I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Pussy Bone of the Day

Rita Ora really isn’t all that interesting, rumor is that she’s currently engaged to that New Zealand Julian Donkey Boy Jojo The Rabbit Vampire Roomate dude…and even that’s not that interesting…if she was interesting people would give a fuck about what she’s up to, instead we’re sort of just fed it, like it’s some algorithm propaganda by someone who feels guilty for screwing her out of the superstardom she probably thought she was destined to when she signed the deal with Jay z, before Panty Tycoon Rihanna had her ousted, or her career snuffed out….which I’d feel bad about, you know a David vs Goliath situation, except that are all sell outs who signed over their souls….

You know she never got hugely famous, but she got paid out, and that’s allowed her to not make hit songs, but to instagram pretty good, while pretending to make hit songs…

Who cares…she’s got great big tits, and a vagina that may be hanging out of these denim jean short/bikini bottom, lets see that unzipped, her pussy too big to fit….like a fat lady in button up pants at the buffet…didn’t think that one out proper.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Workout Wednesday of the Day

If you’re tired of fat fucks who eat fast food and junk food all the fucking time, trying to steal your personal freedoms of choice, your body your right, because not all medical treatments are for everyone, by helping push the agenda that it is being pushed on them, because they are fat fucks, too lazy to research or pay much attention and who just want to be left to their eating, so they can watch their stories on the tv, with no real need to ever leave their pods…..

Then look at some fit bitches getting fit because they know if there’s an impending apocalypse they best be fit, plus it looks hotter, feels better, and keeps you healthier…but yeah BEING HEALTHY SUCKS…give me more donuts…medicines will keep me alive…why use the body that nature gave me when I can CONSUME what the big businesses tell me to…..


Posted in:Workout




Rihanna Ass in Lingerie of the Day

This is the ass, or the panty that made this ass an official billionaire…at least that’s the rumor, because she may have been a billionaire before, I mean she is Rihanna, has been involved in some serious money making shit, and probably has the best business managers making the best investments for her before ever lauching her panty collection…maybe she’s into crypto like a bro, or AMC stock or whatever the fuck idiots of the internet are onto now..

But yeah, we’re a generation of mindless consumers who do what we are told, because we are programmed slaves, and Rihanna is one of their tools to get us to do what they are told, and she gets rewarded accordingly…like with billions of dollars because this girl can move product…

She disrupted the cheap shit lingerie business, possibly put Victoria’s Secret into bankruptcy, all thanks to doing a more styled approach, with her celebrity name on it, pushed by a handful of influencers, creating a billion dollar brand in less than a year…because CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME…

I’m not hating, not bad for an Island girl…an origin story I would love to know the real origin to….but for now, I’ll stare at her pushing the right kind of merch on us….too bad she wasn’t pushing it into our faces.


Posted in:Rihanna




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I like to think that all the trannies have forced the actual girls, many who have similar faces to said trannies, thanks to all those face injections that instagram made all the girls get when they didn’t need them….I guess instagram likes making people get things they don’t need…it’s kind of the whole point of it but maybe that’s just the society we live in and by default social media became some herding tool to get credit cards pulled out…it wasn’t by design…who cares..

The fact is that thanks to social media, where girls get the ideas they get for their own content, and thanks to trannies, where girls have penis which isn’t so marketable to guys who like girls who don’t have penis, so bitches need billboards pointing to their cunts to let everyone know it’s the real deal…the CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY….you get what I am saying….the pussy, the modern cleavage for girls who want to be known as girls so guys who like to fuck girls with natural born vaginas, not the inverted dick kind…since they freed the nipple…they needed another angle…THIS IS IT..and it is amazing.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Gigi Hadid Wet of the Day

I’ve been a consistent hater of the Hadid and Jenner clan, they were just a group of entitled bratty rich kids who wanted to be legitimate, so that people would stop seeing them as bratty rich kids, so their parents bought their legitimate careers, and the brands bought into it because marketing people have no vision, or taste, they just want to do their job and be left alone so they don’t get fired, you know they’ll cast who they are told to or who other people like, because they can’t make those calls…it’s like pop music, NO ONE in their soul likes pop music, they just think they do because they are told to….or Seth Rogan movies, no one really thinks they are funny, but they laugh because other people laugh….I remember seeing something in the movies, maybe it was a Seth Rogan movie about a Teddy bear and I would watch people laugh in unison at the same bad joke, not even the funny jokes in the movie, but the real obvious ones, and it was worse than watching a Jimmy Fallon movie…I mean TED must have come out 15-20 years ago…and I knew we were doomed then so I know we’re doomed now..

Anyway, GIGI, the hotter of the Hadid sisters, or the first mover of the Hadid sisters, that allowed that other spooky one Bella to have her time to shine…is really not hot at all…

I don’t know what the fuck is up with this saggy muppet face, is it injections, why the bulldog jowls….has she always looked like this…or is it only post pregnancy…

I don’t now but the nude swimsuit should just be a nude her, because it’d make this more interesting since she’s a new mom and they are supposed to pull their tits out for empowerment now that they’ve learned the true function of tits….

But the “model” who bought her “model” career…because she’s an instagram pitch girl who got put in the wrong category when the industry was trying to figure out social media and realized “shit these non-models have what it takes to SELL PRODUCT”…why did they ever use actual models who look good but don’t sell product and ultimately, that’s all they care about..money…

I forget where I was going with this….I am sure it wasn’t that valid or worth reading anyway…so look at that doughy face..


Posted in:Gigi Hadid




Britney Spears Pubic Bone of the Day

I am not convinced that this version of Britney Spears is even a real person, but I guess that’s from being on the computer too long and convinced that everything is pretty fucking fake, or at least planted….I mean everything around celebrity, politics and the news….the thirsty girls of instagram trying to be famous as they play their best infomercial influencer while doing yoga in the thong bikini so that you can see their full asshole is definitely a real thing….all these self involved idiots who think they are interesting and important while just emulating other people because no one has an opinion of their own…maybe it’s the medication, maybe the social media / internet platforms are medication….sending MESSAGES in our minds….I guess we’d have to ask Britney since she’s had enough therapy for her mental problems to be considered a psychiatrist by default, assuming she’s not catatonic and lobotomized rocking back and forth in the corner of all those sessions and they try to power her up for her next performance they exploit her with…

The point is, whether this is really Britney nor not is irrelevant, she’s a puppet or maybe a slave to the system, no thanks to her parents because you need shitty parents to sell you off to the industry for money to make their dreams come true, you know dollar signs not well-being of their kids…cuz well being of the kids doesn’t pay the RENT..right..

Anyway, we know someone else handles her social media, her dances on social media are insane by design, but it’s also the way we like to see Britney….slutty dancing with her tits hanging out of her top…her pants pulled down so you see her bald pubic bone so we can question whether it’s waxed or lasered…

As someone who remembers the fall of Britney, when she wasn’t washing, when she was shaving her head, when her family was mobilizing her to be a prisoner of theirs in plain site, I highly doubt she’s shaving her own cunt, they don’t let her near sharp things…

ANYWAY…I’ll look at Britney’s pubic bone anytime, at any age, with hair or without, as she tastes freedom or remains their puppet and this is more to shame her and push the case of keeping her entrapped….because I’m a pervert.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Bar Refaeli Pussy Print of the Day

It is PUSSY WEDGIE WEDNESDAY, stay tuned for that post, it’s cued up and ready to inspire…but before I get to it, I wanted to put up this Bar Refaeli, a VS model who was a huge fucking star back when she was fucking Leo DiCaprio, assuming she was fucking Leo DiCaprio, which I don’t assume since I’ve been told he’s a fag with a longterm boyfriend, the models are just for show, because you can’t or SHOULDN’T Believe anything you see in the media or on TV….they use celebrities to manipulate you….but even if Leo fucked Bar Refaeli and she knows just what his WOLF OF WALL STREET AVIATOR ROMEO & JULIET GROWING PAINS CATCH ME IF YOU CAN cum tastes like…it was a long time ago…

She’s old, pretty much retired, back in Israel with her friends lining up for their third shot of the COVID vaccines….

She’s a mom of three, staying fit, with boring selfies, cuz clearly she’s trying to get paid or laying the groundwork to get paid…and being a mom of three means the tight pants are far more likely to be eaten…it’s just SCIENCE…TRUST THE SCIENCE…

These could be optical illusion pussy wedgies, you know the pussy wedgie that is just the seam of the pant….but who fucking cares, society is based on troll women like the Kardashians photoshopping themselves and rocking filters to give you the illusion they weren’t born with bigger dicks than Kanye..so I’ll subscribe to the pussy WEDGIE false flag.


Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Weed Wednesday of the Day

What’s up all you burn out hippie fucks….here’s some weed girls to give all you stoners out there a fucking boner because you know these vaginas are into the whole weed culture and you’re a fucking weed activist, or weed enthusiast, who thinks weed is the closest thing to god or medicine available..

I am more on the side of the hippies in that I can appreciate weed as a plant, as a pretty weak fucking high, as a way to lay back and watch NETFLIX from my pod when we go back into lockdowns…

I am less about weed being illegal because of the race card they play – IT WAS A WAY TO LOCK BLACK JAZZ MUSICIANS UP – or whatever the spin is, but rather because Big Pharma and the Government could police and tax a plant that has medicinal qualities and that could bite into PROFITS from other medications…BUT maybe I am just a conspiracy theorist…

I like to think of myself as someone who doesn’t think the government should decide what substances I put in my body and the fact that weed was one of those controlled substances you aren’t allowed, is likely because it’s a substance that has the opposite effect on people than they say it does…

They push the whole – it causes schizophrenia – or whatever, where I think it’s more about making you woke, not in the woke politically correct way, but rather the woke, WHAT THE FUCK, WHY IS THIS ILLEGAL WAY.

People think the legalizing of weed that’s happened in Canada and happening around the world is to make people mindless zombies who don’t think, but I think the mindless zombies who don’t think, will be mindless zombies who don;’t think regardless of a drug that makes them even more laid back….so if anything, it may just mean less bullshit tasks get done, because you’re too busy being high, but maybe you’re onto bigger things like trying to wake people up with your blog no one reads…

WHO KNOWS….but these girls are weed girls…


Posted in:Weed




Hailey Bieber Ass of the Day

Here’s some classy pictures of Justin Bieber’s wife, who started at as an entitled rich kid raised by some narcissist who pretends he’s a Christian, not realizing that his daughter got sucked into the marketing and ended up getting married to one of the demons created by the devil himself to brainwash all the dumb girls out there, unless Bieber was just a child sacrifice for money, I’m not too deeply entrenched in this whole thing, I just watch from the sidelines and think it is all so obvious…

What I do know is that Bieber and Hailey pretended they were all for Jesus, as part of some church, which is why they got married to make their sex less sinful or something, even though I heard Bieber took her Virginity when she was underage, you know like he was Usher and she was him…

ANYWAY…Hailey was so eager to get famous, she hung out with the demon Kardashians that represent all that is evil in society, more importantly, their influence through being vapid whores on social media pushing product for profit has been so damaging to the young girls who follow them….

So Hailey, so eager, she’d hang with those fucks, before luring in Bieber himself into finally giving her the best role of her life as his wife, and now she can post in her panties with her hot round ass she keeps as hot as possible, because it’s better to whore with…and I think she’s kinda hot.

The shit on her face may make you think of your cake-like semen from your lack of testosterone, or maybe you’re just into ZINC sunscreen from the 90s….who cares…ass.


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber




Jordyn Jones Wet Bikini of the Day

Jordyn Jones is another one of these girls who seemingly had some kind of career, thanks to being on a creepy and perverted child dance store that I am sure Hollywood was really excited about when they conceptualized, the kind of pilot or trailer or teaser they pass around at their weird fucking parties they go to when they laugh at all of us simple minded fucks who allow them to behave like this by celebrating them….and buying into their propaganda and lies…

So Jordyn Jones, a girl with a lot of followers, has figured out that she can make more money off being a prostitute, which I am sure was a revolutionary revelation sent to her from the LORD AND SAVIOR himself…GET ALL THE MONEY YOU CAN AS FAST AS YOU CAN because of inflation, or because you know where you will be positioned in the future camps they put everyone in…you know better to be the whore for the kings than the rape victim to the peasants…

Point being, girls sexualizing themselves pretending it is empowering for simplistic cash grabs from loser dudes….is not that brilliant, but it’s more self produced, attention seeking, content to get talked about because these people at their core are disgusting…

In Jordyn Jones’ case, she’s from white trash Michigan, so being high end escort is better than being pissed on for 10 dollars in a trailer park…I guess..


Posted in:Jordyn Jones