I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Cameltoe of the Day

Kendall Jenner Pussy Print

I saw this important and amazing story earlier today or last night, I don’t really remember timelines, it could be dementia but aren’t you glad to be here with me through it….

The story was that girls in Norway or some other country will need to disclose if their photos are photoshopped when posting a #ad. So as part of disclosure of “I am making money telling you this is the best drink I ever had even though a month ago I told you this other drink was the best drink I ever had cuz I’m a vapid nobody loser who pushed products like an AVON LADY cuz it makes me look legit”….they have to say “and by the way, I edited my dick out of the photos like I was Kendall Jenner and her Dad…..

The reason they are doing this is simple….thanks to the shitty, ugly, vile, pitchmen that are the Kardashians, who have single handedly made billions of dollars making cute girls DESTROY themselves…because I really think that they are a product of where humanity was headed and I’d never give them credit that their impact was substantial, just because they failed upwards into the right place, but the truth is…they’ve changed the faces of so many with their popularity…and people should revolt….but that’ll probably only happen when the chemicals react in 20 years and all these women have their faces fall off…IT COULD HAPPEN…assuming the earth will be around in 20 years…

So seeing Kendall and her shorts jacked up her pussy….even as the hottest of the kardashians…is still fucking vile to me….just too many lies from terrible people…


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Kate Hudson Still Drunk of the Day

Kate Hudson Bikini

Sometimes I wonder if Goldie Hawn’s daughter who stole her existence because Goldie Hawn got aged out, because of AGEISM but Hollywood still needed a cute blonde with bubble butt to be a bubbly little minx in shitty movies….is her actual clone from some elite cloning center us normals aren’t allowed to experience or know they exist…but when motherfuckers are cloning sheep in the 90s, race horses for 20 years, and now household pets for $50k which I would 100 percent do if I had $50k….you know that they are also cloning humans, I mean why wouldn’t they….it’s just a matter of figuring out who the reals are and who the clones are…

I also wonder if Kate Hudson really was the reason Owen Wilson tried to kill himself when they were dating, or if I just made that shit up 20 years ago and ran with it…

I don’t wonder if Kate Hudson is a drunken rich white woman who loves her wine while making her billions with her slutty mom fitness apparel….because I know that much is true…

This is her bikini pic for attention, reminding you that moms of multiple kids with multiple dads in their 40s can do bikini pics too…especially when they are rich, famous and luxurious and not living in the housing projects like many poor fat white women are…


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I was going to say that we live in the era of tight pants, but the reality is we just live in the era of whores….

The one thing that unites all women, no matter size, age, race, biological gender, religion, tit size, weight, ass size, socio economic status, richness, poorness, celebrity level, instagram follower level, number of dicks they’ve had level…is that they are all exhibitionist attention seekers who basically mimic the baboon in the wild, with it’s swollen pussy put on display for all the males to see and get excited enough to impregnate them…you know, to keep the species alive..

The question we must ask is why all women of all ages are interested in being jacked off to or sexualized…whether they are judges, lawyers, doctors, or housewives who fuck the tennis pro….they’re all in tight pants as often as possible, putting their ass on display for attention or maybe because on a genetic level, they feel our society is doomed and we need to re-populate as fast as possible before it’s too late…but what do I know….NOT MUCH….I know nothing….I just stare at the tight pants.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Maddie Ziegler Bikini of the Day

Maddie Ziegler is the 18 year old dancer from the Child Reality Show I fucking hope you didn’t know existed..and I hope she’s better known for being some dancer recruited by SIA who you probably didn’t know was 12 years old at the time, human trafficked the hollywood way, so that she could be dancing in what became a series of hit songs and music videos…

She turned 18 last fall and basically like clockwork, she jumped on the tone of content the girls her age produce, which is get as skimpy as you can, as slutty as you can, it’s like it’s a viral challenge to see how naughty and racy a bitch can get, to get that clout…

IT’s no longer about being interesting, funny, talented, it’s about what kind of model pose can you do half naked to get people to bother noticing….a society of chronic masturbators…

I know it’s just a bikini pic, but it’s a bikini pic with half her tit exposed, just a casual day at the beach clickbaiting I guess and she’s pretty fucking comfortable doing it, like all these girls are…it’s like second fucking nature and I guess that makes us lucky onlookers because there was a time when I was about 18 or 19 when girls didn’t even wear bikinis…seriously…so bring it….as Zuckerberg is definitely launching his new app “Spread Assholes” cuz it’s the only place a society can go from here.


Posted in:Maddie Ziegler




Olivia Munn Hard Nipples of the Day

Olivia Munn

I think Olivia Munn is the scam of fucking scams…and I guess good for her, because she’s managed to get rich and famous on the backs of nerds who are socially awkward, confused, but terribly fucking loyal to their “crushes”…..probably part of loneliness and fantasy…I wouldn’t know…I’ve never had a celebrity crush, I’ve always thought they were collectively dog shit…and I am right…

You know why she’s a scam, because you know she’s a scam too….but she was some fame chasing whore who moved to LA, or was from LA and wanted that celebrity because she felt hot enough and ready….

She ended up landing a hosting gig on a NERD SHOW called G4TV that helped a few other idiots get popular amongst the loyal nerds, but I didn’t buy into her giving a fuck about nerd shit, not that I even know what nerd shit is, which is probably why it was so obvious to me….

She didn’t care about comic books, videogames, even the internet…the only thing she googled was herself, I am sure….

Then she ended up as an actor in a comic book blockbuster, I never saw it but I am sure she sucked, because she was never invited back, but tried incessantly to convince people she was, hoping to use the media or FAKE news to pressure the people who make the movies…

Then she hopped on METOO, throwing Brett Ratner under the bus for making inappropriate jokes which were socially acceptable at the time….

Now she’s hopped on the Asian thing, cuz she’s Asian…which is convenient because if you call her out, you’re RACIST…

Anyway, she’s showing some tit, probably not real tit, but that’s expected with such a fake bitch.


Posted in:Olivia Munn




Sophie Simmons Slutty of the Day

Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ heiress that all the KISS fans probably jerk off to since jerking off to Gene Simmons, especially since he’s pushing 80 years old, is queer…not that being queer stops any of you porn addict fucks…are you getting off to the dick or the pussy…do you even know…apparently the kids raised on free internet don’t…that’s why they’re all queer and fuck anything they can because they’re perverts…

Anyway, Sophie Simmons has being doing the IG model thing since the dawn of IG, but I think it’s too bad that she didn’t get bigger than she has been and I don’t mean in terms of actual size and weight, she was a fat chick with fat tits when she was back on their Reality TV Show, but now she’s just big tits because everyone around her got fatter….

I mean bigger in terms of social media presence and relevance, because I’d rather a hot rich chick being the Kardashian instead of the troll Kardashians…

In this shoot, she’s on all fours, in frog butt, probably from the wrong angle, because I’m more into pussy cleavage than titty cleavage, but I can handle this…it’s good.


Posted in:Sophie Simmons




Elle Fanning Yoga Booty of the Day

I know you’re here for the tits and ass of celebrities who would never give you the time of day because their are typically pieces of shit and you’re not very impressive or exciting or capable of offering their self involved asses some way to elevate their celebrity or make themselves more money than they already have….because our society puts so much importance on money, that everyone chases it, and the rich, even when not that interesting or intelligent, inspiring or unique, are seen as some higher level human..when really they were born into it or sucked the right dick….

So you don’t want to hear about how COVID DEATHS really only impacted obese people, because obesity, despite the social media empowerment movement that celebrates fat chicks as more than just the weirdest fetish…obesity fucking kills…and not just from COVID, but from everything…

So when they closed down your gyms, and made you order food, while sitting on your fat ass in lockdown that for whatever reason you went along with, because being a homebody isn’t so bad when that’s all anyone does anyway….motherfuckers got fatter….putting them at more risk of dying of covid…while the smart people said “I should drop weight now that I’m not working and did”….

I hope you’re part of the improving, the getting healthier and stronger, to fight this apocalyptic fight that’s taking far too long to go into effect….and I guess whether you are or not…you can watch some famous bitch do yoga to really grasp the importance of fitness and wellness and health….even if you’re eating a cake while doing it…



Posted in:Elle Fanning




Hot Model with a Dead Brother of the Day

There’s some story that they’re making a big deal about involving a 23 year old who died named Daniel Mickelson…..

They won’t say how he died, but it’s trending on twitter and other bullshit manipulative media platforms…because celebrities are sending their RIPs…..

I mean even I came across the story and I don’t give a fuck about any of this celeb gossip shit, so there’s no way the algorithm was reading my mind on this one…and it’s safe to say that they “WANT” us all to see it….and I can’t figure out why…

They call him an Actor, but he’s only been in a web series called “MANI” that I’ve never heard of and would never watch or pay attention to even if I had heard of it…you know “web series” screams dog shit that’s not for me….

I’ll just assume he’s a sacrifice to draw more attention to his hot sister, who is some instagram model with 2 million followers….I mean her name is Meredith….MERRY DEATH…..sounds like it was planned….I’m not conspiracy theorist…but I’m a conspiracy theorist…

Similar to how Amanda Kloots, a nobody fitness instructor married to a Broadway star Zach Braff cared about, because a TV host because her husband was the only “celeb” to die of COVID, in what we could assume was a sacrifice to draw more attention to the attention loving Kloots…

I typically assume all young deaths are vaccine related, or suicide related from the anti-depressants they are on, or opiate related from all the opiates they want us on….

I generally don’t care when people die, but after checking out his sister’s instagram, I figured, good excuse to post some hot scenester chick with a freshly dead brother who needs a shoulder to cry on….or at least who has tits you can jerk off to.

RIP motherfucker, the hot SISTER version….maybe this is my first RIP SISTERFUCKER….because with a sister like that, you’d be dumb not to incest her, I mean before dying…obviously…

She’s hot as shit, even with her IG face….so be sad for her loss if you have a soul, which I don’t.

Posted in:Meredith Mickelson




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Here are some tiny tit girls celebrating their small tits by showing them to you, in an empowered, small tit, celebration of tit, cuz tits, regardless of size are still tits, so long as they’re on a chick…or a dude pretending to be a chick for clout…all jacked up on hormones….because even in this gender inclusive world of ONE GENDER…man boobs aren’t the same as tits, even when they are bigger than tits, cuz we’re all fat fucks thanks to being put in front of screens like mindless idiots and fed shitty food.

I endorse small tits, I find them to be hotter, more compact, good things in small packages, plus there’s a direct correlation to a tighter body than the bigger titty counterparts…

Some of these tits aren’t even that small by my standards, I’d even call some of them big, just not American Made, Sloppy and Obese big….that you’re all used to.

The point is, stop empowering fat chicks, start empowering tight bodied skinny chicks…they’re better..yes, not everything is EQUAL…despite what your delusions want to believe…SOME things are better than others…deal with it….


Posted in:TINY TITS




Girl is Stuck in her Dress for Attention….and Other Videos of the Day

Dad Prank Slaps Mom to Piss off Daughter

Dude Keeps an Eye on the Water

Croc Visits a Town

Zuck Celebrates the Transfer of Wealth from the Working Class to Him over the Last 2 years

Girl Finds box of Random Shit in her Apartment

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos