I'll Make You Famous…




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving…what do you have to give thanks for? I guess we do this shit a month before you Americans, and instead of focusing on the colonization of the WHITE MAN taking advantage o the Native American, because evil powerful people, who still run the fucking world, regardless of their color, do not give a fuck about people, they just care about their power, their money and their control…

We should use the whole Thanksgiving concept to give thanks for being alive, for having this great world to play on, for tits and buttholes, for the ability to hate each other, or love each other, or accept each other….

We should not let those same people who took advantage of the Native Americans, through corporate takeover in the form of the government funded Hudson Bay Company, do a corporate takeover on us….

What I am saying is that if some idiot college student in your family makes some bullshit statement about boycotting Turkey, remind them that it wasn’t the WHITE man, it was the evil Corporation and the Rich Elites who did it….because we’re all just the fucking slave class.

If you’re reading propaganda about how you shouldn’t invite unvaccinated family over because they are like “drunk drivers” which I saw an article say, you have to realize, that’s just part of that same elite trying to steal your fucking land like they did all those years ago to the Natives…EVIL doesn’t change…

LOVE each other, DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR TRICKS…they profit off all this shit as we all get more and more broke and desperate….you know….people getting fired, coerced, bacon being more expensive, gas line-ups…it’s out of fucking control…and if you FOLLOW THE MONEY…YOU’LL KNOW….

Choose your GOD GIVEN FREEDOM….don’t fall for the fear….

Here are some stepLINKS…in the morning…

Alexandra Albu’s Latest Thirst Trap

Sara Sampaio’s Titty Grab

Kara Del Toro’s Busty at Sunset

News Reporter Visits a Haunted House

Flying Over the Maldives in a Wingsuit

Guy Answers How He’d Spend Powerball Jackpot

Scaring People with Chucky Costume

What Happened to Britney Murphy Documentary TRAiler

On Set with Bella Hadid

Cam Sluts

Posted in:stepLINKS




Joey King Topless of the Day

Joey King’s making the moves because I guess she’s got tits and wants the people to know that she’s not just some average looking actress, she’s got TITS….NOW LOOK AT THEM!

I actually don’t know much about her weird child actor work, I don’t watch that kind of bullshit, I only know her from The Act where she played Gypsy Rose Blanchard and deserved the Golden Globe she was nominated for….but she lost to Michelle Williams, that weird ass Heath Ledger killer…and I can assure you Joey King was more impressive than that Broke Back Mountain muppet..

ANYWAY….like all young starlets, she can only speak to her demographic if she talks sex, acts sex, is sex….

I accidentally watched a big Youtubers podcast, she’s a slutty big tit girl named Tana that for whatever reason, probably because Google makes bank off her, making her more important and relevant than people with actual talent or celebrity, because we’re a low standard easy to entertain mindless and medicated people and I thought to myself “who listens to this shit”…she was basically just telling stories about going to dinner and being rich as shit and useless with a staff…and that’s not to say she doesn’t deserve the money, why give it all to google if that’s what people care to hear about, it just puts people like Joey King, who have the support of the dying industry in a place where she’s gotta post topless pics to get noticed, even though the machine, likely a dying machine, I have no hope for Hollywood surviving….they’ve done terrible in keeping up…but at least they’ve reduced it to “get more views if you show them titties”…cuz I LOVE TITTIES!


Posted in:Joey King




Britney Spears Lingerie Dance of the Day

Britney Spears is apparently free, I don’t believe it, it’s just the evil likely satanic people behind her who are using her as a manipulation tactic….you know making her dad out to be this evil doer, when there are other people making far more money off of her…she’s text book mind controlled and a victim of the industry…so the whole Free Britney Thing getting attention 15 years after she was first held captive…you have to ask “Why do people suddenly care”…I mean her fans are nutty, fanatical and they would just go dance to the broken girl as she was basically a public slave to someone…

Then I saw today’s story that her dad was trying to cure her with religion, oh…interesting….demonic evil people don’t like Jesus or religion outside of theirs, that’s why they have been trying to destroy the church and turn the people against god all these years….right..

