I'll Make You Famous…




Josephine Skriver Nipples of the Day

Josephine Skriver is doing some fashion show that I saw yesterday or posted yesterday because she reposted her brother’s video of her walking…..

Meaning, her brother saw her full tits in a sheer top and her gnarly cameltoe that allows us all to wonder if he jerks off to her work, you know showing some support to the family that may not be actual family because they were both born in a lab….but genetically they are siblings….weird.

YES, Skriver is a creature of the future, because on some AI android ready for the singularity that’s clearly on it’s way….

She was made in a lab by some gay mad scientist biologist with a god complex trying to make designer women of the future….since they’ll need that technology if everyone is sterilized or in CDC workcamps…

He did a good job and she hasn’t died of some weird cancer yet and she must be 30 by now…making me wonder where they’ve gone with the technology since her early model start….

The good news is that if all women are like SKRIVER in the future, you’ll be a happy slave class, because she’s pretty fucking good…even if she’s built from EVIL.


Posted in:Josephine Skriver




Nina Dobrev Pussy Print of the Day

Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev are on some sugar baby trip to wherever the fuck they are in Europe because the RICH can do anything they fucking want….

That’s not to say that Julianne Hough or Nina Dobrev are officially sugar babies, I mean they both make their own money and are famous enough to get trips paid for by the hotels, yachts, etc….I mean they probably don’t even plan their own trips…they have assistants for that…and it’s all so outrageous because neither are really that impressive…

I think Julianne Hough’s claim to fame was getting her dick sucked by Ryan Seacrest for a while, I’ve heard first hand accounts of his sex and seduction of these idiots….while Nina Dobrev from one TV show once….is fucking a billionaire ginger snowboarder…

That’s not to say that girls can’t be “Bosses” it’s just that girls like this like the handouts because they think they are important, plus HOUGH sends half her earning back to the Mormon church for salvation…..while Dobrev sends her money back to her home country of Romania or whatever the fuck this gypsy communist is from before buying her way into Canada as they do…

Not that this behavior is really mormon, it’s a pussy spread for the fans…that they both seem to be really into…because that’s how these sluts work…just not very hard work…cuz when they are this famous….it doesn’t take much effort.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Some people like to have their smoothies for breakfast, you know a little green juice to get the nutrients they need in….while other people prefer just taking medicine for their health and wellness because believe the doctors…

Some people like to have a donut and a cup of coffee from their favorite chain, while others like some hipster pretentious cold brew match latte bullshit….

Some people like to have a cuppa tea….you know very British and regal like the QUEEN who wants to EAT your soul….

While I like to take a pair of random panties I find on the street that I’ll assume were from a consentual fuck and not a rape, due to the lack of blood, and STEEP that shit to power up my day….I CALL IT MY LIFE FORCE….the only issue is that there are never enough panties on the street to steep…so it’s more a concept than a reality….but the point is to say that I FUCKING LOVE PANTIES…they aren’t bikini bottoms, they aren’t naked ass, they are the barrier between me and a wonderful world of ass and pussy…

It’s like the gateway to the amusement park, the ticket booth if you will….it’s the standing outside the club before walking in to see your favorite stripper do her stage show…it’s CHIRSTMAS morning before unwrapping all the gifts…it’s a lick of the dick before the blowjob without a condom….

I don’t know what it is, but it leaves me wondering what is behind those pearly gates of panty….

So I was never against ANY style of panty, I’m not a queer like that, and I never thought the fullback panty was any less of a panty than the others. In fact, I believe in equity towards all panties, not that I know what equity is, I’m more into equality….EQUAL OPPORTUNITY panties, but equity is the catchphrase and I’m just trying to fit in..

So thong, shorts, full back, half back, quarter back panties alike….are all the underwear I like to see on a bitch…and no panty is any more important or any more sensual than the other panty…it’s the bitch in the panty that makes the panty better or worse…not the panty himself…yes…panties are boys…not that I believe in genders…I save traditional genders for those TRUMPERS….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Blake Lively Ass of the Day

Blake Lively, who I saw a few months ago was a vaccine pedlar, which you know she’s doing for the money, or because her and her joker of a husband are in the system so deep that they need to perpetuate their EVIL on the common slaves, knowing that the whole passport system won’t affect them, since they are rich as shit and famous, but also the vaccine won’t affect them because they probably got the SALINE shot…you know it was an ad deal….not an actual public health issue that they have no business promoting because they are fucking actors…liars…actors…you know…

She is wearing a daring bikini bottom, not that much fabric to hide her evil mom pussy, you know there was a time we’d call bro’s in tank tops and shorts in the winter SEASON PUSHERS, but she’s a BIKINI BOTTOM STYLE pusher…not that I hate looking at a mom in a thong, it’s alright…even a famous piece of shit mom in a thong…I mean it’s a lot of ass on display…but there’s thing called knowing you fucking age, you don’t all have to be sex workers, you gossip girl lottery winning monster…

I like her “on her toes, to try to elongate her short legs…and if you look at her saddlebags, that’s where the hips aren’t triangular not round….you know just a sloppy mom body that should relax a little….

I mean, this should be the definition of “FELT CUTE MIGHT DELETE LATER” post that happened when drunk and horny…like that time a girl I know got drunk and put her full asshole on her instagram story by accident…she thought she was sexting her tinder date…only she wasn’t….


