have big titty.


Posted in:Alexandra Daddario




Bella Throne Christmas of the Day

Nothing says Christmas like an agent of filth turning her Disney fanbase into a bunch of pornographers…whether it is porn consumers buying her sleazy content on her fan site like the lame perverts some probably are…which doesn’t make sense to me since there’s all kinds of available pussy out there in real life…as well as in content that’s free….but whatever…do what you gotta do…

For those who aren’t signed up paying her for the low level nudes….that aren’t even nudes but are cockteasing pics that line her pockets….they are out there thinking “great revenue stream, I can do porn too”…only they aren’t Bella Thorne with the fanbase…so they have to do shit like take a dozen dicks on cam to make 10 dollars since that nudity shit is saturated…

The point is, I like Christmas themed shoots so I’m into it.

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t know why the header pic of the FULL BACK PANTY post looks like there could be a set of balls in them, but I am leaving it there because there’s a reason I randomly selected that possible tranny shit…and I guess it could be because people have been brainwashed into fucking tranny, it’s the least transphobic thing to do….don’t be a bigot..

The truth is the tranny in porn fascination goes way fucking back, because I worked in porn, on the lowest level of porn, but it was still porn enough to know the top selling titles were tranny…and that was 25 years ago..

I guess there’s a lot of dick loving dudes not willing to accept that they are fags, so they throw the dicks on chicks…

In other tranny news, I’ve been deep in the conspiracies and apparently all the celebs you know and love are actually tranny, and YOU have no idea because you’ve been marketed too properly….now I don’t know if Megan Fox is really a tranny, but SHE COULD BE.

This post isn’t about trannies, but it is about full back panties and their comeback, not all UNDERWEAR need to be thongs…but I guess full back panties would be the best kind of panty to have for a tranny…MORE ROOM TO TUCK IN…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Noah Cyrus Thong of the Day

I may have a celebrity sister fetish, at least on the most basic level, not like a traditional fetish, you know the kind that people live and breathe and can’t get off without, more a “do you like celebrity sisters?”…..”OF COURSE” kind of fetish…

The reasons I like the celeb sisters is the famous last name and access, coupled with the feelings of inadequacies so even when they flex, you know they’re lying, and when they start scrambling to assert themselves on the world like they are celebrities too…even when they aren’t…they end up doing slutty content like panty selfies or titty out selfies..

I can’t tell you why the ass was cropped out of this selfie, but I can tell you, it’s too bad that it was…because a thong without a butthole is like Chinese food without a fortune cookie…WHERE IS MY REWARD.


Posted in:noah cyrus




Mary J Blige Bikini of the Day

In the most important news of the day….Mary J Blige is out in her bikini and it’s clearly a distraction from the crazy news going on around the world…you know throw that HONEYPOT out there to give EVERYONE ridiculous boners to distract them from what’s going around the world….Vaccines that don’t work, but are being pushed on people, economic collapses, martial law, wars….WHAT ARE THOSE…I’m busy looking at this MARY J BLIGE BIKINI VARIANT…the most important variant out there.

What I am trying to say is….LOOKIN GOOD SWEETHEART.


Posted in:Mary J Blige




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Fishnets are fun….

In an era where girls are celebrated for how hardcore and pornographic they get, which really has been a slow burn for the last 20 years, I’ve watched it and documented it over the last 18 years with this site, not very well but I’ve seen the porn chicks merge with the normies, it’s been weird.

I think OnlyFans at the top of the pandemic created this MASSIVE switch in the way people lived, it was a “who gives a fuck, let’s cash the fuck in” and give into the pressure some of the influencers have been facing for their entire influencer career….”DO I SELL FEET PICS AND NUDES TO RANDOMS, SINCE I SEND THEM TO DIPLO AND OTHER RAPPERS AND CELEBS FOR FREE”….instead of trying to sell product or whatever…and the SECOND shit hit the fan, their panties fucking dropped….and when the influencers do it, the normies do it, so what was a last ditch effort, rock bottom move “I always have my pussy I can sell”….and now that’s the first move…”I HAVE A PUSSY TO SELL”..

I think Fishnets play into that, as accessible as selling nudes I guess, and since I am old school, I think Fishnets are a hot pantyhose…I’ve been conditioned…so here are some FISHNET girls doing FISHNET things.


Posted in:Fishnets




Moving the Christmas Tree and Other Videos of the Day


Girl Prepping Porn Erotica

Booty in Short Shorts

The Vaccine Mandate Song

Girl’s Nut Milk Collection

Swimsuit Time…

Family Doing Some Dumb Cool Whip Challenge which is NOT Very Cool

Christmas CHEER

Bikini Dance

Taking Pictures with Randoms

Google Assistant Sings Vaccine Song…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos