I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Nipple Ring of the Day

Bella Thorne Nipple Ring Topless

Finally some Bella Throne nipple, she’s been slutty on the internet for a while, she’s been selling implied nudes on OnlyFans to inspire the young girls she inspires to be sex workers selling nudes, well now there’s a nipple..

A barely visible nipple, basically not even a nipple at all, but it’s a nipple, she’s just a pale fucking ginger..

She is one of the most interesting of the Disney created puppets of recent times, who I guess pretends is no longer managed by the people at Disney, you know the whole publicly pretending the break free so that she doesn’t tarnish the brand….because they have to keep the illusion alive…

Not that what she did required too much intelligence, hustle, or concept, she just got naked, so it is possible that she did put this together herself, it’s not all that impressive when you start rich and with Disney training…and fans…I just don’t know why Disney would ever let her run free, when there’s money there…seems like shitty business.

So we’ll go along with her storyline, why not….and the storyline is basically, sold to the industry, admittedly a victim of sexual abuse, managed by her mom who is also a nude model on the internet despite being an old ass mom, you know keep it a family business….

Well, we still haven’t seen her fuck videos, we know she’s overly excited by gutter porn chicks, and treats them like they are edgy and cool, which I’ve never thought about any porn star, they are kinda the bottom of the barrel no matter how many losers jerk off to them.

This generation doesn’t realize that though, they just think that since dudes jerk off to porn, girls need to be pornstars to matter.

It’s a weird thing for a pervert like me, but a great thing, I just remember when girls were offended by porn not inspired to be pornstars in their own right, it was kind of last ditch effort, you know the back-up plan, not the plan…but not anymore motherfuckers..

Anyway, some Bella Thorne Tit as we wait for her fuck videos…they’ll come eventually, just not fast enough, because well, she likes making money being barely racy….and I’ll take it even if it’s not really the kind of tit I like…it’s still a tit.

Bella Thorne Nipple Ring Topless


Posted in:Bella Thorne




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

People are pretty easy to manipulate, so I should probably figure that shit out, so that I can get that billion dollars I feel like I deserve, because I’ve had a website since 2004 and that’s a fucking lifetime in normal years, but a ten fucking lifetimes for internet businesses…it’s like when a gay guy tells you he’s been in a 20 year gay relationship, monogamous….that’s like 100 years in straight years…only less shit on my dick….but not much less.

But yeah, people are easy to manipulate if you know how, and clearly th worst fucking people know how to manipulate, because there is a level of evil involved in manipulating people…and I may make fun of shitty celebrities who reduce themselves to fleshy puppets…but they aren’t human…I am actually not interested in manipulating the every day person…which is why I waste my time compiling all this shit for you people for free…it is literally volunteer work and that’s ok, I’m just glad you’re here, not that glad, but you’re the last standing army and it’s fun to sink on this ship together…like we’re on our own titanic, because it was a big site once, only our collapse is organic, not a staged mass murder to kill off the opposition of the FEDERAL RESERVE…lol…google it.

So people are out here blindly following the bad science, hoping for th best and not even expecting the worse…they just don’t want to think there coul be bad shit that happens from things like experimental shots….they just LIKE/SUBSCRIBE/INJECT…because their friend they’ve never met but see on TV told them to.

When we should be wasting on time on the good science, like WAIST TO HIP ratios being the basis of what a man finds hot in a woman.

It may not speak to the transgenders out there that are forcing us to subscribe to their bullshit, rather than just living out their bullshit, they are such egocentric fucks they make it our problem….to the point where they are calling moms “Birthing People”….

It may not be inclusive to them, since MEN don’t typically have a hot waist to Hip Ratio….just ask J.LO….

They say J.Lo and a lot of celebs you jerk off are actually men, which is one of my favorite of the conspriacies….google it..

But yeah, hard to fake a waist to hip ratio which defines the hotness of the bitches, or determines the level of hotness of a woman, a REAL LIFE actual woman for any men out there not into this bullshit woke nonsense where everything is so inclusive it’s exclusive and LAME…


Posted in:The Ratio




Demi Rose Ass of the Day

Is this a fucking joke?

It’s safe to say that the girls of instagram don’t even bother trying to fake it, you know why give people the chance to buy into the lies being fed as if it is real, just go full over the top with it….

I used to know a guy who would only get lap dances from the women with the ANIME nerd level fake tits at the strip club, you know the girl who went about 4 sizes too far with her dismorophia and I’d ask why he’d go with the monster and he’d say “because she’s committed to the cause”…

So in a way, Demi Rose is committed to continuing her success from being the weirdest fake ass in the UK at the right time, so they’d package her as a Kim K of the UK or some shit….probably less of a whore to be honest…despite likely being an actual whore getting pissed on by rich guys…but is it whoring if you’d do it for free? I don’t know…I am not a scientist.

Maybe the people are so fucked in the cartoon world that is this virtual world of chasing likes and followers and PAPER…SECURE THE BAG TO MATTER or don’t….

So they can only get attention of they go to stupid levels with their fake ass lie…

I mean if everyone’s doing it, faking it, you gotta fake it bigger and better and the retard pervert fans jerking off to it don’t care…because the ass is round and bare…

This isn’t what women ass looks like where I am from, so it scares me….


Posted in:Demi Rose




Britney Spears Thong of the Day

Britney Spears posted a booty shot of her in a thong that could really be anyone, even a body double or one of her clones, that hasn’t fully ripened or some shit, but we’ll take it at booty face value and assume it’s the hot pop star who has been put through the fucking wringer, of mind control and psychological abuse, on some other level….you know the celebs get all the high end fashions, the high end cars, the high end houses, the high end vacations, and the high end life….but they also get the most sophisticated and high end psychological abuse…because being famous, making money for a lot of people, having a lot of people want in on you and not just because of your hot dance ass, but because you’re BRITNEY SPEARS…means the most sophisticated scammer, the kind that puts your abusive boyfriend to shame, is running her fucking life…EVEN when they tell you they aren’t…IT is all part of the scam.

Her caption to another post, that didn’t feature her ass is:

This week is gonna be very interesting for me ? !!! I haven’t prayed for something more in my life ?? !!! I know I’ve said some things on my Insta out of anger and I’m sorry but I’m only human … and I believe you’d feel the same way if you were me ????? !!! Anyway it’s a new day ?? and I can’t say I’m never going to complain again … cuz who knows ????? !!!

God bless you all and have a great da

I don’t know if Britney or her handler’s relationship to GOD is the kind of relationship you’d want to have….after seeing the Travis Scott shit blatantly out in the open…you’d have to wonder what GOD she is referring to….

Or you can just stare at her ass, I mean some of these abuse victims are so far gone, just shells of themselves, lost….

So we focus on what matters, NOT what she says, NOT what she does, but her thonged ass….even if they are all bullshit, at least the one from which she shits can also be fucked.


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Natalie Roser Nude of the Day

Natalie Roser Nude

Natalie Roser is some Australian model babe from the early days of Instagram, which wasn’t that long ago, maybe 7-8 years ago, but long enough to basically destroy the fucking soul of all those involved….only 8 years to turn young people into sex workers who obly put value on their likes and follows in a virtual world, while remaining losers in the real, but WHO cares about the real world…

The old guard that is probably not THAT old like Natalie Roser, probably saw some success with brand deals, but that was then and this is now, and now requires you to get nude.

The good news is that the old guard, unlike the new guard, were from a time before filters and photoshopping themselves too aggressively…now a clown bitch who is 500 pounds can make herself into a big titty babe…without anyone realizing…never needing to leave her house to fuck up the lie…just kick back with her bag of chips and feel like an actual hot girl…but they aren’t hot girls in their soul and hot girls in their soul are just on a higher level than the fakers….

So yes, in the olden days of IG, the babes who went viral were hot, and this is one of them.

I don’t know why the tits are out, but I guess that’s where the market is headed…

Natalie Roser Nude


Posted in:Natalie Roser




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight Pants may be northing new. You know your slutty mom probably has slutty mom stories from before she was a slutty mom and just a slut…where she’d soak her jeans to squeeze into them to make sure they are tight as fucking possible…but jeans in the 60s and 70s were about an inch thick and you’d never see the fucking asshole from the right positon…so the intention was there, but the technology wasn’t…

Then there’s the whole fact that sluts of the past used to just fuck a lot of dudes whether in the bar scene drunk, or with the football team sober…it’s not like slutty girls are a new thing….it’s kinda of part of the fabric of society….so those tight pants girls wearing tight pants for style and tight pants for attention were not posting spread ass pics in the tight pants on photocopied posters they put up on every lamp post like a missing cat poster.

If anything, you’d see the tight pants and think, Damn, I like tight pants on the right bitch…but you’d never see their spread pussy through the tight pants…the fabric didn’t allow it and the general behavior of sluts didn’t go down like that.

I can happily say we’ve evolved as a people in the right fucking way, because seeing tight pants everywhere are go, coupled with tight pants every where I look, in poses that outline the full fucking labia….is a win for mankind…and they say we’re falling apart as a society..>CLEARLY they aren’t paying attention to the tight pants.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Nina Dobrev Bathtub of the Day

Nina Dobrev Bathtub

Nina Dobrev’s in the bath with her leg up showing you the position that she gets fucked by billionare snowboarder Shaun White who she is dating, because when you’re famous, your sugar daddies are higher profile, because they don’t realize they are being sugar daddies, assuming that the girl’s got money of her own, and I’m sure she does. She was on some hit shows…

It’s just a reminder that the same principles apply to the rich and famous, girls love money, love fucking dudes with more money than them, and probably like being impregnated by them too…you know monthly payments…

I mean she’s dating a ginger with super hero strength, because that’s what ginger’s have, hence his success in sports…dude’s basically a circus performer, but cooler because action sports are less faggy than juggling…

I would just have a hard time believing she’d be as into him, if he wasn’t rich, famous and possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to snowboarding, which is probably a big deal to a Canadian who loves being making snow angels with her asshole…

But maybe his richness is just bonus….cuz she’s not superficial like that guys….

Who cares, she’s in the bath and not showing cunt, which is a bath fail to me.

If you’re going to take a pic of the bath, make it fucking count, especially when she’s old enough to know better, but maybe she’s too old to really realize who slutty the younger generation is….you know so she dips a toe in like a mom of FB putting up a bikini pic…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Rowan Blanchard Shower of the Day

Rowan Blanchard is a Disney Kid who I am sure has a pretty seedy past as all the Disney Kids do…they are professionals at training these kids to be their activists, champions and heroes to spread their propaganda to the kids as if it is under some “Happiest Place on Earth Guise”….I mean I saw all that Muppet and Sesame Street vaccine propaganda designed for the kids they are trying to give heart attacks to, over a virus that won’t kill them, and I know that Jim Hansen sold his company to Disney so whether they own Sesame Street or not is irrelevant, they are all the same evil indoctrinating the kids with their insane woke agendas…

Anyway, they sent Rowan Blanchard to be a hipster nudie girl in Brooklyn, you know to maintain her fan base as they get older and need to go through the same things to guide the fans into slutty adulthood…

I guess clothed shower videos for social media is part of that content strategy, not complaining, but showering in your clothing seems like some high school level hustle to get girls into your shower, if they do it clothed, it’s not as good as naked, but it’s better than fully clothed, in some shower cosplay.

Point being, I’ll watch any girl shower, in any outfit, cuz showers are hot. I just think it’s weird for a Disney Sweetheart with a big fan base to be doing it…


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Sophie Mudd Twinning of the Day

I just wrote a post about tiny tits being hot…my genius joke that took me a solid 14 seconds to write was that you need to approach tits like a malnourished and neglected baby…you know hungry for any tit cuz your survival depends on it…

I was going to go into how dudes who are obsessed with huge tits are fucking weird, because all tits, so long as there is a nipple can offer a good time.

But I am not an idiot, and some of the big tits out there are wonderful, some of the girls who own those big tits have had great careers because of their tits, it’s like a birth defect gone right thanks tot he hormones on the dairy or the chicken….and Sophie Mudd is one of those people.

Her tits are large on a freakish level, her rounded face is smaller than her monster tits, and the rest of her may catch up to those tits, as most big tits become fat as shit everywhere, she’s not there yet…and thus worth staring at.

She has found a big titty friend to leverage in their content production, matching underwear, cuz we’re all sex workers in one way or another and by sex worker I mean…WHORES..


Posted in:Sophie Mudd




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

When it comes to tits, you have to approach it like a neglected new born baby, the kind left in a dumpster at Prom, or in the corner of the crackden like that baby in Trainspotting, where that you instinct to suck on a tit, is so fucking strong, in part because you’re malnourished and neglected, so that any tit that comes your way is good enough.

I have always been totally open minded to all tit sizes and as it turns out, I think I am a better person for it.

Not necessarily the kind of virtuous ideologies that the woke have, where they feel if you don’t agree with them on their causes, they want them all to die….but you know for the sake of their cause….

Meaning, I don’t think I am a better person for loving all tits, ALL TITS WELCOME in my store I call my basement masturbation station…because I believe in inclusivity when it comes to tits.

I also think tiny tits have more personality, carry themselves better and are a better roll of the dice lottery win when you get a set of tits in your face….because big tits can go south fast….but still good to suck on…you know when you’re a starving baby on a mental level, you’ll suck on any tit…



Posted in:TINY TITS