I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Bieber Ass of the Day

Jesus lover, who I will accept is a Jesus lover, despite everything she doing, including being married to an industry planted puppet, who was sold to the industry as a child by his Canadian parents who smelled lots of money, everyone has a price…and I guess selling your kid to the industry is better than the video I saw out of Israel where they just take your kid because you didn’t get it vaccinated, or because your family has COVID, you know FOR SAFETY reasons, even though the PCR tests don’t work, so how do they EVEN know…stop asking questions…

Hailey’s dad was business partners with the legend that is Mike Lindell, who before he was a democracy election freedom fighter for the people, was the best fucking infomercial and really story ever. Their business is some Jesus loving production company that I am not sure whether it is defunct or not, but I support the Jesus movement over the other option any fucking day….

Hailey’s dad is not Hailey, so she may be on the dark side, she was hanging out with Kardshians excessively and there is no way they aren’t evil….the whole concept of pushing product on people, products they don’t need, in this superficial and vapid society that puts all importance on TikTok dances, not actual meaningful shit, deserve whatever is coming for them…

But yeah, she’s tried to be famous on her own, had to marry into it, and after years of being a third wheel on a Kardashian run industry, she’s grown a Kardashian ass of her own….is it from fitness, from injections, from photoshop or filters, who cares…that’s a fucking ass, she knows it, and she’s showing it, like her lord and savior would encourage, because it’s not the same lord and savior as the normals who would see this as sexualized content for children, objectifying women, and trying to be a false idol…but who cares, it’s a hot ass…she’s hot…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




January Jones Cleavage of the Day

January Jones is the kind of old famous bitch you’d expect to see on social media trying to remind you who she is with her tits. Her career was likely heavily influenced and may only exist because of her tits, only it was 100 years ago before computers were invented on the consumer level, because she’s old…so the big tits were only used to get here where she got behind closed doors.

It’s a different era now motherfuckers, these women have to put their tits on fucking parade on social media, to trick people into liking and following them, to get their engagement stats up, so that people think they are valid enough to be hireable…

So a bitch who made money as a model, made money as an actress on a hit show, made money from whoever knocked her up who she has never exposed but who you know sends her checks, is playing desperation…because they all all desperate, they have the money and it’s not enough, they want MORE….never satisfied which keeps us on the receiving end of weird middle aged lady titty shows.


Posted in:January Jones




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Science may have been bastardized, at least according to a lot of people, while a bunch of idiots are just spewing the same garbage they get off the TV, without using any logic, critical thought or analysis, or even looking into themselves or their own lives, to decide what is best for them….they just do what they are told, and that’s fine….but other people have their own opinion and may want to do what is best for themeselves, I mean we are individuals with individual needs, I thought that was a whole foundation of inclusivity, we’re all different but we live in this world together and we need to tolerate and embrace each other, just not too much, or that will offend the woke police….”YOU ATE INDIAN FOOD – YOU CULTURAL APPROPRATOR”…

But yeah, the basics of science is that it is not absolute, and you have to keep putting the experiment to the test under different conditions, in efforts to really DEBUNK the conclusion…

So science has told us a waist to hip ratio is seen as more attractive to men and I’ve put that science to the test time and time again and it consistently rings true….

Sure, you can get a boner for boney or masculine looking bitches, you can get a boner for fat belly bitches and you will fuck them, but a hot wait to hip ratio is better.

Here are girls showing off their ratio like the heroes they are.


Posted in:The Ratio




Cross Dressing Influencer Hired by White House to Launch Jen Psaki’s Acting Career and Push Vaccines on Kids of the Day

So the US government is hiring influencers to push vaccines on kids, who based on all the covid data, aren’t at risk of getting covid, but mask these motherfuckers up in the classroom and ruin their fucking lives…I see kids playing in masks in the park and it’s fucking demented on all levels…

But with your TAX dollars, they’re producing this shit, and that cunt Jen Psaki, who could be a Mark Zuckerberg Robot with a long wig, I’ve seen the side by side, but even if she’s human, she’s the fucking worst kind of evil, but for whatever reason I love seeing her in action, because she’s just so good at it….the kind of girl or woman, she’s a mom in her 40s, you’d have to hate-jerk-off to in every press briefing she does….I fucking love her, maybe not as much as Obama…but close….sure I think she’s horrible, but she’s just so fucking evil with her PR spin, masterful as fuck and I appreciate that talent even if it’s ruining society as we know it…

The point is that Fauci is supposed to be a serious player in the world, Psaki a government official, reducing themselves to being social media influencer clickbait should tell you ALL you need to know about society as a whole, what the retard generation connects to, but also that all these people think they are self important clowns that deserve followers too….everyone trying to be famous at the expense of the ADULTS out here with brains….

