Full Back Panties are being reclaimed, empowered because women as a collective are on a mission to be slutty on the internet cuz they like it, while they cry about men objectifying them, while they objectify themselves…THANK GOD FOR THAT…because I like this type of activism.
I don’t like the other kind of activism that’s been going on, it’s been pretty fucking misguided and idiotic, unless it’s protesting the lockdown measures while people want to get FREEDOMS back…as they should…
Which reminds me of these clips I’ve been seeing by that weird ass Don Lemon puppet on CNN….I wonder what kind of dirt the powers that be have on him…it must be really fucking bad because the “journalist” isn’t spreading facts, he’s spreading these ideologies and big emotional concepts with things like BLAME THE UNVACCINATED….
He is encouraging people to blame other citizens for COVID, when it was created in a fucking lab by one of the 80s year olds who runs your country….
As a gay black man, you’d think he’d have a different approach on encroaching on people’s personal freedoms, or forcing them to do basically anything because the powers that be say so…
I wonder where the gay movement would be if the powers that be wanted to kill them off, with a virus like AIDS…that if you ask ANY gay dude, they’ll say was created in a lab, but luckily FAUCI came to save the day with that one…
So the VACCINATED are getting sick…but don’t blame the vaccine, you can’t sue the manufacturer anyway, blame the unvaccinated who are just minding their own business..
If you’re vaccinated and you get COVID and end up dying of COVID like the 15% of COVID deaths which are the vaccinated, it’s not because the VACCINE worked…fools.
So this idiot is trying to spin some fucking weirdness to divide the SLAVE class from his castle on a hill, as he demands rules for people to get vaccinated….calling people who don’t get vaccinated call are ignorant and selfish…when the vaccine isn’t FDA approved and has side effects and doesn’t protect you from COVID….he is wishing death on the unvaccinated, they should starve, not work, die….
THAT IS CRAZY TALK…AND IF YOU are vaccinated you should be pretty mad about the lies you’ve been told the last year and a half….instead of believing them….
All this to say, I bet they have videos of him doing Slave/Plantation owner style role play, or some other racist shit that would get him destroyed….because these people lying to us are obviously on the fucking hook and trying to protect themselves…
Otherwise, they’d be asking questions about the inconsistencies about the virus, the vaccine, the PCR tests….
The truth is that I never hated on the full back panty, I didn’t subscribe to “Granny Panties” and I didn’t shame girls for not being in THONGS…I’m a dude and dudes like girls in panties…
So just because it’s a popular ideology, or concept at the time, doesn’t mean you HAVE to subscribe to it…..
MAKE up your own decision, do what makes sense for you, it’s not us VS them or vice versa…
Posted in:Fullback Panty