I'll Make You Famous…




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Smoke weed. Get Naked. That’s the 2022 plan…

Make your resolutions make sense.


Posted in:Weed




Topless Candice Swanepoel of the Day

I believe that Candice Swanepoel’s removed her small implants because she’s no longer a Victoria’s Secret girl under contract, even though her entire existence is based on that Victoria’s Secret brand, we don’t even know if her origin Desmund Tutu story is real, we just know that’s what they tell us and we don’t dig into it, when really it would be more cost effective to genetically modify her / make her in a lab and raise her in boarding schools, family-less and empty….but I guess the fact that she’s had kids means she’s not a clone…as clones can’t breed according to all my clone research…

Anyway, tits with or without small implants are still tits and Swanepoel despite being old is still hot…MAYBE it has something to do with that whole GMO transhuman experiments that I like to think created her and that will be implemented around the world so that we no longer have uglies.

You see, people like to hate on the transhuman agenda, but think of the hot non-human fem bot pussy from the labs…


Posted in:Candice Swanepeol




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I guess wet spots are better than crusty dry spots on a three day old pair of panties…even though dry spots are all the panty raiders of the local laundromat know…because wet spots, like the fresh fruit picked off the tree lack the fermentation and flavor we are used to…the difference between grapes and wine, or grapes and raisins…so it’s been hard for me to process live-action wetness…as it is a foreign concept to me…but these ladies want you to know that they are horny thinking of all the weird fucks who will see these pics…and love these pics…since exhibitionism is as real as voyeurism…but voyeurism is frowned upon because no one likes dudes on their fire escape watching them sleep…even exhibitionists…they find it creepy…so keep it on the internet, it’s less real that way, even though real life only plays out on the internt…IT IS all so confusing for a pervert like me…simpler pervert times where you knew you were being a pervert and it was all part of the thrill are missed…now that everything is perverted, or not….I mean girls posting their wet panties is pretty fucking racy…or not….like I said…confusing.


Posted in:WetSpot




Making the Important Content and Other Videos of the Day

Sloppy Tits

Big Tit Sports Bra Grab

Hard Nips

Big Tits

Cosplay Girl

Viral Titty Show

Karens in the Wild

Don’t Trust the News…



Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

As I spend this week working at 0 percent capacity as opposed to 1 percent capacity…you know I’d hate to burn myself out even though I was burnt out before I even started the site 18 years ago….

It’s the holidays, why the fuck would anyone bother…which I guess is the attitude of everyone during this pandemic that’s allowed everyone to be the lazy slob agoraphobic that I’ve always been…people fucking love it.

I’ve been seeing people on social media taking 5-10 COVID tests to prove they have covid…they can’t handle the NEGATIVES…and just want to fit in or have the story for their social media so they are out there trying so hard….which I guess is not as weird as people creating a trend out of medicine, getting big pharma tattoos while trying to brawl anyone who doesn’t take the medicine…that’s weird…

Then there’s the woke weirdos…that’s probably going to be my main focus in 2022, because COVID and vaccines are boring while the WOKE shit is just so crazy that it’s amazing to see unfold…amazing in a bad way…

I’ve also been seeing people on social media, which I never go on, but it is the holiday, bragging about being sugar babies, or bragging about scamming dudes with their nudes, and for whatever reason the dudes that are being scammed by them are reading that shit because they are fans, and still being scammed because they’re like “she’s not talking about me”….YES SHE IS.

I guess 18 years of being out of the office, out of normal society, in solitude has made me totally out of touch with how fucking garbage everyone is!

This is the week to recalibrate and understand how fucking garbage everyone is.

HAPPY NEW YEAR….2022 END IT ALL PLEASE…but let me be last man standing because I find all this shit HILARIOUS to watch….

What a weird fucking alternate universe did the internet help shape…

Here are some morning links…

Alex Daddario Works Out in Style

Hot Beach Volleyball Player

Fat Bitch Shot Gunning Beer

IOWA Volleyball Coach Charged Having Sex with 17 Year Old

Madison Grace Reed’s Vacation Throwback!

Selena Gomez Got an Insane Tattoo

How to Make a Backflip More crazy

Arnold Schwarznegger is Divorced

Mikhail Shivlyakov Deadlifts A Massive 800lbs!

