I'll Make You Famous…




Lottie Moss Bikini of the Day

Lottie Moss, who I will assume has met Kate Moss at least once in her life, but not necessarily more than once, because while this one was growing up to be this budding young half naked influencer, Kate Moss was the biggest name in fashion and we’d have to assume maintained a relationship with her father, or his new family, while not being too busy doing coke of Pete Doherty’s dick…

I actually heard a Baby Shambles song last night in a movie, and it reminded me how cool Pete Doherty was in the time he was fucking Kate Moss…I’ll post it…MUSIC FRIDAY…let’s dance like a bunch of queers on Broadway…

What a great fucking song, right…

Anyway, Lottie Moss, is the big probably fake titty, hair extension, instagram filtered, fillered, and phoney Moss…basically the anti-thesis of Kate Moss for a modern era and I think she’s pretty hot, even if I prefer her sister, as does the rest of the world….I mean she is Kate Moss…not living up to her SHINE is not really a failure, since most people in the world can’t….

With all sisters, I wonder if their pussies match…I guess I’ll have to sign up to her onlyfans…or you can do it for me.


Posted in:Lottie Moss




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog Butt. Ribbit…

If the conspiracy theorists are saying all the frogs are turning gay thanks to the chemicals in the basically everything thanks to agriculture and big industry not really giving a fuck about people’s health….

Does that mean looking at girls in Frog Butts make you gay?

I’m going with PROBABLY NOT….and that really this tribute to FROGS and their new found transgenderism or homosexuality thanks to the chemicals in basically everything…something I am sure doesn’t negatively impact humans in any way…I mean they’d never do something that would damage our health for profit…I mean we pay them our taxes…they like us, they work for us, we are all in this together….but I’d rather be all in on some of these babes producing hot smut…but that would require consent forms and far too much effort…so it’s better to just stare at the frog butt pics.


Posted in:Frog Butt




Lily Rose Depp Skinny of the Day

I didn’t google Lily Rose Depp so I have no idea who she thinks she is, Johnny Depp’s daughter? Just because she has the same last name. What extremes these influencers go to in efforts of having some level of credibility so that brands work with them, because they’re so desperate to make their Sugar Daddy’s who pay their rent think that they are self sufficient and deserving to be on the private jets and yachts cuz they earn….

I don’t know if Lily Rose Depp is at FASHION WEEK in France, but I assume she is, because that’s where hot models in the scene go, especaially when they have that French passport thanks to her dad knocking up some FRENCH lady because he wanted his kids to have more culture, a better diet, and a knowledge of wines….

I do know that she’s hot as shit, big fan here.


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp




Miley Cyrus Perverted of the Day

Miley Cyrus is wearing a Jailbait T-Shirt, because I guess she’s reminiscing of a time when she was Jailbait, and the industry fucking loved her for it, you know rebranding her into this 18 year old naked and scandalous every chance that she could get because that’s what the people wanted at the time…you weren’t shit unless you were sexual, perverted, half naked….and with that…created a generation primed and ready for OnlYFans exclusive content projects…because you may not believe this but there was a time when girls weren’t naked for profit, or naked for free…they just weren’t naked unless you took them on a date and put work into it…WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT.

The point of the story is that no longer jailbait cuz she’s like 40 at this point, is still pretty hot in her pussy hugging shorts.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

How about some Full Back Panties…because we live in a world where girls like to post pics of their panties and in doing that they’ve decided it can’t always be thongs which for anyone who fucked girls in the last 20 years will know that there was a time when the full back panty was called GRANNY PANTIES or some shit…totally SLANDERED, ALIENATED, CENSORED, ALONE….but like anything the TRUTH RISES TO THE TOP because it’s on a higher frequency…cuz no one gives a fuck on panty design and if they do…they are faggots…we just care that they are panties..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Charli XCX Sexy of the Day

I don’t know who Charlie XCX made a deal with, but it’s definitely been a pretty good decision for her, because a few years ago, she was touring nigh clubs no one noticed her in, and this past year she’s buying 20 million dollar mansions in LA, only to appear on the scene in pics like this looking hot….I wonder how that happens…I’m sure Rita Ora is wondering how that happened…because she’s been holding out all these years for that pop star status and this sleeper moved in from the left hand side and totally overpowered her…even though Rita Ora has been at every single event for the last decade…while this one was working nightclubs…

I’ve been doing this site a long time and I don’t really know or understand the inner workings of celebrity, they just pull randoms out of the woodwork, get them rich as fuck and important as fuck…while others who are more talented never see the light of day and work the fucking busking scene…

The good news is that all the girls that end up famous and really all the girls who are trying to be famous…strip down and it’s lovely….whether they are bullshit acts or the real deal..who cares.


Posted in:Charli XCX




Lea Michelle Nude of the Day

I was trying to write some jokes about “Trust your gut” because I think the biggest problem out there is that people don’t even take the time to trust their gut….they didn’t get debilitated by this pandemic thing and it didn’t trigger any red flags in their retard brains….

I know that everything I’ve ever done has been from the gut, not necessarily good things, but finding out that people don’t have internal dialog, don’t have an active brain, my brain may seem like it’s not active, but it’s writing down ideas all fucking day and it’s actually a fucking curse…

I wouldn’t say trusting my gut is always right, but my gut tells me that Lea Michele’s pregnancy was fake because she’s a man…and I know she’s got the kid already and that this nude pregnant shit is just propaganda to prove to you that she’s not actually a dude turned chick for a longer acting career…not that she’s a hot chick…but she’s clearly using similar tactics the modern day tranny uses to game people…

So zoom in, and see if you can see the photoshop lines, but then she’s got a hefty budget and could really commit to this LIE, I mean her existence relies on it…

I just don’t believe anything I see in pop culture….YOU SHOULDN’T EITHER.


Posted in:Lea Michelle




Fishnet Friday of the Day

You’d think that the nice thing about the world is that 80 percent of people love to be enslaved, live in shackles, do what they are told…because if you ask any plantation owner, they’ll tell you slaves are great, nice and well behaved….just ask Nike and Apple why they manufacture in China….for the SLAVES…dummy…

But unfortunately when they castrate these people through their propaganda they don’t take their voice with them, they actually pretend that they aren’t slaves..because they need them to push their bullshit onto others or the next generation…

It’s all tactics to trick people into moving away from freedom, with false promises of freedom, or money, or opportunity, that really just keeps them enslaved….

Why would that be a nice thing, because slaves to society or slaves in society would be great if they actually knew they were slaves instead of these activists they pretend to be right…when they are so clearly wrong.

So when I see these girls in fishnets, I think of the shackles they are in, but they don’t know they are in, it’s the trap of freedom, just ask any fish…but at least it looks far hotter as they sexualize themselves, than the other shit we see pushing on us with their retard slave brains…


Posted in:Fishnets




Uber Driver Gets Arrested and Other Videos of the Day

Modern Day Shopping

Acrobatics are Weird

The New Footage of Gabbie Petito to Remind You That Her Story is a Tool to Distract the Retards.

Big Dog Scared of Little Dog in a Spider Costume

Horses Running

Woman and her Raccoons

Cart Narcs Hit Canada

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The funniest thing about the society that we are living in, is that if you don’t watch the news and don’t pay attention to the breaking point of corruption that we’ll hope we are at, then you don’t really realize how fucking mental the general population are.

The memes and the actual news being reported are basically interchangeable….you know people call it “CLOWN WORLD”…but it’s beyond clown world, it’s an officially insane asylum…and they just commit to their storylines for the suckers even though there’s an internet where you can find the actual truth…but they don’t care, they have strength in numbers…

So I’m here thinking everyone must think like me, I’m not all that smart, but the level of ridiculous being spewed is even too much for me…maybe I’ve been a little more skeptical of big tech, big pharma, government than the average person because I removed myself from society 20 years ago to do this…

I was of the belief we’d be left alone while they do their whole government thing, from printing money while taxing the fuck out of poor people to keep us disenfranchised….so I was a skeptic, but not a conspiracy theorist…but probably should have been a conspiracy theorist…

I knew having the site that big tech controlled everything online, google fucked me in 2004 and has continued fucking me since, Amazon fucked me a few years ago by not paying me for their affiliate program because I post tits, I’ve been deleted off all platforms so I never started a Youtube Channel…it’s been controlled because the people with the ideas need money to make those ideas happen and they sell their idea to the same assholes who own everything and lose power for a paycheck.

Everyone is bought, everyone is controlled, but you’d think we’re at the point where you can’t be anymore awake to the plan, it’s MAPPED the fuck out for EVERYONE…as they are now TAKING YOUR JOBS from you without ANY second thought…because they “CARE FOR YOU” and “HEALTH”…I mean how do you fall for this shit…

So here I am thinking everyone realizes that the theatre being unfolded before our very eyes and laugh about it, knowing they’d never fall for it, then I see Australia where it’s fucking crazy totalitarianism….and then the political lady who just threatened her unvaccinated tax payers, resign because someone has proof she was being paid off by the companies pushing the shot…

That’s NUTS…you’d think everyone would catch on…

Then this whole PFIZERMECTIN shit…the media has tried to debunk Ivermectin and mock people who use it because doctors say it works…only for the big companies to make THEIR OWN VERSION OF IT….this is about 100 times the price of ivermectin…HORSE PASTE…only when they can’t make money off it….that should be criminal….so many CRIMES against humanity have gone down and no one cares…you’d think people would notice, they don’t…WHY…distracted, retarded, medicated, robots, mind controlled WHO KNOWS…

Then there’s the whole people who are vaccinated getting heart attacks and dying, or weird cancers and getting treatment, and they DO NOT THINK IT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH A SHOT THEY GOT…just one coincident…no skeptics out there? WHY? I don’t know…

So here I am thinking 10% of idiots are falling for the troll, but it’s more like 90% and with those numbers, we’re pretty DOOMED….

BUT I saw some mom with huge tits on a skinny frame going for a jog earlier, titties hitting her chin, and I thought….they may be brain dead idiots who don’t even know how to use their own brain at all. OFFICIALLY zombies….BUT fuck I love tits.

So if you’re one of those not into opening your eyes, because it’s easier to just go along with it like everyone else, because you’re an insignificant human, at least open your eyes for tits….

Here are some morning links….

Female Bengals Fans Got Into a Slap Fight in the Seats

Britney Spears is Nude on Vacation

Sommer Ray. is One Year Closer to Being a MILF

Tom Brady’s Adele-themed NFL commercial sparks mixed reactions from fans ahead of Bucs vs Patriots

TikTokers Exploits Death of Gabby Petito

Random Woman Sings Incredible Karaoke At Walmart

Tiktoker Bryce Hall hit with assault lawsuit

Champagne Cork Pops Out On It’s Own And Hits Friend’s Face!

How People React To Woman With Toilet Paper On Her Pants!

Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!

Posted in:stepLINKS