I am not saying her dad’s a good guy, he was obviously paid the fuck off along the way, but I wonder how much control he had over her, how much power did he REALLY have, or was he entrapped to…

When there’s multiple documentaries released strategically, tons of media coverage, made into a big deal that no one really cares about, but is a good distraction, you have to dig a little deeper…because I can ASSURE you…that as they play the “OMG HER DAD IS RELIGIOUS AND WAS TRYING TO SAVE HER” is more another excuse to shit on God, and push the agenda…

NEVER BELIEVE what you see…it’s all strategic and NEVER what it seems…maybe the opposite of what the truth is….

The good news is that DARK SIDE BRITNEY…the new BRITNEY has been much perverted…since being released….she’s consistently done slutty content with her hired actor “fiance”…it’s all a show people….a fucking show….and this poor girl is still a fucking slave.


Posted in:Britney Spears




Jordyn Jones Titty Top of the Day

Not that I give a fuck about Jordyn Jones in any way….because I really don’t….but I don’t give a fuck about any of these celebs ladies I’ve been writing about, because someone needs to make a talking about female celebrity website, when bro white men are busy apologizing for being misogynists, or white, or whatever as they wear their little shorts, watching their fantasy sports league, trick shot videos and learning how to crypto….some of us still have balls and want to look at slutty celebs reducing themselves to sex bodies while crying “don’t sexualize me, unless you pay”….

If I don’t do it, who will..

ANyway, Jordyn Jones who writes her name like a stripper name, is a dancer that was sold to a creepy and perverted child dance show, she leveraged that to social media following, made some money with it, but is now seeing more money the sluttier she gets…it’s a right of passage hot girls need to go through…

So as she’s figuring out the sluttier she gets, the more people care, and the more people pay….we’re at the point of countdown until actually doing hardcore porn….we need a ticker, they all crack..especially when they were raised white trash and sold to the industry young.

I guess it’s better than sucking dick in trailer parks for meth like less enterprising middle of the road girls of Kalamazoo Michigan just trying to get by…


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Heidi Klum Shower of the Day

I know that some people are aware that the whole Eugenics programs that went viral in Nazi Germany has never gone away, that whatever is going on right now is part of that whole “create a superior race in our image” concept of sterilizing the broke and the slave class, and taking our women to breed with, like we’re living in a sci/fi movie….but I wouldn’t bother getting that deep into it, when we can just look at the positive outcome of what I’ll assume is a biproduct of Eugenics from Nazi Germany, and that is Heidi Klum who unlike fat german ladies working at the Schnitzel house, is not 200 pounds and dumpy in her dirndl dress….she’s instead hot bodied, despite being old, in the shower naked….and that’s good enough for me.


Posted in:Heidi Klum




Kaili Thorne Nude of the Day

Kaili Thorne is what I’d like to call the A/B testing of a fucked up upbringing, because she has the same dad as Bella Thorne, was taken in by Bella Thorne’s mom, maybe because it’s easier to exploit the kids aren’t your own to get what you need out of people who introduce you to the right people to launch and elevate your own kids, you know sell the scrap car before selling your favorite car….so if both cars are in the lot, they’ve both seen the same weirdness…one just gets the better end of the deal…and in this case, while this one does the table scrap deals like selling nudes like a gutter local barista on OnlyFans….while the other does it on the top notch, industry leading, socially accepted, sex work…and pop culture work…not that it’s a bad thing, even though I am sure it’s a very dark thing…


Posted in:Kaili Thorne




Inka Williams Skinny Dip of the Day

Inka Williams is a hot Australian model who was raised in Bali because her family were a bunch of fucking hippies, or industrialists who wanted to colonize Bali, maybe even buy some land from the locals and enforce their Australian ways on them…but I don’t know becasue her backstory is less interesting that her backside….or in this case her topless swim..