Ship Rolls In The Pacific Ocean, Here’s How The Cabin Occupants React

Drunk Driver in a Ditch Gets Roasted

Topless Model Vanessa Moe in the Jungle


Christian Wood Smoked a Fan in the Head With an Errant Pass

Cam Sluts are the Best Sluts

Posted in:stepLINKS




Margaret Qualley Fishnets of the Day

Andie MacDowell’s daughter MAGGIE is out here in fishnts, showing off her skinny legs, acting like fishnets aren’t a symbol of the patriarchy trying to oppress her like she’s the fucking PREY….read my FISHNET FRIDAY POSTs for more insight that no one gives a fuck about when it comes to FISHNETS…

Personally, I prefer the hotter sister, but this one is the more successful and famous one, known for being in that Quentin Tarantino movie and the show about a Maid….that she was NOMINATED for a GOLDEN GLOBE for…not that awards mean anything to anyone but the small group of people who think of themselves as super humans amongst us peasants who consume their bullshit….so when they are by the pool at the Beverly Hills Hotel, or luxury resorts in Cabo, Miami, St Barts, St Tropez, St Nicolas….they can pat each other on the back….MASTURBATORY PISSING CONTESTS….

I am sure her breaking into the industry as a small town North Carolina girl with a dream was a challenge, you know, like the Marilyn Monroe story…changed her name and hopped on a bus for a better future…GRABBING life by the balls to get out of that hillbilly life…equipped with nothing but her one good Sunday dress she inherited from a neighbor and a GUITAR….forced to knock down doors to get auditions while working as a waitress at a seedy strip bar…sometimes turning tricks to make rent…UNTIL one day…HER DREAMS CAME TRUE….and SHIA LABEOUF fucked her onto the MAP….



Posted in:Margaret Qualley




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day



Posted in:The Ratio




Charlotte Lawrence Bikini of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence is the vagina that Ted Lasso built…or I guess that Caroline in the City created, no wait that’s the other bitch Zoey Deutch, this one’s straight from the loins of Kate from Drew Carrey and the guy who created Ted Lasso which I refuse to ever watch because that Sudeikis dude is the fucking worst and I have no idea how people can handle watching him in the movies, yet clearly they like watching him in the movies, because he gets paid a lot to play himself in everything he does…NOT THAT IT MATTERS.

What matters is that thanks to the success of the Ted Lasso producer, who also produced SCRUBS, which was a pretty huge fucking show and made them all very fucking rich…coupled with the money his wife Kate from Drew Carey has made…their young daughter can spend her days being a typical young person…half naked on the internet while pretending to be an artist, or something of substance, when really just into the validation from the creepers clicking “LIKE AND FOLLOW”….

She’s skinny, she’s hot, so it could be worse…it could be a fat chick trying to pull this off, because fat chicks who get half naked for attention do exist and they don’t look like this…and you’d think fat chicks with rich parents who finance their rich lives so hard they don’t realize they are vile pigs doing hot girl things…so when hot girls do it…it makes it more tolerable for a spectator with nothing better to do than this nonsense…


Posted in:charlotte lawrence




Shay Mitchell Bikini of the Day

Canada’s hometown hottie Shay Mitchell, the new mom with those new mom titties, is struggling her way through a Canadian winner in a mom bikini…whole her hired porter paddles her through the arctic weather….on their hunt for seal meat and maple syrup…before they build out their luxury igloo because when you’re rich before you even became an actress thanks to your enterprising parents which is why you’re an actress..your Igloo doesn’t MELT like the rest of them….that shit is lined in GOLD….and so is her LABIA according to an inside source who was present in the delivery room.


Posted in:Shay Mitchell




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Some people would argue that pants too tight are not worth wearing because they don’t hide anything…yet no one is walking around nude…what’s up with that….since they
might as well be nude…but that would be SLUTTY an you can’t have that…

I would argue, or mud wrestle, since it is more fun than arguing, MUD WRESTLING is the cure to ALL things…WE need politicians to mud wrestle, or the VAX and the UNVAXX, the woke and the UNWOKE, the ANTI-FASCISTS and the other Anti-Fascists who both think are FASCIST….MUD WRESTLE out the differencs.

I’d mud wrestle you that eventually pants worn in public will be ass-less, crotchless, to show the people the goods while keeping the legs warm…you know CHAPS….easy access or to LET everyone know your pronouns without them having to ask….because it will start with a trans dude exposing his dick….

But I’m a romantic, a man into modesty, so I prefer seeing full cunt and anus on peopl I don’t know through their pants, it’s aspirational, something to work towards…rather than LABIA everywhere…but I may update this post when I start seeing cunt in public and love it in ways I never expected…but until then…KEEP it in your tight pants, you’re practically nude anyway….which I guess is my argument I’d use to get them out of the tight pants in the first place.

I confuse myself.


Posted in:Tight Pants