Luckily, some other weird influencer spoofs it substantially better…because it speaks to a little more truth that some vapid narcissistic approach to recruiting kids in the lamest fucking way, reminding us that influencers are half retard hacks who luckily went viral and who are overpaid for their creative input, they just don’t realize it….

So again, if you get your medical advice from the government, from influencers, from celebrities, and you don’t do your own research and see that this is all bullshit, we can’t help you….

Not that you care, you’re too busy jacking off to Psaki’s embarrassing acting…

The best thing in all this is that the VACCINE has nothing to do with SUPPORTING TRUMP….people need to realize this is health not politics, even though it’s really just politics….but these people actively defending vaccines to prove how woke they are is the wrong approach, obviously….it’s nothing to do with being woke….you socialist fucks.

In conclusion, I thought marketing to kids was illegal, or at least in need of regulation, but I guess the G-Man can do anything they want….even push EXPERIMENTAL treatments on children that could HARM them because they are not FDA approved and human trials are done…this is TOTALLY a dice roll by all people and the fact they are pushing it should scare you whether you are VAXXED or not…something’s up….be careful out there. It’s fucking silly.

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Kourtney Kardashian 42 Year Old Fake Tits of the Day

Vile fucking people pushing the whole “idiolize the rich”….make everything about money and materialism, so that the normals realize how they are fucking losers, but these rich people are fucking everything…..it’s all propaganda designed to make you hate yourself and idolize them….buying whatever they sell you…training you to buy whatever the G-Man sells you too…it’s strategic…

These demon Kardashians were chosen to be the face of that whole social media thing…maybe by accident, probably strategic on some level, because they realized there was money here and real celebs weren’t bothering, they’re not that smart, but it wasn’t that genius to hop into….

So as totally unimpressive people selling shit you don’t need, probably made in factories by slaves, but look how cute it looks and all your Kardashian following friends who buy into their bullshit, because people buy into their bullshit, which fucking amazes me….

Because people are fucking idiot shills, who just conform…it’s a keeping up with the Joneses, only it’s keep up with the Kardashians….its the ACTUAL name of the show….which kind of tells you exactly what went on….

Keep in mind, this was built off a sex tape and countless hotter chicks have had sex tapes and guess what…they didn’t turn a family into billionaires…if anything they’re still sucking dick for a dollar to pay their rent.

All this to say, her old mom tits aren’t as exciting as Travis Barker tries to convince us, no matter how hard he drums his pussy with her dick like it’s a bass drum, she’s a monster and I fucking see it in this selfie…


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Lourdes Leon Ass of the Day

Madonna’s Hispanic daughter or do you call them LATINA….or are you one of those who calls them LATINX….I don’t fucking care, I just know she’s got a thick fucking ass, is wearing some furry panties, showing off her thick fucking ass, and that’s precisely how a rich kid, who has Madonna for a mom should be…..

Madonna, is not actually named Madonna, it was obviously part of the satanic agenda that they’ve had in place for generations, she is a self proclaimed illuninati princess, she posted it on her instagram in the event you ever doubted it, she wears it as a badge because she was able to take her low level talent, rip up the actual art scene of New York like she was Lady Gaga, and bring it to the mainstream to push sex, to denounce and offend the church and all the other great things she did..Yeah, I’ve jerked off to her satanic tits, so what…now I get to stare at her daughter’s big ass…and I wouldn’t say that I am better for it, but I am into it.

I don’t know why she’s dressed like a early 2000s stripper, but she’s dressed like an early 2000s stripper and some things don’t need to be questioned, we’ll never understand them, because they are the rich and we are the slaves designed to stare at them and listen to their every fucking order as they bully us into submission while distracting us with propaganda.


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Nina Dobrev Pussy Print From The Back of the Day

I saw this picture of Nina Dobrev from behind yesterday and I probably should have posted it because it’s fucking great…

She’s got a hot fucking ass, in the right pose, long looking legs, and is a reminder that Eastern European women are just built better.

There is a reason that Ronald McDonald/Carrot Top the Snowboarder who I think is a billionaire at this point has chosen her older ass to call his own….it’s a great fucking ass…and I am into pussy from behind, so I may be overhyping this, but as far as I’m concerned it’s fucking perfect….all bikini pics should be the modern Coppertone Girl, you know because she’s over 18….

The body is good, the ratio good, the tits good, the face doesn’t look like a muppet and she’s genuinely having a good time, but I guess as an Eastern European, she’s probably happy not being in a communist workcamp….and now that she’s on the right side of the conversation…she’ll never be in a communist workcamp…but I can’t say the same for you…but at least we’ll be able to live vicariously through the rich and famous who aren’t affected by COVID…because…they know it’s not real, but that they have to pretend it is, to keep you fuckers at home and away from their fancy places you didn’t have access to before either.


Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I was looking at a set of fat tits busting out of either a bikini top or crop top while sitting on a patio the other day….and I thought to myself, these people have no idea that in a few weeks, the government is going to be sending out polics and cadets out to check their papers like it’s Nazi Germany over a bullshit virus that they’ve used fear mongering to put in rules and shut down businesses….YES I talk about this all day….I figure I’m on a sinking ship of a site, so go down with the ship with my fucking opinion clearly fucking stated….not to mention we’re on a sinking ship of a society…

But yeah, looking at the big tits, I thought, those look fun, big tits are great, but I remembered that medium sized tits and small tits are great too…you don’t need to have big tits to use the tits, and even the flattest chested girls out there, so long as their nips are fem nips and not dude nips, can still be sucked on like they are big tits…

So I want all tits shown, no matter the size and I want all titty girls of tits of all size to not feel pressured into getting fat tits…cuz there’s more to life than big tits, like ANY TITS….since ALL TIT LIVES MATTER…


Posted in:TINY TITS




Chet Hanks Makes Sense of the Day

I know I typically focus on the celebrity kids who have vaginas, but in this era, there’s no guarantee that Chet Hanks doesn’t have a vagina, I mean girls are out there elongating their clits EVERY fucking day…..

But this video is actually pretty important, at least in terms of the fall of society that has convinced people to become a part of, despite it being an experimental treatment for a virus that hasn’t been isolated, that’s being tested by FDA recalled tests, that don’t actually detect the virus, or distinguish it from the flu, so that 38 million FLU cases in 2019, turned into 1800 flu cases in 2020, because the other cases were called COVID in the rebrand….so now idiots everywhere are running to get shots, that they know nothing about, and they are even encouraging vaccine passports, like it’s not fascist and terrifying totalitarian….

So Chet is not pushing the storyline…which is important because he is in the elite, people have included Tom Hanks in the whole Satanist agenda, he was even at their big event this past weekend….they even thought his COVID was staged to push the agenda…

YET HIS OWN SON….is calling it a FLU and saying you’re all nuts…and people on social media are trying to pretend that they know more than him, that this is the reason to get the shot, but ultimately…IF IT Ain’t broke….don’t fix it…

TAKE your vitamin D you unhealthy propaganda pushing fucks….

Point being, the vaccine is a choice, if you really believe in it and really believe it is doing your part, despite evidence saying it doesn’t work…fine…but to try to mandate it on all people, to try to have tracking apps to get a fucking coffee like they dystopia that is france, you’re a fucking nutcase you doesn’t know how to fucking read, or who has never seen ANY scifi movies….

I don’t care if you’re vaccinated, but I care that people are trying to bully, shame, pressure and force vaccinations, and some of those people are the last people you should ever fucking trust…

I do care that people are encouraging population control in the worst fucking way ever….since they already track us enough…

So good on CHET for speaking out….MORE people should…instead these unvaccinated celebs are LYING to you that they are vaccinated….I can assure you that most of the rich and famous aren’t, but as we know they’re sophisticated and more important than us, so let’s all hop on the cattle card…YOU MENTAL CASES…

Posted in:Videos




Amelia Hamlin Panties of the Day

I now you didn’t know that Lisa Rinna was a muppeteer, but I just watched a Jim Henson and Frank Oz documentary on the Muppets or maybe it was Sesame Street’s origin story, I don’t pay attention to the things that I watch, but figured tap into nostalgia and learn about how PBS put that woke shit together, since we’re in this era where “EVERYTHING IS RACIST”….and “THERE IS NO ETHNICITIES ON TV”….part of that whole narrative that anyone who has watched TV was probably like “What are they talking about, I’ve seen all ethnics on TV since the dawn of fucking time”…..

Nostalgia aside, clearly the whole concept of muppets have not gone away, it’s more popular than ever, because all these people are turning themselves into muppets, you know with face injections, to live their best instagram filtered face life….

I don’t mind, because strippers and hookers have been doing this for as long as I can remember, so I know the look, I live in French Canada, they’ve always looked like this…

I don’t mind because they are in their panties and I’m into that, even if everything else about them is fucking horrible trash….she’s probably been getting them surgeries or treatments to line up with her own face..you know how these garbage people are.

So this is the muppet Lisa Rinna built, she’s 20, and the Kardashian’s hanler Scott Disick currently has her under contract, with her reality star attention seeking mom’s blessing, knowing this could be fucking huge for her…but I’m just here for the panties.


Posted in:Amelia Hamlin