Unlike Australians I see in the news who are basically living in a prison state, she gets to go out to the beach of and swim topless because she was smart enough to escape the fuck out of that place…and has a valid excuse and not just because she’s an instagram model and Bali is a hub for those types, but she was there BEFORE it was trendy…

I am a big fan of nudity, I love nudists, unfortunately most don’t look as good as this, at least at any nudist colony I’ve creeped on, but luckily the internet gives us aspirational nudists like Inka…because the 65 year old fat granny in Florida….is less appealing…BUT still naked…so GOOD ENOUGH…

The fall of society is when they invented clothing, been downhill since.


Posted in:Inka Williams




Workout Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day

Whether we’re going into a food shortage, supply shortage, real pandemic, fake pandemic, natural disaster or not, you’ll probably handle it better if you’re fit…because fitness, based on actual science, keeps people alive longer, fights of disease and most of the people who died of COVID, assuming any of those numbers were true…were lazy fat fucks…

Clearly they want society to be lazy fat fucks, for many reasons, like control….cuz lazy fat fucks are too lazy and fat to do anything about it…so if you’re a lazy fat fuck, get off your ass and do a fucking push up, and get yourself fit, because fitness could save you…and give you a better life because of it…

I guess you can just stock up on food since you’re fat and use that food to find a fit woman to do the work for you like the king you are, maybe get three of them to carry your fat ass around…I don’t know…but I do know that if you do decide to get fit, to save your life and have a better life, the biggest motivation will be the fit bitches at the gym being fit in their slutty outfits…

Either way, fit chicks are hotter than unfit chicks, and chicks being fit, and slutty, is hot…

This was for yesterday, but you’re getting it today.


Posted in:Workout




Dirty Dancing Fail and Other Videos of the Day

Latest Domestic Terrorist at the School Board Meeting

When You Don’t Understand Pronouns…

Wedding First Look

Pretzel Removal Ceremony

BMW Tests Positive for COVID

So the Pfizer Vaccine involved Fetal Cells Collected from Live Fetus Kidneys….and they Didn’t Want You to Know….this Whistleblower is a hero.

What is going On here…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I guess we could be arguing over the glass is half full or the glass is half empty, you know an endless debate of running around in fucking circles, because those who don’t see the truth, like to believe what they are told, to pretend things are ok, so they don’t fully implode…it’s like you can show them a video of a person being killed and if they are told it is a suicide they’ll discount what they’ve seen and accept the general consensus…that blatant, that obvious, because they just don’t want to see the truth….so why bother, let them argue about meaningless self involved shit like pronouns, apologizing for being white, hopping onboard and hating their country because that’s what they are being told to do….while you just sit back and watch…because arguing with an idiot over what is really going on, when you see what is really going on, and nothing has ever been so clear to you…gets in the way of storing your food, building your bunker and figuring out the best way to ride this shit out….

Don’t get lost in this fake movie bullshit, this theatre….you’re not a star of a movie, you’re a human and you’re being fucked with….and the people who you think have your best interests, don’t….it’s just that simple, they never have, they are humans, like you, at least in theory and they are just trying to get to the top of the food chain…and you’re not being brought along with them…they don’t have your back, they want to control you, take your money, all that evil shit you’d expect them to do….and that’s too bad if you let them….

Protect yourself, know yourself, prepare yourself…because only you can fucking save yourself…no one else will….and when you put your faith into the universe, it doesn’t mean be complicit and let this shit happen, it means do what you have to do, and the universe will take care of you, just don’t choose the evil side that is trying to lure you in….listen to your gut….it’s telling you shit’s not right for a reason and that reason is that shit’s not right.

Here are some morning links…

Kara Del TOro’s Underboob on the Tennis Courts!

Basketball Flagrant Foul

Cowboys Player Files Restraining Order Against NFL

Naked Tokyo Show Girl

Hottie in her Daisy Dukes with her Tits Out

Elisie Hewitt is Busty on the Beach in Bikini

Squidgame Star Becomes Louis Vuitton Ambassador

What Happens When you Stare in Someone’s Eyes for 4 Minutes….SPOILER ALERT – YOU DIE

Ghostbuster Halloween Light Show

40 Weird Things Caught on CCTV, like Lingerie Model on the Tracks

We Love Cam Girls

Posted in:Uncategorized