I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The best part of Pussy Wedgie Wednesday is that you can see them and not smell them, because pants so tight they suffocate your cunt in ways it can no longer breathe, so they just basque in the pussy hugging fabrics…..not that I hate a stinky pussy, I mean I’ve met so many of them, the idea of a freshly showered girl before feeding time, seems like a mystical creature I wouldn’t know what to do with….I mean no smell, no Flavor, what is this a COVID symptom….the sweat, tang and pH levels is what I need….

I ask this question weekly, are the pussy wedgies intentional…pulled up in the cunt for stimulation when they walk…shorts that are the modern Ben Wai balls….or bull plugs…or does it just happen because fat lips can’t be contained…

No one ever answers me….that makes me cry….SO LONELY….at least I have the pussy wedgies….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Kate Moss Still Hot of the Day

I don’t know if you’ve seen these Kate Moss throwback pics that aren’t actually throwback pics, but are being marketed as current pics….but they’re amazing…

I am a pretty captive audience because I am a big fan of Kate Moss. I loved her in the 90s and will forever love her and her skinny hot cocaine fashion party unappologetic rockstar ways…she’s a fucking icon.

I’d say it’s terrible that she’s partnered up with Kim Kardashian’s shapewear, because Kim Kardashian is the devil but at the same time, the are all part of the same evil club so it makes sense….

Plus, she’s probably getting paid heavy to give Kim K some actual celebrity fashion model credibility….that she’ll pretend she doesn’t need cuz she’s a celebrity, but that we all know she needs, cuz she’s a glorified Avon lady with too much weird plastic surgery so she doesn’t even look human.

That said, I am sure Kate Moss has either had work done, her partying too hard would work against even the most superior genetics…or maybe they just let Kim K’s photoshop team re-work her, either way, I’ll accept it…because it is Kate Moss…

I guess this is why they were at the Vatican together, you know being satanists, it was all to hype up this collab, you know cuz Kim K needs to get her money’s worth and I’m sure Kate Moss is all for the attention, cuz she looks amazing…sometimes, believing the lies makes sense.

Posted in:Kate Moss




Kate Hudson Booty Shorts of the Day

Is Kate Hudson’s fitness collection going public or something? She’s been aggressively posting bikini and workout videos as she tries to be some 45 year old inspiration to the 45 year old fans I am sure she has, because I have a hard time believing anyone under 30 knows who the fuck she is, unless I am underestimating the power of GOOGLE who obviously control all things and would allow kids to find some of her movies or memes…

Today, she’s working out in a crop top that shows off her fake tits, and a pair of booty shorts that should have a target on the ass because it would explain why so many dicks have been up in there and cummed up in there, but I guess being a sad little rich kid is probably enough evidence of that…

I saw some headline about her tips to run a successful brand, it was clickbait, fake news, pandering bullshit obviously part of the publicity stunts she’s been stunting, but I doubt step 1 to launch a business is “Be born to Goldie Hawn”….step 2 “Get acting work to build a brand because your’e the daughter of Goldie Hawn”…..step 3 “partner up with direct to consumer e-commerce specialists with a budget and track record to do all the work”…..step 5 “be the front”….bitch should launch a business program…maybe an ebook….or we can just keep looking at her mom ass doing some weird ass karate kicks for her booty.


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I just finished reading some Chuck Schumer initiated Marijuana decriminalization law at the federal level being drafted, because the number one bait and switch, is making the general public think the government aren’t the narcs at the high school party about to rat you out, but rather the guy bringing the 3 ounce joint to be passed around the room….

I am all for the decriminalization of Marijuana, not because I am a weed stock investor, but wish I was, you know to brace myself for the BOOM….maybe it’s our BITCOIN moment for those of us who missed out on it…

I am even for them pulling it being a racist law that wrongfully targets black folks, you know use racism for good, instead of the other shit they’ve been using it for…

But the real issue is that it was made illegal in the first place, who signed onto that one, I mean a plant you can grow and smoke that has medicinial qualities, seems like making it illegal was a scam that benefitted big pharma more than anyone….

I think that should be the focus while you get high, hopefully, while you all get enlightened, but weed is hardly that kind of drug, it’s too pussy for that, which is why it being illegal is just dumb.

Let people do what they fucking want to, when they fucking want to, and collect your taxes, buy your houses and fuck off….those are my politics.


Posted in:Weed




Frida Aasen Topless Fitness of the Day

Frida Aasen has a hot name because I like ass, but she’s also one of the hottest models around that is currently being athletic in an athletic and amazing way, you know fitness without shirts, the mandatory dresscode that GYMS are missing out on….IT IS NOT JUST FOR FASHION PEOPLE…

She’s tall, skinny, has tits that she’s pushing together like some low level sex worker on REDDIT, but for fashion, which makes it ironic and exciting because she doesn’t need to squeeze her tits topgether to get noticed, it’s just fun when she does…THIS IS FASHION…

It’s nice to see a model who has a model body in an era where everyone pretends they are models, despite looking like fucking Kardashian pigs…

So let’s celebrate this to get more of this….BOYCOT AND PROTEST the brands who don’t use babes in their marketing…cuz we get enough normal chicks pretending to be hot chicks daily….we look to them to give us the hot chicks…


Posted in:Frida Aasen




Joey King Bikini of the Day

JOey King Bikini

Joey King’s out here with what you’d call her fat manager, even though she’s not fat or her manager, it’s one of those things I learned at a young age when I used to party at college bars and realized that for every hot chick you wanted access to, there was about 3 fat chicks who were attached to her, making it impossible to penetrate the wall because you didn’t have the manpower….unless you were lucky enough to have a jump the grenade kind of homie who would fuck whatever came his way….but not all fat entourage are bodyguards, some are the managers or agents you have to negotiate with and if you’re too charming and they decide they want you, they’ll bitch at the hot chick to let them have that one, to which the hot chick will say “go for it, he’s a good fit for you”…saving herself from your hustle and making you fuck a fat chick…THOSE GROOMERS.

The hot chick likes the entourage to block out the low lives, but also to make them look hotter….

The fat chicks like the association with the hot chick, to elevate their game…because now dudes will talk to them…

It’s a win win….

So in this case, Joey King’s with a man face, making her look far hotter, but maybe that’s just because of the bikini….you know them tits exist…

I know Joey King’s not the hottest celebrity around, but I watched her in “The Act” and she was great, which I don’t ever say because I think acting is a fucking joke…


Posted in:Joey King




Alexis Ren Bikini Pussy Print of the Day

Alexis Ren was pretty lucky to go viral when she went viral, because no one was really doing the hot arm candy chick in these rich kid produced adventure videos, it was a new enough thing that went totally viral and was featured even locally in the French media, like why would they care about a couple of YOUTUBE scammers….

As it turns out, they cared because middled aged women who hate their fat husbands, their fat lives, their fat everything….their boring existence of raising kids…or not being able to have kids….going to and from a shitty job because it was before everyone was a lazy fuck working from home on their video camera like they were their own Barbara Walters…..and seeing hot young people having fun was inspiring….I get it….

What ended up happening, is they created a fucking trend of people who were like “we can do it too” and now all we have is bikini sluts in amazing places getting paid by either brands, fans, or sugar daddies…and it’s all really repetitive….

It is a nice reminder that we don’t need Sports Illustrated to get good bikini shots to jerk off to, and anyone can be a model if they know digital marketing enough to buy fake followers…

So this one is the OG, the ORIGINAL, which is probably why her face is cropped out of the pics because that’s what happens when you’re more of a body, even though the tits are bolted on and not actually naturally hers…but everything is fake, so whatever….she’s old news, which could be why there’s sun damage on her chest, like one of those weathered Florida retirees who has spent the last 30 years at the condo pool tanning….

Not to mention, I’m staring at the pussy region….


Posted in:Alexis Ren




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I don’t work out, but I still believe in working out, especaially if you’re a chick, because girls with fit bodies are far hotter than sloppy fat chicks crying fat empowerment or body positivity as they eat their fast food and slowly die, knowing they’ll still get a man, cuz men will fuck anything…if TINDER has taught them anything, it’s that dudes will fuck anything…

I do think that working out is the answer to a better life, even if your involvement in working out, is watching girls workout trying to get hot for superficial reason…

Fat kills, just not fat enough, at least according to me, not that I want to die, but I have this fat wife who I expected to expire years ago but who keeps on leeching off the system, her carbon footprint from her farts alone are enough to stir up pushback from the media hyping global warming, while the scientists deny any trend of global warming…they want to go after the cows and the meat industry, when they should go after all the fat fucks out here, starting with my wife……I watched the Braveheart trailer last night…FREEEEDOM…

Point being, encourage girls to workout….by masturbating on the treadmill behind them until the gym staff yell at you to which you’ll say “THE MASK MADE ME DO IT, I AM OUT OF OXYGEN, THIS IS MY SURVIVAL MECHANISM, MY SECOND LUNG”….or would it be third lung…I don’t know, I’m not a biologist.


Posted in:Workout




Rowan Blanchard Bikini of the Day

I don’t know why Rowan Blanchard’s tits in her bikini look so round, but I’ll run with photoshop since all these girls photoshop themselves, even when they are trying to channel slutty old Hollywood Glam or the famous Madonna Pic where she’s hitch hiking, you know th one, because you’re an old fuck too….you know when Madonna’s SEX came out, it was a great opportunity for us to cum to our favorite pop star, it wasn’t an everyday thing where girls were selling videos of themselves fucking dildos in their genderless, try-sexual pods for the fans…and money….

I don’t know why Rowan is even wearing clothing, she was on kick where she was doing all the nude hipster artsy shoots you’d expect from rich brats in Brooklyn trying to have substance, meaning, or a voice….when really they’re some coddled bullshit…

I guess Disney gave her a year off, a RUM SPRINGA, so that she could figure out her next steps as a Disney Kid gone Wild….

Either way, the tan is good, the tits are good, the body is good, I’m into it, even if she’s some puppet pushing some agenda.


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Jessica Chastain Cleavage of the Day

Jessica Chastain is the actress I always confuse for the fatter and bustier Christine Hendricks…

I probably have early onslaught alcoholic dementia, because I don’t remember shit, but I also have facial recognition blindness, so I can only tell girls apart from their pussies….or what I’d call a gynecological exam…..so maybe if these selfies were less about the cleavage and more about the pussy, I mean we are in 2021 and girls are about pussy lip empowerment over here, the whole “Cleavage” thing is pretty fucking modest, it’s a Godless world, get with the program….maybe we should call her Jessica Chastity belt with her G-Rated smut, but we know that’s not true, because it takes real fucking to get a career in hollywood, no CHASTITY belts will be found in her closet….


Posted in:Jessica Chastain