Posted in:Blake Lively




Coco Shaves Her Bush of the Day

Coco’s a bit of a legend for those of us who remember her from 15 years ago, before she was a mom and I guess 15 years older….I am not too sure what she’s a legend for, I guess being Ice T’s wife, but Ice T’s a pretty cool character, I’ve seen his tweets, he’s funny…despite being a puppet of the industry on his Network TV shows that you know eat your soul with every scene, but motherfucker’s getting paid….I heard he got paid over 1,000,000 dollars to be the Kangaroo in Tank Girl, a movie I’m sure some of you nerds jerked off to a few times in the 90s, because it was your favorite GRAPHIC NOVEL turned into a MOVIE….before every movie was from a GRAPHIC NOVEL designed to sell to CHINA…

Anyway, COCO’s been the big titty glamour model wife who I am sure has got naked on the internet in her Glamour shoots, and it’s actually pretty nice to see the two are still together after all these years, she probably lets him fuck other girls, obviously…you know why turn your back on that LAW AND ORDER money…and that should probably be the rule for all marriages because husbands really only hate their wives for being naggy bitches who don’t fuck them, but for the most part they liked them enough to marry them, and don’t mind hanging out with them, so long as you can fuck other groupie pussy, you can have a fulfilled relationship filled with good times….

I should be a marriage councillor in the FEMA CAMPS…

This is a picture of her shaving her box that you know is probably lasered, but it’s good comedy for those into pics of girls shaving their pussy, which even for a BUSH lover like myself, I still like to watch a good trimming go down….knowing the bush will grow back…exhilarating…I know.


Posted in:Coco|Coco Austin




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Since I always repeat myself, here’s your weekly dose of girls in Fishnet Fridays as part of my “CANCEL FISHNET” campaign because as much as I like FISHNETS, they make a 19th century french prostitute out of everyone, even the 60 year old receptionist at your office at the Christmas party, because they just have that vibe….

I don’t think we need to cancel fishnets because they are normalized, accessible, and HOT…because they make even the most trend savy girl out to be a whore..

I think we need to cancel fishnets because they are so oppressive in this era of everyone being oppressed….you know treating women like they are livestock or fish, entrapped in a net of sexuality, for the perverts of the internet and these girls don’t even know it, they just go along with it…

Plus, what’s up with there being girls anyway, the idea that there are two genders is CRAZY when we all know that there are NO Genders, or 300 genders, and I don’t see NEARLY enough cock in these fishnets….do we even call them cocks anymore…or man pussies…I always thought the man pussy was the anus…I don’t know…it’s crazy.


Posted in:Fishnets




Ashley Tisdale is in the Bath of the Day

I have been a firm critic of Ashley Tisdale being considered a hot chick. I took personal offence when watching some bullshit award show when she was at the most famous thanks to her shitty Disney show she sold her soul to get and they awarded her with hottest actress of the year or some shit, which was pre-nose job, when she was not hot….

Through it all, I’ve been positive in the fact that she was fit, I figured her ugly face was irrelevant if her body fit, which is something I still stand behind because faces are for cumming on…they don’t need to be pretty…even just fuck em from behind…

Plus fit bodies were already more and more rare back then, now it’s just gone too far….

Anyway, we’ve since learned she had breast implants that whole time, shocking, but it’s probably a Disney exec initiative, give them implants at 12….but she got them removed, had a kid and has tits of her own thanks to being a mom…

So as she displays her BUTTERFLY TATTOO…I wonder if it’s a MONARCH…she’s got her tits out in the bath…making smut…looking like a mid 30s mom…rough…BUT still naked and that’s something.

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale




Kristen Stewart’s Thong Shot of the Day

I just saw this Kristen Stewart thong shot, that I’ll assume is an older thong shot, becasue it looks like some dude’s bedroom based on the hat collection he’s got next to his dresser, I can’t imagine that being a girl thing and not a bro thing, but then again, Kristen Stewart is a lesbian, so maybe it’s a lesbian thing…taking hats WAY too fucking seriously like a lame ass streetwear collector…you know the type…

I don’t know why this is being posted on the internet now, but I am glad it is, because she’s really a wet fucking rag of an actress, nothing she does is all that interesting, I’ve seen movies she is in and she’s just dead in the eyes and boring, really just lucky she got that Twilight franchise to secure her place in society….

I also never thought she was hot, but I am a basic man and can easily be swayed into thinking something is hot, like when looking at her asshole behind thong pic, I’m all about it, I mean run that shit on my clit sized penis, I’ll even put on a push up bra to make her feel more at home….

Posted in:Kristen Stewart




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog Butt is a pose the girls do that you probably didn’t know was called Frog Butt, because you’re not a girl, or because you don’t need cutesy marketable bullshit names to say “on your knees ho….now arch that back….that’s the way I want to see your booty flex”….

I am not hating on the general population follow the leader by doing what other people do, with their fear of missing out, while they try to build their social media based business, becuase working is fucking stupid when you can just sell nudes…

I jut think it is funny how simplistic the through process is, keep it simple stupid, because I’ve been here long enough to remember when the internet wasn’t just strictly corporate sites, corporate ads, and girls getting naked were the girls you didn’t want to see naked, because the normal hot chicks were busy being too cool for the internet…yet here we are now…reduced to the same clickbait…jsut way too much to jerk off to…it must be a conspiracy….


Posted in:Frog Butt




Some Chick Trying on Bikinis for Internet Views…Important News…and Other Videos of the Day

Flips into Store for a Coffee

Bikini Girl Dances

Base Jumper’s Rig Gets Knotted

Motorcycle Swiped on a Left Turn

What a 20 Dollar Tip Gets You

Tape and a Drill Idiots

#MeToo Horse

Arnold the Masker

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos