I'll Make You Famous…




Olivia Culpo Bikini of the Day

Olivia Culpo is some other bullshit instagram scam that was packaged as some legit fashion blogger, or icon….when she’s pretty fucking basic and typical to me…don’t all bitches dress like this, why we gotta pay her the stupid money to do it for them, but I guess they all need idols or idiots to look up to…it’s a slave mentality where people think they aren’t as important as the people they worship….when really, they could be, if they just stopped following these fucking scammers.

Her story is simple, a Pageant girl from Rhode Island who went to LA to fuck as many celebrities as she could for the press, only to post her best outfits and some bikini pics on social media, before deciding to be a “mans’ man” who is into sports and drinking, so she fucked a few football teams and started a few alcohol brands and is now an INFLUENCER icon making millions….all while being pretty fucking boring…

At least she’s got her Sports Illustrated swim coverage, so she can be that bikini model with rich boyfriends, making her own money, for life…or until her pussy officially dries up, but by then she’ll be collecting stupid child support…alimony…and living off her fortunes made from being relatively average….maybe that is her appeal…..I mean her bikini body looks good enough to justify her scam…I mean at least she does it right…gave credit where credit is due…I guess..


Posted in:Olivia Culpo




Kendall Jenner Bikini of the Day

This is the hottest of the Kardashians in a bikini selfie because they are all a bunch of whores, but don’t blame them, blame society…they’re just ahead of the curve and figured out how simplistic your content needs to be to get people to buy whatever bullshit you’re selling, but more importantly, to think that you’re important…when you’re not..

Everyone positions Kris Jenner as this mastermind who made billions of dollars for the family and the reality is if she was so smart, why did it take a sex tape to make this shit happen and why didn’t se get her start in the 80s when the first of her monster troll daughter crawled out of her DEMON HOLE…

The point is that they knew how to sugar baby and whore out on a micro level, they just scaled that the macro level, and the internet was a great tool for that….

I assume they were cast or hired to do this, maybe by secret agent Ryan Seacrest, who spun the sex tape into a billion dollar hit TV show that people surprisingly watch and like, because I clearly forget how dumb society is…and now they are figureheads for being famous for just being you, while being influential enough to push anything they are paid enough to promote, from medicines you don’t need…to shapewear you don’t need….to tequila we don’t need…as their line their shitty pockets..

As a whole, they’ve turned society into a bunch of narcissistic fucks taking slutty selfies for attention, making things pretty trashy and porny, and I guess I shouldn’t give them credit for that, clearly we were headed in that direction, they just helped it really go mainstream…because there was a time girls weren’t bikini selfies for attention or money…there was a time you had to BEG for a panty pic…and now that shit is everywhere and free…I don’t complain, I like sluts…I love sluts…I really love sluts…I just think it’s more fun when there’s more challenge involved, more interaction in our transactional love, less desperation from the women involved….because money isn’t everything, being a whore isn’t everything, but people have lost sight of that…so here is this…

The good news is she’s not the troll sisters or the dad who cut his dick off cuz he’s mental…it’s the hotter one…who isn’t that hot, but who’s body is…and that’s good enough clickbait to keep her instagram working for her…



Posted in:Kendall Jenner




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I asked some new wave feminist, probably about 10 years ago, what her RATIO was, because I thought it was a funny ice breaker, you know I got all kinds of pick-up lines…and this bitch went nuts…

You know, the kind of nuts that discounts a joke and reduces it to some misogynistic or woman hating, sexist and offensive storyline that it never was…

I think Andrew Cuomo would call it “ASCRIBING MEANING TO MY WORDS THAT WERE NEVER INTENDED”…which is what he said in his briefing on sexual harassment that was timed perfectly after NYC announced mandatory Vaccine passports, which is illegal….but yeah, that guy’s probably toast at this point, too much at stake in a woke and woman power, believe all women situation….not that I do politics…it was just relevant to my fucking story you cucks.

Anyway, my response to her was that asking a girl her ratio is not objectifying her, it’s just believing the science, and like some girls don’t like to fuck micro dicks even if it’s discrimination to only fuck the big dicks and to laugh at the small dicks….I like to fuck a girl with the right fucking ratio…it’s a free fucking country…

MOREOVER…sex is a physical act, so obviously PHYSICAL attributes contribute to that physical act…we can have mind sex if you’re deep enough, but if you’re not, I’d rather make sure you have a good ratio….

MOST IMPORTANTLY…it was just friendly banter, provoking, shit disturbing, cuz I knew she was a new wave feminist, which was not as popular as it is now, which is also code for a bullshit feminist who gets naked on the internet and calls it feminist…meaning, i wasn’t even trying to fuck her, it was small talk…

NOT TO MENTION…and maybe this is the most importantly, I preemptively already MOST IMPORTANTLY-ed….the RATIO is a dimensionless ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips….I pulled that shit from MOTHERFUCKING fake information site WIKIPEDIA…but it’s relevant here…you can be a 42 inch waist fat pic, so long as your hips are 60 inches…motherfuckers will find you hot….the RATIO isn’t me asking “How much you weight fatty”….it’s asking “how feminine are you dyke”….

So there…SCIENCE…Believe it…and by that I mean actual science, where people prove something, and conduct further experiments to disprove it…and not the science they tell us is science which is “make a claim and call it science”….but you already KNOW that.


Posted in:The Ratio




Lea Michele Bikini of the Day

FAKE NEWS!!! Look at this propaganda put out by puppet Lea Michele, who I think we’ve done a good enough job investigative reporting on all these years, to determine that she was born a dude, and had parents who knew that girls had more longevity in acting, provided they get their start young enough, so re-gender her before she’s trendy and stick to the fucking storyline…

I saw SLEEPAWAY CAMP at a young enough age to know that this shit HAPPENS…yes, B-Movie Horror movies is my scientific foundation….I mean it’s probably more authentic and pure than the CDC…those people are fucking nuts…

Anyway, when she was pregnant, I was like ‘Sure sure’ we’ve seen actors play realistic pregnant chicks often….

Well today, she decided to pull some bullshit, happy mother posturing, where she continues to pretend she’s had a kid, this time by C-Section that is barely visible, in a story that’s been postured as being about C-Section empowerment, NORMALIZE C-sections, all while being bikini clickbait…it’s a win fucking win….and she even addresses you can’t see the c-section, but it’s there, because if they say it is there, and you can’t see it is there, then it must be there, because we don’t have brains, eyes, or an opinion of our own….TELL US WHAT TO THINK like the shills that we are..2+2=5!…


Posted in:Lea Michele




Julianne Hough Wet Ass of the Day

In a world where basic family values have been thrown out the fucking window, despite all the young people still being supported by their families, at least financially, so you’d think they’d feel less offended by the idea of straight people raising children together and doing things like celebrating Christmas together, but instead they’re restricted and pumped up as the new normal….

It’s not that I’m some weird Evangelical Christian, but I do like listen to Christian radio when driving, because it’s really not that bad, can even be inspiring….

It’s that I do think the general population was better off when they had god, instead of this meaningless existence they’ve chosen for themselves…

So when I see someone like Julianne Hough who has traded Mormonism for soulless Hollywood disgustingness because she either hated her church because she got molested by her brother in the church, they were uncomfortably too close to each other, or maybe she’s got some other reason, but I’ll think it’s because she doesn’t actually think Modest is the Hottest, since she’s a sexualized dancer who still poses half naked in slutty dancing poses, that could double as sex with Ryan Secrest, which she’s done poses…

It would be interesting to see at least one of the evil freaks of Hollywood being into something other than themselves, but this is what we’ve got, you can’t turn a society Atheist without their leaders being heathens I guess…


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Frida Aasen Braless of the Day

Frida Aasen’s got her titties out in this dress for a selfie, some bikini pics, I mean when you’re some hot blonde model bitch, you best be working it on social media better than the fat chicks and trolls who are doing the same fucking content, and surprisingly get the same fucking results, because that’s how society works…we have very low fucking standards and take what we can get….and more importantly are conditioned to not know the difference between quality and garbage….keep them MINDLESS…

Plus, they can’t celebrate a body like this, I mean a skinny as shit, long bodied, hot tit, with amazing faced model…that’s MEAN to the other girls, it pushed UNREALISTIC body expectations, even though I don’t expect any bitch to look like this, hence the excitement when I see this bitch look like this…not to mention how unrealistic can it be when you’ve got yourself a girl pulling it off…and there may be others out there….

What’s unrealistic is men getting pregnant, removing gender from Birth Certificates so we are all the genderless same, and all that other crazy shit that’s going on…but a hot thin model from a Nordic country being better than trolls…is bad..

I mean makes no sense to me…


Posted in:Frida Aasen




Dua Lipa Wet Bikini of the Day

Dua Lipa was born in England and not in a Kosovo refugee camp where they housed all the Albanians I originally thought she was human trafficked from. I admit my lack of information on Dua Lipa, I am an old man, nothing these people do is impressive, and assuming I care enough to dig deep on some puppet used as a diversion, you’re wrong….not that you assume that, I am well aware no one reads this site, but I am speaking in broad strokes…high concept over here….

She does have a really irritating backstory that is perfect for this generation of losers….who celebrate being losers, or being victims, and coddle them, because it’s not their fault, even if it is…

So apparently she was told she couldn’t sing, yet now she’s a singer…what a story of victory….a real fucking hero…

Then she was told she was too fat to model, yet here she is in a bikini, and she consistently poses half naked, and doesn’t look too fat to model…has she met Ashley Graham or the other fat models making millions, she’s not one of those….BUT WHY NOT play victim, it makes people easier on your shitty fucking music…

Anyway, she came to fame from doing cover songs on YOUTUBE, it was that fucking easy to get famous back in 2010, because they’d clickbait off people searching the actual song, I’ve told many girls I was trying to get my dick inside to go to YOUTUBE to sing cover songs of hit songs, if they wanted to get famous…

I don’t think it works that way now, I don’t even think it works that way with DUA LIPA, because it can all be bough, placed and manipulated…meaning someone with connections saw her tits, said “We can do something good with these”….”let’s get her big on Youtube” and the public will think she’s organically famous and not some planted talent marketed to them….which she is, cuz nothing is fucking real, organic, it’s all PAY TO PLAY motherfuckers and this one happens to be on the receiving end…

It is funny, while looking at her self produced smut, to think just how uneventful and uninspiring she is…I mean is it because they all reduce themselves to bodies, tits and ass half naked for likes, or is it because their music actually sucks…

There was a time that some famous musicians were impressive and made actually good music, but I guess when you celebrate mediocrity, you get mediocrity….and here’s the world’s most famous popstar being mediocre.


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

For those people who still leave the house, because why bother, everything you need can be shipped to you, and going outside is scary…you know there’s a virus out there, but we all know that you’ve been conditioned to be a reclusive weirdo for the last 10 years or more, I’ve been on the internet, I’ve seen all the social awkward, anti-going out, agoraphobic, stay safe in the comfort of your own home your parents pay rent for, or that are still your parents home, you spoiled cuck….

But yeah, if you leave the house, there are as many tight pants in real life as there is on the internet….just today I’ve seen two mom’s, one with huge tits who was also in a tight shirt, walking with their pants GRIPPING their asses so hard I could see the anus throbbing unless it was winking at me….it’s one of those was it constipation or was it saying hello moments…I also saw at least three girls who were under 30 in bike shorts so short I could see their feminist bush hanging out the sides and top…unless that was my imagination, but I definitely saw the pillow the bush forms…because bush is finally mainstream again…thanks for that…

All this to say…Tight Pants are a great trend for the whores of the world which happen to be all women…it’s not their fault, they’ve been groomed by the algorithm to be the distraction from what’s actually going on….true heroes.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Charli XCX Panty Flash of the Day

Obviously, I don’t trust any of these celebrity puppets or anything they say. They are mo different than us, besides having enough confidence in themselves or their perceived talent, to sell it the fuck out as soon as an opportunity presents itself, basically losing any semblance of their self, and repacking themselves as whatever they need to be to keep up the momentum….and all it takes is a large sum of money…

For example, Charli XCX is relatively unknown popstar, the kind of popstar who I think toured nightclubs not actual concert venues, you know super low level…but then I saw some hype around her buying someone like Calvin Harris, or another Rita Ora fucker’s house, which could probably be countless houses, and I am sure Charli XCX, also from the UK is not far behind her on that quest to the top…but yeah, as you can imagine, the Calvin Harris house was sold for fucking millions, which means these tits, and I guess panties being glashed in what is real high concept content production, has millions of dollars…

So an uneventful, barely famous, failure in pop music, is worth millions, because that’s how the system fucking works…reward them so long as they are on the right side and can push whatever needs to be bushed…selling the fucking soul and it happens on all levels because society is based on money…so you can only hope that inflation makes money worthless, so a lot of these idiots end up on the street busking, or offering cheap blowjobs in our dystopian hell, the way they were meant to…and when they do, let’s hope she keeps this outfit for the job cuz she’s looking way less fat than she used to be, maybe from fitness, or laxatives, or eating disorders, who cares…PANTY FLASH!


Posted in:Charli XCX




Ashley Benson Bikini of the Day

Ashley Benson’s a tween star who got her acting start when she was 14 years old….on Days of Our Lives, in what I call porn acting without the sex, but with all the middle aged women masturbating just as hard as a bunch of genderless weirdos jerking off to ass licking videos because they are also genderless, assuming people still watch Soap Operas, I mean white trash, people on disability, lazy fucks who don’t work but sit at home and collect government money and teens on sick days, or in the past year, sick years….have other options…this is not sick days from the 80s where I had no choice but to watch that low level shit…

Anyway, she quit acting for Bring It On, I don’t remember her being onthat show because her fame happened with Pretty Little Liars…a Disney produced, so you know she’s been groomed and it’s paid off nicely….then she did Spring Breakers and disappeared for 6 years but had that social media and I guess the money’s too good for the elite with their social media…to not post smut to their social media.

The good news is that she got Cara Delevingne’s skinny model gut flora from eating her ass, Lesbian Sex you know, and now she’s thinned the fuck out, unless this is some weird carnival mirror that slims her out, I’m not a scientist, just a celebrity reducing themselves to bikini pics commentator…


Posted in:Ashley Benson